
Lucky (EXO-M)

可以呼唤你的名字 可以真心的握住你的手
阳光也对着我 灿烂的照耀 感觉幸福得无可救药

你在呼唤我的名字 你轻轻的在我肩上依靠
那阳光一直把你温柔的拥抱 目不转睛 你那么闪耀So Lucky My Love

I can call your name, I can hold your hand.
Even the sunlight is shining brightly at me, I feel so hopelessly happy

You are calling my name, you gently rest upon my shoulder
That sunlight embraces you warmly, I can’t lay my eyes off of you. You’re so dazzling, so lucky my love

Original post in my EXO Tumblr blog

You roll around the bed in the early morning, not wanting to place your feet on the cold floor. Your blankets wrap around you like a cocoon as you roll about and soon, you’re stuck. You exhale in frustration as you roll back and forth to have the blankets unfold you, and you land on the floor when you roll way too quickly to the other side. At that time, Kris walk out from the bathroom with his toothbrush in his mouth.

“Baobei, what are you doing?” He asked, taking his toothbrush out so his words sound more understandable. You ruffle your bed hair and quickly walk to the bathroom with your head down. He trails behind you and hug you from behind.

“Baobei…” He tries to kiss you with his mouth full of toothpaste.

Ew Yifan, spit it out first!” He laugh and spits out the toothpaste into the sink, washing out any residue with his hands before kissing your cheek. He leaves you in the bathroom to get dressed, and you hurriedly brush your teeth and wash your face before getting dressed too. You two are going to have a picnic date and you want to get to the park early to snag a good spot. You quickly comb your hair with your fingers and wear your sneakers as he open the front door.

“You miss a spot.” He said, tugging a piece of your hair playfully. You smack him on the arm as reflex.

“You’re going to regret this.” He chuckles and wrap his arm around your shoulders before leaving.

It’s about an hour drive to the park and you are singing along with the radio station with the windows rolled down. Kris tries to roll the windows back up, but you keep on rolling them back down in protest. He ended up rolling his own window up so your voice won’t be projected from both sides of the car.

“You’re so childish.” He complained, parking at the side of the street when you reached the park.

“I did say you’re going to regret this.” You fight back, shutting the car door close. He interlaced your hands with his as he hold onto the baskets and you hold onto the blanket. There are several couples and families resting at the park, but you’re still able to snag a good spot under a large, leafy tree. You spread the blanket onto the grass, smoothing out the corners of the blanket before sitting down. Kris grab out two sandwiches and hands one to you before sitting down. A light wind rustled the leaves on the tree, and some of them fell down on you two. You two pick some up and held them up against your faces. Yours is a bright red and yellow color and his is a red and green color. Minutes later, you two have a fight and he won when he fell on top of you.

“Wu Yifan!” You shouted in defeat, laughing as more leaves fell on you two. He smoothed away the hair that is on your face and cupped your cheeks.

“I love how your voice sounds when you call my name.” He murmured softly, brushing his nose against yours. You smile back and cupped his cheeks. You say his name repeatedly until he kisses you to shut you up.

“I have a whole lifetime to hear you, you don’t need to keep on repeating it baobei.” You sit back up and rests your head onto his shoulder. He propped up one knee and place your interlaced hands on top of his kneecap. You two look at the other couples and families that are eating and playing around the park. Your eyelids start to grow heavy and you soon fell asleep on his shoulder.

“Baobei, wake up.” You hear Kris whisper into your ear. You slowly open your eyes and rub them to clear your vision. You notice you two are the only ones left in the park and the sun is starting to set.

“Yifan, why didn’t you wake me up earlier?” He rests his forehead against yours.

“You look so beautiful sleeping under the sunlight, I can’t bear to wake you up.” You quickly hide your smile and scrunch up your nose from his cheesy line.

“Your cheesy lines are unbearable.” He laugh and nuzzles his face against your neck.

“Let’s go home.” You two pack your things and left the park, both arms wrapped around each other’s waists.


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Chapter 3: so sweet, contains too much sugar ;u;
Me like it!! Thx author-nim, its a wonderful one-shot collection n i do hope you'll receive d love n credit u deserve here in aff #^_^
Chapter 2: I really like both of the one shots you posted and I can't wait for more. Keep up the good work! :)