Chapter 14

It's Not True
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Naeun POV Five Years Later

Time sure fly fast. The four of us had graduated the university and is now going our separate ways to follow our dreams. Chorong unnie was scouted by a modeling agency and is now living a life full of schedules, Bomi unnie didn’t like the idea at first, but seeing that Chorong unnie really likes it Bomi unnie eventually stopped getting mad and supported it. Bomi unnie started working at an advertising agency in Seoul. Eunji unnie was working for Cube Entertainment as a vocal trainer. For me, I am currently working at law firm. All of us are really busy, but we still make time and make sure to meet at least once a month to catch up.

“hey babe.” Eunji unnie wrapped her arms around my waist backhugging me.

“hey.” I turned my head to kiss her on the forehead.

“you know whenever you kiss me on the forehead it makes me feel short.” Eunji unnie said pouting.

“you’re short, embracing it unnie!” I teased.

“when are you going to be home today?”

“I have to work late again, I’m sorry. This case I’m working on is really taking up all my times.”

I feel bad for always coming home late. Even though we live together we only saw each other in the morning, sometimes we’d go days without seeing each other. By the time I get back home, Eunji unnie is already sleeping. Or by the time I’m waking up Eunji unnie is already gone.

“can’t you take a day off?”

“I’ll try, how about I’ll take the day off this Friday and we go visit Chorong unnie and Bomi unnie?” I suggested.

“yay! But we have to come back home before it’s too late, because I want you all to myself at night.” Eunji unnie whispered the last part in my ear.

“alright, I can’t wait. I gotta go now.” I said pulling Eunji unnie for a long kiss.

“I love you.” I pulled back but rested my forehead against her.

“I love you too Naeunnie.” Eunji unni smiled brightly, “let’s get lunch together today, is that okay?”

“sure I’d love that.” I said as I walked out the door.

I got into my car and started driving off. My mind drifted to the past 4 years. It was a rough 4 years to be honest. The four of us were always stressed about school. Then we would have minor problems causing us not to talk for a while, but we would always make up later. I remembered when the Chomi couple broke up for the 2nd time because of Chorong unnie’s modeling job. That was the worst week ever because I didn’t see Eunji unnie for a whole week. I stayed with Chorong unnie to comfort her, while Eunji unnie comforted Bomi unnie. In the end Bomi unnie realized she should support whatever Chorong unnie wanted to do and they got back together. Then after graduation Bomi unnie proposed to Chorong unnie, that was a really sweet day and now they've been engaged for a year.


“yah would you stop pacing back and forth? You’re making me dizzy.” Eunji unnie shouted at Bomi unnie.

“sorry! I’m just really nervous!”

“don’t worry, she’ll say yes.” I said patting Bomi unnie on the back.

“arrgh. I’m seriously going crazy.” Bomi unnie said pulling her hair.

“RELAX!” Eunji unnie grabbed a hold of Bomi unnie then started shaking her.

“I gotta go, Chorong unnie just texted me saying she’s ready. We’ll be back in about 3 hours so hurry up!” I said rushing out to the door.

I can’t believe Bomi unnie is finally going to propose! After about 8 years being together they’re finally going to be engaged. I was feeling really excited. I wonder when Eunji unnie will propose…or when I should propose. I’m 100% sure I want to spend the rest of my life with Eunji unnie. She’s my other half. My soul mate. I made my way to Chorong unnie and Bomi unnie’s apartment to take Chorong unnie shopping. While we’re out Eunji unnie and Bomi unnie are going to set up the living room and make it all pretty.

“hey!” Chorong unnie greeted as she came in the car.

“hey unnie! Ready?” I asked.

“yeah!” she said excitedly. She really loves to go shopping.

We drove to the mall, and throughout the car ride unnie was telling me about her modeling job. It sounded pretty interesting. She told me that if I was ever interested I should tell her. It’d be nice to work together with Chorong unnie, but being a lawyer sounds more fun.

“so unnie I’ve been meaning to ask you. When are you and Bomi unnie going to get married?” I asked as we went into the mall.

“w-what?” Chorong unnie’s eyes widened, “what’s with the sudden question?”

“what do you mean sudden! I’ve been asking you this every year. Really though unnie, when are you going to get married? You’ve been with Bomi for 8 years!”

“ I know I know, but I don’t know if Bomi is ready…I mean, I’m ready for sure. I want Bomi to officially be mine, but I feel like she’s not ready. Whenever the topic of marriage comes up she just brushes it off.” Chorong unnie said sadly.

Oh man I can’t wait to see her reaction later.

“do you want me to talk to Bomi unnie?” I offered.

“no no. I don’t want her to feel pressure, I’m fine with the way things are right now.”

“alright, your choice. Come on let’s go, I’ll buy you a new dress to cheer you up.” I said dragging her.

“I love having you as a little sister.” Chorong unnie said patting my head.

Chorong POV

I felt so dead tired after shopping. After about 3 hours Naeun drove me back to my apartment. I asked her to come in, but she denied it saying she had to go back to work. Naeun is always so busy these days, I hope she take some times off to relax and stuff. I unlocked the door and saw candles lit on the table. Weird…I never use candles. I walked over to the table and saw a small book with

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Chapter 18: Awww here we are at the end~ this was a great story once it got into it, and the cute moments really are cute, with jealousies in between but I enjoyed the way those things were solved~ I have to say some of my favourites were the little part when Bomi was distracted by her phone until she got scared and started paying a lot more attention to Rong, and also their actual 1st break-up moment, but which ended in their heartfelt feelings coming out when Bomi realised her error and understood that feeling of jealousy herself *^* uuu~ the balance between the couples was great and I loved seeing their friendship and them helping each other in difficult times, thank you for writing~
Chapter 18: authornim :(
Chapter 18: This is honestly one of the best fanfics I have read!
Your writing is detailed and develops the characters and plot very well.. every word was a pleasure to read..
It'll be great if you can complete this one with a final chapter!

Looking forward to other works from you! =)
Chapter 18: Please update this story author, theyre just too cute
bknight2k #5
Chapter 18: I really hope you can finish this story.
I would be a shame to leave this fantastic story unfinished
pinkpanda03 #6
Chapter 18: eeyyy.. authornim you should keep the story continue.. not give us a cliffhanger like this.. ;(
parkjaenin #7
Chapter 18: Just write anything would be finee for us as long as you update author
bknight2k #8
Chapter 18: Hope you can update this story soon.
moricaraymon #9
Chapter 18: i thoght it was an update *sigh*
Chapter 18: oh just skip that wedding thing and make a sweet epilogue. sometimes wedding scene not so important so just write epilogue rather than that wedding part :v