Chapter 9

It's Not True
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Eunji POV

Ugh. It’s summer, but here I am going to class. The class table was a little different from high school. It was a big table with 4 seats; luckily there was an empty table so we went to it. I felt happy that I’d be with Bomi and Chorong unnie. Bomi will keep me entertained, while I can just copy off Chorong unnie without her noticing. We were just talking and having our own conversation when a girl walked up to us.

“hi, do you guys if I sit with you guys?” the girl asked.

“yeah no problem!” Chorong unnie said smiling. Bomi and I smiled back; we thought it was time to make some new friends.

“I’m Chorong, this is my girlfriend Bomi, and this is Eunji.” Chorong unnie said introducing ourselves.

“nice to meet you, I’m Yoona!” She said happily. She seems really nice and cheery.

The professor walked in and then the class started. 4 hours. This is why I hate summer school. They’re always so long. I felt myself slowly falling asleep, but Yoona nudged me when she noticed the professor looking our way. I mumbled thanks and then tried to pay attention again. It was only the first day of school, but we already had a lot of homework to do. Finally the long awaited bell rang.

“hey Yoona, do you have any plans after? Want to go hangout with us at the café?” Bomi asked.

“sure, sounds fun. Do you mind if I bring my girlfriend?”

“not at all, the more the merrier!” I said smiling excited to meet more people.

“alright great, I just texted her and she said she’ll meet us there.”

We walked to the café while asking Yoona some questions and trying to get to know each other. She was really nice, I felt happy being able to meet such a nice person on the first day. We walked into the café and got a table with 5 seats. I was bickering with Bomi like usual while Chorong unnie was talking to Yoona.

“oh my girlfriend is here. Naeun-ah! Over here!” Yoona called out waving her hand.

I can feel the three of us being shocked. We looked up and there was Naeun. What is she doing here? She’s Yoona’s girlfriend?! Fate must really hate me. She walked up to the table and gave a peck to Yoona. My heart just dropped. Yoona was the girl I saw at the graduation? This is such a big coincidence!

“guys, this is my girlfriend Son Naeun.” Yoona said proudly.

“hey Chorong unnie, Bomi unnie…” She paused a bit, then looked at me, “Eunji unnie.”

“you know them?” Yoona asked.

“yeah we went to the same school. Such a small world!” Chorong unnie said trying to lighten up the mood. Her hand made its way to my hand and she grabbed it, trying to send comforts. I was really thankful for that. I don’t know if I will be able to hold it in.

“so how did you guys meets?” Bomi asked. She gave me a worried look, but I just smiled back giving her reassurance that I’m fine. Or at least I hope that I can be fine.

“We went to the same school and I’m Seohyun’s cousin. We got separated when she moved, but I guess fate brought us back.” Yoona said giving Naeun loving eyes. Naeun looked back smiling.

Ugh. That should be me.

“wow how cute. So what are you guys majoring in?” Chorong unnie asked.

“I’m majoring in accounting and Naeun is majoring in psychology.” Yoona answered. Naeun and I have been the only quiet ones. I should talk soon before Yoona starts to catch up on the awkward situation.

“oh Eunji is majoring in psychology too.” Chorong unnie said.

“uhh yeah. Excuse me I’m going to go to the restroom.” I said then got up and hurried off.

I went to the sink and washed my face. This has to be a dream, right? I’ve accepted the fact that Naeun moved on. I really did, but that doesn’t mean I want to see it. It breaks my heart every time I her be lovey dovey with someone else. How am I supposed to fight for Naeun against Yoona? Yoona is so nice that I would feel guilty. Suddenly the door opened and Naeun came in. This is the first time in months where we are alone.

Naeun POV

“hey…” Eunji unnie said breaking the silence.

“hi.” I replied back.

“so you and Yoona huh. How long?”

“a couple of days ago.”

“does she make you happy?”


But not as much as you. I want

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Chapter 18: Awww here we are at the end~ this was a great story once it got into it, and the cute moments really are cute, with jealousies in between but I enjoyed the way those things were solved~ I have to say some of my favourites were the little part when Bomi was distracted by her phone until she got scared and started paying a lot more attention to Rong, and also their actual 1st break-up moment, but which ended in their heartfelt feelings coming out when Bomi realised her error and understood that feeling of jealousy herself *^* uuu~ the balance between the couples was great and I loved seeing their friendship and them helping each other in difficult times, thank you for writing~
Chapter 18: authornim :(
Chapter 18: This is honestly one of the best fanfics I have read!
Your writing is detailed and develops the characters and plot very well.. every word was a pleasure to read..
It'll be great if you can complete this one with a final chapter!

Looking forward to other works from you! =)
Chapter 18: Please update this story author, theyre just too cute
bknight2k #5
Chapter 18: I really hope you can finish this story.
I would be a shame to leave this fantastic story unfinished
pinkpanda03 #6
Chapter 18: eeyyy.. authornim you should keep the story continue.. not give us a cliffhanger like this.. ;(
parkjaenin #7
Chapter 18: Just write anything would be finee for us as long as you update author
bknight2k #8
Chapter 18: Hope you can update this story soon.
moricaraymon #9
Chapter 18: i thoght it was an update *sigh*
Chapter 18: oh just skip that wedding thing and make a sweet epilogue. sometimes wedding scene not so important so just write epilogue rather than that wedding part :v