stressed out.

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     " .     .      . hyeon the guy from management is on line one” jessica  is slightly opening the door and giving hyeon a small smile .


   “     .     .    .  thank you “ hyeon smiled back immediately picking the phone up .


          with Jae and Lay’s dad gone all their work loads has been transferred down into the management and lay over seeing them  .      .     . .which means more work for hyeon.     And  with lay busily attending every meeting hyeon is left dealing with all the paperwork and the actually work it self.  staying at the office from 8 till almost 1 every day      .        .        it might have taken hyeona couple of days to get use to the crazy schedule but now she is getting a hang of it all. It might take some time to get us there names but at least she knows who to go to when ever she needs any help.



“     .      .     .Jessica , i’m going to the management meeting call me when lay’s meeting is over” she placed the folder on jessica's desk and rushed out of the office immediately running towards the elevator.


     “   .    .  .Huh” she sighed  quickly fixing her hair and adjusting her clothe  .    .   .the whole management team has been giving both lay and her a hard time .      .    .she could easlly tell they are not that happy about lay being their boss just because he is the son rather than them who have the ability and credentials .  She has sat through 4 or 5 meeting which ended  with no solution a nobody is willing enough to even collaborate with them.


Click  -  The elevator door opened.  And hyeon headed to the meeting room.



         Just like she thought the whole 2 hours went by as the men in suits went on shooting down every suggestion she made .      .  Frustrated by it all hyeon just sat folding her arms      .     .    .   And glaring at the chief director who even after meeting with her more than dozen of times in his office and attending dozens more of meeting together, still is not even making an effort to know her name.  


         " .   .    .  Maybe it's the cloth" hyeon scanned herself one more time since she left at the break of dawn .    .   .   She glanced up Looking at the room  .    .   .  It's all men in suits  .    .   .  With fancy watches and slick hair .   .    .  Of Course appearance matter here.  .    .  This is the headquarter office .    .    .  These people deal with millions of  dollars businesses.      


      " .    .    .  You " the chief called out pointing at hyeon .    .    .  



She didn't reply, she was too busy reading whatever agenda was on the table .  It took the man sitting next to her tapping the table for hyeon to look up.


     " .     .    .  The shinaw deal is suppose to be signed by today " the man screamed with a  direct frown on his face .    .    .   


       " .    .     .  Make sure it's on my desk by tomorrow   morning " he added  .   .    . Hyeon didn't reply just folded her arms and glared back .  


  No matter how much she wants to scream and give the man his earfull his still older and for hyeon who doesn't know the chain of command  , his in a higher level than her .   .    .  It would be a fun story for her to be fired with 2 weeks of being employed .


     " .    .     .  And also next time please use black pen to sign the paperwork , blue is not that professional " he added .    .   .  His comment just adding more fuel to the fire burning in hyeon .


       Buzz buzz , her phone vibrated forcing hyeon to take her furious eyes for the director  .


   Lay is here , press conference in 15 .



     Hyeon got up, picking her stuff  up .   .   . Which draw the attention of the men . She looked up all eyes focused on her .


   " .   .   .  He has a press conference .   .  .  " she directed her eyes onto the director.


   "    .    .   .  And it doesn't look like you need my help any way " she smirked picking her bag up and running out after giving a small bow to every body .


      " .   .    .  Jerks " she ran through the hallway then into the elevator.


      "  .    .   .  Ladies and gentlemen please settle down , we will start shortly" the pr director standing behind the podium on the right announced looking through the crowd of reporters .


      " .   .   .  Excuse me "


" .    .    .  Excuse me " hyeon lightly pushed through the people and headed to the stage .



   " .   .   .  Where the hell were you " lay shouted as hyeon jumped up onto the stage and quickly walked over to his seat .   .  ,  squatting down to hide behind the table , so nobody could see her.


    "   .    .     .  I was at the management meeting "  


    " .   .    .  Here are all the prepped answers  , they said you can only use this ones and not the one we wrote " she pulled out a paper and handed it to him.


      " .    .    .  Also they said you should use the word we when you refer to the company and not them "

       " .   .   .  Did they scold you for the speech again " lay asked knowing how much trouble hyeon got for the speech she wrote .


     " .   .   .  And also they said not to answer any questions regarding your brother " she added ignoring his question .


   " .    .    .  Try to be as sincere as possible " she gave him a quick smile and quickly walked off the stage when the pr started talking again to start off the conference .


       As always it started of nice and easy as the the pr director than lay gave short speeches regarding both the china deal that's on hold and the news about them merging with shinaw corporations.


          After delivering a dozen of this short speeches lay has become an expert in not just how to deliver it but also how to entertain the press by cracking up jock beforw he started and when he finishes .    .      .  Which hyeon is still not sure if he's doing just to entertain or to get the press to like him and see him in favourable ways because if it's the later .   .    .  He really is made for this job .  


      So you guys are not confirming whether you will be merging with shinaw group or not  the reporter in the first row asked


     "   .    .   .  For now we can't comment on that " the pr chief sitting next to lay answered.


    Can you tell us anything regarding what your relationship with shiwa is. Another one asked .   .     .    

       All of them knew days before the conference that this meeting is gonna be all about shinhwa and jae probably,  as the media has been going crazy for the last week about shinaw group and jk becoming partners or merging to create this one mongol . From economist to lawmakers all tv station has had hours and hours long discussion as to what would happen if these to merge .


     Being A  publicly traded company shinwa groupe gave an immediate press conference days ago forcing lays team to prepare their own .


   Just the talk of them merging has in away gained them negative press as people are seeing it as creating monopoly no lawmaker can regulate but for both corporation they have see a great increase in their stocks .


 "  .    .   .  Like i said , we are not able to comment on anything regarding shinwa " the pr chief replied again .   .    .  Even though hyeon and lay have suggested to say there is nothing going on , the pr and management team has forced to stick with the " no comment " reply .


            Can you tell us anything about why the your expansion plan in china is being delayed .


  "  .    .   . Our expansion plan is china is still in good standing , unlike the reports we are not holding off the deal because of funding shortage or regulation violations .   .   .   It's on hold till we decide a team that's gonna be leading the deal." Hyeon sat back folding her arms    .     .      .  Why was she even worried the pr chief can do this all day any day, by himself .


      We are aware that the deal was being led by the executive director  .    .  .


    Hyeon opened her hands and sat straight a little bit flustered and nervous when she heard jae's  title .    .   . And just like her  little bit startled lay put down the water bottle he picked up and directed his eyes at the reporter asking the question .   .     .



       Everybody sitting on the stage was a little bit nervous as the conversation is heading the way they don't want it to.


     There are some reports saying that the executive director has resigned or was transferred to the U.S. branch  .   .  also some are saying he was fired d . What is your take on that .   All the reporters eyes went from the reporter to the men on the stage .


     The  man sitting next to the pr chief  grabbed onto his mic And whispered something to the pr chief .   


     " .    .    .  we don't have any comments on that for the moment" the pr chief replied getting small gravels from the reporters who are getting a little bit frustrated that they are not getting no clear  answer .


     So you're saying the executive director is still working.   The same reporter asked again.


   "   .    .    .  Like i said , we can not comment on anything regarding that issue " the pr chief replied once again forcing all the eyes that turned from the reporter to him back to her .


     There are some rumors saying that the whole shinwa merging  is just a pr stunt you guys are creating to cover up for whatever is going on with the executive director.  She asked shocking all the reporters in the room .   .    . As the flashes started erupting , this is gonna be big.   .    .  And probably on every news station and


   " .    .     .  Oh " jessica cursed sitting at the edge of the seat next to hyeon.   .    .  Who just nervously went on biting her lips .    .   .   Eyes focused on the pr chief , who was trying hard not to show his nervousness.


    " .    .     . We will not be addressing any rumor or false reports about the executive director or the shinwa deal " the chief replied his eyes glaring at the reporter who asked the question .     .    .  Knowing which ever way he answers the gossip is not gonna stop , even him saying he will not comment is in a way a reply.


       Hyeon could feel the whole room smirking and whispering to one another.


  " .    .    . We will be taking 2 or 3 more question and that will be all " the pr still standing by the podim announced after getting a  quick sign from the or chief.


    Hyeon glanced at the time on her phone , they are cutting the conference by 45 minutes .


  She pushed her hair back and sighed taking a deep breath .    .    .  She could just imagine the line of screamed and curses that are gonna be directed her way at the shareholders meeting .    .    .  None of them are bold enough to say anything to lay so it's hyeon that they dump all their anger on.


        How does joon keep a smile on his face .    .    .   She asked wondering why joon is always happy when she sees him but her mind is about to explode with all this mess.    .     .    .  If she had monitored what she looked like she probably would assume she has aged by years and looks sick .    .    .   Just two weeks in .


       Stress .     .     .  Stress .     .   Stress is the only thing she got out of working here . Even the hair that's pulling out of her head is a clear indication if not the sleeping pills she has started to take to fall asleep  .   .    .  Emergency meeting here .   .  . Emergency meeting there .    .   . This deadline that deadline.  How did they even last five years .


       Can  you atleast comment if the executive director is still seeing the daughter of the shinwa c.e.o .


       The question brought hyeon out of her head and return her eyes onto the stage to hear what their reply is gonna be .    .    .   Somehow more interested in this answer than any of the ones they gave out .


   Lay just smiled following the pr chief who smiled before leaning forward to the microphone to answer back .


       " .     .    .  I don't keep up with the personal life of the executive director so i'm not sure  but you all know he was at the yearly charity event so am guessing they are still seeing each other " he smiled  .     .    .   


      what do you think about the report that put them as the most powerful couple of the year for the 3 year again .


"   .     .     .   Well, i personally do consider them as power couple and i'm happy about the report " the pr chief smiled  .    .   .   


      You probably see them all the time , do you think they deserve the title 3 times in a row .  The reporter asked looking at lay .    .     .  The cameras started flashing again .


       All the men sitting beside lay turned their eyes towards him .  They might not know in detail what goes on outside this building but all are aware of how much lay and jae don't even say hi to each other let alone hang out together enough for lay to judge of jae and min ah are as powerful of a couple as people make them out to be .


     " .    .     .  Well , hyong is the executive director of jk , minha is the only child of shinhwa group's c.e.o. .     .     .    .  Do i need to say more " lay smiled   .   .    .  His answer starting a wave of laughter from the reporters .


     Probably hyeon being the only one that didn't even smile .    .     .    She has seen the report 2 days ago when she was quickly rushing through the news online to find what they were saying about jk merging with shinwa.    .     .    . Still not even wanting to think about the hours she watse googling everything about jae and min ah looking through every picture of the couple , from charity event red carpets to presidential dinners .    .    .  To art gallery opening .    .   .  They two millionaires look like they were perfectly carved from the same stone and made to fit perfectly to each other so it's no wonder they got the title 3 years in a row .


        We saw some leaked pictures of her birthday vacation on the island .   .   .  Can we look for an even awesome proposal any time soon .


    " .    .   .  Hahaha " the pr chief laughed along with everyone on the table .


    " .    .    .   Well that is a very private information and i don't think anybody but jae might know that "   everybody started laughing again


    " .    .    .  When it happens i'll be sure to get you guys good picture before it's leaked " he added  .   .   .  the reporters went on laughing .


     Well we have picture of min ah leaving for the us a couple of days ago and we are hearing some rumors that jae has be transferred to the U?S branch , what your take on that .


   "" .    .   .  Huh ," hyeon sighed brushing her hair back .    .   .  The picture of the u.s. ticket and passport she say on jae desk appearing in her head .     .    . Why else would he stay here and deal with all this mess . He could just run away with her to the U.S. and live there with no responsibility just enjoying the never ending  shares he inherited



 "   .    .   . Well , like i said earlier we won't be commenting on whether the executive director has been transferred or not , if those two went to the us for personal reasons i wouldn't still be able to comment since it's a private matter. " he added smiling and giving the guy who asked about the proposal a wink  , which everybody noticed .


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katsmew #1
Chapter 167: Aaarrrgggghhhhhhh! Dumb waiter!!! Omg!! Salute to you authornim!!! You really brought the between those two max to the roof!!! Keep em coming!!! Thank you so so much!!!
katsmew #2
Chapter 166: Ooooo the tension!!! Can't wait to find out what's next!!!! Thanks for the update!!
katsmew #3
Chapter 164: Thank you for the update!! Couldn't wait for more!!!
katsmew #4
Chapter 163: I just can't!!! The flirting, the teasing, the !!! Oh my goodness!!! I just love it so much!!! But somehow the end what Jae said, kinda breaks my heart a little. His love for Hyeon it's bursting out! And dear Hyeon, please don't deny your love for Jae, accept it. You know it deep down how great your love is for him! Thank you authornim! Love it love it love it! More please! Can't wait for your next update! Thank you !
katsmew #5
Chapter 155: Lovely💕
jcjsjcjs #6
Chapter 152: Thanks for updating this intriguing story.
katsmew #7
Chapter 152: Great updates!!! Thanks for the good read!!
jcjsjcjs #8
Chapter 151: Soooo good. Thanks for the update.
jcjsjcjs #9
Chapter 150: I think I freaking love Joon now!! Keep up the great work.
katsmew #10
Chapter 150: Thanks for the update!!!!