When I First Saw Her

Was I Dreaming?
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It was just a morning like any other morning for a certain High School freshman. It was the first day of her High School, it could also be the start of a new chapter since she's already leaving her Junior High period. Despite being all excited for it, she was actually feeling nervous because it's going to be an all-girls school.

"This will be harder than Junior High." She muttered softly before splashing the cold water onto her face. "Damn, it's freezing!"

Her name is Moon Byul Yi, 17 years old, blonde-hair even though she dyed it. The natural color is dark-black though. She's tall, cute for someone who barely wear girly clothes, cool, she's pretty smart even though she tends to easily get bored and she likes sports. Her hidden talent is actually rapping and dancing but well, she only do those when she's alone in her room. It was only a hobby. She is actually a great catch for guys or girls, but she never really thought about dating anyone. She had her first crush on a guy in Junior High, but that was it, she never told him and she was okay with it being the way it is now. No regrets.

She thought that in some other moments in the future, she will be crushing on some other guys again and still do the same until she's ready enough to date one of them. But unfortunately, as time passes by, she barely crushing on guys again. No, not because she's not moving on from her first crush, it's just that it never registers in her head at all. Dating with guys. She sees them as friends, buddies, or as what people usually call these days, "bros" and that's it. It became weird for her thinking about holding hands with a guy or being all lovey-dovey. But on the other hand, at the same time, she's starting to feel attraction towards girls.

Byul is someone who is not that easy to approach if you only look at her from afar, but in all honesty, she's just not used to start a conversation with someone. Like if you want to know her, go to her first because she's definitely not going to approach you first. She's just shy, really. Byul is quite easy going when you get to know her well enough, she has this syndrome that whenever she feels flustered or embarassed, she will be so touchy. This is where it gets a little odd even for Moon Byul herself. She only able to be so touchy with females and since her realization of how girls are now more attractive to Moon Byul than guys, she starts to feel more cautious around her girl friends.

She has numbers of friends in Junior High School. She's friends with both guys and girls. It was all fun and good before Byul realizes her female-interest, as she gets more cautious, she's starting to feel a little uneasy whenever her girl friends being playfully touchy with her or trying to seduce Byul just to see her nervous reaction. It frustrates her when her friends were actually enjoying how nervous Byul ended up with their touchy seductive jokes. Hanging out with the boys will relief her a little since guys don't play such games, plus she loves how the guys sometimes checking out a few cute girls on the street, they sometimes joked "you have a great taste for a girl".

But it was Junior High School... "I'm in High School now."

Moon Byul sighed deeply. It's never easy being in the closet, when someone being suspicious of her, she had to lie and deny it. Being a hypocrite who keeps saying, "I'm normal and straight. I just don't feel like dating anyone." - it wasn't a pleasant feeling when Byul has to lie about her true self. She can have many friends around her, but she has

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If you ask, "Will it still end happily?" I can assure you that, yes, it will. But if you ask "How did the real story end?" — No, unfortunately, I don't think it ended well. At least for one of us.


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TennoujiMegumi #1
Chapter 47: please update i’m begging you 🙏🙏🙏
TennoujiMegumi #2
Chapter 47: please updateeee i’m still waiting 🥲🥲🥲
highhihi #3
Chapter 47: Maybe an update would give everybody a piece of mind😂😂
lovemammoo #4
Pls update
upvoteurie #5
Dreizhn #6
Congratulations bubuuu
224 streak #7
Congrats on the feature 🥳 I'm so happy. This story is the reason why i stan MMM.
Congrats on the feature
Cronlasto0 #9
Congrats on the feature :)
congrats on the feature!