Double Date

Was I Dreaming?
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Byul arrived in approximately ten minutes after she hung up the phone.


Amber was beyond surprised when she turned to the door and the black-haired girl walked in the café with her black leather jacket. She stands out quite a lot, both guys and girls actually have turned their eyes to the newcomer for at least five seconds before looking away.


Of course, Krystal was no different.


“Stop drooling over her, will you?” An annoyed Kim Yongsun spoke.


But the moment Byul took a seat next to Yongsun after politely greeting her seniors, Yongsun can’t stop smiling and Amber even noticed the tint of blush on her cheeks. This is really the first time for her to witness this kind of Yongsun and it’s cute, honestly. Byul was subtle though, Amber noticed. The girl kept one of her hands under the table, the right hand was placed on the table and slightly leaning on it.


It reminded her of when she and Krystal first went out on a date.


“So, we’re watching that movie?”


Yongsun nods, taking a spoon of her ice cream and puts it in front of Byul’s lips.


The latter reacted natural as she opens and lets Yongsun feed her. Both Amber and Krystal was too busy watching them that they forgot to answer Byul’s question. Byul pulled out her cell phone and asks, “I’ll order our seats. Where would you like to sit? Oh, um, where do you guys usually sit?”


Amber squinted her eyes and shakes her head lightly. Get a grip, will you!


“Uh, not too far back and in the middle. Just pick the ones that’s available.” Nodding her head Byul starts to pick a few seats that she thinks best suitable for them to watch the movie… Although honestly, Byul was planning to get the ones far on the corner but that will definitely send suspicion so she kept that idea for some other time.


“Is this okay?” She showed all three of them the seating map. “The movie starts in an hour though, the earlier one already started like twenty minutes ago.” She added. “We still have time to go somewhere.”


Yongsun could only nod her head.


She had no idea Byul is this dependable on a date like this. It makes her heart flutters, she looks so cool being the one who leads things on a date.


“Moonbyul-ssi, do you often go out on a date? It looks like a second nature for you to do these things.” Krystal finally said. Byul was suddenly feeling flustered, her right hand reaches for her nape, scratching the spot where it’s not even itchy.


To be completely honest, Byul just have a quick looked on this guide online.


“Not really.” She let out a small laugh, feeling a little embarrassed by the compliment.


Thanks to her brain, she’s a fast learner so it was easy for her to memorize which things she should do and she should not do on a double date. She didn’t tell Krystal that though, instead she only admitted everything just comes by instinct. Amber applaud her for that and Yongsun somehow felt something is off.


She brushes off the thought when she felt Byul’s hand holding hers under the table. It almost startling her but then their fingers intertwined like there’s built-in magnets that attracts their hands together. She blushes again, she wants to curse because just how many times should she blush this whole evening? She blames it on her girlfriend.


Yongsun took another look at Byul.


She looks so handsome in a leather jacket…






“Huh? What?” She blinks her eyes twice before realizing she’s spacing out. “Um, sorry, what were you saying?”


“Krystal-sunbae said since we have an hour to kill, why don’t we go to the arcade near the theater? I’m up for it if you’re up for it too.” She could feel Byul gracing her thumbs on her hand as they keep holding hands under the table. Byul smiles.


She replied with a brighter smile. “Mmhm, I want to play shooting game.”


“Oh, didn’t know you’re into shooting game.”


A chuckles escapes Amber’s lips as she sends Yongsun a knowing look. “Trust me, she’s not only into it. Shooting game is like her master field.” Byul was getting curious—so curious that she stood up from her seat—accidentally showing both Amber and Krystal that they’ve been holding hands under the table all along.


Without giving a care, Byul says “Then let’s go now.”


“Call!” Amber followed suit as she stood up from her seat, grabbing Krystal’s hand in hers even when the latter shrieked a protest without yanking her hand away.


Next thing Yongsun realized, she already got off from Byul’s bike watching Krystal and Amber came out of the car—Krystal’s car because the former president turns out to be pretty spoiled by her overprotective ‘mama’ as she recalled how Krystal call her mother. Byul didn’t see that coming though, it was the first time she saw it and sensing how confuse Byul was, Yongsun told her the truth.


It wasn’t like Krystal was lying, she just doesn’t want the extra attention, which is why she often arrive way earlier than normal students or simply going to school by foot alongside Amber. Byul secretly idolize her even more now. Yongsun noticed and hit her lightly on her arm.


“Yah, she’s taken, remember?” She rolled her eyes without looking back, letting her feet takes her inside the arcade.


Byul ran to her side, smiling goofily. “Yeah, and I’m taken too.”


Yongsun just know there has to be grease put into her next line.


“What? Taken by the most gorgeous female god has ever created?”


She fought the urge to roll her eyes again when Byul says, “Oh wow, not only the most gorgeous female god has ever created but she also is very intelligent to be able to read my mind—are you a goddess? Can you read my heart too? Maybe hear it? ‘Cause it’s been calling out your name all day.”


Her grease is really something else.


Thank god there’s Amber to save her from all the attack.


“Yongsun said you’re greasy but whoa… This is really—how to put it?”


“Gross.” Yongsun just had to say it. “It’s really gross.”


If there is really one thing she sometimes dislike about Byul, it must be the time where the hamster girl feels over-confidence with her grease. It could be really, and she means really cringeworthy to the point she wants to tape Byul’s lips or just kiss her before she can finish anything. At other times, however, it made her nervous and couldn’t think of the best other way than to blush or hit her—the latter option happens nearly all the time though.


But okay, Yongsun may act like she hates it but she just doesn’t want to admit that Byul’s cringeworthy greasy lines are giving her butterflies in her stomach and her heart always flutters—especially when she starts being extremely sincere.


Yongsun shook her head, completely not listening to what Amber was saying when she asked all of them if they should compete on some games. All she heard was Byul saying, “I want to challenge Yongsunnie in a shooting game.” Hands already in each other’s again and ready to drag her to the shooting booth.


Byul was getting so excited when Amber told her about how good Yongsun in a shooting game and she wants to see it herself. She can’t tell if Amber was being sarcastic when she said it but right now, all she wants to do is watching Yongsun holding a weapon in her arm and aim at the target.


The four of them arrived at one game booth.


Krystal said she wants to see Yongsun play the game too because it’s been a hell long while since the last time they spend quality times together at an arcade. Being an obedient girlfriend that she always been, Amber agreed and it never not surprise her seeing how Kim Yongsun looks like a professional sniper holding onto the toy weapon.


“You look hot, unnie.” Byul just had to say it.


Maybe Byul was slow or too deep staring at her girlfriend that she didn’t get the point when Yongsun hit her arm and tried to hide her face from Byul out of embarrassment. “Y, yah…” It was such a weak ‘yah’ and that’s when Byul found out that her girlfriend can be cute and hot at the same time.


A bit unfair but okay…


Amber pats her on the back, saying “Don’t let her visual get to you. You gotta beat her because I just bet on you with Krystal.”


“Wait, you what?”


The tomboy unnie shrugged, “Heard from Wheein you dream to become a policewoman so I thought it’s normal if you’re good at using it in a game.”


“That…doesn’t mean you can just bet on me—”


“It was Krystal’s idea!”


“Yah, I heard my name.” Amber flinched when the owner of the said name threw a soft glare at her.


With a very obvious nervous laugh, Amber waves her hand. “Nothing, nothing. Byul was just curious if you’re good at this game too—”


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If you ask, "Will it still end happily?" I can assure you that, yes, it will. But if you ask "How did the real story end?" — No, unfortunately, I don't think it ended well. At least for one of us.


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TennoujiMegumi #1
Chapter 47: please update i’m begging you 🙏🙏🙏
TennoujiMegumi #2
Chapter 47: please updateeee i’m still waiting 🥲🥲🥲
highhihi #3
Chapter 47: Maybe an update would give everybody a piece of mind😂😂
lovemammoo #4
Pls update
upvoteurie #5
Dreizhn #6
Congratulations bubuuu
224 streak #7
Congrats on the feature 🥳 I'm so happy. This story is the reason why i stan MMM.
Congrats on the feature
Cronlasto0 #9
Congrats on the feature :)
congrats on the feature!