No Regrets

Was I Dreaming?
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Throughout the whole movie, Yongsun was silent. Byul noticed it that the girl will flinch and shrug in her seat every now and then but she’s mostly silent. It sends a bit of worry for Byul so she takes the initiative to put her hand on top of Yongsun’s on the arm rest that separates their seats.


Byul acted it off by being calm and eyes focusing on the huge screen when she felt Yongsun glances at her before slipping her fingers in between Byul’s. Byul held back a smile and she almost curse at the butterfly flying around her stomach, it made her feel like a teenage girl in love—oh wait, she is one.


They spent the rest of the movie holding hands. Byul thought it’s more than enough, especially knowing Yongsun didn’t protest when Byul brought her hand close to her lips and kisses the back of it, lovingly and just because. She’s still not bothering to even glance at Yongsun. She knew the older girl likes it and probably blushes too.


Somewhere at the of the movie, Yongsun pulled Byul’s hand closer to her side. Byul shifted a little to adjust and at the same time they both move closer to each other in their own seat—Byul almost had the idea to break the arm rest between them because she knew Yongsun very much want to cuddle and the only thing preventing them is the annoying arm rest. Nonetheless, Byul manage to move close enough for Yongsun to rest her head on her shoulder while her arm linked with Byul’s, hands still locking in each other’s grip.


About fifteen minutes later, Yongsun shrugs and Byul thought she’s starting to feel sore because of the position. Byul knew because she was also close to feeling a dead arm, she was okay if Yongsun wants to stop sitting that way but the President put her head back to Byul’s shoulder and sighs.


“Not comfy enough?” Byul asked in a whisper.


Low enough for Yongsun to hear when she nodded in respond.


“I prefer watching movies for hours in your house and on your comfortable bed with your arms comfortably wrapped around me.” That line earned a small inaudible laugh from Byul. “I hate this arm rest.”


“Yeah, me too. Almost think of breaking it.”


“What’s stopping you?”


Byul glances down to see that cute pout on her lips. She held back the urge to kiss away that pout but she giggles instead and kisses the top of Yongsun’s head.


When the movie ends, Krystal and Amber were busy arguing whether the ending giving hints for a sequel or not. Movies these days tend to leave the important part of the movie that may lead to a sequel at the very end of the movie — usually after the credits.


Amber groaned because she hates the idea. She thought they put it after the credits just because they want people to read these moving texts while she also knows most people don’t pay that much attention. Example one, herself. If it wasn’t for Krystal whining to stay in their seat until the after credits scene, Amber would already be on her way to the parking lot.


“There won’t be a sequel. Heck, I bet there won’t be any after credits scene either. Let’s just go now. Everyone leaves already—” Amber was right though; some people refuses to wait until after credits and making their way out of the theater.


But Krystal is persistent. “Amber Josephine Liu, stay in your seat.”


Yongsun rolls her eyes and Byul almost—almost­­—let out the word ‘whoa’ when she sees the commanding side from Krystal, somehow reminds Byul of her first encounter with the former president. Yongsun’s hit on her shoulder blade punch her out from her short daydreaming.


Eight to ten minutes later, the credits end.


Honestly, no one wins between Amber and Krystal. Right after the credits ended, it fades out to a scene, at this point, Krystal won. There really is an after credits scene. However, it was only an aftermath scene that shows how everything is now okay and they made sure nothing is going to go wrong from then on. This one goes for Amber. The scene proves them that there will not be a sequel to this movie. So, either it’s a win-win or lose-lose.


Krystal is still sulking because she was expecting a sequel so bad and by now Byul already thinks Amber is really whipped for her girlfriend when she witnesses Amber patting Krystal’s head affectionately and offers her an ice cream on their way back. If Byul didn’t misheard it, Krystal also asks Amber to buy her chocolate and wants the girl to stay over at her house in which Amber agrees to all of them.


“Well, it’s fun hanging out with you guys.” Amber was the one who bid goodbye with Byul and Yongsun when Krystal excused herself to answer a phone call. “We’ll be going now since we need to make a stop somewhere too before going home. I’ll see you two at school, yeah?”


“Yes, thanks to you too, sunbae.” Byul has always been a polite student, so there will be no surprise seeing her even bowing her head at her senior. Amber told her to loosen up already the next time they hang out together, sending a far too knowing wink at Byul.


Yongsun pulls Byul slightly closer to her, “Yah, stop flirting with her.”


The tomboy senior shrugs casually, smirking at Yongsun while taking a few steps back towards the exit. “You know better that I will not flirt with anyone when Krystal is around. Also, you two should go straight home, kids! Bye!”


Krystal, who was still on the phone, got startled when Amber took her hand. “Ah, yes, don’t worry. Amber is with me though—I’ll be home before ten. See you, mama!” She hung up the phone and quickly waves her hand at Yongsun and Byul, shouting her ‘see you tomorrow!’ and disappears when they turn at the corner.


Byul took a small look at Yongsun and the girl is typing something in her phone. She knows it must be her mother, about time the older girl gets a call that ask her when she will be home. It’s nine p.m already, of course they will get worried. “Let’s go back now.” Byul said, taking Yongsun’s free hand in hers.


But then Yongsun stops her, “Tteokkbokki.”


Byul honestly forgot the little promise to buy her girlfriend tteokkbokki on their way back and as she narrows her eyes, she really thought what Amber said might be true. Her biggest rival must be Yongsun’s favorite food.


“I swear you like tteokkbokki more than you like me.” She muttered low enough for Yongsun to not hear it. “Fine.” She felt a familiar weight when Yongsun catch up to her side and cling on her arm.


They stop by at a small tteokkbokki stand. Byul offered Yongsun to just take it home but girlfriend insisted she wants to eat it there with Byul. Yongsun sits on Byul’s bike while Byul leaning on it, keeping it on balance and preventing the president to fall and hurt herself. They’re eating in silence, some chatters in the background filling in the missing notes but none of them is bothered. It was what they call, a comfortable silence.


Until Byul calls out to Yongsun softly. “Unnie,” The said unnie gave Byul a soft hum, urging her to continue. “Feed me.”


With a frown and a protective gesture towards her tteokkbokki in hand, Yongsun turns down Byul’s request. “No, you have yours. This is mine.” Oh wow, her unnie is really obsessive towards this particular food. Byul thought she may have an unhealthy one-sided love for tteokkbokki.


“Yah, unnie, isn’t that too much?” Yongsun only pouts and somehow tries to create more gap—which didn’t work that well since she’s sitting on Byul’s bike. Byul sighs, “Okay, then you feed me my own tteokkbokki. How’s that?”

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If you ask, "Will it still end happily?" I can assure you that, yes, it will. But if you ask "How did the real story end?" — No, unfortunately, I don't think it ended well. At least for one of us.


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TennoujiMegumi #1
Chapter 47: please update i’m begging you 🙏🙏🙏
TennoujiMegumi #2
Chapter 47: please updateeee i’m still waiting 🥲🥲🥲
highhihi #3
Chapter 47: Maybe an update would give everybody a piece of mind😂😂
lovemammoo #4
Pls update
upvoteurie #5
Dreizhn #6
Congratulations bubuuu
219 streak #7
Congrats on the feature 🥳 I'm so happy. This story is the reason why i stan MMM.
Congrats on the feature
Cronlasto0 #9
Congrats on the feature :)
congrats on the feature!