Abrupt Farewell

Was I Dreaming?
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Months passed by and the next thing they knew one of them is living their last days as a high school student. It was only a week before graduation, five minus d-day to be precise. They’re both aware of this but none of them is bothered to bring it up when they were alone. It doesn’t change anything even if they talk about it. One of them is still going to graduate and the other is going to stay for another year before being able to come along.

Byul refused to admit that she was suffering another anxiety attack—it was nothing serious but she would wake up late at night thinking about being away from her girlfriend. At some nights, Byul doesn’t even get any sleep.

The senior’s graduation is taking a toll on Byul, whether she likes to admit it or not.

“I’m honestly so tired of saying this to you but you look like , unnie.” One of her friends told her, Hwasa. “Just go ahead and get some sleep. I’ll watch out from here.” And there she is. That’s the Ahn Hyejin for you.

Byul knows Hyejin meant well, she was never one to admit that she’s looking out for her unnie but she was the one that shows more concern when it comes to Byul. Wheein was concerned too, but Hyejin is able to see pass through the whole thing—the cause of Byul’s lack of getting any sleep at night.

“It’s no use, Hyejin-ah…” She smiles tiredly. “It’s because—”

“—Because she’s always in your mind and refuses to go away.” Hyejin rolls her eyes at Byul. “Your grease is getting dry, unnie. Go get more reference. I’m starting to be able to read your entire stock of greasy lines.”

Byul let the topic dies and went back to focus on her book. Rather than getting more reference for her greasy lines like Hyejin suggested, Byul instead getting more reference for YooA’s next material. In truth, Byul can just take a break from the tutoring because YooA’s examination week is way passed—so was Byul’s. YooA’s parents told her that it is okay to take one or two weeks off, they’re pretty chill knowing Byul is still a young student surviving alone in Seoul.

And honestly, there is nothing Byul should worry about after High School because YooA’s father have offered her a full scholarship at his university. It will be his graduation gift for when Byul graduate from High School and to thank her for helping his daughter.

YooA’s parents are like Byul’s second parents—the title used to belong to her girlfriend’s parents before the whole drama of being caught taking advantage of the latter. Which is why Byul try so hard to please them. She can’t disappoint them like she did to Yongsun’s parents, especially when they keep treating her like their own second child. YooA’s father specifically like Byul a lot. Second to his daughter it seems.

Byul knows YooA’s fondness of her can be considered a crush. It was showing and it’s not hard to notice either, YooA is quite expressive too. But even so, the younger girl never really tries to take advantage of her tutor. For all YooA knows, she had no idea if Byul even like girls and the last thing she wanted was to freak her tutor out that she quit tutoring her. So, YooA kept mum about her little crush… That is until she noticed something between her tutor and the student council president.

The president seemed to hate YooA for some reason and YooA had no single idea what she did wrong to be hated by the president. Later on, YooA noticed it was because she was getting close with her tutor, Moon Byulyi. From then on, there are times YooA was being suspicious with Byul and Yongsun’s relationship. Their relationship looks like best friends from the outside, from a mere look—but if you would look at it just a little closer, they could be more, much more than they like to admit to everyone.

Byul had no idea that YooA had been paying attention to her and Yongsun. She tried to make her girlfriend make peace with the younger girl but Yongsun just doesn’t want to give up her stand. It was more than relieving that YooA didn’t pry much about Yongsun later on, but Byul still remembered how surprised she was when YooA asked her, very specifically¸if she and Yongsun were secretly dating.

▬ ▬ ▬

“I miss you too, babe…” Byul whispered softly into the phone.

She was at the vacation home with YooA’s family—it was the offer she took when YooA’s parents asked for her to tag along with their family vacation. The vacation that her girlfriend didn’t agree and the cause of another petty fight the two of them had. Byul already said yes to the offer and so Yongsun had no other choice but to let her go.

During the whole trip, Yongsun kept on sending her text messages. She won’t stop saying that she misses Byul so much already and it’s not even twelve hours yet since the last they seen each other. Of course, Yongsun also keep on reminding her to not let YooA take advantage of her in any circumstances. Byul high doubted the younger girl would do that to her.

“I’m serious, Byul-ah!” She heard the older girl whined but Byul couldn’t help the smile as she pictures her girlfriend’s whiny pout.

“I know, baby. I won’t. We’ll even sleep in a separate room.”

“You’re not just saying this, are you?”

Gosh, Yongsun can be cute pain in the when she’s jealous.

“Wanna have a video call before sleep then?”

“Yes!” That always did the trick.

They continue to talk for another fifteen minutes and just when Byul says, “I love you so much, Yong.” She felt another presence standing behind her, this she quickly cut the phone call as she turns around.

YooA stood there, contemplating whether she should take steps closer and approach the older girl or not.


YooA didn’t say anything but took a seat on the bench, patting the spot beside her for Byul to take. Byul wordlessly obliged to her silent request. The silence was starting to feel so dreading for Byul because Byul knew YooA must heard at least part of the conversation on the phone.

Byul almost thought she should probably explain to YooA about whatever stuff she heard earlier—

“You’re dating her, right, unnie?”

Byul’s fist clenched on her sides. How to deny this fact when Byul doesn’t know just how much YooA knows or heard about her relationship with the president? Byul didn’t know what to say.

“You probably think I was just jumping to conclusion for what I heard minutes ago. And before you deny it, I know it’s the president who called you. I also know she’s the one keeping you busy with your phone.” For someone who’s suspicious and trying to demand an answer from Byul, YooA looks way too calm.

“I’m not denying anything.” Byul admitted, at this point she was sure YooA know just the enough amount to prove that she and Yongsun are indeed dating.

“But you were going to.”

That, Byul can’t even deny as well.

“I get it. It’s a secret and I may be stupid—”

“You’re not stupid. How many times should I tell you—”

“Yes, I know! Just hear me out. I may not be a smartass but it takes more than what you guys are currently doing to fool me. Has anyone ever told you that you guys aren’t being exactly subtle?”

“Fortunately, yes.”

“Well, now you have one more person to tell you that you guys aren’t being subtle.”

Byul lets out a chuckle, giving YooA a faint smile of gratitude.

She was glad YooA didn’t confront her in an offensive way. YooA was actually acting like an adult, as if she knows what’s going on with Byul and Yongsun are considered a sensitive topic. But it was easy to tell because why else would they keep it a secret from everyone else? YooA suspected it to be the president’s image at school and just overall the society in this country. Coming out as a gay person in a relationship especially at such a young age…it’s just not ideal for many people.

YooA ended up asking a few trivial questions about Byul and the president. It was nothing personal, really. And when they decided that it’s time for bed, YooA closed off the conversation with:

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.” –and it was the encouragement Byul needed after their talk.

▬ ▬ ▬

However, Yongsun still had no idea that YooA knows about their relationship. Byul requested YooA to not confront Yongsun and even imply anything that shows how much YooA knows. She would rather not be adding more things for Yongsun to think about as the latter is occupied enough with her upcoming graduation.

Which actually have Byul occupied as well.

Not with studying, but with the future. At least with the fact that Yongsun will no longer go to the same school with her. She will attend a college and if it’s too far from home then she will most likely be staying in a dorm or get herself an apartment. And then what will happen to them? Byul honestly would rather think about anything but that.

She’s not quite fond of the idea of being separated for a long time.

It’s a relief that Yongsun seems to share the same feelings with Byul. It was shown at the day Yongsun received her acceptance at Korea University Business School (KUBS) – she ended up applying to three different universities and two of them were the schools where Byul possibly will end up attending next year. Byul knows Yongsun lowkey wanted to be accepted at Seoul National University (SNU) instead, so she can be with Byul and only had to endure ten to eleven months without her. But alas, being accepted at KUBS is still a great news since it is one of the top business schools in Korea—in fact, it was ranked first.

Byul was happy for her and really proud that Yongsun have gotten this far remembering how she was once struggled with her academics and had to ask for Byul’s help to study and maintain her good grades. But both of them just couldn’t ignore that nagging feeling, that tug in their chests as they get reminded of their separation.

Yongsun was the first one to launch herself at Byul in a tight hug, quietly sobbing as she whispers how she doesn’t want to be away from Byul. Going as far as suggesting herself that maybe she should postpone attending college for a year—but even so, Byul would still end up in a different college.

I guess it’s really inevitable, our separation that is.

They eventually come to terms to everything day by day. At one point, they just try their best to spend the remaining time together as best as they could. They would take every chance they get to be alone and they would try to not think about Yongsun’s graduation that’s going to happen in a few days. It was supposed to be a day most students looking forward to, to finally be free from High School and enter college and commit adultery as soon as possible. But for Yongsun and Byul, they wished time would just stop before that day come.

Of course, it was all only a wishful thought.

Because suddenly it’s a few hours before the graduation ceremony starts and Byul separated herself from everyone and sit there at the rooftop of the school’s building. It’s so overwhelming seeing the smiles on everyone’s faces, the happy tears of some of the underclassmen for letting go of their graduating seniors. And it didn’t help either how many of them talking about how pretty that one particularly famous senior today, how they will definitely miss her the most as if they know her personally like Byul does.

Byul hadn’t seen her at all since yesterday, she purposely avoided seeing Yongsun. She was afraid of what she would do if she sees her, be it dragging her to a secluded place or acting cold as to not raise any suspicion to her overwhelming emotion. It was stupid and too much. If Hyejin was there to see it all, she would totally say those words to Byul. But that’s just how she is… Byul is never one to easily hide her emotion. She would try to keep it in but when it gets too much, she will probably end up embarrassing herself and Yongsun as well.

Of course, there are words travelling around the school too because of this. The moon (Byul) and sun (Yongsun) have always been such a pair at school and they were so popular that seeing Yongsun being left alone for the last two days at school, left most students questioning things about them. Some says they were having a huge fight. Some says Byul is probably falling sick and isn’t able to come to school—but that rumor is quickly crossed out because they did see Byul coming to school. So, they believe the two must going through a huge fight. They felt bad because they expected the MoonSun couple to be together on this graduation day, it’s a big day after all.

But Byul could care less about what everyone is saying.

She wasn’t in any fight with Yongsun, though she believes Yongsun would probably scold her for ignoring her since yesterday. But they still leave each other text messages. And aside from the overwhelming emotion being in a crowd of students and words about Yongsun here and there, Byul intention to hide was so Yongsun’s parents won’t spot her anywhere.

It honestly still scares Byul if her parents find out how Yongsun is still romantically involved with Byul behind their backs. Just to be save, Byul decided to stay there throughout the whole ceremony, looking down to the first floor where parents are lingering around, the seniors and juniors as well. Byul could easily spot her girlfriend though it she was high up on the rooftop. She also spotted Wheein and Hyejin approaching Yongsun and her parents. Congratulating Yongsun and handing her their gift. They took a picture together, looks like Mrs. Kim was the one who took it for them.

There are other students coming at Yongsun and they seem to be never ending. She watched Yongsun running her hand through her hair, seemingly letting out a sigh. Byul’s eyebrows creased in a frown, worried that Yongsun is already getting a little tired from attending everyone’s requests for photos and even autographs.

She turned to her parents and Byul had no idea what she says to them but she sees her walking away towards the school’s building. Soon she felt her phone vibrated in her pocket, pulling it out to find a message from her girlfriend. She didn’t ask where Byul is, or if she even come to school at all.

The message only says, “Wait for me. I’m on my way up.”

Byul smiles.

Of course, she knows.

Within less than ten minutes, the only door to access the rooftop opens to reveal a panting and dishelved ex-Student Council President. Did she run all the way up here? Byul thought for a second but even so, Yongsun still look so good. Her uniform never looked so good on her, the school’s blazer that she’s wearing—god, Byul remembered that’s exactly what she wore the first time they met and the sight just took her back in time.

Back then Yongsun was running to the school’s auditorium when she bumped Byul by accident, she was rushing to have her speech as the school’s next president. And right now, she was already an ex-president and was rushing to see her girlfriend, Moon Byulyi.

The moment Yongsun runs again and this time right towards Byul and hug her there, Byul thinks she really came so far to be here with Yongsun. And seeing Yongsun, it’s just amazes Byul how much Yongsun have changed as well. Honestly, she was so proud of her.

Without pulling away from the hug, Byul whispers, “Congratulations, unnie.”

Byul didn’t expect Yongsun to let out a small whine as she says, “I don’t wanna be called ‘unnie’.” It was actually something Byul expected for her to say though. These days Yongsun only wanted to be called anything but ‘unnie’ – she preferred special endearment like ‘baby’ or ‘babe’ or just her name, ‘Yongsun-ah’.

“Congratulations, baby.” And to add more, Byul kisses her cheek softly.

Yongsun grins so wide and she was glowing in Byul’s eyes. “Thank you, Byul-ah.” She says and they lock their gazes at each other. There’s longing and just pure love for each other. And Yongsun finally speaks first, “I miss you so much.” She muttered, slightly feeling shy too with the way she her lips and avoids Byul’s eyes for less than two seconds.

Byul didn’t say anything back, instead she kisses her on the lips. And Yongsun knows Byul misses her just as much, maybe even more.

The lack of air and Yongsun’s light panting are the reasons why Byul pull away first.

“You’re sweating.” Byul wiped some of it on Yongsun’s temples.

“I know, but trust me it’s not me being nervous.”

Byul wants to chuckle, but instead she’s frowning lightly. “You ran up here. You shouldn’t rush, you know I’m not going anywhere.” Byul then kisses Yongsun’s forehead, the older girl’s pant is getting better each second.

“I don’t want to make you wait. You’ve been here since morning…”

Byul didn’t tell Yongsun anything about wanting to come to school way earlier than everyone else and hide herself at the rooftop until the whole ceremony ends. But Yongsun knows her well and Yongsun just know she’ll be up here. It was very clear too the moment Yongsun arrived at the school gate, she took a small look up and sees a student lingering there, looking down—possibly at her.

“I wanted to be the first to see you today.”

But I know I can’t be seen by your parents, so I can’t exactly stand by the gate and wait for you. I decided to watch you from up here. Safer that way for us. – those words didn’t end up coming out. She doesn’t want to add more salt and bitterness to the fact that their relationship is still a huge secret from her parents.

They parted when Byul reach down inside her blazer’s pocket, pulling out a small rectangular box colored in blue. “Oh god, are you going to propose to me with that? Is there a ring inside? B, Byul-ah, don’t you think it’s too fast—”

“Relax,” Byul chuckles at her panicked girlfriend. “If it were really a proposal, you already ruined the whole thing by asking those questions.”

“S, sorry but you—”

“I know, but I did buy this for your graduation gift from me.” Byul took one of Yongsun’s

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If you ask, "Will it still end happily?" I can assure you that, yes, it will. But if you ask "How did the real story end?" — No, unfortunately, I don't think it ended well. At least for one of us.


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TennoujiMegumi #1
Chapter 47: please update i’m begging you 🙏🙏🙏
TennoujiMegumi #2
Chapter 47: please updateeee i’m still waiting 🥲🥲🥲
highhihi #3
Chapter 47: Maybe an update would give everybody a piece of mind😂😂
lovemammoo #4
Pls update
upvoteurie #5
Dreizhn #6
Congratulations bubuuu
224 streak #7
Congrats on the feature 🥳 I'm so happy. This story is the reason why i stan MMM.
Congrats on the feature
Cronlasto0 #9
Congrats on the feature :)
congrats on the feature!