Of Eyes and Lips

Of Invulnerability and Promises
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"Father, i've repeated myself for billion times already." Joohyun huffed, "Theres no way i'm going to get married to someone i don't even know." 


The man in his fifties could only sigh heavily at his only precious daughter of his, "No, Joohyun. You're already half fifty. Have you not thought of getting settled with a young man and have a family?"


Joohyun rolled her eyes and stood up from her seat, "One more word about this, and i will leave to work without having breakfast with you." 


Defeated, Prime Minister could only nod his head and urge her to continue their breakfast. Joohyun was his only kin left and he's very protective of her. He wants the best man for Joohyun, tries to let her lead a wealthy life. But he knows that Joohyun feels lonely, for he's seldom at home. 

The blue house is like his home instead and he felt bad for leaving his daughter alone. 


"Alright, Joohyun. Just tell me this honestly and i won't ever force you in an arranged marriage anymore." 

The daughter quirked her brow as he continued, "Are you against this idea because you have someone special already?" 




It was weird. 

Really weird. 


Joohyun is like the most beautiful woman you can ever see walking alive. She has everything a man is looking for.



Looks? She has unhuman-like face. Princess-vibe but loves doing housechores.

Wealth? She's the Prime Minister's only precious famous daughter. Furthermore, she's the director of an animation film company. She's actually one of the youngest millionair in Korea if you add the figures up.

Personality?  Well, this might differ a little. If you don't get to her nerves, she can be as kind and friendly towards you. You can even see her clingy side and how bright she is. But once you get to her bad side, its a nightmare for you. She's never going to forget what you did nor don't you even think of asking for forgiveness. 

Many has been stucking up to him to ask Joohyun's hand for their own sons. But of course, he would only choose the best out of the hundreds. 

"No, Father. I'm happily single and i don't have a single thought of settling down with a partner. So don't even try." Joohyun pulls out a straight face he knew that it was the end of this conversation. 

Well, Mr Bae is that whipped for Joohyun.




Joohyun hates it. 

She loathed how people mutters rumors about her.

How they degraded the efforts she put in for the company.

Just like everyone, Joohyun went to elementary school, proceed on to middle and tertiary education. Through hard work, she graduated university with digital art as her forte and got accepted into Korea's biggest animation company. At the beginning, she had to stay back almost everyday to complete the piles of works her senior left her. They were belittling her and Joohyun knows it well. Joohyun showed her abilities and eventually convinced the seniors.

It's through all her blood, sweat, tears that she managed to get to where she is today. 

Yet, people who doesnt even know her and her story, bluntly talked behind her back about how she would only be this successful because of her father.



"Ignore them, Joohyun."




Yongsun, the director's assistant and bestfriend whispered as she placed her hand on her friend's thights, calming her down.

Afterall, they were attending an important event where all big shots were present. Yongsun can't be having her boss leashing out with those ignorant people and embarrase herself.

Joohyun pursed her lips out and fold her arms against her chest.



"Its not fair, Yongsun." 



The latter giggled and pat her bestfriend's thights, "Bear with it. The event's going to end soon anyway."



They were attending this grand international event where almost all animation film companies had attended. Joohyun didn't actually wanted to attend but due to the chairman who pressed that she should go on behalf of him and Kim Yongsun,who appealed to her that there may have American, Russian or whatever national hotties. 


However, none of them caught Joohyum's beautiful orbs and stoney heart while Yongsun had managed to get a number or two.


Overall, Joohyun finds the event boring and worthless. All they did was just repeated the same yada yada again and again for two hours. With some performance as a finale.


"Now, we have our last performer on stage. For your information, she is a very precious sister to me and she's a very talented young lady. Since you guys are all from animation film companies, i'm sure you guys are interest in scouting for artists? Well, be thankful you are here for this supposely boring event because this may lead to you the discovery of a diamond!" Joohyun stiffled a giggle when the famous sassy host, Kim Heechul just dissed the event.



Gasps of surprise and awe was heard when the projector start screening some artworks. Joohyun observed the works with her eagle eyes and suddenly she could feel her heart clutching at a certain work.


It was just a simple work of an human face. However, the emphasis was on the eyes and lips. The eyes and lips that spoke the author's story and thoughts.

The eyes looks like it was crying. But not exactly. There wasn't tears. Instead, in its orbs there was a figure of a person and the eyes were painted dull and glommy. 

Yet, the lips was the contrast. 

It was curving up to a beautiful smile. 


Again, Joohyun felt that it wasn't a smile but then it was genuine smile. She doesn't know what's she is talking about but it was the first time an artwork made her feel so many different emotions. 

That is when Joohyun understood what people always quoted: "A good art is when it makes you feel something or when it speaks of a story."



"Amazing right?"


Heechul's loud voice pulled Joohyun out from her trance. She examined the host's face and she saw how Heechul seemed to sympathize the artworks as if he knew the story behind them. 


"Yes!" The crowds chanted while Heechul held his hands up, silencing the audience. 


"Know what's more amazing?" Heechul had a smirk playing on his lips, "She is a solid singer and is currently working as a dance instructor." 

The crowd erupted in another loud cheer that Joohyun felt like her ears was hurting for her very own bestfriend was the loudest among the crowds with her obviously huge mouth and strong vocal chords.


"Geez, Kim Yongsun! Calm your down."

Joohyun nudged her with an elbow but only to reciebe back an annoying squirtle-like grin with her one centimeter long teeths. 


"Now lets put our hands together to welcome this beautiful butterfly, Kang Seulgi!" 


A burette walked out of the red curtain and settled down on a chair that was placed in the middle of the stage with a guitar readied on her lap. Like a professional, she adjusted the mic stand to match her height. 

"Good evening everyone, I'm Kang Seulgi." She introduced and flashed a small smile towards the audience who yet again cheered and whistled like wolves.


Meanwhile, Joohyun could only let her jaw drop to the ground when she thought she had the performer's eye contact for a second. She thanked Yongsun for insisting that they should seat at the very front row.

It was the perfect seat to admire the rare beauty on stage. 

Joohyun swore she thought she had a heart attack when the burette started strumming her first note and her velvety soft and gentle vocal voiced through the mic. 


For once, Joohyun felt jealous of the mic when Seulgi would accidentally brush her lips over when she got to emotional in the song. 

It was the same person that made Joohyun's heart ache like how it did when she saw the artwork. When Joohyun looked into her eyes, she could almost see the similarity when comparing to the artwork.

It was terrifying about how Joohyun felt like giving the girl a warm hug and assure her that everything is going to be alright. Althought Joohyun doesn't know her, but she thought someone like her doesn't deserve to be this depressed. 

She just looked like an innocent cinnamon roll who deserves the best of the world. Yet why is this cinnamon roll singing a depressed song with her eyes closed? As if she was really telling them she's wacked and destoryed. 


"Thank you." 


Joohyun kept her eyes on the performer who just ended her stage.

The young director was never this desperate to want someone so much when they had a breif eyecontact. 

For that short five seconds or even lesser, Bae Joohyun felt herself falling the dark monolid eyes of Kang Seulgi. 

It was so enthralling. 

Joohyun thought she doesnt mind spending her time looking at the burette's eyes. 

The eyes was so sparkling yet they screamed hopeless and destoryed. 

Eyes that Joohyun wants to ease the sadness away. 


And she almost murdered Yongsun who shook her body, scaring her in the process and breaking the eyecontact. 


The latter almost landed a punch on her face when she whipped her head back to the stage, only to find out that the monolid was no longer on stage.

Ignoring the calls from her bestfriend, Joohyun stood up from her seat adruptly and rushed to where the backstage is. 


But she was too late. 

Kang Seulgi had already left.


"Damn it!"

Joohyun stormed on her heels, annoyed that she couldn't find the girl she desperately wants to talk to. 

"Yah! Bae Joohyun! What are you doing here?" Yongsun came following Joohyun after a short while. 

Joohyun turned her heels and stared at her assistant coldly, "I want Kang Seulgi's information on my table when i get back to my offfice now."


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Chapter 1: im loving this so far!!
Chapter 18: I love this story so much! 💖
reveluv316 813 streak #3
congrats on feature
1196 streak #4
Chapter 1: WOAH okay that's a huge ask 😳
ilikeyouchi #5
charismarina #6
congrats on getting featured!!
Congratulations on the feature
i love ittttt! huhuhu thank u n congrats on the feature!!
2076 streak #9
Chapter 2: Nooooo what happened to Joohyun?
Chapter 2: Joohyun - 💋💋
Seulgi - 0