Of Best-mate and Soul-mate

Of Invulnerability and Promises
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"She's leaving for good." 


This is unfair. Why was she the one with her brows frowned and with her heart palpating wildly as she tries to request the driver to step on the engine hastily? When Seungwan was suppose to be the one running after her, begging for a chance of explanation. So why on earth is the girl leaving her without giving her any explanations or answers to the million questions running in her mind? 


And it wasn't helping much when there is a traffic during the rush hour and her patience was at its limit. She was so sure she's going to curse at the driver when a pair of soft hands touched hers. 


"Seulgi." Joohyun says as she rubbed her girlfriend's hand in circular motion, to calm her jumpy lover down. The younger sighed heavily and leaned by to her seat, closing her eyes to fight off the agony in her heart. 


Joohyun then run her hand up to caress Seulgi's locks, "She will be there, Seul. Believe me." 


"How are you so sure?"


"...because she loves you." 




Joohyun was right. 

She was right that Seungwan would still be there waiting for her to appear. 


"Seulgi, you came..." Seungwan chunckled as she walked towards her bestfriend who immediately wrapped her arms around the shorter to engulf her in a tight hug. The latter closed her eyes and returned the hug before pulling away. Seungwan stares at her bestfriend who was looking at her like a lost bear.


"I'm really sorry, bear." Seungwan began, "Naeun didn't lie about anything. It is true that i was a spy for her to check up on you while she was away. Remember how we first met in the coffee shop you study in?" 


Seulgi nods, tears were already threatening to spill as memories starts falling back into her mind again. 


"It was planned, it wasn't fate that made us cross paths." Seugnwan chunckled, " It was my first day working there then." 


"No wonder i didn't find you familar at all." 


"Yea, but like what Naeun had told me. You're really naive and pure. There's thousands of times where i lied to you, yet you still chose to believe and trust me." Seungwan looked away in guilt, "Remember how you asked me to search for Yerim and your father?" 


"I lied to you. I didn't even conduct any search on it, thats why you weren't able to find them even after three long years." 


Seulgi flinched at the revelation, "W-What? but...it was you who brought Yerim back to me from Canada..."


"Seulgi." Seungwan sighs, "I was true that i approached you because of Naeun and some benefits, but... really trust me once more. All my actions and feelings are true. I really treated you as my precious friend and i really truly wanted to take care of you all these while, seeing you crying endlessly because of my stupid cousin."


"There are times where i made the wrong decisions and i want to sincerely apologies to you two for the rukus that i've caused." Seungwan says as she bowed to the couple in guilt, confusing the two girls standing there.


"What for?" Seulgi  questioned. 


"I could actually choose to shut my mouth up about you guys but i chose to tell Naeun about it and caused you guys so many troubles. But i really regretted it after that. I tried to stop her but she just wouldn't listen to me... I'm really sorry for everything that i've done." 


Joohyun shook her head, "It's not your fault, Seungwan."


"Yeah. Even if it you didn't say, Naeun would have still know about it."


Seungwan frowned, "No Seulgi... It was the feelings and thoughts i have when i chose to reveal that to Naeun that made me guilty! I was so selfish and i felt so shameless because of that..."


"What thoughts?" Seulgi questioned, yet Seungwan couldn't bring herself to say it. 


"I..." Seungwan looked away, "I have to go Seulgi. I need to check in soon." 


The taller frowned and placed her hands on the foreigner shoulder, "Don't leave, Seungwan. I'm not mad at you, i can never be mad at you Wannie.You have been by my side all these while, and now you are saying that you want to leave? If you're leaving because of your guilt, then dont. Like you said, your actions and feelings wasn't fake. I'm fine now that i know i wasn't the only one who cherishes our friendship all these while. I forgive you, Seungwan. So please don't leave?"


Seeing how her bestfriend was begging her, Seungwan almost wanted to tear her ticket away and throw her lugguge back to her wardrobe. But she wasn't leaving because of guilt. 

She was leaving for herself. 


She needs time to heal her injured heart. She had done enough for Seulgi. Now that Seulgi has Joohyun, its time for her to spend time alone to catch up with her own health. Time for her to forget about those feelings she habours for a certain dumb bear and to repent herself for her wrongdoings. 


"Seulgi, i'm not leaving because of guilt. I'm leaving for the sake of myself." Seungwan says as she took a few steps back from the taller, letting the latter's hand fall into the air, "Let me be selfish till the end, Seul. I need to be away from you, at least for a short while. I promise i will be back after i have everything sorted out." 








"Are we still bestfriends?"


"Of course."


Seungwan smiles, "Then trust me, I will be back as your annoying bestfriend soon." 


Knowing that she can't win against Seungwan, Seulgi could only hang her head down in disappointment. 






The bestfriend shared one last hug before Seungwan directed her attention to Joohyun with a cheeky grin, "Thanks unnie, I didn't expect that you will really bring her here after everything that i told you." 


"Everything that i told you?" Seulgi frowned as she squinted her eyes sharply at the two girls, "What did you guys talked about that i didn't know?"


Joohyun rolled her eyes and striked Seulgi's abs with her elbow, "Kids aren't meant to know about adults' stuffs.",  she continued and looked at Seungwan, " and I didn't forced her here. She was the one running out of the house like a mad woman after i told her that you're leaving." 


"I wasn't running like a mad woman!"


"Hush! Adults are speaking." Seungwan giggles at how Joohyun bestfriend. 


"Don't you think i deserve a hug from you too?" Joohyun raised her brows while the latter chunckled and nodded before pulling the older into a hug when she hear Joohyun whispering to her softly.


"Are you sure you don't want to let Seulgi know about your feelings?" 


Seungwan snorted before pulling back and winking at the older girl.


"To let her know that three uttlerly beautiful girls are actually fighting for her? Nah, let's not get that dummy to be too proud of herself."


Joohyun laughs while Seulgi was looking at the two exchanges with a curious stare, "Joohyun, make sure you go home and tell me every single inside jokes that i missed." 


"Joohyun unnie is not allowed to tell you anything about it without my permission and i've already told her to keep them as secrets until i allow her to." Seungwan smirked as she bow-fist Joohyun who agreed with her. 


"So you guys are ganging up on me now?"


"Since when do we not gang up on you?"


Seungwan was glad that this was their last conversation before she leaves. She was more than thankful for Seulgi's forgiveness (another perfect thing about Seulgi) and she made a promise to herself to return to Seulgi as soon as possible as her best-mate. 


A best-mate without harbouring any romantic feelings.

Because she clearly wasn't Seulgi's soul-mate. 






"How are you feeling, Seul?" Joohyun questioned gently as she played with her lover's soft silky hair while Seulgi was lying on her her lap comfortably. They had just returned from the airport after sending Seungwan off. Even without Seulgi saying, Joohyun knew that the younger was sad at her bestfriend's sudden absence. 


"I don't know, hyun." Seulgi says as she looked at Joohyun with a pout, "Especially after knowing that you guys are unwilling to share the inside jokes with me."


The older laughed, "You are still on that?" 


"Yes! Tell me, if not i don't think i will be able to sleep tonight." 


Joohyun shook her head and leaned down to peck on the younger's pink lips, "Seungwan didn't give me the permission to, so i won't say anything."


"Whatttt...???" Seulgi started whinning like a baby that the only way Joohyun could stop her was to kiss her and make those whinnings turn into muffled moans.


"And there's nothing to worry about if you can't sleep tonight." Joohyun pulls back with a sultry wink, "We could do something more exciting and fun." 


Seulgi then blushed and pushed her girlfriend away, "ert!"


"I'm just kidding." Joohyun laughs, and moved closer to Seulgi to lean her head on the younger's shoulder before taking the latter's hand to wrap it around her waist. Seulgi chortled before kissing Joohyun's hair softly, "Thanks for today, Joohyun. If it wasn't for you, i would have regretted so badly."


"Anything for you, baby." 


"Is there anything i can do you repay this favour?" Seulgi question out of her good-will but immediately regretted when she saw the mischeivous glint flashing in Joohyun's beautiful orbs. 


"Oh are you really up for it?" 


Seulgi rolled her eyes and spanked Joohyun's before glaring at her with her cherry red cheeks, "Not that!"


"Oh you know what i'm actually thinking about?" Joohyun smirked. 


"Please, i can read your mind bae. And i

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Chapter 1: im loving this so far!!
Chapter 18: I love this story so much! 💖
reveluv316 813 streak #3
congrats on feature
1196 streak #4
Chapter 1: WOAH okay that's a huge ask 😳
ilikeyouchi #5
charismarina #6
congrats on getting featured!!
Congratulations on the feature
i love ittttt! huhuhu thank u n congrats on the feature!!
2076 streak #9
Chapter 2: Nooooo what happened to Joohyun?
Chapter 2: Joohyun - 💋💋
Seulgi - 0