Of Insecurities and Assurance

Of Invulnerability and Promises
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Seulgi wasn't expecting to see Joohyun standing outside of her house three hours before their meeting time. Either was she expecting to see a gloomy Joohyun looking at her so vulnerable and broken. She wasn't the same confident Joohyun she had known since day one. 


Without any cheerful greetings or words, Joohyun just step in her girlfriend's apartment and throw her arms around the latter.  Albeit worried over Joohyun's action, Seulgi returned the hug and closes the door behind her before pulling her to their favourite couch.


"Had a hard time during work?" Seulgi questioned as gently as possible. Joohyun sighs and pouted adorably, "Just stay and cuddle me, Seul..." 


Obliging, Seulgi smiled and let Joohyun straddle her lap while facing her so that Joohyun could place her head against her chest. It was the older's favourite cuddling position apparently. Seulgi have no idea what she should do to comfort the latter who was acting so solemnly. 


"You don't have to do anything." Seulgi swears she had goosebumps when Joohyun practically answered to the questions running in her mind, "Just be with me let me feel your presence."


Seulgi chunckled and pulled Joohyun's face up to look at her before placing a sweet peck on her forehead, "Do you want to share it with me? I'm here you know? You can share your burdens with me."


"Not now."


Joohyun didnt know if it's good for her to let the taller know about the return of her ex-girlfriend. Maybe she should ask Yerim or Seungwan for help. But for now, she just wish that Seulgi would never cross path with her first love. Thankfully, Seulgi didn't pry into it and respected her decision. 


"Okay, just find me if you need someone to talk to alright?"


Joohyun merely nodded towards the question before snuggling herself up to Seulgi's warm body. Inhaling Seulgi's natural good baby-like scent. 


They stayed in that position in a comfortable slience, only sounds and foreign voices from the television was heard in the empty apartment without loud speaker Seungwan, and lively chirpy Yerim.


Until, a small, weak and still voice spoke.


"Do you love me, Seul?" 


There was nothing new with the question yet, Seulgi could tell that the older was feeling insecure for some reason that she doesn't know. And having Joohyun as her girlfriend for nearly half a year, Seulgi knew exactly how to comfort her. Shifting herself into a more comfortable position, Seulgi tightens her hold around Joohyun's waist.


"I love you, Hyunnie."


"How much?'


Seulgi chunckled as she caressed the shorter's fading violet locks and kissed her crown, "So much that I can't just form it in words, Hyunnie."


"Will you stick with me forever?" 


Joohyun stares while Seulgi sighs and ran her fingers to trace along the older's golden features, wondering what kind good deed she did in her past life to deserve Joohyun. 


"I don't know what's making you insecure." Seulgi started as she place sweet kisses on Joohyun's eyes, cheeks and nose while Joohyun closes her eyes and enjoy them.


"But trust me, just as how you stayed by my side throughout my hardest times, broke down my walls and nursed my broken heart, I assure you that I would never ever turn my back against you." She continued, "Just like how you become my invulnerability, I promise that I will never do anything that would hurt you." 


Seulgi was sincere in every single word she said. It took her long enough to realized how in love she was with Joohyun and she will certainly cherish and see this relationship till the end.

Bae Joohyun wasn't someone she deserved to be with in the first place, actually.

So who is she to leave and abandon Joohyun who became everything to her? 


"Promise me that no matter what happens, you will never ever leave me." 


Seulgi only grin and push Joohyun's head towards her before capturing the sweet and soft lips. 


"Promise sealed with a kiss." 


Finally a smile managed to tug along the thin lips of the older girl. With Seulgi's assurance, Joohyun felt the stone in her heart drop. She shouldnt have doubted Seulgi and their relationship. 

"I love you so much, baby."

Joohyun could never get tired of saying that to Seulgi, either could the taller get tired of hearing those words coming from Joohyun's pretty lips.





Saturday was meant to be a family day, according to Kim Yerim. Eventhough the couple wanted to have a date just by themselves, the black-haired girl strongly disagreed to it. Having knowing the older's weakness, Yerim threatened Joohyun to stop her sister from meeting with her if they do not go along with her Saturday plans.



Hence, Joohyun finds herself wearing a one-piece summer dress while sitting in the middle of the sandy beach, waiting for her lover who was apparently being 'dress-up' by Yerim. Her eyes starting travelling and darting around the beach where everyone was seen having fun with their family and friends, while she was awkwardly sitting alone out or nowhere.


"Ugh, what's taking them so long?" Joohyun mumbled to herself, missing Seulgi as she shivers slightly from the sudden cold wind touching her exposed shoulders. 



The said girl looks up and found a surprised and smiling Minho who exposed his chocolate abs while staring down at her. Joohyun do not know if it was a curse or blessing to have Minho inviting himself to sit next to her on the small purple picnic mat.


"What are you doing alone here?" He questioned while the latter shifted slightly away from him, "Urm, I'm waiting for someone."


Minho raised her brow, "That's new. First time hearing that the great Bae Joohyun is waiting for someone and not the other way round."

He chunckled, remembering how he had once waited for a few hours for the girl when he tried asking her out for a dinner. But of course, she didn't even turn up and he gave up after waiting for nearly five hours.




"Girlfriend." Joohyun corrected, staring straight ahead not giving Minho the attention he wanted. Even though she could not see his expression change, she could feel that Minho was surprised.




"Yes, you tried to hit on someone who apparently likes the same as you." Joohyun rolled her eyes. She wasn't fond of being judged for who is she especially when they stared at her with that look. 


Minho shook his head and giggled, "You're joking, aren't you?" 


Annoyed, Joohyun glared daggers at him and scowled, "I've told you I have a girlfriend already, didn't I?"


"Wha   '


"    Joohyun." 


Both of them looked up and gasped for two completely different reasons. 


Minho, whose face shown hint of annoyance clicked his tongue as he recognized the same face who interrupted them back in the club that night. Interrupted him from getting what he wanted and well, he's someone who bears grudges. 


And Joohyun, whose face turned scarlet red, nibbling her bottom lips at her lover's outfit. Although she already knew how her girlfriend possesses a goddness-like body, it was the first time she could practically drool over her honey abs. 

Seulgi's lean milky abs was wayyy better than Minho's huge chocolate abs. 


"S-Seulgi..." Joohyun promptly stood up and went to her girlfriend, clinging to her arm. Seulgi smiles at her charmingly before pecking her cheeks. They had to hold back their laughters when they saw how Minho expression changed from a dumbfounded one to annoyed. 


"She's my girlfriend, Kang Seulgi." Joohyun proudly introduced while the taller girl smiles and wrapped her arms around the latter's waist, pulling her closer. The violet-haired beauty blushed slightly when her arm brushed against Seulgi's firm abs. 

"Nice to meet you." Seulgi may seem polite while extending her hand for a friendly handshake, but we know that she's practically mocking the tan guys infront of her. Ignoring the handshake, Minho scoffs and walked away while clenching his fist.


Once the guy was a few meters away from them, they burst into fits of laughters. 


"Did you see how rejected he looks? Oh gosh that was priceless!" Seulgi laughs, triumphant and how she made Minho lose his face and pride. 


"I'm glad he knows I'm taken by you now." Joohyun smiles hugging the taller, "Had enough of his flirtings."


Seulgi chunckled and ruffled her hair, "Tell me if he bother you again. I'll make sure he won't dare to even look and stare at your beauty again."


Joohyun almost wanted to melt at how hot and attractive Seulgi looked when she said that. 


"Remind me again just how are you so attractive?" 


"I know right?"


Joohyun took the opportunity to touch     I mean punch Seulgi's stomach which was badly hidden from the white crop tee she was wearing.


"Aren't you exposing too much of your stomach?" The older questioned, her cheeks still flushed in red at how smooth Seulgi's skin felt like. 


Seulgi shrugged with a wide innocent grin, "Yerim said that it would make me look more attractive and maybe I could hook up some hot girls."


"Hook up some hot girls uh..?" The grin on Seulgi's lips immediately ceased when she saw the alarming look coming from Joohyun. 


"I mean you. You are the hot girls." Seulgi giggled sheepishly, trying to cover up her mistakes as Joohyun angled her body infront of hers, eyes twitching. "Dont you ever show your body to any other girls apart from me, get it?"


Seulgi nodded and lean in, kissing Jo

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Chapter 1: im loving this so far!!
Chapter 18: I love this story so much! 💖
reveluv316 813 streak #3
congrats on feature
1196 streak #4
Chapter 1: WOAH okay that's a huge ask 😳
ilikeyouchi #5
charismarina #6
congrats on getting featured!!
Congratulations on the feature
i love ittttt! huhuhu thank u n congrats on the feature!!
2076 streak #9
Chapter 2: Nooooo what happened to Joohyun?
Chapter 2: Joohyun - 💋💋
Seulgi - 0