
Follow the Heart
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A/N: Hi, guys! Here's the next chapter! :)

Heads up: It's another long-ish chapter. Also, there are intimate scenes in this chapter, but as always, they're just vague.

“Yesung seonsaengnim?”

Being called “seonsaengnim” then immediately got Yesung’s attention. It was common for him to be called “seonsaengnim” at the academy, but not while in the hospital. Yesung and Siwon were currently walking across the hospital lobby. It was time again for Yesung’s monthly appointment with Dr. Lee, and the two lovers were about to head up to her office when someone called Yesung.

Yesung’s eyes widened when he saw Kim Kibum walking toward them. 

Kibum stopped a couple of meters away from Yesung and Siwon. The student had a smile on his face, though Yesung noticed that he was occasionally glancing at Siwon.

“Oh, hello,” Yesung greeted. He was quite curious. Why was Kibum here? “You’re also here today?”

“Yes. Fancy running into you here, seonsaengnim.”

Though Kibum was implying that it was another coincidence that they ran into each other now, Yesung couldn’t help but get the feeling that it wasn’t just coincidence. Too many people, including Kibum, seemed to be showing up everywhere Yesung went lately. However, before he could ponder more about Kibum’s presence in the hospital, he noticed his boyfriend looking questioningly, and somewhat suspiciously, at Kibum.

“Oh, Siwonnie, he is one of the students in the academy,” Yesung quickly informed Siwon. However, he neglected to mention that this was the student who followed him to the bus stop; Yesung knew that Siwon wouldn’t be pleased with that. He also neglected to mention the student’s name. You know, just in case that Siwon did find out that this was the student who followed Yesung. Yesung still hadn’t forgotten how Siwon wanted to have his people “investigate” the student who followed him. Yesung didn’t want Kibum to put up with something like that, so he thought it best to keep the introductions now as vague as possible.

“Ahh, I see,” Siwon said, his expression clearing. He flashed his usual, polite smile to the student. “Nice to meet you.”

Kibum didn’t answer, nor did he smile back. Instead, he just gave a short nod to Siwon in response.

“What brings you here?” Yesung asked Kibum. He wondered if he was being too nosy about the student’s private life. Maybe he was. But he was still a bit uncomfortable with Kibum’s tendency to show up unexpectedly. Then, his curiosity turned into more genuine concern. “You’re not sick or injured, are you?”

However, his concerned tone didn’t seem to please his boyfriend. Yesung was looking at Kibum, but out of the corner of his eye, he could see a scowl forming on Siwon’s face.

“No, seonsaengnim, I’m fine,” Kibum replied. “I’m just here today for some routine general checkup.”

“Ahhh. That’s good,” Yesung sighed in relief. He may be confused by and uncomfortable with Kibum now and then, but since Kibum was a student at the academy, Yesung was quite concerned with his well-being.

But Yesung’s relief just seemed to annoy his boyfriend even more. Yesung decided that it was better for everyone if they all just went about their own businesses now.

“Well, we’ll let you get to your checkup. We should get going, anyway; I also have an appointment with my cardiologist today.” Yesung smiled at the student and gave him a brief wave of goodbye.

Kibum nodded. “See you at school, seonsaengnim.”

Yesung and Siwon headed to elevator. They were the only ones riding it, and as soon as they were alone there, Siwon started.

“Who was that?” he demanded at Yesung.

Yesung blinked. And then, he frowned at Siwon. “He’s a student at the academy.” Hadn’t he already told Siwon this when he introduced them a while ago?

“From your music classes?”

Yesung shook his head. “No, he’s one of Eunhyuk and Donghae’s dance students.”

“Then, why were you asking about his business here? Why were you asking about his well-being?”

Yesung stared disbelievingly at his boyfriend. “Why are you harping so much about this?”

“Why were you so concerned about him?!”

“You’re not seriously upset that I’m interacting with my student, are you?” Yesung said incredulously. He really hoped that wasn’t the case. It would be a very shallow reason for Siwon to get upset about.

“You just said yourself that he’s not your student,” Siwon retorted.

“But he’s still a student at the academy! So, it should be a given that I’m concerned about his well-being!”

“You care too much about your students.”

Siwon said it quietly and with a bleak, flat tone. But even Yesung, who was somewhat oblivious, detected the hint of a sneer on his face.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Yesung said, hurt. How was it a bad thing that he cared a lot about his students?

His boyfriend glared at him accusingly. “It’s a bad thing when you were fawning over him but ignoring me!”

“How was I ignoring you a while ago?” Yesung demanded. “I introduced him to you, didn’t I?”

The elevator dinged, and its doors opened. They had reached the floor of Dr. Lee’s office.

The argument was put to a hold. For now.

To be “resolved” later when they got back to Yesung’s apartment.

The next morning, Yesung tried to hide his limp as he walked down the hallway toward his classroom. As expected, their argument at the hospital led to Siwon being rougher again last night. The really did get a lot more heated when Siwon was upset. Yesung wore a long-sleeved button-down shirt to work that day since he had red marks on his wrists again. Last night, he once more ended up getting handcuffed and bounded as “punishment.”

As he slowly made his way to his classroom, Eunhyuk came jogging after him.

“Hey, hyung!”

“Oh, good morning, Hyukie. What’s up?” 

“I just thought that I’d catch you before classes started for the day. Will you be heading to the dance bar with Hae and me right after work?”

Today was Donghae’s birthday. The Eunhae couple had pushed through with their plan of renting a dance bar for the occasion, and Donghae’s friends were meant to gather there later to celebrate his birthday.

“Oh, I was planning to go back to my apartment first when Siwon picks me up later. My birthday present for Hae is still at home, and I also want to change clothes first before doing to the bar.”

Eunhyuk nodded. “Okay, that’s fine. We’ll just meet you at the bar later, then. Have a good day teaching, hyung!”

“You too, Hyukie.”

Eunhyuk headed back to the academy’s dance area, and Yesung continued limping—well, walking very slowly to hide his limp, really—to his own classroom.

“Hi,” Yesung greeted his boyfriend when he got into Siwon’s car that afternoon. “How was work?”

“Oh, the usual. Business meetings… another orientation for interns… negotiating with suppliers… What about you? How was your day, my Woonie?”

Their argument at the hospital yesterday was already water under the bridge. Siwon seemed to have been able to release all of his annoyance last night through Yesung’s “punishment,” and things were back to normal between them again since this morning.

“We’re starting a new song in one of my classes, and some of my students are having difficulties with the very high notes,” Yesung sighed. “Anyway… when we get to my apartment, I’ll just change my clothes, and then, we can get going. How does that sound to you?”

Siwon frowned. “Get going?”

Yesung returned the frown. “For Donghae’s birthday party, remember? We’re supposed to go to that dance bar tonight to celebrate the occasion? You haven’t forgotten, have you?”

Yesung had told Siwon about it when he, Eunhyuk, and Donghae were still just planning for it a month ago. And Yesung had reminded his boyfriend about it again just last week.

“Oh, no, of course I haven’t forgotten, Woonie,” Siwon replied right away.

Yesung was confused. Siwon’s smile was warm, but his eyes were tight, and so were his hands that were clutching onto the steering wheel. The warmth and the tightness were contradictory, and Yesung didn’t know what to make out of it.

Upon reaching the apartment, Yesung his television to keep Siwon entertained for a while. Then, he went to take a quick shower to get rid of the “school/workday feeling.” Hair still dripping with water and a towel tied around his waist, he headed to his bedroom. He opened his wardrobe and scrutinized his clothes, trying to decide what to wear for the party. 

He was just making his final decision when he heard his bedroom door open and close again. Before Yesung knew what was happening, Siwon’s arms were already around him, trapping him. Siwon pulled off Yesung’s towel, and Siwon’s hands were roaming all over his body.

“Siwon—” Yesung started to say, but Siwon’s mouth was already covering Yesung’s, swallowing the rest of Yesung’s words. 

The next things that Yesung knew, he was lying down on his bed, with Siwon on top of him and pining him down. Yesung quickly became as mess of moans and groans at Siwon’s touches and kisses. However, they were going to be late for the party if they continued with this.

“Siwon…” Yesung mumbled, breaking away from Siwon’s kiss. Siwon’s lips simply moved on to attacking his neck instead. “The party… We need to get going…”

Yesung tried to push Siwon of him, but Siwon was much bigger and stronger and wouldn’t budge an inch. Yesung was trapped under Siwon’s body. 

No matter how much Yesung tried to protest and reason and even plead with Siwon, his boyfriend wouldn’t let him up. And due to Siwon’s ministrations, Yesung’s body was also burning with desire. So, Yesung relented a bit.

‘Just one round’, Yesung thought in his head.

Just one round of , and they’ll go to the party. Just one round to satisfy Siwon and to also quench the fire in Yesung now.

Just one.

However, while Yesung honestly just wanted to go for only one round, it seemed that Siwon was completely insatiable that night. No matter what he tried to say or do, he couldn’t convince to Siwon to let him off the bed. In the back of his mind, Yesung knew that they were getting very late for Donghae’s party. It must have been hours already. 

Unlike with how Siwon would “punish” him, where Yesung was only allowed to reach his at the very end, Siwon seemed to be determined then to make him reach his peak as many times as possible that night. With each round of , Siwon made him multiple times. It was so much pleasure. So much stimulation. Siwon was an insatiable beast that night, repeatedly taking pleasure from Yesung’s body, and making Yesung shudder and oh-so-many times as well. Yesung lost clear count after the fourth round… Or was that the fifth round? Yesung kept getting more and more exhausted. 

Finally, after what felt like his gazillionth that night, Yesung completely passed out from all the exhaustion and strain on his body.

Yesung blearily blinked. It was too bright in the room. He was still a bit disoriented, and every inch of him was aching (in the very ually spent and used way). 

It took a few moments for him to realize that his room was bright due to daylight.

It was morning already.

Donghae’s birthday party!

Yesung sat bolt upright… and groaned. The sudden movement made his aching body ache even more.

Then, he noticed that Siwon was there, standing in front of his bed, already fully dressed.

“You’re awake,” Siwon stated the obvious, his face expressionless.

“We missed the party!” Yesung exclaimed. He couldn’t help but glare at his boyfriend. Donghae, and Eunhyuk as well, for that matter, would never forgive him for this! And Yesung couldn’t even blame them. Who the hell misses their friend’s birthday party like that?! It wasn’t like Yesung even had a decent reason for missing it!

“You fell asleep,” Siwon said coolly. “I couldn’t wake you up at all to go to the party.”

“Because you wore me out so much to the point of total exhaustion!” Yesung accused.

“I’ll pick you up later after classes, Woonie.” And Siwon left Yesung’s bedroom.

Yesung was quite mad, not just because of how Siwon made him miss the party last night, but also because of Siwon’s “couldn’t care less” attitude right now. He was about to stand up and drag Siwon back, because this conversation was so not yet over, but his body started trembling and aching even more when he tried to get off the bed.

Yesung had no choice but to just fall back into bed again.

But he would definitely be having a word with his boyfriend about this whole mess later today.

“I’m really, really, really sorry, Hae!” Yesung apologized with all his heart. However, his pleas seemed to be falling upon deaf ears.

It was currently lunchbreak at the academy. That morning had been a literal pain for Yesung; his body was aching, but he had to stand up in front of his classroom for hours to teach. Then, as soon as the bell rang for lunch, he tracked down Donghae to beg for forgiveness.

So, here was Yesung now, pleading with his dongsaeng. Donghae was in line at the cafeteria, buying his lunch. He was focused on selecting food, totally ignoring his hyung who was standing beside him and apologizing nonstop. Yesung noted that Donghae’s eyes were red and a bit puffy, and Yesung’s feeling of guilt increased even more.

“Donghae, I’m so sorry, okay? I really am!” Yesung continued to apologize. Because really, he wasn’t sure what else he could do at this point. What else could he do but to keep on apologizing?

But Donghae just paid for his meal and walked away from Yesung without so much as glancing at him.

Yesung was about to follow him and continue with begging for forgiveness when a hand suddenly grabbed his bicep, stopping him.

It was Eunhyuk. And the dance teacher was glaring daggers at the music teacher.

“Our office. Now,” Eunhyuk gritted out through his teeth. They needed privacy. As teachers, they couldn’t cause a scandal in the cafeteria.

Yesung nodded wearily. Eunhyuk stomped to their office, and Yesung followed him.

As soon as Eunhyuk had slammed his office door shut, he started on Yesung.

“Donghae was waiting all night for you, hyung! You just stood him up! On his BIRTHDAY of all nights! Where were you?!” Eunhyuk demanded, unable to help his harsh tone.

Normally, he would never talk to his hyung in such a manner, but his boyfriend had been ver

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398 streak #1
Chapter 25: I miss this story, I miss all of your stories, I miss youuuu~ T^T
Chapter 25: I normally don’t read fics unless they’re finished so I wouldn’t have started this if I didn’t notice it’s incomplete. I’m glad I did though, because this is an amazing story that’s had me on the edge of my seat! What a rollercoaster! Your writing style is very easy to read and flows nicely. It works really well for the thriller genre. Ahh I love “the gang” so much. For now I’m going to say kyusung live happily together, Siwon gets put in jail for life, and everyone else gets to have fun together. Much 💙💙
Chapter 19: This is so exciting and intense!! I haven’t feared or hated a character so much in ages. Siwon better be going to prison!
Chapter 12: Help siwon is scaring me 😭😭 poor yesung :(
Chapter 25: This story is very promising, the scenes are so thrilling, it keeps me at the edge of my seat. Still waiting for some update 🥺🥺
kkomii #6
Chapter 25: This story is sooo beautifuulll!! I can't wait to see what happens next!! <33
myfish #7
Chapter 25: Huhuhu finally... 😭😭 i have been waiting 2 years for this huhuhu love you and your story 🥰😍
Chapter 25: Your story is really very beautiful, eagerly waiting for your new update😭🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
tessa24 #9
Chapter 21: wookie☹☹☹☹
tessa24 #10
Chapter 16: my kyusung heart💔