Guilty Consciences

Follow the Heart
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A/N: Hi, guys! Sorry that this update is a bit late, but I did say last time that it could be delayed. I have gone gaga over another Kpop idol and am quite distracted lol xD

Also, heads up: slightly long chapter again, and some mentions of violence, though nothing too graphic.

“Thank you,” Kyuhyun muttered as Yesung pressed a cup of warm tea into the doctor’s hands. After Kyuhyun’s tears had somewhat subsided, Yesung had gone into his kitchen to make some tea to hopefully with better calm Kyuhyun.

“Feeling better?” Yesung asked quietly as he sat down beside Kyuhyun again.

“Not really,” Kyuhyun said as he took a sip of the tea. “But that’s not saying much. I haven’t really felt good since Wookie hyung died.”

“You’ve done all that you could have done for Ryeowook back then. And you’ve also done a lot for me now.” Yesung really wished that Kyuhyun would stop with his self-incrimination. Kyuhyun shouldn’t keep on crucifying himself for what had happened.

“It’s not much. It’s been barely enough. Ryeowook died. And I wasn’t able to keep Siwon away from you. Worse, I was nearly too late last night.”

Yesung shuddered a bit, thinking about what could have happened if Kyuhyun really had been too late last night. He forced his mind away from that thought. 

“But you weren’t. And you’ve really done a lot already. I mean, look at the effort that you’ve put just to find Ryeowook’s heart and try to help its new owner.”

Before, Yesung had been very angry and frustrated that Kyuhyun had basically stalked the heart. And stalked Yesung himself as well. But after hearing the story of the three friends, Yesung now understood why Kyuhyun had felt the need to go to extremes and track his best friend’s heart.

“Yeah, I violated so many healthcare policies and regulations just to do it,” Kyuhyun said wryly. It had been necessary, of course, and if given the chance to redo that part of his life, Kyuhyun would have still violated all those policies all over again just to find information regarding his best friend’s death. However, it also didn’t set right with him that he went against the principles of his profession. “Not to mention that it hadn’t been easy for me to do it. I had to hack into police and court reports to find out what had happened to Ryeowook and who could have caused it. Then, I had to hack into so hospital systems to try and prove my suspicions. Which, as I’ve told you, wasn’t very fruitful; I wasn’t able to get enough evidence… Though at least I found out about Wookie hyung’s organs being donated.”

“Why did you have to hack just to find out who could have been responsible for Ryeowook’s death? Didn’t you tell the police last night that you knew that Ryeowook’s family filed a case against Choi Siwon?”

“No, I actually only found out about that part after I accessed confidential police reports…” At Yesung’s confused look, Kyuhyun elaborated, “Ryeowook hyung’s parents knew who his boyfriend was, of course. Ryeowook’s hyungs brothers were abroad, but his parents had met Siwon… However, his family didn’t tell Sungmin hyung and I about Siwon after Wookie hyung’s death… They didn’t tell us about the case that they tried to file or even the boyfriend’s identity. As I told you, I investigated on my own; after the funeral, I had to find out on my own about how Wookie hyung really died… Heck, now that I remember, his family almost didn’t let Sungmin hyung and I attend Wookie hyung’s funeral! It was only because Sungmin hyung’s good at martial arts and wouldn’t be stopped, and Wookie hyung’s mother not wanting a fight during the funeral, that we two were allowed to attend… Ryeowook’s family hated us. Still hate us, in fact.”

Yesung was bewildered. “Why would they hate you and Sungmin? And why not tell you about the case and the boyfriend’s identity? More importantly, why try to stop you and Sungmin from attending the funeral? You had a right to be there! You’re Ryeowook’s best friends!”

Kyuhyun gave a dry smile that was devoid of any humor. “Exactly. We were his best friends. We were his best friends who pretty much abandoned him and let him fall into an abusive, psychopathic boyfriend’s hands. Ryeowook hyung’s family blames us for his death.”

Yesung’s eyes suddenly widened. “That’s why you and Kibum were arguing! At the academy! That’s why he said that you couldn’t be trusted!” He remembered the day when Kyuhyun and Kibum were introduced to each other at the academy.

“You heard that?”

Yesung nodded.

Kyuhyun let out a heavy sigh. “Yeah… That’s why he doesn’t trust me. That’s why he, like the rest of the Kim family, didn’t tell me about Siwon before, and that’s why he wouldn’t partner up with me when we were both watching you and trying to keep you safe… He’s still mad at me. And at Sungmin hyung.”

Yesung started at Kyuhyun for a while, thinking hard. Okay, Yesung could understand the strong emotions that Ryeowook’s family felt, even if such emotions were somewhat irrational. Their son/brother had been murdered, after all; they were granted the right to have some irrationality in matters related to Ryeowook.

But to blame Kyuhyun and Sungmin was a bit too far, in Yesung’s opinion.

Yesung slowly shook his head. “It wasn’t yours and Sungmin’s fault, Kyu. Even if you two had been distant and somewhat neglectful to Ryeowook, it doesn’t make it your fault that he died. Ryeowook’s family shouldn’t be blaming you two for his death.”

However, the following silence from Kyuhyun told Yesung that the younger man didn’t think that Ryeowook’s family was wrong. Kyuhyun was suffering from guilt about it. Had been suffering from guilt about it ever since Ryeowook died. And that was already about two years ago.

Kyuhyun had been suffering from guilt for so long.

Yesung thought that Kyuhyun really had to stop blaming himself. It wasn’t good for him.

“Kyuhyun, you weren’t the one who abused Ryeowook. You weren’t the one who slapped and punched him around. You weren’t the one who forcefully hit his head on the floor multiple times that he got permanent brain damage.”

Kyuhyun winced at the reminder of what his best friend had gone through, but Yesung continued on.

“Only one man is responsible is for Ryeowook’s death, and that’s not you, Kyuhyun. Choi Siwon was the one who abused and murdered Ryeowook, and Ryeowook’s death is on his hands and his hands alone.”

“I wish that Ryeowook hyung’s family would see it your way.”

“But it’s more important that you see it my way,” Yesung asserted. “Yes, Ryeowook’s family should finally realize that you’re not to blame, but what’s more important is that you stop blaming yourself.”

“…I’ll try.”

Yesung sighed. Well, that’s at least a bit better than nothing.

“Hearing the accusations from Ryeowook hyung’s family never really helped with my conscience,” Kyuhyun admitted. “Whenever they would get mad and blame me and Sungmin hyung, I can’t help but agree with them. It’s like their accusing words are the actual manifestations of my guilty thoughts… My guilt that I think about is said out loud by Ryeowook’s family…”

“You want me to talk to Kibum about it?” Yesung offered. He had ordered the dance student to stay away from him, but if it would help Kyuhyun, Yesung himself would seek out and talk to Kibum about it. It was the least that Yesung could do for Kyuhyun after he had saved him last night.

“Nah,” Kyuhyun shook his head. “I just let Ryeowook’s family insult and blame me. I feel like I deserve it.”

“Kyuhyun, you shouldn’t have to put up with such things as some kind of penance.” Yesung knew that Kyuhyun was letting the Kim family hate and insult him as his penance—as his punishment—for not being able to help Ryeowook. By just accepting the anger and hatred of the Kim family, Kyuhyun was punishing himself. And that was wrong.

“And anyway,” Kyuhyun continued as though Yesung hadn’t interrupted him. “Kibum hyung might not argue with you about it because he respects you and you’re a teacher at the academy, but Heechul hyung? It doesn’t matter if you have their brother’s heart—Heechul hyung would still tear at you if you try to defend me from them.”

“Heechul is Ryeowook’s older brother?” Yesung asked for confirmation.

“Yes. Though I often wonder how it’s even possible that Heechul is related to Ryeowook and Kibum. Ryeowook hyung was sweet and nice, and Kibum hyung is quiet and introverted… whereas Heechul hyung is…” Kyuhyun paused for the moment, trying to find the best words to describe Kim Heechul. “Heechul hyung is brash and a total diva, and that’s already putting it lightly… Well, you’ll see for yourself what he’s like when you meet him…”

This made Yesung’s eyebrows shoot upward.

“When I meet him? You talk as if it’s already a given that I will be meeting him.”

Yesung frowned deeply. Don’t tell him that yet another person from Kim Ryeowook’s past life would also be forcibly entering his life?

“Heechul hyung can’t often leave China because his boyfriend owns a business there. So, they rarely get to come to South Korea. As far as I know, Heechul hyung was last back here two years ago already. For Wookie hyung’s funeral. And he and his boyfriend had only been able to stay here for a few days back then… But once Heechul hyung finds out that Siwon had also attacked you, you can bet your bottom dollar that he’ll come flying back here.”

“How would Heechul even know about that?”

“You’ve got cuts and bruises on your skin from last night,” Kyuhyun pointed out. “When you go to the academy in the coming week to work, your students and your colleagues will see those cuts and bruises.”

Yesung grimaced. Right. Of course. He wondered what plausible excuse he could give to them. Because he didn’t feel like telling everyone that he had just been nearly murdered by his psychopathic ex-boyfriend.

“And when Kibum hyung see’s your sorry and beaten up state, he will immediately guess that Siwon’s behind it, and he will definitely tell his older brother about it,” Kyuhyun continued. “Kibum hyung has always been Heechul hyung’s stooge, after all. Don’t let Kibum hyung’s quietness and seemingly innocent character fool you—he’s always been Heechul’s follower and basically ‘right-hand man’. When we were kids, Heechul hyung always made Kibum hyung help him with his schemes, and no one ever suspected the quiet and soft-speaking Kibum… Trust me—Heechul hyung will find out about what happened from Kibum hyung, and you’ll be meeting Kim Heechul soon enough.”

Great. As if Yesung already didn’t have more than enough to cope up with. Apparently, he also had to prepare himself for his eventual meeting with Ryeowook and Kibum’s “brash and diva-like” older brother in the near future.

The next day, Monday, Yesung grabbed his work bag, got ready to leave, opened his front door… and nearly had a heart attack when he saw Kyuhyun standing right outside his apartment.

“Yah!” Yesung shouted angrily as he rubbed a hand over his chest, trying to calm his racing heart. “You nearly gave me a heart attack!”

Ever since his encounter with Siwon the other day, Yesung, of course, had been more jumpy and nervous than usual.

“Why are you here, anyway?” Yesung asked the doctor, who was just smirking and being amused by Yesung’s surprised expression. “Why aren’t you at the hospital?”

“I’m off work today.”

“Okay, but why are you here? Because I, unlike you, have to go to work today.”

“I know. Which is why I came to give you a checkup before you go to work.”

Yesung wanted to protest, but the look in Kyuhyun’s eyes told him that the doctor would be giving him a checkup whether Yesung agreed to it or not. So, the two men went back inside Yesung’s apartment. Kyuhyun then inspected Yesung’s cuts and bruises and gave an approving nod, seeing that these injuries were healing well. When Kyuhyun felt the bump at the back of Yesung’s head, though, he frowned deeply. The bump was more swollen than yesterday.

“Right. We’re going to the hospital,” the doctor said firmly.


“That bump is bigger. We’re getting it checked.”

“I’ve had bumps before. It’s probably nothing.”

“Yes. But we’re still going to make sure that it’s really nothing. We’re going to the hospital.”

Yesung groaned. Seriously, he felt like he had been through thousands of checkups and tests in his lifetime already… As if he needed yet another reason to resent Siwon. it was now Siwon’s fault that he had to be subjected to even more healthcare…

Yesung then pulled out his phone and called Donghae.

“Hey, Hae,” he greeted when the call connected. “Are you at the school already?”

“Hi, hyung! Yes, I am. Why?”

“Is Hyukie there with you right now?”

“Nope, he already went to our classroom. I’m still in our office.”

Yesung nodded. That was good. Eunhyuk would be harder to deal with about this, which was why he chose to call Donghae instead.

“Can you tell the administration office that I need a substitute today? I need to go to the hospital for a checkup.”

“What?! Why?! Are you alright, hyung?!” Donghae was, of course, instantly alarmed.

“I’m fine.”

Kyuhyun raised his eyebrows. Really, what was it with Yesung always insisting that he was fine even though he wasn’t?

Yesung just ignored Kyuhyun’s disbelieving expression as he continued talking to Donghae. “Just some routine checkup. Something suddenly had to be rescheduled today…”

Kyuhyun’s eyebrows went even higher.

“Oh, okay… I’ll tell the administration to get you a sub, then…”

“Thanks, Hae.”

After the phone call ended, Yesung then had to face a disapproving Kyuhyun.

“You shouldn’t lie to your friends.”

“I know, I know,” Yesung sighed. “But this would take too long to explain over a brief phone call when classes for the day are about to start.”

“That’s true,” Kyuhyun acquiesced. “But you will tell them soon, right?”

Kyuhyun could greatly sympathize with Eunhyuk and Donghae. He had been in their situation. Ryeowook had been hesitant to tell Kyuhyun the truth even though their friends, and it had already been too late when Ryeowook had finally decided to be honest with him. Kyuhyun was now going to make sure that Yesung didn’t do the same thing with his friends.

Yesung nodded resignedly. He didn’t like it, but he had to do it. His friends had the right to know.

Upon arriving at the hospital, Kyuhyun immediately ordered for tests to be done to Yesung. Thankfully, there weren’t a lot of patients that day, and Kyuhyun pulled some strings so that Yesung could get checked and tested right away. A CT scan, an MRI, and a few other tests. Yesung grumbled that it was all too much, but Kyuhyun was firm on getting all the tests done just to be thorough and sure. Kyuhyun even pulled more strings to get the results right away. Yesung didn’t really approve of it, but Kyuhyun was willing to use his connections to make sure that Yesung was alright.

Another doctor specializing in the area interpreted the results. Fortunately, the bump in Yesung’s head was nothing more than the typical “goose egg” after experiencing mild head trauma. Yesung gave Kyuhyun a very pointed look that clearly stated “Told-you-that-you-were-overreacting!”; Kyuhyun just ignored this

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398 streak #1
Chapter 25: I miss this story, I miss all of your stories, I miss youuuu~ T^T
Chapter 25: I normally don’t read fics unless they’re finished so I wouldn’t have started this if I didn’t notice it’s incomplete. I’m glad I did though, because this is an amazing story that’s had me on the edge of my seat! What a rollercoaster! Your writing style is very easy to read and flows nicely. It works really well for the thriller genre. Ahh I love “the gang” so much. For now I’m going to say kyusung live happily together, Siwon gets put in jail for life, and everyone else gets to have fun together. Much 💙💙
Chapter 19: This is so exciting and intense!! I haven’t feared or hated a character so much in ages. Siwon better be going to prison!
Chapter 12: Help siwon is scaring me 😭😭 poor yesung :(
Chapter 25: This story is very promising, the scenes are so thrilling, it keeps me at the edge of my seat. Still waiting for some update 🥺🥺
kkomii #6
Chapter 25: This story is sooo beautifuulll!! I can't wait to see what happens next!! <33
myfish #7
Chapter 25: Huhuhu finally... 😭😭 i have been waiting 2 years for this huhuhu love you and your story 🥰😍
Chapter 25: Your story is really very beautiful, eagerly waiting for your new update😭🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
tessa24 #9
Chapter 21: wookie☹☹☹☹
tessa24 #10
Chapter 16: my kyusung heart💔