Similarities and Identities

Follow the Heart
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A/N: Hi, guys! As you might have noticed, this story now has a story cover/banner! 8D It’s a bit on the simple side, but at least there’s now a story cover! Yay! :D

Anyway, here’s the next chapter! :)

Yesung felt faint. 

It seemed like a thousand thoughts were running in his mind. But at the same time, his mind was numb and in shock, unable to really process anything.

His mind was in disbelief.

Yesung was in disbelief.

Ever since he had first woken up after the transplant and until now, whenever Yesung thought about the heart’s previous owner, Yesung would just mostly focus on feeling grateful to him as well as being regretful that he died. Yesung had never really thought so much about the previous owner’s identity. If ever his mind went to the previous owner’s identity, Yesung only vaguely wondered about him. He never really focused much on the previous owner’s identity, for he knew that such information was inaccessible and that he would never find out the previous owner’s identity, anyway.

Yet there was Yesung now, in the middle of his living room, frozen and in shock, having just been told of the previous owner’s identity.

And to make matters even more unbelievable, the heart’s previous owner had been Siwon’s previous boyfriend.

“Do you see now why you can’t break up with me?” Siwon asked, startling Yesung out of his whirling thoughts. “Wookie was taken from me, but his heart was given to you. You have Wookie’s heart, and I found you. We are meant to be! It’s fate!”

Yesung had no idea how Siwon found out that Ryeowook’s heart went to him, but what he knew for sure was that this wasn’t fate. 

Fate didn’t bring Siwon and Yesung to each other. Before this night, Yesung actually believed that he and Siwon were meant to meet and be together. But now, Yesung saw that all of this didn’t happen naturally by work of fate. It was more of Siwon interfering and going out of his way to find his deceased boyfriend’s heart!

“How did you even find out that I have your previous boyfriend’s heart?!” Yesung demanded.

Okay, let’s say that Ryeowook’s heart was indeed donated after he died. But how on earth did Siwon even find out to whom the heart went? Organ donor-recipient information was supposed to be kept confidential by the medical institutions!

However, Siwon shrugged and simply said, “Money talks.”

Of course.


Of course Siwon used his riches and power to track his boyfriend’s heart. After all, Siwon had always demonstrated that he had the influence to get what he wanted, and that he indeed used this influence to benefit himself. Yesung shouldn’t be surprised anymore that Siwon used his money and influence to find out who got Ryeowook’s heart.

“I paid one of the workers in my company to get the information for me,” Siwon continued. “That person breached security programs in the hospital where Ryeowook died. He found out the hospital to where the heart was delivered. He then breached the security of this other hospital—the hospital where you had been confined and had been operated. We found out that the recipient of my Wookie’s heart was a man named ‘Kim Jongwoon’. You.”

Siwon said all of this in a matter-of-fact tone. As though there was nothing wrong or odd about illegally using his money and influence for tracking a donated organ. As though there was nothing wrong or odd about violating healthcare laws about patient privacy just to track a donated organ.

But then again, why would Siwon feel guilty about it? Despite being in shock, it was obvious to Yesung that Siwon wanted to keep Ryeowook with him at all costs. Since Siwon was separated from Ryeowook after Ryeowook died, of course he would do anything just to find Ryeowook’s heart, even if it meant using his influence and violating healthcare laws.

“After finding out that Wookie’s heart went to you, I kept watch at the hospital,” Siwon said. “I watched you for some months before I first approached you. As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t approach you right away. You were always leaving the hospital with Dr. Lee and Dr. Cho after your checkups back then.”

Yesung felt horrified. Siwon had been watching him for months even before their first official meeting! Siwon had been stalking him before they met!

“You said that you were at the hospital that day for a business meeting!” Yesung accused. He clearly remembered his first conversation with Siwon when they had first met at the hospital.

“I lied,” Siwon said coolly, completely unapologetic. He had just done what was necessary to get close to Ryeowook’s heart again. “While my company does business transactions with the hospital, those meetings are attended by my underlings, not by me personally. I was always at the hospital, watching for the opportune moment to approach you. On that day when you were leaving the hospital without the two doctors, I knew that it was finally our moment to be together again, Ryeowook.”

Being called “Ryeowook” once more made Yesung’s temper flare again.

“I’m not Ryeowook!” Yesung insisted. “Siwon, you yourself said a while ago that Ryeowook’s heart was transplanted to me! I only have Ryeowook’s heart! I’m not actually Ryeowook!”

But Siwon didn’t seem to see the sense in Yesung’s words. In fact, Siwon probably couldn’t be talked to in a reasonable manner right now.

There was a bright but odd gleam in Siwon’s eyes as he stared unblinkingly at Yesung now.

“My Wookie has now come back to me. We will never be apart again.”

He made to approach Yesung again, his hands reaching out for Yesung. 

Yesung quickly backed away from Siwon. The feeling of horror in his chest was increasing. This was worse than Siwon still not being over his previous boyfriend. No matter how much Yesung tried to reason with him, Siwon was actual

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398 streak #1
Chapter 25: I miss this story, I miss all of your stories, I miss youuuu~ T^T
Chapter 25: I normally don’t read fics unless they’re finished so I wouldn’t have started this if I didn’t notice it’s incomplete. I’m glad I did though, because this is an amazing story that’s had me on the edge of my seat! What a rollercoaster! Your writing style is very easy to read and flows nicely. It works really well for the thriller genre. Ahh I love “the gang” so much. For now I’m going to say kyusung live happily together, Siwon gets put in jail for life, and everyone else gets to have fun together. Much 💙💙
Chapter 19: This is so exciting and intense!! I haven’t feared or hated a character so much in ages. Siwon better be going to prison!
Chapter 12: Help siwon is scaring me 😭😭 poor yesung :(
Chapter 25: This story is very promising, the scenes are so thrilling, it keeps me at the edge of my seat. Still waiting for some update 🥺🥺
kkomii #6
Chapter 25: This story is sooo beautifuulll!! I can't wait to see what happens next!! <33
myfish #7
Chapter 25: Huhuhu finally... 😭😭 i have been waiting 2 years for this huhuhu love you and your story 🥰😍
Chapter 25: Your story is really very beautiful, eagerly waiting for your new update😭🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
tessa24 #9
Chapter 21: wookie☹☹☹☹
tessa24 #10
Chapter 16: my kyusung heart💔