GC? - The Gangster and The Angel

Black_Lily's Library

Inspired by House Party album outfit and my bottom Yesung moots' ideas of mafia Kyuhyun x idol Yesung





Their leader, Cho Kyuhyun, is a merciless white-hat gangster. Their gang work closely with the police (but to no one's knowledge) and secretly get rid of criminals that the law couldn't punish them. Despite having many bad guys' blood on his hand, their boss Kyuhyun would never harm any innocent people or animals. Their gang's motto is "the strong protects the weak" to represent their boss' principle.



That's why, they were all hella confused and at a loss of words when their boss suddenly kidnapped an innocent person one morning.





"Hello, may I have a glass of water? I just woke up after losing consciousness so I'm kinda thirsty now."


They looked at each other dumbfounded, not knowing what to do with the red-haired man who smiled sweetly at them. After exchanging confused looks among their group, one of them decided to fetch a glass of water for the guest.


"Thank you. You're very kind!"



They weren't sure what they should react to first, the fact that this guy was so unfazed despite getting kidnapped, or the fact that their boss just kidnapped the most popular idol, Yesung, to their hideout.


"Hey, why did the boss kidnap Yesung of all people?"

"Maybe he is secretly a criminal?"


They turned to the famous idol and blushed when Yesung tilted his head and smiled at them.


"... Yesung can't be a criminal."

"Yes. He can't be anything but an angel."

"Will he let me take a selca with him?"

"Can I go home and bring his albums here and get his signature?"

"Should we ask him to sing a song?"

"I wanna see his aegyo…"

"Me too, dude, me too."


While they were daydreaming about what to do with their favorite idol, they had no idea that death was standing right behind them.


"... What were you guys saying again?"


They all turned pale at the cold voice that they remembered to heart. Slowly turning around, they saw their boss glaring at them so coldly that their blood froze. When they thought that they were about to get in trouble, an unexpected hero stepped in.


"Hey, you shouldn't threaten them like that! Especially when they did nothing wrong!"


Yesung stomped towards them and stopped in front of their boss. Frowning and pouting cutely, Yesung jabbed his small finger repeatedly on Kyuhyun's chest as if to reprimand him. They all turned ghostly pale at the sight. No! They were about to lose their only oasis in the harsh world of gangster! Boss Kyuhyun hated rude people and people who didn't know their places the most so—


"S-Sorry, I won't do that again…"


They dropped their jaws to the ground at what they saw— Boss Kyuhyun was blushing!!? What? Is this the end of the world!!?


"Huh? Your face is really red. Are you having a fever? No, this is bad!'


Yesung held their boss' hand and turned to them with a worried expression.


"Could you please bring me a water basin and a towel? We must lower the fever now!"


With that said, Yesung led their boss to the large couch and forced their boss to lie down using his lap as a pillow. One of them brought the requested items to the idol before retreating to where the rest of the gang was. Then, they watched stupidly how their boss couldn't stop blushing while openly gawking at the cute idol who took out their boss' precious bandanna and placed it on the table. If it was them who touched that bandanna, they would have lost an arm already. But their boss just stared at the red-haired idol without saying anything. Their boss even grinned stupidly at Yesung who gently wiped his face with a damp towel! Who is this guy!!? This isn't their cold-blooded Boss Cho Kyuhyun!!!


"Everyone must be tired after working so early in the morning, right? Let me sing something to cheer you up!"


After placing the damp towel on Kyuhyun's forehead, Yesung beamed at everyone in the room and began to sing while ruffling the mafia's dark hair. Their boss looked like his soul just escaped his body while he stared wide-eyed at the cute idol. However, they all understood their boss' feelings this time because they too were busy gawking or crying at Yesung's heavenly voice…





None of them ever expected to see their boss in the new light, a side that was totally opposite of when he was with them…



"How is the disposal of that scum's body going?"

"Yes, boss, no one will ever hear of him again."

"Good," Kyuhyun scoffed, "child trafficking? He doesn't deserve even a trial."


They flinched at their boss' cold smile.


"Kyuhyun! You're going to work soon, right? Here, I made a lunchbox for you!"

"R-Really? Thank you, Yesung, I'll enjoy it greatly."



They were speechless staring at their boss who blushed like a maiden in her first love. Boss Kyuhyun took the lunch box from Yesung with an idiot grin on his face. After the angel idol went back to the kitchen, their boss hugged the lunch box closely to his chest while jumping around. However, his gaze immediately turned icy cold when he saw them staring at him.


"What are you looking at? Get lost."

"Kyuhyun!" Yesung shouted from the kitchen, "I heard that!"

"I-It's nothing! I just told them to be careful on their ways out or else they might get lost!"


They almost lost their heads after accidentally laughing at their boss. Luckily, Yesung distracted Boss Kyuhyun before they became a headless gangster.





Sometimes they wondered if their boss was actually a bipolar person.



"Boss, we successfully caught the drug dealer and his underlings, but there was some loss on their end."


Boss Kyuhyun glanced at them. He focused on their bloodstained clothes and nodded in satisfaction.


"Good job. I love the sight of their dirty blood on our hands—"

"Kyuhyun! Do you happen to know where sugar is?"

"Get out of my sight now!!"


They stood in place, blinking confusedly at their boss whose mood suddenly shifted.


"Why the hell are you still here! Get out and wash the blood before Yesung comes here!"


Too late. Yesung had already stepped into the main hall.


"Kyuhyun, I can't find su— Kyuhyun?"


Their boss sighed loudly after he successfully closed Yesung's eyes before the innocent idol laid his eyes on their bloodstained clothes.


"Why don't you go already!!?"


They flinched at their boss' shouting and the angel immediately came to their rescue.


"Kyuhyun! That's not how you greet someone who just got back from work! You should say something like wel—"

"Welcome back and go away."

"Kyuhyun! That's— wait, what is this smell?"


They all stiffened up at that question. They quickly took many steps back from the beautiful idol at their boss' deathly glare.


"You're probably imagining it, Yesung. Right, what did you say again?"

"Oh, I was looking for sugar! I wanna make dinner and dessert for you guys but I can't remember where I put sugar at…"

"I'll help you find it. Let's go."

"Wait! I want to ask you guys something."


Yesung smiled at a wall instead of them because he couldn't see now, and he was so cute that they all (including boss Kyuhyun) had received huge damage.


"Is there anything that you guys don't like or are allergic to? I want everyone to be happy with my cooking!"

"I don't like spicy food."


One of them spoke up despite Boss Kyuhyun's glare.


"Alright! I'll try to make the dishes not too spicy or too bland then! Kyuhyun, let's go. We have so many things to do!"

"After you, Yesung."


Still closing the idol's eyes, their boss carefully guided Yesung back to the kitchen but not before glaring at them. His mouth moved but no sound came out. However, they all knew how to read lips so they understood what Boss Kyuhyun wanted to tell them.


'Wash and get change before dinner, or else it won't be just the scum's blood that got on your body.'


They quickly ran to their quarter before the blood dried and got harder to wash off.





"Everyone, how is dinner?"


They wanted to get down on their knees and praised Yesung for his heavenly cooking skill, but their boss was staring at them with a "you dare?" gaze so they all wisely shut up.


"Yesung, it's the best dinner I've ever had in my life."

"Really? I'm so glad!! Here, eat more!"


Boss Kyuhyun nodded happily and ate everything until nothing was left, well, nothing except broccoli. Again, if it was someone else who put broccoli in the boss' meal, that sorry- guy would definitely get their tongue cut off for sure. But when it was Yesung who did this…


"Kyuhyun, why did you leave broccoli on the plate?"

"I don't like broccoli…"

"No, you should eat it! Veggies are good for your health!"


"No but! I know, let me feed it to you!"


Yesung picked up the broccolis with his fork and fed it to their boss. Despite his obvious reluctance, Boss Kyuhyun bit the green vegetable and chewed it with a sour expression. If they didn't know better, they probably thought that their boss just drank some poison or what.


"Cough… Yesung, I did it! I ate broccoli!"

"Good job, Kyuhyun! I'm so proud of you~"



They were all speechless witnessing a scene out of this world— Boss Kyuhyun lowered his head for the cute idol to pet it. Their boss couldn't stop grinning when Yesung ruffled his dark hair, but when he saw them looking at him, his gaze changed from that of an obedient kitten to a dangerous jaguar.


"What are you looking at?"


They all collectively shook their heads. As much as it was so tempting to tease their boss, they still wanted their heads on their shoulders...





After dinner, they all moved to the living room and lazed around, including Boss Kyuhyun and Yesung (although no one was brave enough to sit near the idol).


"Alright, now that we're all full and happy, Kyuhyun, could you please tell me why you kidnapped me?"


Yesung suddenly spoke up. They all turned to look at their boss because they were curious too. Although they had already discerned that Boss Kyuhyun, just like them, was a die-hard fan of Yesung too, they still didn't know the exact reason that prompted their boss to do this.


"Yesung… will you hate me if I tell you the truth…?"

"Nope. Why would I hate one of my loyal fans?"

"Wait!" Boss Kyuhyun looked genuinely surprised, "you know that I'm your fan?"


The world knows too, was what they thought but didn't dare to say it out loud.


"Yep. I remember you. You attend every concert and fanmeet, right? Is that why you kidnapped me? Because you want to get closer to me?"

"How should I put it…"


They almost had a heart attack seeing Boss Kyuhyun so hesitant and not being confident. Love really changes a man, huh?


"It's okay, Kyuhyun, I promise I won't hate you no matter the reason."


Yesung blessed them with his signature angelic smile and they suddenly heard a choir as if they were in heaven. But Boss Kyuhyun probably saw a glimpse of heaven for real judging from his serene expression. It took the cute red-haired idol a whole four minutes to get their boss back on earth and continue their conversation.


"Oh, you were asking why I kidnapped you, right? Well…"


Boss Kyuhyun refused to meet Yesung's eyes while keeping up with his story.


"...You know that you have an upcoming fan-sign event tomorrow, right?"


"So… the truth is… I kidnapped you… because I wasn't chosen to join the fan sign…"



They exclaimed out loud together with the idol. Did their boss really kidnap Yesung because of that petty reason? Their boss probably noticed their judgmental gazes so he quickly added.


"Hey! It's not my fault that I wasn't chosen! They said that only the top fifteen most spenders can join the fan sign and, even though I literally bought a ton of your album, I somehow still lost to your fangirls? How is that possible!!?"

"Kyuhyun, you underestimate the power of fangirls! I even had a fan buying me a legit star in the sky and named it after me. So, this album purchase is nothing at all!!"

"That's not fair… I just want to go to your fan sign…"


They really felt bad for their boss but at the same time, they finally knew what Boss Kyuhyun hid in his many personal warehouses.


"I'm sorry that you can't make it to the fan sign but rules are rules. I hope you'll understand that and let me go. My manager hyung is probably on the verge of imploding from stress now."

"I know. I'll drop you off at where I kidnapped you then."

"No, I'll call Teuk hyung and have him pick me up here to avoid a scandal."


Yesung quietly made a call while their boss looked like he was about to cry any time soon, knowing that he couldn't get his beloved idol to stay with him. So, when the red-haired idol finished his call and saw Boss Kyuhyun's pitiful expression, the cute idol couldn't help but giggle.


"Aww, don't be sad! I'll hold another concert soon so we can meet there!"

"But I don't want to wait to see you! I want you to stay with me forever!!"

"You really like me, huh, Kyuhyun?"

"No, I didn't like you."


Boss Kyuhyun's answer stunned everyone present at the scene, especially Yesung who looked genuinely caught off guard.


"I don't like you because I love you, Yesung, love you as in I want to hold your hand and never let it go, love you as in I want to walk down the aisle with you, love you as in I want to be your support whenever you're tired or sad, love you as in I want to wake up every morning and see you by my side, love you as in I want to have the honor to protect your beautiful smile…"


While they were biting their handkerchiefs at their boss' cheesy yet sweet confession, Boss Kyuhyun reached out and took Yesung's smaller hands in his, gently holding them as if they were the most precious treasure in the world.


"It's not like that I have for you, Yesung, it's love."

"Oh… well… that… umm…"


Kyuhyun's heartfelt words turned Yesung into a blushing mess. The cute idol's chubby cheeks were painted bright red and he himself couldn't look the gangster leader in the eyes. After a very long while of anticipating silence, Yesung finally spoke up.


"In that case, should I give you a free pass?"

"A free pass?"

Yesung smiled sweetly, "obviously, you can't join the fan-sign event because you aren't chosen. However, with this free pass you can see me backstage tomorrow! Pretty cool, right?"

"...Yes! I'd love tha— Yesung…?"


Boss Kyuhyun called the idol hesitantly when he suddenly unhooked their intertwined fingers, only to gasp and blush crimson when the smaller man climbed on his lap and straddled him.




The idol smiled sweetly.


"Stay still."


They all gasped audibly when Yesung leaned in and bit their boss' neck. Then, the idol eagerly Boss Kyuhyun's neck and made a loud noise so lewd that they had to cover their eyes (but looked through the gap of their fingers). As for their boss, he looked like he was only a half step away from fainting due to happiness overload. Boss Kyuhyun's arms raised awkwardly as if he had no idea what to do with these limbs. But when Yesung that spot that made their boss gasp wide-eyed, boss Kyuhyun finally recalled the function of his arms and hugged the idol tightly against himself— one hand circling around the idol's small back while his other hand slid into the red fluffy head and petted him affectionately. That seemed to encourage Yesung because he poured even more of his heart and effort into nibbling and their boss' neck.



By the time Yesung pulled away, their boss had already panted heavily from desire while they were blushing madly for peeping at them. Yesung dragged his tongue on his hard work on Boss Kyuhyun's neck one last time for good measure, drawing a deep moan from their boss, before sliding down from Boss Kyuhyun's lap (very much to their boss' dismay).





"To use the free pass, show this to Teuk hyung and tell him that you're here to see Jongwoon, not Yesung, understood?"


"Good boy~"


They screamed like a highschool girl when Yesung kissed their boss. Boss Kyuhyun really looked like his soul had escaped his body when that happened but instantly got his sense back when the idol pulled back. Turns out the idol broke the kiss because he got a call from his manager. Boss Kyuhyun held Yesung's slim body tightly while nuzzling against Yesung's pale neck. The red-haired idol didn't mind their boss and continued the call with his manager while petting their boss' dark hair.


"Teuk hyung! Huh? You already arrived at the location I sent you? Alright, I'll see you— hng!"


Yesung pouted at their boss.


"Kyuhyun, no bite!"


Boss Kyuhyun nodded obediently while Yesung went back to the call.


"Hello hyung, no, nothing happened. What was I saying again? Ah, yeah, I'll see you in a minute!"


Yesung hung up the call before gently pushing their boss away.



"No, Kyuhyun, I still have much to prepare for tomorrow's fan-sign event. I can't indulge you more than I already have. Be a good boy and wait for tomorrow~"


With that said, Yesung left a short butterfly kiss on boss Kyuhyun's lips before leaving for good. Their boss looked so heartbroken that they had an urge to kidnap some scum and brought them for their boss to punch and kick to release his pent-up emotion. At the same time, they all secretly celebrated within their group that Yesung would be their lady boss soon!



"I want a free pass from Yesung-ssi too…"



One idiot among them spoke up fearlessly (and stupidly). Luckily, boss Kyuhyun was too busy dreaming of tomorrow meeting with his beloved idol and failed to catch that. Still, they quickly hauled the idiot out of their boss' sight and taught them an important lesson, one that they were pretty sure it would exceed other rules in no time in terms of its urgency.




Do not, ever, under any circumstances, lay your hand or your eyes on your boss' wife.

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_MyName_ #1
Chapter 20: So precious! I'm completely in the dark about everything since Twitter won't allow me to lurk there without an account anymore :( so thank you for including the picture ^^
389 streak #2
Chapter 20: First, welcome back to this library! It's really a surprise to see an update ❤️

Second, as always, I love your story! This is so heartwarming, and cute, and sweet! Aaah~ our kyusung's heart is blessed 😍
389 streak #3
Chapter 20: Waaah, I need to go first, I will read it ASAP
Chapter 20: That selca is indeed precious.
My two babies in sns after so long time, unexpectedly uploaded by none other than the tsundere maknae
Kyu, you have made your beloved hyung happy <3
Chapter 20: your right, Kyuhyun didn't do his silly side eye pose! omg it made the selca even more memorable 😭

a lot of things happened these past few days, but I'm just glad our ship is sailing, stronger even 🤭💙

Happy Kyusung Independence Day! 💙⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)💙
389 streak #6
Chapter 18: Kyuhyun even took him back to where his brother lived and properly asked for permission to live together. >> LMAO XDDDD~

Donghae held wedding for 🦞🦐 >> WHUUUUT?!? XDDD~

I can't believe I cried while reading this! I used to be a vegan for a few years, and this story... #sigh

Eniwei, shrimp is my favorite food, what should I do? XD;;; I feel like I won't see shrimp the same ever again, I feel guilty eating Jongwoon WTF XD
Chapter 18: this is so weird but i love it theyre so adorable
enpress_ellen #8
Chapter 19: The epic love story of 🦞 and 🦐
So sweet 🥲
389 streak #9
Chapter 17: No Strings Attached >> absolutely hilarious! LOVE IT! <3
Chapter 13: I'm sorry but I honestly also got a second? Third hands? Embrassement from this bwahahahha so entertaining 🤣