Twitter - The Phantom Thief's Finale

Black_Lily's Library

Inspired by a tweet by my moot about Phantom of the Opera Kyuhyun and Officer Oh Yesung (his latest movie) but I can't find the tweet :/




"The Phantom Thief sent a notice again?"

"Affirmative. Sir, please take a look."


Jongwoon took a pink paper from his junior officer and frowned. He never understood why the thief bothered to spray the letter with cologne (even though he admitted that it smelled great).



Dear my beloved detective Kim,


Tonight at 01.34,

I shall descend with darkness and fire as my aids to invite the most valuable and most precious "Angel of Justice" to dance with me under the moonlight at Seoul Museum.


Sincerely yours,

The Phantom Thief



"Contact the Seoul Museum and check if they have any jewels or painting with that name. Also, call in all forces from Unit Beta and Unit Omega. Have them guard every exit of the museum and close all roads within four kilometers from the museum. Unit Alpha, you guys will get in the museum with me and catch the Phantom Thief. Do not go on patrol alone because the thief is really sneaky. Always go as a pair and immediately notify me if something is off. I don't care if you're imagining it or if it's just a mosquito, inform me every movement in the museum. Understood?"


Jongwoon smiled at his subordinate officers who all nodded at him. He stared at the letter before him with clenched fists. He had been chasing after this sly thief for four months already but failed every time. Despite his best effort, the Phantom Thief who excelled in the art of disguise always managed to steal valuable paintings or jewels under his nose and got away with ease. What irritated him the most was, the Phantom Thief always returned all the stolen items to where he took them from; making him and the police force become a laughingstock in the public's eyes.



"Just you wait and see… I'll definitely catch you this time."



Ordering his units to disperse, Jongwoon folded the notice letter and put it in his coat pocket.




That night, 01.00 am.



"Unit Beta, reports."

"Nothing to report so far, Sir."

"Any movement at the north street and east street?"

"Negative, Sir."

"Alright, don't let your guard down."


Jongwoon cut off the communication and contacted another unit.


"Unit Omega, reports."

"Sir, there are some drunken men gathering in front of the pub at the south street but they didn't cause any trouble yet. And the west street is clear, Sir."

"Don't bother with them. Call the local officer and let them handle it. Stay vigilant and on guard."

"Understood, Sir."


Jongwoon cut off the communication and contacted the last unit.


"Unit Alpha, anything off on your end?"


He waited for his subordinate to report pairs by pairs but nothing happened so far. Still, he warned them to be alert just in case before cutting off the line. Strapping the portable transceiver to his belt, Jongwoon turned to his patrol partner from Unit Alpha and asked if he saw anything while he was checking on other teams. The tall officer in a full-set special force armor shook his head quietly. Jongwoon sighed while pinching the bridge of his nose. Looking at his wristwatch, he saw that it was one nineteen in the morning now. Only fifteen minutes left before the time in the notice letter. Jongwoon took out the letter and read it again with a frown. The museum told him that they didn't have any items with the name "Angel of Justice" or something similar in their possession. Just to be sure, he had his team check the nearby museums and jewelry stores, but there was still no information on the Angel of Justice. Some part of him suspected that it might be a trap and that the Phantom Thief had another goal, but he couldn't back down now. The Seoul Museum might be large and consisted of many halls, but it also had the best security protocol in Seoul. So, this is the best place to corner and capture the Phantom Thief! He cheered himself up inwardly before pocketing the letter.


"Sir!" The taller officer called him, "I saw a movement at six!"

"Six? That's the hall that we just passed, right? Tell me what you saw."

"I might see things so…"


Checking his wristwatch, he clicked his tongue after seeing the time: one twenty-five in the morning.


"It's almost time for the Phantom Thief to make a move so report to me, now!"

"Yes, Sir, I was checking the right wing when I saw a movement at my peripheral vision. It was a shadow figure running to the direction we just came from."

"Where we came from? Isn't that where the exhibition of the "Eternal Love" painting series is?"

"It seems so, Sir. Should we check it out?"

"Wait a sec."


Jongwoon contacted the other pairs who were patrolling the museum but found out that no one was near that hall except them.


"We're the closest pair to that hall. Follow me but be cautious."

"Yes, Sir!"


Taking his handgun out, Jongwoon carefully proceeded to the direction with his partner closely behind him. He checked every corner of the white hall full of paintings and sculptures to search for clues, but everything seemed perfectly in place. Just a few more steps and they would arrive at the hall of "Eternal Love" but he still saw nothing unordinary. Could it be that his partner just—





Jongwoon stepped on something slippery and fell backward. Luckily, his partner caught him in time before he hit his head on the marble floor. A sweet smell of men's cologne greeted him and he frowned. He felt like his brain was trying to tell him something but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. With strong arms secured protectively around his waist, he shook the distracted thought away and straightened himself up. Then, he crouched down to check the floor. He frowned after finding the offending object that made him embarrass himself in front of his subordinate— a beautiful sapphire-blue marble with a cloud-like pattern swirling inside. He was pretty sure that he didn't see this when they first passed the hall so how did it appear here? Maybe his patrol partner did see the Phantom Thief so the sly thief dropped this to slow them down?


"Sir, you drop your gun."

"Oh, thank you."


He took the handgun from his partner and held it firmer this time. Damn, that was embarrassing. Luckily, he was alone with this guy so he didn't lose that much face (though he might have to threaten this guy after all of this not to tell a soul about his unprofessional slip).


"Sir, will we keep going in this direction or turn back?"

"The hall of Eternal Love is just around this corner so let's check it out."


Jongwoon headed forward but more cautiously this time. They arrived at the exhibition hall with one minute left before the time in the notice letter. The hall was a dead-end room with a sole tall window at the back of the room. There was no hiding place, no access to vents, and the stained glass window was still intact. So, either the Phantom Thief went in a different direction or his patrol partner saw things. But, what about the blue marble? If his partner saw things then how—






A loud explosion noise startled him, followed by a blackout that drowned everything in the darkness. With a help from the moonlight shining through the colorful window, Jongwoon cursed loudly after seeing his wristwatch. One thirty-four in the morning, that explosion was definitely caused by the Phantom Thief! Jongwoon quickly took out his portable transceiver and shouted at it.


"All units, report!!!"

"Unit Omega here, Sir! The group of drunken men that we mentioned before lit many fireworks, and one of them hit the utility pole causing the blackout! We're going after them now!"

"Unit Beta, reports, Sir! We'll split our force and send some men to the south street to cover Unit Omega!"

"Unit Alpha, Sir! We'll also send some men out to cover Unit Beta!"

Jongwoon shouted angrily, "No!! You fool! This is exactly what the Phantom Thief wants! Listen! Stay—"


A static noise cut off whatever he was about to order. Jongwoon threw the tool away after realizing that his transceiver was jammed. this ! His men fell right into that sly thief's trap! Left without a means to contact his subordinate, Jongwoon had no choice but to go look for his team himself.


"You! Come with m—"

"I finally caught you, my beloved detective Kim."


Jongwoon froze in place when someone hugged him from behind. There was only one person in this world who called him by that nickname, the Phantom Thief! He harshly elbowed the ert but the other man easily dodged it. The damn thief even kissed his cheek once before stepping away! He turned around and aimed his gun at the tall man whom he thought to be his subordinate for all this time. The fake officer chuckled and took off his helmet. The glowing moonlight shone on the Phantom Thief's tall figure and highlighted his chiseled face, and Jongwoon inwardly cursed himself for even thinking that the thief was handsome.


"So, what are you after this time? The Phantom Thief?"

"Detective, I know you're trying to buy time for the reinforcement. That trick won't work on me."

"What? Why don't you think that I just want to know you more?"

"Kim Jongwoon," the Phantom Thief purred his name, "if you want to know me more, you just have to ask."


The thief winked at him.


"I'm more than happy to oblige to your every desire."

"T-Then stay put! I'll definitely catch you this time!"

"Trust me, detective, I'd love to stay with you here forever but I really don't have time. After all, I have my own agenda to follow."

"The Angel of Justice…!!? So, you really are after something in this hall!"

"Yes. Haven't I stated in the letter already that I'll take the most valuable and most precious Angel of Justice with me?"


The handsome thief said and stepped forward. Still holding the gun, Jongwoon stole a quick glance around himself but there were no valuable items near him. Could it be that the Phantom Thief wanted to knock him out first before stealing something? He bit his bottom lip while gears in his brain began to spin. This hall was on the first floor. Although the Phantom Thief was blocking the only exit, he could jump out of the tall window if needed be. But if he did that, he would definitely lose all credits he worked hard for! He had to keep the Phantom Thief busy until the reinforcement came!


"Oh? Mind enlighten me what is the most precious item here that catches the great Phantom Thief's eyes?"


The Phantom Thief smiled fondly at him.


"It's you, detective Kim Jongwoon."



While Jongwoon was rendered speechless by the thief's words, the Phantom Thief ran toward him and threw something into the air. Out of his instinct, he shot the said object but frowned afterwards realizing that it was a blank bullet getting shot out. Damn it! The Phantom Thief must have switched his gun when he dropped it back there!


"You're finally within my reach, Kim Jongwoon."

"! Stay aw—"


The Phantom Thief slammed him against the wall and kissed him. Jongwoon was so shocked that he completely forgot all self-defense classes he ever took and let the taller man dominate him. Red rose petals rained down on them as the Phantom Thief put his hands on the detective's nape and lower back, deepening the kiss that melted Jongwoon's common sense. When a tongue invaded his mouth, Jongwoon snapped back to himself. He was about to kneel the erted thief's junk but stopped when an idea crossed his mind. Wait, wasn't he keeping the Phantom Thief busy now? With that thought in mind, Jongwoon threw his arms around the taller man's neck and brought his warm lips closer.


Nope, I didn't do this because it feels good or whatever. I just want to keep the Phantom Thief busy!! Really!!!


Jongwoon convinced himself while when the eager tongue rubbed against his shy one. The Phantom Thief literally stole his air and strength, leaving the flustered detective panting with jelly legs after they broke the kiss.


"As much as I'd love to prolong our kiss, we have to get away from here now, my beloved detective."



Jongwoon who was still charmed by the passionate kiss murmured sheepishly. That was when he heard many loud footsteps heading to their direction— the reinforcement!


"I hope you don't mind being manhandled."



The Phantom Thief kissed him again and Jongwoon reciprocated it against his better judgment. While his breathing hitched when his bottom lip was , the Phantom Thief raised his cape up to cover them. A shattering noise soon followed when Jongwoon was nibbling the taller man's bottom lip. Bringing down their temporary shelter, the Phantom Thief let the detective go after kissing his luscious lips until it turned red and swollen. Then, the handsome thief carried the detective up in his arms with a smug smile.


"Shall we go to the party exclusively for us? My beloved detective?"

"What? No! Let me g—"


Jongwoon's protest didn't make it out because the Phantom Thief sealed his lips first. Despite his logical mind cursing at him, he hooked his arms around the taller man's neck and moved his lips in sync with the other man's. After that, he felt like they were jumping and running, and he felt like hearing some gunshots but they all escaped his mind when the Phantom Thief shoved his tongue in deeper.



By the time the reinforcement arrived at the Eternal Love exhibition, their captain had already gone; kidnapped by none other than the famous Phantom Thief himself who left only a small note on the floor among scattering rose petals.



I successfully got my precious Angel of Justice. Don't worry, I swear in the name of the Phantom Thief that I'll forever treasure him.



Detective Kim Jongwoon's future husband







It had been four months ever since the Phantom Thief's grand finale thievery. To this day, Jongwoon's cheeks still burned in shame when he thought of that night. He freaking let the sly thief kidnap him! That night, the erted thief (whom he found out later that his name is Cho Kyuhyun) took him to his private penthouse and they basically ed all night. He could never forget his colleagues and subordinates' shocked expression when Kyuhyun took him to the headquarter the next day to "return" him, while carrying him all the time because he was too limp to walk. After that, Kyuhyun happily turned himself in and confessed that he committed all thievery just to grab detective Kim's attention; further embarrassing Jongwoon to no end. Although he was so furious that he could spit fire, they couldn't charge Kyuhyun with anything because no one was in danger and all stolen items were safely returned. As for the damaged property, Kyuhyun who turned out to be a bored millionaire paid the bills off without even blinking. Thus, the case of the Phantom Thief ended just like that. Only the officers involved in the case knew the truth. That's because he basically strangled Kyuhyun and ordered the man to keep it a secret from the media and public. Luckily, money spoke loudest so other people just believed that the Phantom Thief had escaped to other countries. As for himself, he still got his position despite everything, although he had to endure all the teasing remarks and smirks whenever he went to the headquarter with his husband, yes, husband. Unfortunately for him, somewhere along the line of those past four months, he had fallen in love with Kyuhyun for real. Actually, they had been married and lived together for a month already…




"You! Why can't you ask me out like what normal people do!!?"

"If I do that, I'll be just another handsome face passing your mind and forever gone like the wind, and I don't want that."


Kyuhyun explained while dodging a pillow that his wife husband threw at him. Jongwoon glared heatly at his husband as if he wanted to punch that handsome face so badly (and he might have done that if his waist didn't hurt like hell now). After the detective already threw all pillows on their king-size bed, the ex-thief approached his lover with an innocent smile.


"Come on, Jongwoon, at least you have to admit that my method is impressive, right?"

" off."

"I know, I love you too."


Kyuhyun chuckled and lightly kissed the luscious lips. Despite his cursing, Jongwoon actually closed his eyes and gladly accepted the kiss. The couple exchanged a short but sweet kiss many times before the taller man pulled away.


"It was a love at first sight."


"I saw you on the news about some stolen painting case. The way your eyes shone with passion and determination as you promised to catch the thief, it made me fall for you. I can't help but want your gorgeous eyes to only look at me. That's why I came up with everything."

"Jeez… dramatic much? Huh?"


Jongwoon said sarcastically but snuggled closer into his husband's embrace. While nuzzling his cheeks against Kyuhyun's wide chest, Jongwoon spoke up quietly.


"Actually… I used to think many times that the Phantom Thief was really y…"

"Eh? Really?" Kyuhyun smirked, "so, you were attracted to me even before I revealed myself?"

"I-I didn't say anything!!!"


Jongwoon's poor lie was followed by many cursings. But when Kyuhyun pulled him onto his lap and kissed his forehead, the shorter man showed no resistance and even snuggled closer.



Although it hurt his pride to say it, Jongwoon had to admit that the Phantom Thief had already stolen his heart since the first time they met on that full moon night.

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0 points #1
Chapter 22: OMG kyusung and greek methology??? I LOVE IT!!!
_MyName_ 0 points #2
Chapter 22: Oooh, interesting idea for a story! Would love to read more about SuJu as Greek gods ;)
0 points #3
Chapter 22: PERSEPHONE X HADES AU?!?! i love u.....
_MyName_ #4
Chapter 20: So precious! I'm completely in the dark about everything since Twitter won't allow me to lurk there without an account anymore :( so thank you for including the picture ^^
398 streak #5
Chapter 20: First, welcome back to this library! It's really a surprise to see an update ❤️

Second, as always, I love your story! This is so heartwarming, and cute, and sweet! Aaah~ our kyusung's heart is blessed 😍
398 streak #6
Chapter 20: Waaah, I need to go first, I will read it ASAP
Chapter 20: That selca is indeed precious.
My two babies in sns after so long time, unexpectedly uploaded by none other than the tsundere maknae
Kyu, you have made your beloved hyung happy <3
Chapter 20: your right, Kyuhyun didn't do his silly side eye pose! omg it made the selca even more memorable 😭

a lot of things happened these past few days, but I'm just glad our ship is sailing, stronger even 🤭💙

Happy Kyusung Independence Day! 💙⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)💙
398 streak #9
Chapter 18: Kyuhyun even took him back to where his brother lived and properly asked for permission to live together. >> LMAO XDDDD~

Donghae held wedding for 🦞🦐 >> WHUUUUT?!? XDDD~

I can't believe I cried while reading this! I used to be a vegan for a few years, and this story... #sigh

Eniwei, shrimp is my favorite food, what should I do? XD;;; I feel like I won't see shrimp the same ever again, I feel guilty eating Jongwoon WTF XD
Chapter 18: this is so weird but i love it theyre so adorable