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Black_Lily's Library

13 Times Yesung Falls For A Jerk (And 2 Times Kyuhyun Falls Harder For A Meanie)





Yesung let the new kid, Cho Kyuhyun, sleep in his room even though Kyuhyun was basically his potential enemy in the fight for the spotlight. He felt bad for the nerdy and awkward teen who didn't even have a bed of his own. He even lent his blanket, worrying that the new kid might get cold at night.


He woke up and found the said blanket on him, and he was all sweaty.


"Hey, you, why did you put it on me? Did you not like my blanket?"

"N-No! Sunbae, I'm really grateful for your kindness. It's just… Last night, you were shivering in your sleep so I put another blanket on you. I didn't know that it got very hot in the morning… I'm sorry."


So, he had to wake up all sweaty and his pajamas clung on him uncomfortably, just because this kid was worried about him?


What a jerk.




After working hard to be recognized, Yesung finally got a chance to show his charm by hosting a radio show— Miracle for You. He had fun trying something new while promoting himself and his group. He especially had fun when s joined the show as a guest. When more famous members (e.g. Heechul hyung) came as a guest, the show got a satisfying rating. He had a conflicted feeling about it. He was happy that more people listened to his radio show but at the same time, he felt sad that he wasn't as popular as other members.


He had an even more conflicted feeling after finding out that Kyuhyun was scheduled to be the member who guested on his show the most.


"Why is it you who guests on my radio show the most? Did Leeteuk hyung tell you to come?"

"Yes and no. Leeteuk hyung told me to go to members' shows to promote myself but he didn't specify which show. I asked to come here myself…"

"Why did you choose mine?"

"Well… isn't it killing two birds in one stone? I got to promote myself while spending more time with you, Yesung hyung."


So, Kyuhyun was a smartass who wanted to both promote himself and spend more time with him?


What a jerk.




Despite what people might think, Yesung was genuinely happy when the unit K.R.Y was formed. He no longer saw other members as an enemy. He was truly fond of Ryeowook and Kyuhyun who had become his favorite dongsaengs. He was very proud of them for being the first ever sub unit in K-pop history and that they got to show their singing prowess. Their voices were greatly different but blended in perfectly together. He wholeheartedly believed that they would become a pillar in the idol industry.


If only Kyuhyun would stop copying his singing style.


"Kyuhyun, stop copying my style. It doesn't suit your voice."

"I'm sorry…"

"I know you didn't have ill intentions so it's fine. Why did you copy me though?"

"I just like hyung's voice so much and I want to be like you. You're right. I should find my own style instead of copying you."


So, Kyuhyun copied his singing style because he liked his voice and wanted to be like him?


What a jerk.




Yesung had very few fears— height, for example. He thought that he was quite brave most of the time. There weren't many things that could make his entire body shake in fear.


Until the "accident" happened to Kyuhyun and the members.


It was supposed to be another busy day for them. He was supposed to go home and saw Kyuhyun waiting for him with a glass of juice as usual. He wasn't supposed to rush to the hospital and walked in circles in front of the ER. He wasn't supposed to collapse while standing after finding out the maknae's condition. He wasn't supposed to get dragged back to the dorm while crying. He wasn't supposed to stay up all night praying for a miracle. Most importantly, he shouldn't have made a promise on air that he would never hit Kyuhyun ever again.


Because sometimes Kyuhyun deserved it.


"You brat! If you've woken up then say something! I thought you… I, hic…"

"Yesung hyung… don't cry… I just miss your voice so much that I didn't want to interrupt you…"


So, Kyuhyun didn't tell him that he already gained consciousness because the brat wanted to listen to his voice?


What a jerk.




For their fourth album, their KRY unit was divided into two groups: Ryeowook got a solo track while he and Kyuhyun got a duet. He was happy for Ryeowook, obviously, but at the same time, he didn't understand why it was them who got chosen for a duet— the first duet under Super Junior albums, even. He was fine with it though. He had always thought that his and Kyuhyun's voice complemented each other very well. As for the song, "Your Eyes" was a soulful song that made one feel emotional. Overall, he liked the song very much.


He would like it more if Kyuhyun would stop looking at him when they sang it.


"Kyuhyun-ah, can you stop looking at me when we sing Your Eyes? It's distracting."

"I can try but I can't promise. My eyes just automatically find you when I sing the song. I can't stop looking at your beautiful eyes, hyung."


So, Kyuhyun distracted him because he couldn't stop looking at him?


What a jerk.




Yesung took his idol career very seriously. He was hard on himself in every way possible, training, dieting, singing, and performing on stages. He never forgave himself when mistakes happened, especially one as grave as slipping while performing. Today's stage was an example. They were performing Mr. Simple when he made a stupid mistake of slipping and falling, even hurting his knee in the process. He was embarrassed and very furious at himself. He ruined the stage. Even though Teuk hyung said that it wasn't his fault, he was still mad at himself for dragging the group down.


He was mad at himself for distracting Kyuhyun.


"Kyuhyun-ah, why didn't you sing your line when I slipped and fell on the stage? Do you have any ideas about what people said about us? They said that we're unprofessional!"

"Who cares about faceless people's opinions? Hyung, let's go to the hospital."

"No, our reputation is at risk now! I don't have time for that!"

"Luckily, I have all the time in the world. Hyung, if you don't want me to be unprofessional then go to the hospital with me now. Do you know how I felt when I heard that loud thud and saw you on the floor? I was eaten by worry alive!"


So, Kyuhyun threatened to be unprofessional unless he had his knee checked up? Because he was worried?


What a jerk.




Yesung didn't regret getting enlisted. Although it was lonely without members and elf by his side, he was proud to do his duty as a Korean man and served the country. He had to admit. He was sad missing out one of Super Junior's greatest eras and Super Show 6 tour. Although his sadness lessened a lot after finding out that elf missed him as much as he missed them. He had members to thank for always mentioning him on the stage so that their fans wouldn't forget him. 


Although some member's method was more annoying than touching.


"Kyuhyun-ah, can you please stop doing that poor imitation of my small hands?"

"Why though? Fans love it!"

"You just want to tease me when I'm away! You brat!"

"It's exactly because you're away, hyung. That's why I have to do that."

"What do you mean?"

"I just want to feel like you're still by my side. Yesung hyung, I might be the person who misses you the most."


So, Kyuhyun did all of that poor small hands imitation because he missed him?


What a jerk.




Yesung was having a hard time releasing his second solo album. The first album… didn't do as well as he hoped… He couldn't help but be pessimistic. He kept blaming himself that he should've just stayed enlisted because fans had already forgotten about him. However, his family, friends, and members encouraged him (especially a certain maknae who reminded him day and night that he was loved and treasured). So, he decided to take a risk and released his second album. And the members worked hard helping him promote it.


Except some brat.


"Kyu, stop mentioning At the Time! Paper Umbrella is the title track, not that song."

"But I didn't feature in that song!"

"Hey, whose album are you promoting!!?"

"It's your album but At the Time is our song. I know I'm being silly but I'll be enlisted soon. I don't want people to forget that I'm always with you, Yesung hyung."


So, Kyuhyun promoted At the Time instead of the title track because he wanted to be remembered for being by his side?


What a jerk.




Yesung often thought that his life would be a lot more peaceful without a certain maknae who loved teasing him. However, when the time really came, when he was having the last meal with his maknae and the members, he realized that he might not like peaceful days as he thought. Just imagined his life without Kyuhyun and he suddenly felt empty. He would miss the bratty maknae terribly. So, he wanted to be as sweet and affectionate as possible since it was their last day together.


However, Kyuhyun seemed to take it as a personal challenge to as much as possible.


"Stop teasing me! And while you're at it, stop touching me too! Think of the poor editing team who has to cut off those inappropriate scenes!"

"If I recall correctly, hyung, you're the one who started touching me all over despite the camera. And I didn't tease you!"

"Then what the hell was that 'you speak bluntly because you're not as busy as other members' bull!!? It's our last day together. Can't you try to behave yourself?"

"But if I don't tease you, you'll forget me! Gotta remind you who your boy— Jerry is."


So, Kyuhyun kept teasing him as a way to leave a mark on him before enlisting?


What a jerk.




With continuous support from his family, the members, his friends, and elf, Yesung happily and confidently released his third album. He wanted to try something new so he didn't go for a ballad as usual, but something more light-hearted. He chose Pink Magic as the title track without hesitation, even though he got teased by literally everyone around him (who knew about his and Kyuhyun's secret relationship). No matter what they said or , his world really became pink knowing that Kyuhyun finally came back to him after two years.


Then, he immediately wanted to send Kyuhyun back to the army.


"You brat! The first thing you did after getting discharged is teasing me! Stop making that fake disgusted look and shoot the mv properly!"

"Hyung, I'm afraid that I can only look at you like this from now on. Unless you want me to look at you like this instead."

"A-Are you shouting to the whole world that you love me!!? Forget it, just keep your funny face!"


So, Kyuhyun made that disgusted expression to hide his overwhelming love and affection for him?


W-What a jerk!




Yesung didn't mind nicknames. He actually quite liked it when he was called by a cute nickname by fans or members. He had many nicknames and he liked most if not all of them, well, maybe except the "Ye" one… It started off as a joke but it never went away. Luckily, only Heechul hyung used that nickname and his hyung rarely called him using it.


Until a certain jerk boyfriend of his brought this cringey nickname back.


"Ye? Seriously? I gave you a cute nickname like Kkuru but you had to go and bring that shameful nickname back?"

"It's your fault for suggesting Aesongie."

"But it's a cute nickname!"

"Yes, a nickname that another man uses to call you, very cute indeed."

"Wait, are you jealous of me and Hyukjae?"

"I'm very lucky to film We Live Together with my boyfriend as my partner, but all you ever do is pay attention to your old partner and keep comparing us. Obviously, I'm mad and very jealous."


So, Kyuhyun intentionally brought back the "Ye" nickname because he was upset that he paid attention to Hyukjae more than him?


What a jealous jerk.




After going through so much persuading and negotiating with the company, Yesung finally succeeded in convincing them to release the first ever KRY album. Although Kyuhyun and Ryeowook were very happy too, it was obvious that he was the happiest about it. After all, he finally got to release an album with his dongsaengs and showed their potential to the world. The three of them happily promoted their first album at various music shows and variety shows. He also enjoyed dressing up in various styles.


And his boyfriend also enjoyed undressing him on almost every occasion.


"Kyuhyun, stop undressing me with both your hands and your gaze! Are you trying to expose our relationship or what!!?"

"It's your fault for being too gorgeous. Believe me, hyung, this is me at my best behavior."

"Shamelessly peeking at my chest? Truly the best behavior."

"I'll be frank. I actually want to xxx and xxx you, or xxxx and xxxx you. Trust me, you'd rather me peeking than groping you."

"Yes, please keep peeking as much as you want."


So, Kyuhyun kept peeking at his chest and tugged his shirt to see a bit of his skin to calm down his dirty thoughts?


What a erted jerk!!!




Yesung loved coffee. The members knew it. The fans knew it. Whenever coffee was mentioned, naturally, people thought of him first, just like selca. It was a childish achievement but one that he was proud of nonetheless. Although it was silly, he was happy that he had made a name for himself. Whenever their fans saw coffee, they would think of him. And he always loved being remembered.


Until a certain jerk boyfriend of his stole it from him.


"Kyuhyun, did you really have to release a song named coffee? Now elf will think of you rather than me when they come across coffee!"

"You don't like it?"

"No, I love your song. However, I don't like that you take the spotlight from me."

"I just want to be there with you."


"The reason why I chose coffee, hyung, I just want to be a part of your world."


So, Kyuhyun stole the spotlight from him because he wanted to stand under it together with him?


What a jerk.


…But Yesung loved his jerk boyfriend so much.


"Kyuhyun-ah, that's unnecessary."


"Because you've always been a part of my world, an important part that I can't live without. You might be a jerk at times but I really do love you."

"I love you too, Yesung hyung, even though you're really mean sometimes."


Mean? Him? Yesung wanted to know what Kyuhyun talked about but when those warm lips were pressed against his, he completely forgot what he wanted to ask.




Kyuhyun loved his Yesung hyung very, very much. It got harder and harder to hide his feelings for his boyfriend. In 2020, he failed to hold back and did many questionable things, during both Super Clap and When We Were Us promotion. That's why in 2021, he was ordered to keep distance from his hyung to calm the suspicion. Also, he was forced to choose between doing fan-service with other members or working harder. He chose the latter without hesitation. He worked from dusk till dawn. His schedule was packed to the brim so he rarely met his boyfriend. It was hard but he endured it for their relationship.


Then, Yesung hyung had to be very mean to him in these difficult times.


"Hyung, I saw it, Beautiful Night."

"Do you like it?"

"I love it but… going home late from work, wanting to spend time together, beautiful night, are those messages for me?"

"...I miss you, Kyu, I just wish that you can free your schedule and be with me…"


What a meanie. Did his hyung try to ruin his attempt to hold back his feelings?


"Wait for me, hyung, I'm going to see you."


And Kyuhyun always fell for his mean boyfriend.




Since he couldn't be open about his love for his beloved hyung, Kyuhyun subtly confessed through other methods: mentioning Yesung hyung at every interview, flirting through Bubble, and conveying his feelings through his song. After singing sad ballad songs for a long while, he finally got to release a more cheerful song. He was excited about his new song "Together" because he dedicated it to his boyfriend. He couldn't wait to show it to the world.


Then, Yesung hyung had to be very mean to him by spoiling his song on sns.


"Hyung, stop spoiling my upcoming single! You'll ruin the surprise."

"But I just posted some pictures and added some captions."

"Yes, pictures of a tree and flower just like in the teaser and "Together" in the caption."

"I can't help it… I know it's for me so I want to show off to the whole world…"

"You know?"

"It's very obvious! Ice cream, basketball, and movie in the mv. Then the lyrics, going to the secret island with just the two of us, only you in my eyes, be your raindrops. Kyu, my boyfriend is so sweet, dedicating a song to me, how can I not spoil it!"


What a meanie. Did his hyung try to expose their secret relationship?


"Rather than posting on sns, how about we spending time together tonight?"

"You're free tonight? Yes! Let's!"


As usual, Kyuhyun fell harder for his mean boyfriend whom he wanted to be with together, forever.

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_MyName_ 0 points #1
Chapter 22: Oooh, interesting idea for a story! Would love to read more about SuJu as Greek gods ;)
0 points #2
Chapter 22: PERSEPHONE X HADES AU?!?! i love u.....
_MyName_ #3
Chapter 20: So precious! I'm completely in the dark about everything since Twitter won't allow me to lurk there without an account anymore :( so thank you for including the picture ^^
398 streak #4
Chapter 20: First, welcome back to this library! It's really a surprise to see an update ❤️

Second, as always, I love your story! This is so heartwarming, and cute, and sweet! Aaah~ our kyusung's heart is blessed 😍
398 streak #5
Chapter 20: Waaah, I need to go first, I will read it ASAP
Chapter 20: That selca is indeed precious.
My two babies in sns after so long time, unexpectedly uploaded by none other than the tsundere maknae
Kyu, you have made your beloved hyung happy <3
Chapter 20: your right, Kyuhyun didn't do his silly side eye pose! omg it made the selca even more memorable 😭

a lot of things happened these past few days, but I'm just glad our ship is sailing, stronger even 🤭💙

Happy Kyusung Independence Day! 💙⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)💙
398 streak #8
Chapter 18: Kyuhyun even took him back to where his brother lived and properly asked for permission to live together. >> LMAO XDDDD~

Donghae held wedding for 🦞🦐 >> WHUUUUT?!? XDDD~

I can't believe I cried while reading this! I used to be a vegan for a few years, and this story... #sigh

Eniwei, shrimp is my favorite food, what should I do? XD;;; I feel like I won't see shrimp the same ever again, I feel guilty eating Jongwoon WTF XD
Chapter 18: this is so weird but i love it theyre so adorable
enpress_ellen #10
Chapter 19: The epic love story of 🦞 and 🦐
So sweet 🥲