Chapter 1

The babysitter (Gtae AU)
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Jiyong is a man of temper. He is a dragon when he is mad. He gets what he wants- fast. That’s why when the nanny agency informed him that the supposed to be babysitter for his four-year-old princess ran away just two days before the start of the employment, the owner of the agency feels like Jiyong will burn the whole building into ashes.


“Mr. Kang, I went here just a day ago looking for someone who will take care of my daughter. I already paid more than half of the contract. If you will not provide a replacement within two days, prepare the money I gave you three times the amount.”

“Mr. Kwon, we can always have a solution to this.”

“That’s what I want, a solution! I will expect a reliable nanny at my doorstep by Monday. And just a reminder, I hate waiting.”


Jiyong is the epitome of a ruthless rich man. He always talks business and he want everything as planned. His presence is too intimidating that even old millionaires find it hard to socialize with him. He is one scary guy too, having connections in the underground market gained him the nickname “The Dragon”. But in every hero, there is an Achilles heel and that is his darling daughter.



Taeyeon woke up feeling tired than the usual. Today is still as lonely as yesterday. The lost of her partner from the car accident left her in the edge of sanity. It’s been two weeks since her partner died and she can’t seem to go out of the house, being outside is like facing the sad reality that her partner in life was gone. The painful reality kicks in as the bills keeps on coming before her eyes one Monday morning. The insurance money she received was not enough at all. Her partner has loans here and there, not to mention the high rent she is paying. She’s thinking that maybe few weeks from now, she might be homeless. However, whenever she will fall hard into the sad reality, someone always reminded her that in few months’ time, she will not be alone. Her baby. She’s four months pregnant and the very visible baby bump makes it hard for her to find job. Well, who wanted to hire a pregnant lady nowadays?


However, when she saw the advertisement posted in the building near the supermarket, she decided to give it a try. The company is looking for a nanny that will take care of a four-year-old child. The pay is 600,000 Won per week with one day off. Free food and accommodation. Thinking about it, she can save money for the arrival of her baby. She just hope that they can give her a chance.




True to the agency’s word and much to Kwon Jiyong’s relief, the newly hired nanny is waiting at his doorstep exactly seven in the morning. When the owner of the agency asked him about the qualifications, he just mentioned about the security check of the employee. He doesn’t care if the nanny is old or young, short or tall, pretty or ugly as long as she will be good and trustworthy. That’s why to his surprise, when he saw a lady with a visible baby bump waiting in front of the house, he thought that it might be a stupid prank.


“Good Morning, are you Mr. Kwon Jiyong?”

“And you are?”

“I am Kim Taeyeon. The Sunset Glow Nanny Agency sent me here.”

“Wait, they sent you here? Are you the new nanny?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“But you are… pregnant.”

“I know, but pregnant women can work too.”

“How on earth can I expect you to take care of my daughter if you have a child yourself? Are you kidding me?”

“I assure you that I can take care of your daughter very well. The agency considered my qualifications. I have early childhood degree and a working experience overseas. Please, Mr. Kwon, let me prove myself as a reliable nanny.”


Jiyong doesn’t care about others unless it’s blood related. But the look that the lady is giving him, he feels something foreign in him is starting to build inside. Something that involve butterflies in his stomach, and he can’t believe that the doe like eyes of the lady in front of him makes it alive. Maybe it’s just the effect of cof

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tyeam0309 #1
Chapter 10: I love the plot. Please keep updating.....
Yusril42 #2
Chapter 10: Ohh very good im happy
tyeam0309 #3
Chapter 9: So cute. Please update
Sugarluvfangirl #4
Chapter 9: Waiting for the next chapter 💕
309818 #5
Chapter 7: Excited for more chaps 💜
Sugarluvfangirl #6
Chapter 7: More please 🥹 ❤️
Sugarluvfangirl #7
Chapter 6: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 5: Pleaseeeee chap 6 u,u
Tiatioot #9
Chapter 4: Aaa thanks for update!!💜
Tiatioot #10
Chapter 3: Cute storyline😍😍💜