Chapter 4

The babysitter (Gtae AU)
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Taeyeon is a fan of sleep. Before her pregnancy, sleep is not a problem at all. She can easily fall asleep at night the moment her back touches the bed, but that’s not the case after the accident happened. She was having nightmare that keeps her awake at night. Thankfully, last night she had the much-needed sleep. Her room is nice, bed is heavenly, and she love the view overlooking the big garden of the mansion. Not to mention the companion of her little bodyguard that Hera gave her, Mr. Panda. Exhaustion is catching up on her and the anxiety she is feeling for the past weeks has been taking it’s toll not just on her but to little pumpkin as well. She’s thinking that her pregnant belly is small compared to the others, but from the last check-up the doctor assured her that it’s not something to worry about. The baby bump is much noticeable now compared to her last appointment with her doctor. Placing her hand on her baby bump, she can’t help but feel frightened and excited at the same time. Frightened because she must raise the baby alone and excited because she will be a mother soon. The joy of holding a baby, she really can’t wait for that time to come. She’s lost in her thoughts when a little girl, about Hera’s age approach her with a smile and curious eyes.


“Hi, little girl.”

“Auntie, is that a baby inside your tummy?”


“Are you Hera’s mom? I saw you and Hera earlier. Are you her mom? But my mommy said Hera doesn’t have a mom.”


Kids these days are smart. Even before she can answer the kid, Hera came rushing at her side. She’s panting and looking worriedly at her. She placed a protective hug on Taeyeon’s bulging tummy. The little girl who is in front of them seems like she in confused. But she saw how Hera ran towards the pregnant lady and affectionately embrace her tummy.


“What’s wrong, baby? Did you finish the class?”


She doesn’t reply but just hug her. The little girl also went away from them because a middle-aged lady, probably a Nanny, called the child. Hera’s hold on Taeyeon was too tight and she can’t help but worry about her current state.


“Did you enjoy the class? Did you eat your food, Hera?”


She doesn’t reply. She’s worried and Hera buried her face in Taeyeon’s chest and started crying. The tears are nonstop as she can feel her blouse getting wet because of Hera’s uncontrollable sob. She slowly lifted Hera and put her in her lap, embracing her as she continues her emotional breakdown. Children can easily get upset in the smallest things. Years of experience in dealing with them can attest to that. And Hera, is not an exception. She might be matured for her age, but she is still a child.


“You know, she said that I don’t have a mommy.”

“That little girl a while ago?”

“She is Sujin.”

“Did you reply to her?”

“I told her I have a daddy and he love me.”

“Of course, your daddy loves you very much. Did she say anything after that?”

“No. Do you love me?”

“Yes, I love you, Hera. And little baby too.”

“Oh no! Why are you carrying me? Little baby might get hurt.”

“Don’t worry, little baby is strong just like you. Hera, promise me that whatever upsets you, you will tell it to me. I am here to listen, okay? It’s okay to cry, baby. There’s nothing wrong with that. By the way, would you like to play more before we go to the ballet class?”

“Yes. I will play and I will eat again and ballet class!”

“Aigoo. You are so cute!”


She just started this job and she is loving it. At first, she thought that the child whom she will take care of is such a pain in the or a spoiled hard-headed brat but thankfully, Hera is not like that. She is kind, sweet and very considerate. It is not hard to love her. She thanked heavens that she got this job despite her current situation. It will help her to start over again.


“Will you watch me while I am playing?”

“Of course.”

“Yey! Thank you.”


Taeyeon observes Hera while she is in the playground with her classmates. She can see that Hera is playing with her classmate Sujin as well. That’s the thing about kids, they can get easily upset but they can easily forgive. God bless their pure heart. If only adults are like that, many relationships can be saved.



Jiyong’s housekeeper reminded him that Taeyeon’s first day off will be this weekend. It means that she will receive her salary and Jiyong must take care of Hera that day. He doesn’t care until he remembers that it is the day of Somi’s birthday party. He can choose not to go but his mother and Somi will chase him until the end of the earth if he did not appear on that day. Not to mention Hera’s affection towards her grandmother and silly auntie. He must bring Hera with him, but the problem is Hera is not very comfortable with the crowd. And when it is Somi’s party, he usually ended up tipsy or let say, wasted. His mother might be there to look after Hera, but his mom has friends who are attending the party as well. . He might need Taeyeon to come with them in that party.


When Daesung left the office, Jiyong immediately check the envelope which contains the information about Taeyeon. And it includes pictures as well. Taeyeon’s graduation picture, picture with the kids, Taeyeon in school uniform, but one picture caught his attention- a photo of Taeyeon beside a man, she’s having the sweetest smile as well as the person beside her. He must be the father of Taeyeon’s child. He thought as he stares at her picture. She is a natural beauty. Her picture wearing a school uniform is a proof that she is pretty even with a boy cut hair. And he might be crazy. He feels as though he is a stalker. But hey, this is just a normal thing to do, this is for Hera. He is just making sure that the new nanny is reliable and trustworthy. He ignored that nagging feeling of jealousy when another picture came into his view. This time, a man is holding Taeyeon’s hand while sharing a candid smile and it looks like it was taken while having an outing in a beach. Taeyeon wearing a bikini is a sin. She’s wearing a black bikini which perfectly justify her assets.

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tyeam0309 #1
Chapter 10: I love the plot. Please keep updating.....
Yusril42 #2
Chapter 10: Ohh very good im happy
tyeam0309 #3
Chapter 9: So cute. Please update
Sugarluvfangirl #4
Chapter 9: Waiting for the next chapter 💕
309818 #5
Chapter 7: Excited for more chaps 💜
Sugarluvfangirl #6
Chapter 7: More please 🥹 ❤️
Sugarluvfangirl #7
Chapter 6: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 5: Pleaseeeee chap 6 u,u
Tiatioot #9
Chapter 4: Aaa thanks for update!!💜
Tiatioot #10
Chapter 3: Cute storyline😍😍💜