Chapter 3

The babysitter (Gtae AU)
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The day went by and before them knowing, it’s already Hera’s bedtime. Jiyong informed Taeyeon that she can rest because he will be the one who will help Hera with her bedtime routine. He can’t remember the last time he helps his little girl in reading her bedtime stories since he always come home late, sometimes already morning. Though Hera doesn’t complain about his behavior, he knew that she is sad and disappointed whenever he will call her at night to inform that he cannot be there to read her bedtime stories. Guilt has been creeping in, no wonder his baby girl becomes too clingy in his presence.


“Appa, I don’t want a Cinderella story anymore.”

“You don’t like it? This is your favourite.”

“Auntie Somi told me that I don’t need a prince like Cinderella.”

“She told you that? Aigoo. I will talk to your auntie when I see her.”

“Can you read me this one?”

“This one seems nice. The title is cute too “Guess how much I love you”.”


When Jiyong read the last line “I love you right up to the moon- and back.” Hera held his face and kiss his cheek. Hearing Hera’s ‘I love you, Appa’ lightens his mood and makes him genuinely happy. His little girl, he’s growing before his eyes and the infant baby he used to carry is now a little lady. He can’t deny that it was love at first sight the very first time he saw Hera wrapped in a pink and white baby blanket. The little girl giggle as his father kiss her forehead and encourage her to sleep since it will be a school day tomorrow. But the mischievous look in Hera’s eyes says that she is far, far away from dreamland.



“I already finished reading the story. You must sleep now, my darling baby.”

“Can I say, ‘good night’ to Ms. Taeyeon? Please?”

“She might be sleeping already.”

“We can knock her door!”

“Hera, it’s late. You have to sleep now.”

“Please, Appa? Appa!”

“Hera, we shouldn’t disturb your nanny at this time. She might be sleeping and it’s not good to wake her up because she is having a baby inside her tummy.”

“But I will just say ‘good night’.”



Oh, here it is again- the teary-eyed little girl. She looks so pitiful that Jiyong agreed to her request. That’s his weakness- seeing her cry. That’s why in the future, any man that will make Hera cry, he cannot guarantee if the man can see another day alive. That’s how precious she is to him. Back to the present, what’s the big deal of saying ‘good night’ to Kim Taeyeon, right? You can also say good night to her, Jiyong. His teasing mind is speaking once again. The hell he cares about her if she is already sleeping. What’s important is Hera and if Hera wants, Hera will get it.



“Okay, but we have to knock and then if she didn’t come out after three knocks, we will go back to your room.”

“Okay, Appa.”



Hand in hand, they went down the hall and the excited little girl is jumping up and down while holding her little panda plushie. In front of Taeyeon’s room, Hera tried knocking softly. She also calls her name between each knock. But the door remains shut despite Hera’s effort in knocking and calling her name.



“She’s already asleep, Hera. Let’s go.”


Hera sigh in defeat. She asked her father to carry her back to her room but when Jiyong and Hera are about to leave, they heard the door opens and Taeyeon’s sleepy voice greeted them.



“Yey! You are awake!”

“Oh, why are you here, baby?”

“I want to say good night to you and give you Mr. Panda.”

“Oh, you are so sweet. But why are you giving Mr. Panda to me?”

“I don’t want you to be alone. It’s scary being alone. Mr. Panda will protect you from monsters.”

“Really? Thank You, Hera. You are so kind. However, it’s already late. You must wake-up early tomorrow. So, good night for now?”



Loveable. That was the word that best describe the scene that’s been playing in front of Jiyong. He just let Hera and Taeyeon have their conversation while he is listening to them, watching them and realizing that Hera is indeed a kind little girl and Taeyeon, if she is pretty wearing the nanny uniform a while ago, now Jiyong can’t seem to find the right word to describe her. Attractive? Of course, the night gown she is wearing proves that she has overflowing charisma. He can’t seem to look away from that full , round hips and belly. Gorgeous. Her brown hair touches her cheeks, it seems soft to touch and he is having his wildest imagination of Taeyeon panting hard in bed with those lovely hair sprawled in his pillow after series of insatiable lovemaking. She’s beautiful, she’s glowing and she’s pregnant. His inner self reminded him the reality that Kim Taeyeon is not an ordinary woman- she’s a mother-to be and the bulging tummy always bring him to reality. But why does it feel like he wanted to protect her and that unborn child? Silly, he must be going crazy.


“Good night!”


He saw that! Hera kisses Taeyeon and Taeyeon replied with a kiss in Hera’s forehead too. Oh my! It’s like having an indirect kiss with Taeyeon because he kissed Hera’s forehead a while ago too. They are about to leave when she heard Taeyeon speaks ‘Good night, Mr. Kwon’. Thankfully, he is already walking past her d

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tyeam0309 #1
Chapter 10: I love the plot. Please keep updating.....
Yusril42 #2
Chapter 10: Ohh very good im happy
tyeam0309 #3
Chapter 9: So cute. Please update
Sugarluvfangirl #4
Chapter 9: Waiting for the next chapter 💕
309818 #5
Chapter 7: Excited for more chaps 💜
Sugarluvfangirl #6
Chapter 7: More please 🥹 ❤️
Sugarluvfangirl #7
Chapter 6: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 5: Pleaseeeee chap 6 u,u
Tiatioot #9
Chapter 4: Aaa thanks for update!!💜
Tiatioot #10
Chapter 3: Cute storyline😍😍💜