Chapter 2

The babysitter (Gtae AU)
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Taeyeon had the best afternoon nap. For weeks, she finds it so hard to sleep because of the nagging anxiety she’s experiencing since the death of her partner. Being alone while experiencing those excruciating pain of losing someone makes her restless. Thankfully, the afternoon nap with Hera makes her feel a bit better. Being pregnant and constantly under stress is a lethal combination.



“Taeyeon Omma?”

“Hera, do you need something?”


It’s not even a day that she knew this little girl, but she feels as though she knew her for a long time. Hera is serious in asking her permission to call her “Omma” in which she doesn’t mind at all. She worked in the orphanage before and lots of kids also called her ‘mom’. Hera snuggled closer to her, seeking warmth and embracing her tightly with those little arms. Her steady breathing confirms that she falls asleep again. 4pm. Taeyeon still has enough time to prepare her bath. Looking at her innocent face, she can see how beautiful she is. Her mother might be someone who is really good looking. But she cannot deny that most of Hera’s facial features, she got it from her father. Mr. Kwon Jiyong is overly handsome and attractive but one terrifying man. She finds it hard to believe that he is a single dad all along. When she first saw him a while ago, she thought that she is dreaming because the man before her is so handsome to be true. She secretly observed his back while walking ahead of her this morning. The broad shoulder, muscles and his unique manly scent makes her somehow speechless. Not to mention the tattoos peeking out of his body. Maybe it’s her pregnancy hormones talking the entire time when she is scrutinizing his occipital view. Ok, stop that Taeyeon. You are here to work. Not to fangirl over your scary employer.


While Taeyeon is preparing Hera’s bath, the little girl approached her from behind. She’s still sleepy, softly rubbing her eyes and showing a very sad look. She’s in the verge of crying when Taeyeon held her face.


“I thought you left me. You are not there when I woke-up.”

“Are you looking for me? I am just here preparing your bath. Would you like to have a bubble bath?”


After arranging Hera’s towels and clothes, she help her in the tub full of bubbles. Taeyeon sat beside the tub, watching the innocent child plays with bubbles and some rubber duck. She just listens to her stories. Hera is narrating stories about her playschool, about her classmates, her ballet class and about her previous nannies. She informed Taeyeon that among the nannies, she’s the prettiest and she’s the only one she likes to call secretly as “Omma”.


“Will you be with me when I go to ballet class?”

“Of course, baby.”



She doesn’t leave her nor go away from her sight because the child is as clingy as a koala. She doesn’t mind though- Taeyeon is more than glad that Hera accepted her as nanny wholeheartedly. She badly needed this work because she cannot pay the rent anymore. What’s worst is she haven’t prepared anything for her baby. Not even a single baby item and even the monthly prenatal check-up, she failed to go last week. Maybe I should go once I have my first day off. She thought as Hera’s hearty laugh filled the bathroom.


Jiyong didn’t expect to go home earlier than usual. He is a busy man but today is an exception. The whole day, he is thinking about the new nanny. Shall I ask the agency to change her? Shall I ask her that I don’t want someone who is pregnant to take care of my daughter? But that will be cruel, right? As if letting someone to be homeless. And thinking about it makes him a bit guilty. Heck, he’d done a great deal of dismissing people out of their job but this one, he is having a hard time. He doesn’t care if they ended homeless or if they have food to eat but this one, why does it feel so different? That gloomy look she gave him- as if she is begging him for this job. She looks desperate to have the work judging the way she clutched his shirt a while ago when he turned away from her. Plus, Hera seems to like the lady a lot. Usually, when a new nanny is around, Hera will give them a cold shoulder. She is very shy and doesn’t want to talk to them at all. It will take weeks for Hera to finally open-up to stranger. But with this pregnant lady, Hera seems to be attached to her even they just met not so long ago. For goodness sake, she even calls her “Omma”.


“Jiyong hyung?”

“Daesung, how are you?”

“I am fine, hyung. How can I help you? How can I help the great Kwon Jiyong?”

“I call you because I need your expertise, I want you to conduct a background check and inform me everything about the lady named Kim Taeyeon. I

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tyeam0309 #1
Chapter 10: I love the plot. Please keep updating.....
Yusril42 #2
Chapter 10: Ohh very good im happy
tyeam0309 #3
Chapter 9: So cute. Please update
Sugarluvfangirl #4
Chapter 9: Waiting for the next chapter 💕
309818 #5
Chapter 7: Excited for more chaps 💜
Sugarluvfangirl #6
Chapter 7: More please 🥹 ❤️
Sugarluvfangirl #7
Chapter 6: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 5: Pleaseeeee chap 6 u,u
Tiatioot #9
Chapter 4: Aaa thanks for update!!💜
Tiatioot #10
Chapter 3: Cute storyline😍😍💜