
The Last Straw




“If you love someone, you better prove it because if you don’t they might not believe it.”

Jongin had been patiently listening to Baekhyun’s love advices for the past hour. Despite Jongin’s firm contention that Baekhyun has a little to no experience about the topic, Baekhyun just cuts him off saying that love is not about having a relationship about someone; it is about how you feel, how you imagine, how you see it. Jongin tried a couple of times to divert the topic pressing issues like the inexistent love life of his older brother or lame excuses like movies, sports or food. In the end, Jongin, figured out that his brother wouldn’t stop talking; he decided to be a good boy and listen patiently and so he shut his mouth and waited for Baekhyun to finish.

“I am telling you, love waits for no one.” Baekhyun happily munches his chips.

“Isn’t it supposed to be time waits for no one?” Thinking about the movie Jongin saw with Baekhyun 2 days ago, he was so sure that it’s not love but it’s time the movie quoted. Jongin then turns back his attention to the photos he just took; mostly of Baekhyun. With Jongin’s eyebrows furrowed, he suddenly tilts his head, thinking of something really hard while looking deeply at a photo, “And hyung, you’re getting fat. Like, really fat.”

Baekhyun shrugs and stands up from his bed, “Love, time… Both wait for no one.” Grinning like an idiot, Baekhyun presses the matter to its level, “Just confess, Kim Jongin.” He walks towards Jongin who his sitting comfortable in the couch, still, the grin is on his face. He taps the younger boy’s shoulder and suddenly locks Jongin’s neck in his arms, “Who are you calling fat?”

Jongin fights his way out of the neck choke by furiously taping Baekhyun’s arm. Satisfied with himself, Baekhyun lets go and returns to his bed not minding the coughing Jongin,

“Just tell the poor boy you like him.” Baekhyun tries again. “Maybe he likes you too. You’ll be happy, both of you. You will have someone to have your forever.”

This time, Jongin stops and thinks for a while. He stands up, gathers all his photos and takes his Polaroid camera.

“I can’t, hyung.” Jongin softly utters as he slowly walks away from Baekhyun’s room.

Baekhyun will forever remember the look on Jongin’s eyes. He tries to argue or say something comforting but his lips cannot form any words.

“I don’t want to get hurt again.”

The door closes and Baekhyun is left with overwhelming concern over his little brother,


Jongin is already far away from Baekhyun’s room before the latter can utter,





“Love is about taking risks, Jongin.”






Jongin remembers the last day of middle school when Baekhyun gifted him his first Polaroid camera. Not because it was his graduation day nor the day Baekhyun gifted him but because it was the first time he saw Do Kyungsoo.

He was far more from being excited as he quickly tried to take shots using his new toy. He promised Baekhyun that his first shot would be of course, his most loved brother but unexpected things happen all the time. And he did not want such a plain shot or planned so as much as Baekhyun tried to pose in front of him; he denied his brother completely. He wanted his first shot to be the most memorable one so he waited until Baekhyun would do something funny or embarrassing. When he was about to take a stolen shot of Baekhyun; someone had pushed him and lost his focus and then the camera clicked.

“” He hissed as the annoyance. His precious first shot was gone.

A few minutes, an image had been formed;


And Jongin felt his first padum padum.


The shot was not taken perfectly as the image was slanted and almost half of it was blurred but the photo conveyed a thousand words. A boy wearing a red checkered polo with blue bow tie with his short hair and slightly shaved at the side, dark and lustrous, could almost have been mistaken for jet black, and his wide eyes and plump lips - clearly visible in the photo. Jongin was more than mesmerized. Jongin couldn’t shake off the feeling lingering in him. After a few seconds, he then processed that he probably should looked for the guy but when he scanned the area, the wide eyed boy was nowhere in sight.

                He kept the photo – the first ever shot he took in his entire life.

                His heart wouldn’t stop hammering loudly against his chest.

                Padum, padum, padum.







                “You’re obsessed Kim Jongin.” Baekhyun strongly stated as he and Jongin waited at the hospital for the results of Baekhyun’s series of tests.

                “I am not.” Jongin defended.

                “Then what are you? You’ve been looking at that photo all-day, soon, the image will be erased.” Baekhyun sighed at his brother’s dedication to the photo.

                Jongin looked horrified, “Hyung, you really think so? Will the image fade?” Worry is understatement for Jongin’s reaction. Baekhyun just laughed at his brother’s silliness.

                “You’re inlove Jongin.” Baekhyun winked and Jongin was about to counteract but when he heard the word love, the first thing that came to his mind was the guy in the photo.

                “But I’m straight.” He whispered to himself.

                “Love knows no gender Jongin.” Baekhyun smiled then he stood up to greet the doctor as the man in white coat gestured.

Jongin waited patiently outside the doctor’s office. The doctor probably handed the result of Baekhyun’s tests. His brother had been frequently having sore throats and headaches. Baekhyun was not worried about the latter; he was more afraid for his throat. Baekhyun’s voice was his life and Jongin knew it.

                Just a few minutes before, Jongin and BAekhyun were teasing each other, smiles plastered on their faces but just seconds, it all turned upside down as Baekhyun walked out of the room, clearly baffled and a teary eyed doctor beside him escorted him towards Jongin.


                “I’m dying.” Baekhyun flatly uttered.

                “They said I have Aphonia; it’s a rare cancer disease. It’s either I undertake operation which will mean, I won’t be able to speak anymore.” Baekhyun explained, fighting the tears.

                “What more sing Jongin? I love to sing. You know that.”

                “Hyung.” Even before Baekhyun declared his choice, Jongin already knew. And he never cried hard in his entire life that Baekhyun had to comfort him in every possible way.

                “I’m the one dying here, Jongin.” Baekhyun tried to joke.

                “If you die, I want to die with you.” Jongin seriously responded.

                “Jongin…” Baekhyun just hugged his brother, fighting the urge to cry. “You have to find your forever.”




                Jongin saw the guy on the Polaroid once again.

                It was the first day of junior high; the guy on the polaroid was walking along the hallway with an incredibly tall guy tailing behind him.

                Jongin, again, felt his heart beating wildly against his ribcage.

                Padum, padum, padum.

                Astonished, Jongin knees were trembling. Rubbing his eyes continuously as if to remove the image in front of him but all the things he was seeing was real,

                Padum, padum, padum

                He couldn’t believe that the person he long to see was walking in front of him. For the first time, Jongin felt really scared but he composed himself and tried to calm his heart. He stared and examined the guy. The boy was wearing their uniform and his hair had gotten longer and seeing him in person rather than in the photo, Jongin felt his cheeks becoming hot.

                Jongin shook the feeling of excitement rising from his body. He was in a dilemma whether to approach the guy or to just stay where he was; he decided that the first option would just creep out the guy so he opted to follow – not stalk. Just casually following, without anybody noticing.

Luck may have been on his side; he entered a familiar classroom, they were classmates.





                “I’ll never understand the concept of love.”

Kyungsoo heard his best friend utter for 3 consecutive times already.

“How do you feel it? How will you know? It’s really hard. I don’t even want to think about it.” Chanyeol sighs heavily.

“If you find the one, you’ll know. You’ll just know.” Kyungsoo tried to explain to Chanyeol but the latter wouldn’t understand. Kyungsoo traced his memory on matters that lead them to discuss the topic about love. He found none. “Why are we talking about this?”

Furrowing his eyebrows, Chanyeol still couldn’t comprehend love and its sub topics – if there are such. Chanyeol just shrugged. “Because I don’t understand novels or movies.”

Kyungsoo sighed, “I’m sure you’re going to fall in love one day Chanyeol, by that time, you will feel it. You will know.”

“No. Na-uh. I don’t think so.”

“Yeah you will, by the powers vested upon me, I will cast you a spell, you will fall in love really hard. That at one point you will cry but you will love eternally.” Kyungsoo said on a mocking tone.

Chanyeol only rolled his eyes.



He learned the boy’s name afterwards.

“Do Kyungsoo.” A deep voice emerged from the tall guy beside.

Do Kyungsoo. Jongin planted on his brain.

“Why?” Kyungsoo just stared at his tall friend. Jongin pressed the term friend because he did not like to assume that the tall guy was Kyungsoo’s boyfriend. No. Not now. Never.

And Jongin felt the happiest when hi assumptions came true.

“As your best friend, you should remind me that I was supposed to drop by the principal’s office.”

“I’m not your mother Chanyeol.” Kyungsoo hissed.

For the first few weeks, Jongin would try to make simple things to make Kyungsoo notice him but all his attempts were futile; the guy wouldn’t even look at him. Jongin learned that Kyungsoo was straight.

Jongin felt his first heartbreak.





                “How’s your obsession?” As Sehun termed it.

“He’s straight.” Jongin said disappointedly.

“Uh-huh.” Sehun furrowed his eyebrows. “How’d you know?”

“I heard Jinhyung asking the tall guy if Kyungsoo was available.”

“And then?”

“Chanyeol said and I quote ‘Sorry man, Kyungsoo don’t dig guys. We’re straight.’” Jongin mimicked Chanyeol’s deep voice as hard as he can.

“Then make him gay for you.” Sehun stated as if it was the easiest thing on earth. Jongin looked at him clearly perplexed.

“But I’m not gay.” Jongin said to Sehun.

“I know.” Sehun said sarcastically and a smirked tattooed on his face.  “The last time I checked you’re straight.”

Sehun runs a hand through his hair with lips turning into a smirk. He can’t help but be amused at his friend who for over his entire existence has never once shown any sign of curiosity over his uality until the guy in the polaroid appeared. It is one of the rare moments Sehun treasures. He was like watching a 3D movie of a person suffering and getting crazy little by little. To think, that Kyungsoo was not straight but because his best friend became a prisoner of love, Jongin’s mind was limited. Sehun knew Kyungsoo was gay, he felt it. Chanyeol too isn’t straight.  Sehun thinks it’s entertaining.

“So are you done getting out of the closet?” Sehun covered his mouth so as not to produce a loud snort.

“ you.”

“I can but I don’t want to.”

“If you’re not my best friend, I could have punched you.”

“You can but you won’t” With that Sehun grinned and stood up from his seat. Before he left, he leaned in closer, inches away from his friend, “Go get him, lover boy.”

Sehun dashed off the room before Kai can hit him at any way possible. Frustrated, Kai stood up and tried to catch Sehun only to be stopped from his tracks as his eyes traces the approaching person. Frozen on his spot, he can feel his heart beating strongly against his chest; his hands trembling. He can hear Sehun’s word on his head repeating like a broken disk. The last time I checked you’re straight.

He knew he was straight. But whenever he sees the photo, his heart would do flipflops. The butterflies in his stomach would roam around leaving him a pain of happiness. What more when he saw Kyungsoo, everything changed but he continuously fought over his dilemma. His heart had a different idea.

His eyes continued to gaze the person who was now sitting on the chair and seconds after, doe like eyes were staring into Kai’s, as if reading his soul. Kai needed to look away. For the brief time that their eyes locked, Kai already knew. He walked away from the room, took his Polaroid and secretly snapped a photo.

Staring into the completed image of a boy, the narrow shoulders making him look younger for his age, the noticeable softness of his cheeks, and the his trademark wide –eyed stare. Jongin realized that his life suddenly changed because…

“Do Kyungsoo happened.”


The only problem, Jongin thought was, aside from realizing he was gay, the man he loved, will never be his.

“Damn it.” Jongin muttered under his breath.






After a few weeks more, Jongin’s feeling only escalated. He decided to just continue loving Kyungsoo from a far. He will be satisfied, he should be. It was the price of loving a man who can never be his.

Jongin would join different clubs just to check if Kyungsoo also joined. To his surprise, whatever club he joined into, Kyungsoo was also there. He thought he was the luckiest man alive. He enjoyed watching Kyungsoo from afar even it hurts most of the time.





Kyungsoo knew from the very start that he was far away from being straight but he wanted to keep his real identity as hidden as possible. He was not comfortable announcing it to many so he decided to just keep it a secret and asked Chanyeol to not disclose it to anybody.

It was the third week of Junior High when Kyungsoo’s life changed drastically. He was a little too early for his morning class and Chanyeol was not yet around. Going to the classroom early was the best option for he might make new friends. For the first weeks Kyungsoo had been in the school, he barely interacted with anyone fearing they might notice his preference. But to survive in highschool, one must learn to socialize so he wanted to make new friends.

On his way to the classroom, he saw two boys talking with each other. The first one, he noticed was a guy from a different class. He remembered because the guy stood out from the rest as his lighter than blonde hair was definitely eye catching. He couldn’t see the face of the other guy, for he was facing, the blonde boy.

He continued walking towards his seat but he felt his eyes catching a glimpse of the pair. Soon after, the blonde kid whispered into the other guy and ran away. At first, Kyungsoo was startled but as soon as the other guy stood up, Kyungsoo felt his body froze.

The tanned skin complementing the boy’s feature, and the jet black hair made Kyungsoo shivered.

The guy gazed straight into Kyungsoo’s eyes.

Kyungsoo felt his first, padum padum.





“Kim ing Kai.” Sehun shouted from the other end of the hallway. Everyone’s attention was on the guy on the other end.

Kyungsoo felt his heart leapt out of his chest. So his name was Kai.

“You’re the ing vice president of the drama club. Congrats!” Sehun flashed a wide mocking grin.

“What the hell Sehun?”

“I volunteered you.”

With that, Kyungsoo saw Kai left with Sehun.




     “We need to sign up for the drama club.” Kyungsoo demanded Chanyeol.

                “I don’t act Kyungsoo.” Chanyeol argued.

                “Kai is the VP. I need to be a member.” Kyungsoo pleaded. “Chanyeol, please.”

Kyungsoo did nott want to sign up alone fearing to be misjudged by other members.  Chanyeol refused at first but Kyungsoo had this certain ability to make Chanyeol feel guilty.

                And they both joined the drama club




                “Chanyeol, have you filled up the form?”

                “Kyungsoo, I don’t know how to dance.”

                “But Chanyeol.  Jongin is there. I want to see him dance.” 

                “I don’t dance.”

                “Well it’s okay. I filled out our forms. Meeting starts tomorrow. Bring dance clothes.” Kyungsoo flatly said.

Kyungsoo had filled out the forms for the both of them without Chanyeol.

They both joined, but Chanyeol dropped out in a week.





                “Okay, so we have this ball.” Kyungsoo started.

                “I know. So what time do I pick you up?” Chanyeol asked.

                “No, no, no. You won’t some with me.”

                Chanyeol’s jaw dropped not because he was relived but because for the first Kyungsoo doesn’t need him. He felt happy.

                “You’re taking Sulli. Here’s her address and phone number.” Kyungsoo flashed him an angelic smile.

                Chanyeol had no time to argue. Kyungsoo set him up for this date because he wanted to go to this ball where Kai was invited and Chanyeol should have a date so it would not look like he and Kyungsoo were dating because as Kyungsoo said, Kai might misinterpret. It was going on pretty well within the first 5 minutes of the event. But Sulli left within 30 minutes, all because Chanyeol ruined her dress.

                Four years of high school had past and Kyungsoo’s feeling grew even more. The funny thing was Kyungsoo never had the courage to talk to Kai. Kai then became famous for his dancing abilities. He was a god in dancing. Everybody wanted Kai but Kai never had any relationship. Kyungsoo was beyond pleased.

                Kyungsoo was contended that he loved Jongin from afar.





                College days arrived and he persuaded Chanyeol to enroll in the same college as him.

                “How did you know Jongin is enrolling here?” Chanyeol asked while they make their toward the cashier to pay for their fee.

                “I have my sources.” Kyungsoo retorted.

                “I don’t understand you or your what you call love.”

                “You will feel it there.” Kyungsoo poked Chanyeol’s chest.

                “Love is a state of mind. You’re just delusional.”

                “Chanyeol, I’m telling you. Once love hits you, you can’t escape. Just wait.”

                “I assure you, you I won’t.”

                Kyungsoo sighed.



                “You will fall helplessly in love.”




                It was a usual day in college and Kyungsoo was about to meet Chanyeol when he saw a familiar figure chatting happily with someone. Someone handsome, someone cute, someone he never seem before.

                Kyungsoo felt a pang in his heart.


                He never saw Kai this happy. Kai never laughed this much. He wanted to back away and erase the moment because Kai was in bliss. And he was with someone.

                Kai caressed the boy’s cheek. Kyungsoo felt like crying. He loved Kai for years and he was contended loving him afar but seeing Kai with someone, he did not expect that it would hurt so much.

                “Stop.” The guy was giggling and Jongin cuffed the boy’s face even more. Kyungsoo recognized the guy as Byun Baekhyun, the transferee who he helped in entering the dance club. Baekhyun was perfect in every way.

                “Byun Baekhyun, I won’t” Jongin laughed even more.

                “I’m warning you, Jongin.”


                That was it. The last line of hope for Kyungsoo vanished as the other guy addressed Kai as Jongin.

                Kyungsoo ran as fast as he can. He did not know that a certain person noticed him leave.

                Kyungsoo ran as quickly as he could to find Chanyeol. Everything was in a whirlwind. Finally he found Chanyeol at their usual spot. He tried to be calm as possible.






“Park Chanyeol.” He shouted and slowly his bestfriend turned his way. He walked slowly, calming himself.


“Why the long face Channie?” Kyungsoo grinned. 


“Well, I have a favor to ask.”

Maybe Chanyeol felt it. That the favor will not be easy. Kyungsoo knew it too and definitely how much Chanyeol cares for him, the tall guy will never agree to this absurd request

                “W..what it?” Chanyeol gulped waiting anxiously for Kyungsoo’s answer.


“Make Baekhyun your boyfriend.”


                Kyungsoo was calm when he uttered the words as if it was the most natural thing in the world.


“Make what? Who? Boyfriend? Who the hell is Baekhyun? And Kyungsoo I’m straight!” Everything came running in Chanyeol’s head simultaneously. This was the most absurd thing Kyungsoo ever asked and the hell will he do it. He doesn’t even know who Baekhyun is.

                “Geez, Chanyeol, you’re not straight.” Kyungsoo, a little pissed.

“I am.” Chanyeol firmly said.

“No, you’re not. And Baekhyun is a really nice guy. He is overly handsome with just the right feminine features, just about the perfect height for you. And he has this amazing voice that you will love for sure. He is a great dancer too. Milky skin, kind, sweet, has a great sense of humor and everything. You know, he’s an ace student, friendly, kind...  He’s perfect. He is ING PERFECT, CHANYEOL! ING PERFECT!”

Kyungsoo finds it hard to breath.

“Okay, okay, Kyungsoo. Relax, breath in, breath out.” Trying to calm a rattled Kyungsoo, is hard. After he came back to his senses, Chanyeol slowly asked him. “Okay, so what’s with this Baekhyun, and what happened?” Chanyeol looked at Kyungsoo’s eyes and all that was there was desperation and desolation.


 “That Kim ing Kai likes Baekhyun.” Kyungsoo breathes heavily and Chanyeol felt the need to give him some water.

“I liked Kai for years already Channie, you know I really do.” Kyungsoo was fighting his tears, “but why does he have to fall for someone.”

“Does Baekhyun like him too?” Chanyeol dropped a bomb, not really knowing why.

“No. Yes. I don’t know.” Kyungsoo’s mind was spinning, his heart was clenching.

“How do you know if Kai likes Baekhyun?” I asked. Kyungsoo looked at me with glassy eyes. He took a deep breath and was stuttering with his words.


“Baekhyun calls him Jongin.”

Kyungsoo covered his face with his hands and started to sob.

                “Baekhyun calls him Jongin, Chanyeol. I heard it. And Jongin was ing smiling and blushing!”

Kyungsoo buried his face into his hands. He curled into a ball and just sobbed. Kai, the hottest boy in our university never let anyone call him Jongin. No one was allowed to call him Jongin except his mother, or so we thought. No one knew the exact reason why Kai doesn’t allow anyone to address him as Jongin. Kyungsoo once said that Kai only allow the persons he loved to call him Jongin, thus the crying Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo, the weeping tiny boy curled up into a ball liked Kai since high school despite it being a one sided love. In those 4 years that Kyungsoo loved the ravishing guy; not once did Kai entered into a relationship nor was it rumored that Kai liked someone so basically, Kyungsoo always has this hope of him and Kai being together. The problem lies on the fact that Kai did not know he exists.

Kyungsoo kept on sobbing, his whole body hurts.





“Hyung, please give it to him.”

“You should!” Baekhyun argued.

“I can’t hyung.”


Sighing, Baekhyun agreed. A few minutes before, Baekhyun and Jongin were chatting about the ridiculousness of Sehun and joking with each other about their . Jongin would purposely not call Baekhyun as hyung. They were having their usual brotherly bonding when Baekhyun saw the sudden changed in Jongin’s emotion. Baekhyun traced the reason behind Jongin’s abrupt emotional stiffness and it led him to person running.

Baekhyun scanned his memory, wanting to know how the boy looked familiar and then it clicked, the boy Jongin had been obsessed for the longest time. Baekhyun smiled as he an idea slipped in to his mind.

“Let’s go. Let’s ran after him.”

“No, hyung I don’t wa” But Jongin was late as Baekhyun grabbed his hand and started to run. What they witnessed both shocked them as Kyungsoo was crying non stop.


“You should hand him a handkerchief.” Baekhyun said proudly.

Jongin looked at BAekhyun from a brief moment.


“I-I-I-I can’t hyung.” Jongin was nearly in tears.

“Man up Jongin.”

But Jongin looked like a lost puppy as he shook his head slowly.


Baekhyun sighed and walked towards the boy.

“Here, take this.” Baekhyun handed the Jongin’s handkerchief to Kyungsoo. Chanyeol was startled with a stranger suddenly coming to them and handing a handkerchief.

Looking up, a simple and cracked, “Thanks.” Kyungsoo uttered between cries and softly got hold of the handkerchief.

“I got to go. I have a class. You can keep that Kyungsoo. Don’t cry anymore, okay?” Baekhyun patted Kyungsoo’s head and waved a gentle goodbye. Kyungso bowed his head a little. When the Baekhyun left, Kyungsoo spoke with such sadness. Chanyeol felt it.


“You know what’s funny? I can’t hate Baekhyun. I really can’t Chanyeol.”


 Chanyeol was wondering why Kyungsoo suddenly acting like this until he realized,


                “Baekhyun! Hurry up or you’re gonna be late for class.”

Baekhyun was the kind hearted stranger.



When Baekhyun went back to Jongin, he had this look.

“Why is he crying?” Jongin asked.

“You should have asked him.” Baekhyun sighed while he pulled Jongin. “And gave the handkerchief.”

                “You know I can’t hyung. He’s staright. He, I don’t know. I just. It’s so hard.”

                Baekhyun sighed but felt the need to hug Jongin so he did.

                “If you have a chance, grab it. Once love found you, you have to do the rest of the work. It’s not a simple task but if you let your only chance to slip, you’ll end up dying, not literary, but dying inside.”





A few minutes after, Kyungsoo composed himself, slapping his face moderately. He usually does this to calm himself.

“Okay, let’s go now. I think we’re late.” Chanyeol murmured, still assessing the situation.

                They arrived at their room and luckily, the professor was not around.

                Mr. Lee arrived minutes after. “Sorry being late class, I was held up in the principal’s office. So today, we’re going to discuss about the upcoming Christmas program but before we start. I’d like to introduce to you a transfer student.” Mr. Lee motioned for the guy to come in both Kyungsoo and Chanyeol were shocked to see a familiar face.

“Hi, My name’s Byun Baekhyun. Nice to meet all of you.”

“Okay Baekhyun, you may seat anywhere you like.”

Kyungsoo widened his eye even more when Baekhyun sat beside him,

 “Hi Kyungsoo. How are you feeling?”

                Kyungsoo smiled a little, “I’m fine. Again, thank you.”

                “No need. I like helping my friends.” Baekhyun winked and slumped into his chair.

“Do you have a class after this?” Baekhyun suddenly asked.

Kyungsoo shook his head.


                “Oh good. Coz, the dance department doesn’t have any activities today so you want to grab some coffee after this?” Baekhyun happily chirped in.

Kyungsoo and Chanyeol never agreed to anything but they found ourselves sipping large caramel lattes;

“So, both of you are Music majors?”Baekhyun started the  conversation.

Kyungsoo and  Chanyeol nod at the same time. They spend a good five minutes talking about school until Baekhyun’s phone rang.

Chanyeol tried to catch Kyungsoo’s attention and softly asked him, “Are you okay?”

Kyungsoo just nodded. The little conversation with Kyungsoo and Chanyeol was having was sbruptly interrupted when a guy suddenly barges in and sat next to Baekhyun.

“Jonginie!” Stern and firm; not the bubbly and endearing tone Baekhyun used.

Kyungsoo felt another heartache as he was seeing Baekhyun and Jongin interacted in a very personal way.

                It was maddening.

                A few words were exchanged and BAekhyun continued to share information about Jongin/

“He is usually seen as the guy with oozing confidence. And when you look at him, he is like a picturesque hero but really this kid here is pure innocence. Jongin spells PURITY.”

“Jongin here is a bab..”

Jongin’s phone interrupts Baekhyun’s story telling.

“Yes, eomma.” Jongin started and Baekhyun stops moving his mouth and listens intently into Jongin’s.

 “I’m with hyung. Yes, he’s alright. Ok, I’ll tell him that. Yes, yes, uhm, he will love that. Yes eomma. Okay, take care. Uhm, I love you too.” Kai struggled to say the last words.

Baekhyun giggled as he wrapped his hand around Kai’s shoulder, “My Jongin is shy.”

Kyungsoo felt the need to vomit from the pain he was feeling but instead he pinched Chanyeol’s hand under the table and the latter winced.

 “Eomma said to bring you home later.” Kai continued, not focusing on Baekhyun’s

“Do I have too?” Baekhyun released Jongin and pouted.

“Yes hyung.” Kai looked at his watch, “You can’t say no this time. I have a class in 10 minutes, I’ll pick you up at 6 hyung. Take care on your way home. Okay?” Kai smiled and caressed Baekhyun’s cheek before bowing to Chanyeol and Kyungsoo and headed outside.

Kyungsoo’s gripped on Chanyeol’s hand just gotten really hard.

“That kid. He really does what he wants. I feel like I’m not older than him.” Baekhyun sighed. “Can you believe that Chanyeol? My little brother just ordered me around. I don’t even want to come home.”

Kyungsoo looked horrified. 

“Little brother?” Kyungsoo and Chanyeol spoke in unison.


“Yes. Jongin’s my brother. Well, step brother. Same mother, different father, thus, the Kim Jongin and Byun Baekhyun.” Baekhyun explained, “Wait, didn’t I mention that?” He added.

“You did not,” Kyungsoo softly mumbled as his head was spinning from the information.

“YOU DID NOT!” Chanyeol suddenly declared loudly, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo are startled.


                “Woah, come down buddy.” Baekhyun tried to calm Chanyeol down.


                “Isn’t it obvious?” Baekhyun stared at theChanyeol and Kyungsoo puzzlingly, eyebrows wrinkled. He sighed and continued, “We’re really close so I thought you knew? What would be us then if it we’re not related. We really are close like…” He stopped realizing something, “You thought we’re lovers!” He declared and laughed hysterically.

“It’s not funny.”  Chanyeol cut him. The matter is not funny, Kyungsoo suffered too much because of this misunderstanding.

Baekhyun stopped laughing and wiped the tears that escaped from his eyes. “I’m sorry.” He said.

“Well, I am really sorry. This is a misunderstanding. Ok? And why are you angry?” Baekhyun started to backfire.

“We really thought you’re lovers.” Chaneyol declared while Kyungsoo tugged his shirt stopping the tall guy from making an argument. “You should have informed us. Like, Hello my name’s Byun Baekhyun and my little brother Jongin is coming over here at the café. Not letting us believe you’re his lover. It’s frustrating. Do you know how Kyungsoo felt? Did you know how he fights his urge not to cry, do you know how much he likes….”

Baekhyun suddenly stood up and placed his finger on Chanyeol’s lips cutting his monologue.

“Kyungsoo like Jongin?” He asked and Kyungsoo gasped.  

Baekhyun did not wait for Chanyeol to respond, he shifted his attention towards Kyungsoo, “You like my brother?”

Kyungsoo lips seemed glued to each other and he started fidgeting in his seat.

“You like my brother.” Baekhyun declared by himself. “Wait, you were jealous of me?” Then came another question which was left unanswered. Pieces by pieces, Baekhyun put it together though nothing came out from Kyungsoo’s mouth.


 “You were jealous of me. How long have you liked my brother?”

Still no answer from Kyungsoo.

“How long does he like my brother?” Baekhyun asks Chanyeol. He did not answer. Chanyeol was not planning to. But Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol directly  in the eyes and Chanyeol found himself answering, “since highschool.” Kyungsoo released a sound, half scream, half grunt.

“Oh my God. Is that why you were crying? You saw us too close? Is that it? Right? Oh My God. KIM ING JONGIN will kill me.” Baekhyun started panicking.

“He will murder me in my sleep. My body will not be found. Oh my God, I am dead as rock. Dead as a meat.”

Baekhyun finally stopped his rambling about Kai killing him.


                “I am making this clear. You have to answer me. You like Jongin right?”

Kyungsoo nodded slowly.

“Kim Jongin? You like my brother, Kim Jongin?”

Kyungsoo nodded again.

                One thing led to another, Baekhyun’s hands were wrapped around Kyungsoo while blurting out the words, “I love you, thank you, and this is amazing.”

“I’m really confused.” Chanyeol cut his little skinship with Kyungsoo.

“Ok, ok. I’ll explain. Sorry for the sudden outburst. I am just happy.” Baekhyun went back to his seat but the smile plastered on his face was blinding.

 “I kept on telling stories about my brother right? My little Kim Jongin? Well, this cute little thing here.” He points at Kyungsoo, “I want him to realize” still pointing at Kyungsoo, “how amazing my brother is.” Baekhyun nonchalantly proclaimed

“But why?”  Chanyeol asked.

“ because for the longest time, my brother has been secretly liking you, Kyungsoo” Baekhyun smiled at Kyungsoo. The latter gasped and clung on the table; surprise was evident from his face.

“Since highschool Do Kyungsoo.” Still smiling, Baekhyun continued, “but he thinks Kyungsoo doesn’t know him. But he’s an idiot for not talking to you. But he’s just shy.”



Kyungsoo was dumbstruck, jaw was widely open.

After a few minutes, Kai suddenly appeared before us again.

“Class got canceled.” He declared as he sat beside Baekhyun again. The latter smirked earning a questioning look from Kai, “What?”

“Oh, I just remember, Chanyeol and I needed to go to the bookstore.” Baekhyun said while a smirk was tattooed on his face.

“Ah, yes, yes, I need to buy this book.” Chanyeol stood up casually and reached for his bag desperately trying to disregard Kyungsoo’s eye pleading.


Jongin on the other hand looked horribly stunned, “I.. I. hyung! I’ll go with you.”


Baekhyun pushed the almost standing Jongin back to his chair, “No, stay, don’t leave Kyungie alone. Yeollie and I can take care of this. We’ll be back.” Baekhyun grabbed Chanyeol’s hand and sprinted out the café, leaving a flustered Jongin and an incredibley wide eyed Kyungsoo.



                Once Baekhyun and Chanyeol were out of the cafe, silence was deafening.

                It was the first time both Jongin and Kyungsoo were this close to each other.

                Kyungsoo felt his padum padum.

                Jongin felt his padum padum.





                “Hi.” Both said at the same time.





                Padum, padum, padum.









a/n Sorry for a crappy chapter and for the grammatical errors. I haven't edited it because these words are handwritten and I just typed them. Sorry if the update took long enough but I assure you that the following update will be posted this week. I am finding a willing person to beta this. I am really sorry. TT^TT 
Anyways, I just changed my twitter username to @baekmesomeyeol :)

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thank you for the story!
1104 streak #2
Chapter 6: damn it :""(((
1104 streak #3
Chapter 5: Yooooo wtfffff this is so cruel
1104 streak #4
Chapter 4: I've always wondered about the mystery behind the soda can
1104 streak #5
Chapter 3: 2327 and 1856 days TT
1104 streak #6
Chapter 2: Ya ya ya both of u r straight sure xD stupid babies
1104 streak #7
Just read The 27th of October and now I'm here to torture myself some more
Aerilcb #8
Chapter 5: Hah ...nothing to say author .
This was just ...amazing ..
Chapter 1: The intro... hmm interesting
Chapter 7: Dang it dang it dang it..

Ignore me while I am in the corner