During: Realization

The Last Straw





    Kyungsoo and Baekhyun’s concert gave realizations to both Jongin and Chanyeol. As the two boys watched in all nervousness, Jongin knew he will never love another one; it was Kyungsoo, it is Kyungsoo and it will forever be Kyungsoo.

                Chanyeol, on the other hand realized a single thing which open doors to many other things. Chanyeol realized love has come his way but he doesn’t have any idea on how to handle the bizarre feeling occupying his chest. After Baekhyun finished his song, Jongin pulled him from his seat because he was staring at the stage though the performance had ended long time ago.

                Chanyeol realized that he was in love with Baekhyun.

                “Hyung is not there anymore so come on!” Jongin was grasping Chanyeol’s hand and dragging him.

Both Chanyeol and Jongin went to the backstage to greet Baekhyun and Jongin left the tall guy by the door to envelope Kyungsoo into a hug, the latter blushed deep red from the contact.

                Chanyeol mouthed a congratulations while Kyungsoo was being held into an embrace by Jongin but Chanyeol hurriedly shifted his gaze scanning the room for a certain boy. Instead of finding him with his own eyes, he heard his voice.

                “Where’s my hug Jongin?”

                “Ask Chanyeol to hug you, I’m busy here. Can’t you see?”

                Chanyeol was too stunned to reply. He was overwhelmed by his own feelings that his heart was beating loudly, his mind was not working properly. He just stared at Baekhyun.

“So, did you fall in love with me or something?” Baekhyun teased me as he lightly punched the tall guy’s shoulder.

Everything went silent after Baekhyun uttered the remark aiming to be one of usual quirks but it had fallen differently out of place.  Silence enveloped the room.


“Why? Did I miss anything?” Baekhyun eyes’ shifted to all of them asking for certain answers about the overwhelming silence.

“Nothing. Nothing hyung.” Jongin let go of Kyungsoo and patted Baekhyun’s shoulder. “You did well, hyung.”

“Y..y..y..you w-w-were a-amaz-z-ing.” Chanyeol stuttered. Jongin burst out laughing and Kyungsoo was fighting hard not to laugh as he pushed Jongin outside the room leaving Baekhyun and a dumbstruck Chanyeol.


“Thanks Chanyeol.” Baekhyun smiled. “I am really happy to hear that. But you’re acting weird. Really.”

                Chanyeol was still out of words.

“So did you hug already?” Jongin peeked from the door, chuckling.

“KIM JONGIN!” I heard Kyungsoo screamed and Jongin was quickly out of our sight.

Baekhyun smiled, “So, do I get a hug?” His hands were hanging and calling Chanyeol for a hug.

                Chanyeol swore, he was never breathless in his entire life. His legs were trembling, his mind was spinning and soon, hi body moved, trembling. Nothing was warmer than this; nothing was more perfect than this.

Chanyeol was hugging Baekhyun.






                “We’re going to China.” Jongin shyly said rubbing the back of his head. “I’m sorry I know, we just become, uhm, official the other day and I’m leaving you already.”

                “It’s okay, Jongin.” Kyungsoo smiled. “It’s not like you’re leaving me forever.”

                Jongin felt his heart throbbed; the butterflies in his stomach went wild.

                “Of course.” Jongin smiled wildly. “I promise a forever with you.”

                “A forever.” Kyungsoo hugged Jongin, pressing his body strongly.

                “A forever with you.” Jongin uttered in Kyungsoo’s head while the latter’s head was in his chest.

                “OH MY GOD, PLEASE HELP ME” Baekhyun dramatically expressed his emotions, after witnessing the romantic moment that just transpired “FRreaking mother earth, you’ll be gone for two weeks. What are you teenagers?”






Jongin and Baekhyun went to visit China, A family tradition, as Jongin explained to a sad Kyungsoo. Right after Jongin confessed, he left Kyungsoo, but just for 2 weeks.


“I will never do that to Baekhyun.” The words proudly escaped Chanyeol’s lips.


Kyungsoo sighed, “It was planned beforehand, we couldn’t do anything, besides, it was Baekhyun who planned the trip months ago so Jongin couldn’t back out. And we’ll skype every day.” Kyungsoo defended his boyfriend.

“And when did you start being like this? No more fighting? No more arguments?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Well, no matter what, I’m not going to that to Baekhyun.” Chanyeol was firm on his decision.

“Yeah yeah, sure.” Kyungsoo smirked, “You wouldn’t do or rather; you could not do that. You’re not even together.”

Kyungsoo meant it as a joke but it made Chanyeol realized things so the smile on his face was replaced automatically with a hinted realization and an obvious grief. Kyungoo noticed the sudden change in his mood.

“It wasn’t meant to be bad Chanyeol. I’m sorry.”

Before Chanyeol could reply that it was okay, as if on cue, they heard the tone from Skype.

“They’re calling already.” Kyungsoo held Chanyeol’s hand, “I’m sorry okay?” He wouldn’t drop the issue until he truly knows his best friend was okay so despite having a mental breakdown and an obvious heartbreak, Chanyeol smiled assuring him that his fine.

 “He has a date.” Jongin dropped a sudden bomb.

Chanyeol’s knees started to weaken and he had to cling into the chair to prevent himself from falling. Kyungsoo looked at his bestfriend worriedly.

“It’s not a date Jongin.” They heard Baekhyun’s voice.

Jongin laughed from the computer screen and suddenly stopped. Kyungsoo had to shoot daggers to make his boyfriend stop.

Baekhyun suddenly appeared on the screen, “Hey Kyungie!” He said beaming. “Where’s Chanyeol?”



                “Do you know where Baekhyun is?” Kyungsoo asked Jongin secretly as they were preparing the food for Chanyeol’s birthday.

                Jongin refused to answer.

                “Jongin.” Kyungsoo stared at his boyfriend. “Please.”

                “He’s with Yifan.”

                “Okay. I hope he dropped by though.”

                “I don’t think he will show up.” Jongin heaved a sigh.

                “He will. I can feel it.” Kyungsoo seemed to have more trust in BAekhyun than his own brother.

                “Okay, I’ll bet 30,000 won.” Jongin

                “Make it 50,000”

                “DEAL!” They both said in unison.


                Kyungsoo and Jongin decided to stay until midnight, not only to celebrate Chanyeol’s birthday but to check who won the bet.

                It was 11:55 and Baekhyun was nowhere in sight. They both decided to go home and Jongin apparently won the bet.




The following day, a smile was widely plastered on Chanyeol face, grinning like an idiot. Jongin and Kyungsoo eyed him suspiciously.


“Did you get stone last night?” Jongin poking Chanyeol’s cheek said conscientiously.

“Spill. What happened?” The urgency in Kyungsoo’s voice was one in a million, he shifted his chair almost every second and he his body was shaking awkwardly. “I knew something happened, what is it? What is it?”




“what is it, what is it?” Kyungsoo was now shaking Chanyeol, both of his hands grabbing him shoulders and shaking him.

“Baekhyun arrived after you went home.” Chanyeol hurriedly replied, fear engulfing him as Kyungsoo was looking at him as if Kyungsoo’s eyes would pop out.

Kyungsoo’s eyes are wide but they’re wider than usual. He let go of left Chanyeol’s shoulder but the next thing was unexpected. Kyungsoo turned to Jongin, hands stretched reaching for something.

“My 50,000 won please.”


“You bet on me?”

“No, .” Jongin replied, “we bet on my brother, if he’ll appear or not.”


“That’s not very nice.” Chanyeol responded.


“But he did come right, that’s what is important.” Kyungsoo winked at me, “Now, tell us everything.”


“He gave me this.” Chanyeol reached for the string that was situated around my neck, my shirt was hiding it from other’s eyes, revealing a simple silver pendant.


“WHAT THE ACTUAL ?” Jongin raising in hands, annoyance clearly manifested.


“What’s that?” If sarcasm is the greatest way to mock, what Kyungsoo did was beyond sarcastic.


“A tab”


The look on Kyungsoo and Jongin’s eyes were precious. It was a different from of mockery hinted with annoyance and doubtfulness.


“A soda tab.” Chanyeol explained further to give them a wider idea in case they don’t know.


“The thing on top of a soda bottle that you should op….”




“That’s a secret, Jongin.”


Baekhyun walked to them as he taps Jongin’s shoulder while his eyes are on Chanyeol; a smile perfectly fit his lips.





                “Chanyeol, what’s with that tab?” Kyungsoo was bugging Chanyeol the whole day. The soda tab was hunting his mind.

                “I need to know Chanyeol, I’m getting crazy.”

                “Fine.  But it’s not that special, you know.”

                “I don’t care, just spill.”

                “Okay, remember the time when we left you and Jongin at the café? The first time we met BAekhyun?”


                “We left and we decided to explore the city. That’s when Baekhyun and I got close. When we decided to go home, Baekhyun left his wallet. I have no money left.”

                “Why am I hearing this now?”

                “Both of our phones were drained. Baekhyun had this idea that we should perform. Well, he did not, but I did. I had my guitar and I performed, we accumulated enough money for our fair but we had extra so we bought a soda tab.”

                “What the ? That’s the soda tab.” Kyungsoo was disappointed.

                “Baekhyun was kind of sentimental about it. He said that he’ll forever remember the soda and especially that day. He placed a mark on that soda tab and he buried it. He said that once he finds it, he will give it to someone important, like him giving his heart”

                Kyungsoo was silent. Chanyeol only smiled.


                A week before Chanyeol’s birthday, Baekhyun decided that he’ll be giving Chanyeol the best gift so he decided to look for the tab. But when he went to the place where he buried the soda tab, it was not there anymore. Everyday, Baekhyun would try his best to dig out the sand but he can’t find it. Chanyeol’s birthday came and he hasn’t found it, good thing, Yifan called and offered to help me. It was nearing 12am and Chanyeol’s birthday was about to end, Baekhyun hasn’t found the tab until he remembered that he did not bury it back then, he buried it in his most special place.

                It was ten minutes before 12, Baekhyun was losing sanity. He would missed Chanyeol’s birthday. But he didn’t he arrive 5 minutes before with the perfect gift in his hands.





“I confessed to Baekhyun a while ago but he suddenly ran away from me.” Chanyeol was not crying but the hurtful look was evident in his face.

Kyungsoo comforted his bestfriend by showering him with home cooked meal. Kyungsoo felt guilty because he knew the real reason why Baekhyun ran away. Jongin told him that Baekhyun had cancer and Baekhyun did not want Chanyeol to love a dying guy. Kyungsoo felt his heart throb with pain for his best friend and fear for himself. After the news that Baekhyun would die, Kyungsoo found it hard to concentrate because he kept on thinking what he will do if he was in Chanyeol’s state. He loved Jongin too much that just the thought of losing him breaks him.

Jongin came to his apartment that night, knowing what happened.

“How’s Chanyeol?”


“I’m sorry.” Jongin hugged Kyungsoo tightly.

“I’m scared, Jongin.” Kyungsoo was in tears. “I’m scared that you’ll leave, that you’ll be gone.”



“I love you so much that I might go crazy if you were in Baekhyun’s shoes.”

Jongin just kissed Kyungsoo’s lips. “I won’t leave. I’ll always be here by your side. I’ll always be there.” Jongin placed his hand on Kyungsoo’s heart. “We will have our forever, okay?”

That night, Kyungsoo and Jongin promised themselves an eternal love as Jongin took Kyungsoo wholly while Kyungsoo gave his all to Jongin.



They did not see Baekhyun for a year. Chanyeol continued to love Baekhyun. Sometimes, Kyungsoo would feel really bad about, because Jongin and him were having a perfect relationship while Chanyeol and Baekhyun was hanging by a thread.

“I think you should move on, Chanyeol.”


Kyungsoo out of the blue uttered when he and Chanyeol were having breakfast. Chanyeol did not respond, he never did. Every time Kyungsoo will start a conversation about Baekhyun, Chanyeol would always avoid answering; either having an excuse to go to his room or the bathroom; faking a phone call; suddenly practicing his rap; or plainly disregarding the question.


“It has been months Chanyeol.”


“I need to go to the bathroom.” Chanyeol said, his voice shaking.


“You can’t keep running Chanyeol!”


“For ’s sake Chanyeol, Baekhyun ran away from you! You confessed to him but he ran away without giving you a word. That doesn’t count as a rejection? Chanyeol, you’re wasting your life. Don’t wait for someone who honestly doesn’t want to be with you!” Kyungsoo’s eyes were in tears.

                Kyungsoo felt the worst person. He wanted Chanyeol to move on because it will be less painful than loving Baekhyun, than loving a dying guy. Kyungsoo knew how much Baekhyun loved Chanyeol and the former sacrificed his feelings and crushed Chanyeol’s heart because it will be less painful than making Chanyeol feel happiness and will just rob him of it after a few years.

“I need to hear it from him.”

“It has been months Chanyeol. Months.” Kyungsoo burst out crying. “You have to stop Chanyeol, don’t waste your time loving someone who doesn’t love you back. It hurts to see you like this.” Kyungsoo continued sobbing.


“But you did it Kyungsoo.” Chanyeol told him. Kyungsoo looked at Chanyeol confused.


“Years ago, you love someone without expecting him to love you in return.” The taller explained “And in those years Kyungsoo, I saw you laugh, cry and get angry. But you are happiest when you love.”


Kyungsoo was sobbing continuously.


“You loved Jongin. You loved him from afar; still, you loved him unconditionally.” Chanyeol smiled at the shorter and patted his shoulders before turning around to proceed to the bathroom.


“I remember you saying to me before when I asked why you love Jongin, because back then I don’t understand a thing about love but you said, Love is at its peak if it is unrequited. Because in that way, you love selflessly and you give your all without wanting any in return.”


“I’m doing it now. It doesn’t really matter if Baekhyun does not love me. I will always be happy that Baekhyun entered my life and I fell in love with him. I don’t want to fall in love with anybody else.”


With that, Chanyeol walked towards the bathroom, shut the door, opened the shower and cried.

                Kyungsoo cried harder when he heard Chanyeol sobbing in the bathroom.





Baekhyun appeared after a year. He decided to undergo chemotherapy and surgeries. Even if it means losing his voice, Baekhyun decided to do it for Chanyeol.

Jongin had been a great support for his brother. He had been there since the beginning, he decided to be with Baekhyun in every step of the way.


"Jongin, you need to eat."

"I know but I need to go to the hospital first."

"Jongin... please."

Jongin stopped from his tracks and looked at his boyfriend. He smiled.

"I love you." He said. Kyungsoo suddenly blushed.

"Always remember that Kyungsoo. I will forever love you." Jongin hugged Kyungsoo.

"I love you too, Jongin."



BAekhyun had series of surgery, all went well but the price of it was the voice he adored. He did not mind, as long as he is with Chanyeol.


October 7, 2013

Baekhyun needed to go to Canada for a couple of weeks. It was researched that there was a way to make it painless when he speaks. A series of tests will be conducted. None of it is purely 100% effective because Baekhyun’s cancer was one of the rarest but hearing there could be a chance that Baekhyuncan speak again, he grabbed it.


I’ll be fine. Baekhyun gestured to Chanyeol.


“I know. I’ll just miss you so bad.”


I’ll miss you too.


“Promise, you’ll be back before October 27.”


I promise.






"Are you sure, you won't come with Baekhyun?" Kyungsoo asked worriedly.

"I'm sure. I want to be here with you." Jongin winked teasingly.

"It's alright with me."

"I know, but I just want to be with you. I have a feeling that I want to be with you always. I love you Kyungsoo. I will love you forever. I promise"



Promises are made to be broken.



 October 9, 2013


“Good day sir, package for Park Chanyeol.”


“I’m Chanyeol, where do I sign?”


A tiffany box from Europe came.

Two pieces of white gold molded into fine round jewelry with initials, PC and PB and both dated, 27thof October.

“Finally, our wedding bands.”

                “ you!” Jongin cursed loudly. Chanyeol was surprised, he almost dropped the rings.

                “What the hell Chanyeol, I was supposed to propose to Kyungsoo first! What are you doing?” Jongin

                “Sorry buddy!” Chanyeol grinned widely. “Wait, aren’t you with Baekhyun?”

                “Oh, my flight’s been moved. I’ll be leaving in the 21st.”



October 12, 2013


“Jongdae, I really need your help on this. Please”


“Propose in 5 minutes, Park. That’s all I can do.”


“You’re the best.”


For months, Chanyeol have been begging his highschool buddy Jongdae who was working at Lotte World for him to stop the Ferris Wheel for a couple of minutes so Chanyeol can propose to Baekhyun. Jongin had once said that Baekhyun loved the ferris wheel.


After days of constantly buying bribes; begging, finally Jongdae agreed.


“You really are in love Chanyeol.”


“More than in love.”


October 20, 2013

"So, why do like photographs so much?" Kyungsoo suddenly said as he was browsing Jongin's polaroid collection, specifically, Jongin's Baekhyun polaroid collection.

"Because ever since we learned hyung has a cancer, I wanted to capture every thing he does. I want to remember him forever." Jongin held one of the polaroids tightly. Kyungsoo smiled because he knew how much Jongin loved Baekhyun.

"Kyungsoo." Jongin said. "I love you."

"I love you too."


"I will love you forever." Jongin kissed Kyungsoo.




October  21, 2013


“Chanyeol, don’t be nervous.”

“What if he refuses?”

“He won’t refuse. Trust me.” Jongin’s voice was firm and steady and promises stability and assurance. Because Jongin helped Baekhyun prepared for his brother’s proposal; he knew Baekhyun would not in a thousand years would refuse. It was year ago when Baekhyun still have his voice; Baekhyun planned a video that will be played on the 27th of October, year 2014.

Jongin was about to head back to the kitchen to help Kyungsoo.

“Thanks, Jongin. You take care later, okay?”

“Of course, gotta buy the best ring for Kyungie!”





October 25, 2013


Today was Baekhyun’s flight back home. Everything was planned out carefully. Tickets were reserved. Line arrangements in the Ferris Wheel are planned out.


The rings are safely kept.


Baekhyun just boarded the plane.


He left a text message, confirming his flight.


                From Baekhyun:

Flight details: KE27

Date of Arrival: October 26, 2013

Time of Arrival: 21:25




From Baekhyun:

See you tomorrow, Yeol. Boarding now.




 October 26, 2013


It was 4 in the morning and Chanyeol’s mind still worked fast. Replaying the scenario that he hope will take place tomorrow. The proposal will be the best, he knew it, he felt it and he’s sure Baekhyun will be happy. He watched a couple of shows to make his mind think of other things.

                Soon, his eyes betrayed him and Chanyeol fell into slumber.


October 26, 2013

Kyungsoo’s phone ring continuously waking him from his dream.

“Kyungsoo” Sehun said, voice cracking, stained with cries.

Everything goes blank. Kyungsoo felt his body shaking; a part of him breaks, a part of him loses sanity.

“This isn’t happening.” Kyungsoo screamed, as tears roll down his face.

No survivors are found in the crash site of flight KE27.

“No no no no.” Kyungsoo kept screaming.


Sehun on the other end of the line was also shouting; screaming words for Kyungsoo but the latter didn’t hear it as he ran away from his apartment to go to Chanyeol.


Chanyeol woke up with his phone ringing, the television was still on, and there was a loud knock on his door.

                “I’m coming!” He tried to shout but the banging at the door won’t stop.

                “What do you ne-”

                What greeted him was a broken Kyungsoo. Eyes were red, hair unbrushed, body perspiring.

                “W-what happened?” I asked, “Did you and Jongin? Did he break up with you?”

                Kyungsoo kept on sobbing.

                “Ch-ch-aanyeol” Kyunsoo’s voice was shaking, this was the first time Chanyeol saw Kyungsoo this broken.

                Chanyeol lead him to the living room, the television still on. Once Kyungsoo was sitting on the couch, Chanyeol went to the kitchen to get some water. When he arrived, a breaking news suddenly played. Kyunsoo looked up and horror emitted in his face.


                The reporter’s words were clear and firm.


                As of 2:15pm, no survivors were found near the crash site of flight KE27. It was reported that the plane…..




                Kyungsoo looked at Chanyeol and his cries got louder.






                “No, no, no”




                “Wait here Kyungie, I’ll just check Baek’s flight.”


                “Chanyeol, please.”


                “I need to get ready, he’ll be arriving in a few hours. You should too.”


                “Please, Chanyeol.”


                “Kyungsoo. Just, he has a different flight. Maybe it was reported wrong.”




                “I’ll see Baekhyun later. I’ll propose to him tomorrow. We will get married October 27, 2014.”


                “I’m so sorry Chanyeol.”


                “We’ll get marri…”


                Tears started to fall and this time, only this time, Chanyeol questioned my life.

                “Why me? Why him? Why us?” Kyungsoo started walking towards Chanyeol. “We will get married Kyungsoo. He’ll have the best proposal because he ing deserve it. Kyungsoo, we will get married. We will have a lifetime. We will…”

                Chanyeol was too pre occupied with his heart break that he doesn’t realize the other one was also suffering.

                It was days after that Chanyeol realized the greater problem they had, a problem that hunted them for years.








Jongin drifted away from Kyungsoo.








Sorry guys, I let you down. Sorry The Last Straw was a crappy fic T.T

DOn't hate me. I love you all. And I need someone to beta this. pretty please? I love you! Me loves you.

SORRY AGAIN! I'll update the last chap today! Double update guys!Again, I'm sorry but thank you for being with me until this chapter.


Oh, and I changed my username (theusualfan) to nestine, my friend thinks the usual fan is an ugly name. HAHA



You can follow me at twitter: @baekmesomeyeol




you'll hate me in the next chapter. coz it's a very crappy one. I'm not satisfied. I am very sorry.


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thank you for the story!
1112 streak #2
Chapter 6: damn it :""(((
1112 streak #3
Chapter 5: Yooooo wtfffff this is so cruel
1112 streak #4
Chapter 4: I've always wondered about the mystery behind the soda can
1112 streak #5
Chapter 3: 2327 and 1856 days TT
1112 streak #6
Chapter 2: Ya ya ya both of u r straight sure xD stupid babies
1112 streak #7
Just read The 27th of October and now I'm here to torture myself some more
Aerilcb #8
Chapter 5: Hah ...nothing to say author .
This was just ...amazing ..
Chapter 1: The intro... hmm interesting
Chapter 7: Dang it dang it dang it..

Ignore me while I am in the corner