
The Last Straw





2 weeks after the café encounter. Jongin found himself grinning to himself. He reminisce all things that happened. The way he managed to man up and uttered a few greetings, the way Kyungsoo looked so lost with his eyes as if bugging out of its socket. Jongin felt more alive.

“Stop smiling, you’re creeping me out.” Baekhyun threw a pillow at Jongin’s direction and the latter’s mind being preoccupied about the thoughts of Kyungsoo, miserably failed to dodge resulting a pillow on his face.

“Hyung!” Jongin whinned.

“Stop smiling!”

“But I can’t. I don’t know why but my lips couldn’t stop forming a smile.” And Jongin giggled.

Baekhyun was left horrified, “What the actual Jongin? Stop giggling. It’s scary.”

Jongin sighed in happiness.

Baekhyun sighed in annoyance. “I don’t know if I’ll be happy for you or not.”

Jongin’s attention was now on BAekhyun’s.

“You’re conversation lasted for 30 minutes with only, “Hi” and “Goodbye” because both of you are busy  fidgeting in your seats, and you both haven’t talked in two weeks and seriously Jongin, you’re acting like a teenage girl. What more if he became your boyfriend?”

Jongin’s brain only processed the word boyfriend.


“OH MY GOD!” Baekhyun literally face palmed himself.





It became a normal routine. Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Jongin would always hang out at the café in between their breaks. They became inseparable. One thing was a remaining setback though, Jongin and Kyungsoo has a little to no interaction. The biggest miracle was they were both satisfied with it. Baekhyun was getting frustrated.


Baekhyun suddenly cornered Chanyeol in the music room. Chanyeol could feel something forming in his stomach when Baekhyun’s hands are in his shoulder and his body pressed against the wall. Chanyeol, was taller than Baekhyun but with the force that Baekhyun was exerting, Chanyeol felt he was smaller.

Chanyeol gulped.

“I need you.” Baekhyun begged.

“W-w-what?” Chanyeol was lost on words. What do you mean nnneeeed? Even in his mind, he was stuttering.

“I badly need you Chanyeol.”


Chanyeol was about to wrap his hands on Baekhyun and agree to what Baekhyun wanted.

“Chanyeol.” Baekhyun said. “What the is wrong with Kyungsoo?”

Chanyeol arms froze. His body froze. His mind froze.

“I told him Jongin likes him and Kyungsoo likes Jongin too then why? It has been months and all their conversation was just Hi, Hey, okay, bye, see you. And both of them are ing contented! What is wrong with those boys. It’s irritating.” Baekhyun got a hold of his hair and he was pulling it in frustration.

Chanyeol was dumbstruck.

“Aren’t you annoyed”

Chanyeol could only nod.

“So, I’ve been thinking about things. You-Me, we’re going to have them confess to each other. Are you with me?” BAekhyun raised an eyebrow, without waiting for an answer. “Good, let’s get started.”

Chanyeol sighed and muttered under his breath, barely audible, “The things you do to me Baekhyun.”






“Okay, so here’s what we gonna do.” Baekhyun had made a master plan, with plots and points. Baekhyun began pointing the weakness, strengths and possibilities which he had written down in the paper. Chanyeol on the other was supposed to listen. With every word, he was believed to be taken it in, drilling into his brain but there was something that distracted Chanyeol from all of these. Chanyeol couldn’t focus because he thought that Baekhyun’s hands were pretty.

“Damn it.” He suddenly spoke.

“What? You don’t like it?” BAekhyun raised his eyebrow.

“No. No. No. Uhm where are we again?”

Baekhyun sighed, “So here, I’m going to tell Jongin that you like Kyungsoo and you’re going to confess.”

Chanyeol nodded, still thinking about Baekhyun’s fingers, but realizing the stupidity of what Baekhyun just said, “What? I won’t do that? I don’t like Kyungsoo!”

Baekhyun’s face was revealing a doubtful sentiment, as if not believing a word Chanyeol had said, “Right.”

Chanyeol blushed, “I don’t like Kyungsoo. I swear.”


“Yah! Byun Baekhyun! I don’t like him!” Chanyeol, almost begging. “I like someone else.”

Realization hit Chanyeol in the face. I like someone.

No one spoke for a minute.

“If that’s what you say.” Baekhyun bowed and continued writing things that doesn’t really made sense.

“Ok. Let’s do it.”


“I’ll help you, if you think that’s for the best for them. I’ll help.”

Baekhyun flashed Chanyeol a wide grin.




“Jongin.” Baekhyun said in the saddest voice he could do. He was confident in his plan.

“Hyung? Is there a problem?” Jongin worriedly jump into Beakhyun’s bed hearing the unhappy tone in the older guy’s voice.

“You like Kyungsoo, right?”

Jongin nodded.

“It’s just that, Chanyeol likes him.”

Jongin was taken aback. Baekhyun knew his plan was working.

“He told me, he will confess on the day of the concert.”

Jongin’s face fell; it seemed that blood had drained from it.

“I think Kyungsoo likes him too. I’m sorry Jongin.”

Baekhyun faked his sadness and tried to cry.

Jongin sighed, “If Kyungsoo will be happy, and then I’ll accept that.”

Baekhyun was more shock. “What are you talking about, fight for him. Confess first.”

“No, hyung. If you love someone, you must learn to let go. And you must choose what’s best for him, if Chanyeol will be the best there is, I want Kyungsoo to be happy.” Jongin suddenly stood up. “I’m going back to my room, to finish some papers.”

“Jongin, are you alright?” Baekhyun asked, guilt taking over him.

“All I want is Kyungsoo to be happy. I did not ask for him to be mine.”

“But, Jongin…”

“I’m worried about you, hyung.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You like Chanyeol.”

With that, Jongin closed the door and left Baekhyun staring into oblivion.




Baekhyun forgot to remind Chanyeol that their plan was no longer in action. The words which Jongin uttered left Baekhyun in a state of realization. He refused to speak with Chanyeol for a while.

So whenever Jongin was around, Chanyeol would pretend to flirt with Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo did not mind because for him, Chanyeol was just having his ‘baby days’ where he clings into someone.

“Hey, Jongin!” Chanyeol shouted, grin plastered in his face.

Jongin, surprisingly, felt that Chanyeol and Kyungsoo should be together because Chanyeol was a good man. A person whom Kyungsoo knew and trusted for a long time, he couldn’t compare to that.

But he thought he could somehow accept the fact that Kyungsoo will have someone to cuddle with, to hug, to kiss, to be with forever; but Jongin thoughts were wrong. Days before the mini concert Kyungsoo and Baekhyun would perform, Chanyeol kept on doing skin ship with Kyungsoo. Jongin thought he would be happy, that he would be satisfied. But he was not, and will not be.

Every day, Jongin would purposely avoid the duo because his heart couldn’t take the fact that Kyungsoo was happy in Chanyeol’s arms. Every time Kyungsoo smiled whenever Chanyeol was around, Jongin’s heart breaks in to pieces. Whenever Chanyeol would hug Kyungsoo, Jongin felt like crying.

He loved Kyungsoo so much that every part of him hurts.

He loved Kyungsoo too much that he wanted to be selfish.

He loved Kyungsoo so much that he wanted Kyungsoo for himself.

He loved Kyungsoo too much that he was willing to take the risk.




Kyungsoo kept on fidgeting in his seat.

“Relax Kyungie, you’re great.” Baekhyun assured the flustered boy.

“What if I mess up? I’m scared for tomorrow?” Kyungsoo was frantic about how his voice had the possibility to crack. Kyungsoo was anxious about the mini concert, he and Baekhyun will be performing to. At first, he was too excited, but now, that the concert will happen tomorrow, Kyungsoo was losing his mind. Baekhyun on the other hand, kept his composure, remembering that he was older than Kyungsoo, he should be a support to him.

“Between the two us?” Baekhyun started, “I should be the one worried that my voice would crack. Trust me.” Baekhyun winked at Kyungsoo and tapped his back. “Let’s go baby Soo, we don’t want to keep them waiting.”

Kyungsoo sighed but nodded right after. “Thanks hyung, you’re the best.” He said while he quickly moved out of his way towards the door of the music room leaving Beekhyun grinning to himself.

“You shouldn’t be so shy you know, Kyungie.” Baekhyun teased. Kyungsoo was not the best in expressing his feelings. He’s a shy boy, Baekhyun learned.

Baekhyun bumped into Kyungsoo as the latter abruptly stopped in his tracks.

“Woah, Kyungsoo, why did..” Baekhyun got a hold of himself and noticed the reason for Kyungsoo’s sudden halt and Baekhyun was left with a single, “oh.”

                No one spoke for a good five minutes until Baekhyun realized he shouldn’t be there.

                “Uh, I’m going to look for Chanyeol.” Baekhyun ran but honestly, he knew, his words were clearly not heard.   






                Kyungsoo felt shivers running down his spine. His palms were sweating, body shaking, the butterflies lurking in his stomach became wild as his heart pounded unwillingly intensely against his ribcage.

                Jongin looked miserable. He was drenched from the rain, his bag was soaking wet but pieces of paper were left dry as they were completely protected.

                “I know I look ridiculous. Everyone was staring b-b-but I don’t really care.”


                “I know you like someone else.” Jongin started.

                “You’ll be happier with someone else. But I can’t take it anymore, hyung.”

                “I first saw you during the last day of middle school, not in person, but a photo. You never left my mind after that.”


                “This is the photo of you when you first got at our Junior High. I was so happy I saw you again.”

                “This is the photo when the day you called my name.”

                “This is when I first heard you sing.”

                “The day when you enrolled to dance class.”

                “This is when you acted in the school play.”

                “The photo when you attended the ball.”

                “This is when you and I first met, when Baekhyun hyung introduced us.”





“This is the first picture of you that I took.” Jongin showed the first ever Polaroid he managed to take. “It was the last day of middle school, I was supposed to take Baekhyun hyung’s photo but something happened and I got a photo of a boy whom I don’t know. This is you, Kyungsoo. This is the time when I felt my heart beat for you.”


“I love you 2327 days and counting”


Jongin confessed.


Kyungsoo was taken aback.


“I never realized I was in love with you. Ever since I took that photo, I felt something in here.” Jongin pressed his right against in his chest.

“Maybe God really wanted me to meet you so I can have a forever.” Jongin walked towards Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo felt his heart wildly beating against his chest, the similar pain in his stomach and the beautiful headache happening in his mind.

“A forever with you.” Jongin closed the distance as his lips were pressed softly against Kyungsoo.


                Jongin broke the kiss, cupped Kyungsoo’s face and stared directly into his eyes.

                “Will you have a forever with me?”

                Kyungsoo’s only answer was to continue what Jongin started.


                And in between the kisses… Kyungsoo’s fought hard to stop the tears of joy,

                “I’ve also want a forever with you 1856 day and counting…”







Change of plans, I divided the During into Two Parts, the first is COnfession and the second is Realization.
Will update in the next few days, or maybe later. kekeke.

Might wanna read:

It Takes Two

First Love


and I changed my twitter username to @baekmesomeyeol



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thank you for the story!
1112 streak #2
Chapter 6: damn it :""(((
1112 streak #3
Chapter 5: Yooooo wtfffff this is so cruel
1112 streak #4
Chapter 4: I've always wondered about the mystery behind the soda can
1112 streak #5
Chapter 3: 2327 and 1856 days TT
1112 streak #6
Chapter 2: Ya ya ya both of u r straight sure xD stupid babies
1112 streak #7
Just read The 27th of October and now I'm here to torture myself some more
Aerilcb #8
Chapter 5: Hah ...nothing to say author .
This was just ...amazing ..
Chapter 1: The intro... hmm interesting
Chapter 7: Dang it dang it dang it..

Ignore me while I am in the corner