
The Warmth of Spring

After dinner at Jaejoong’s parents, Su Jin returned with him to their home, when they arrived she went to her room, took some papers and car keys, and went downstairs, to leave the house.

Jaejoong was in the living room talking on the phone, when he saw her, he didn’t understand what’s going on.

“Please hang up, I’ll call you later.” He then came closer, and asked “Where are you going?”

“To my apartment.” He just looked at her, not knowing what to say.

“I spent the night here yesterday, because Junsu told me to, now, I will go back to where I was before I left to the US.”

He sighed, and said with a low voice, “Why don’t you stay here?”

“I can’t, plus I need to travel to Japan in the coming days…”

“Just stay, I will leave the house for you. The other day, I did and said things that are not me.”

“Why would you leave your house, I am the stranger here, not you.”

“SU JIN-AH, please stop it, it’s your house too.” It was the second time he called her Su Jin-ah, he was sincere, and didn’t want to fight.

“Su Jin-si, can you sit down, and let’s talk about everything, l really want to understand some things, and I would like to apologize.”

“Jaejoong-si, no need to apologize, I wanted to give you these papers, please find a lawyer who can handle this without leaking it to the media.”  She handed the divorce papers, and looked at her left hand, and her fingers made their way to their marriage ring, she was going to take it off, when Jaejoong’s hand stopped her.

“Can you think about it again? We don’t love each other, we don’t like each other, but can we at least live with each other, I will never interfere with who you are dating or what you do. I lost many things in life, I’m not ready to lose my business, I can’t ruin the new project we are doing with your family.”

“All you think about is business, people and money, pff.”

“What do you want me to care about, love? There is no love, and I don’t think it will ever be between us.”

“Yeah, you are right, and by the way, I still want to divorce, please talk with your attorney.”

“Take a seat. Things like that should be discussed.” She went to the living room, and sat on the couch.

“Arrasso. What are we going to talk about?”

“Divorce is not an easy thing.”

“Why, I signed the papers, the only remaining thing is your signature.” He was shocked when he heard that she signed the papers, and couldn’t believe it, so he opened the envelope to check. He smirked, he tried to be patient and nice, but with this woman, he will always lose his temper.

“I guess you made your decision, if that’s what you want, I will discuss with my attorney, so we can divide the assets and prepare the alimony thing.”

“I don’t need alimony, and your assets belong to you, I don’t want them, I was not your wife.” He was boiling, he couldn’t stay calm with her way of talking.

“You don’t want anything from me, but I want something from you, so that you can get the divorce.”

“What do you want?”

“I want you to explain to me your problems with my secretary, and clear all the misunderstandings that I have.”

She laughed at his curiosity, “Well, your secretary, I just hate her, I don’t like her, I guess she will be happy to hear about our divorce. And it’s true, when I leave the house, I meet other men, and I’m not a .”

He raffled his hair, he was very irritated by this, he stood up, and said “You will take all the responsibility for the divorce in front of the parents.”

“Okay, I will.” She stood up too, and looked at the picture on the wall, it was their wedding picture, she smiled bitterly, and made her way to the door.

Couple of days later, Su Jin was invited to Nichkhun’s birthday, that was held in one of his clubs, Hana invited all her friends, Jaejoong, Junsu and Chang Wook were invited too.

Jaejoong came a little bit late with his cousin Junsu, when they entered the VIP box, they greeted everybody, to not make speculations about their relationship since there were many people, Jaejoong greeted  Su Jin, with a small side hug. Su Jin hugged Junsu, and said “ Oppa, how are you?”

He smiled and replied “Not that good, I heard some bad news.” And glared at her, she was going to respond when Jaejoong cleared his throat, he was sitting with Chang Wook probably discussing their new project.

“Su Jin-ah, I like your necklace, I think I’ve seen it before.”

“Yes oppa, it’s beautiful, your grand mom gave it to me, although I don’t deserve it, at all.” Jaejoong and her brother were listening to their conversation, and Chang Wook said “ You should probably return the necklace to its owner.”

“Ani, Halmoni gave it to her, even if we were not meant to last, she will be disappointed if she gave it back.”

After the party, Su Jin left for Japan, where she was supposed to stay 4 weeks, before she return to Korea. When she left she didn’t talk with Jaejoong at all, she was hoping to hear good news about the progress of the divorce, but he didn’t say anything, her brother and Junsu told her that he talked with the lawyer, and that the three of them were busy with the new brand they are going to launch together.




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2033 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 6: They finally made the announcement! And why was JJ being all nice and sweet in here? I mean not that I'm complaining, it just kinda weird to see him do a 180° flip. Kinda giving me the heebie jeebies. On an another note, Junsu has made an appearance. Yay! (Ignore my biased a**) Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #2
Chapter 5: I'm not sure if I like Jaejoong's character here or not. I mean he's like a bipolar character or someone with DID. Don't take me wrong. He's sweet and everything for a moment and then turns the exact opposite the next. Especially when he started acting like a couple with her at the park and then got angry that she didn't play along. Shouldn't they have discussed something like that beforehand itself? Anyway, I'm hoping there's gonna be some character development in the future and can't wait to see how things turn out between them. Will be back later to read more ^^
Chapter 6: yeayy the wedding is happening ❤️ at least jaejoong know how to propose romantically 😚
Chapter 4: that was one tense family meeting...Poor her, her father is so strict for threatening her like that 😭 all in all really excited about their marriage, hope they'll both open up to each other.
Chapter 2: Hi new reader here!!! I really like the storyline and considering this is my first jaejoong fic I really look forward to it... I like the character of sujin a lot, she's really cool n nice with people despite being famous..Jaejoong seemed to misunderstood her at first, hope he will warm up to her soon.. thanks for writing this ❤️
TVXQ4everJJ #6
Can't wait to start reading this story
2033 streak #7
Chapter 4: Ah so that's how their first family went? I'm not sure if either of them were right with their rude behaviour but at least they have come up with a plan. I'm curious how things would go herein and if their plan would work or not. Also Junsu was briefly mentioned here. Can't wait to see his role as well. Anyway, I will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #8
Chapter 3: I have kinda forgotten that this was supposed to be an arranged marriage story. So I was gonna guess who her father was gonna set her up with XD my bad! Anyway, coming back to the chapter, she and her brother seems to have a good dynamic and/or chemistry between them. And talking about her brother, is that actor Ji Changwook? Just curious... Nonetheless, I will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #9
Chapter 2: The first thing I'm most curious about from this chapter is, what was the picture that YC took? I mean what is it that made Jaejoong angry. I'm really curious of that. Also, I was surprised too that she kept her promise with the employees when she returned to the lobby after the meeting. I had to Google who were Sidus HQ artists XD Was Kim Woo Bin under that agency back then? I found out Jay Park was (from Google) and for some reason I don't like him either. LoL... And she did the modelling for Balmain with Won Bin? Are you a fan of him? I'm just curious. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
EllyStephanie #10
Chapter 38: Thank you for the update💓