It's okay, it's love

The Warmth of Spring


Author's note: This chapter .... I can't comment, I will need your comments instead 



Jaejoong tossed and turned through the night, his mind consumed by thoughts of commitments and feelings. He was asking himself if he was ready to start a relationship, or if he can give Su Jin what she is looking for in a relationship.

He couldn't shake the feeling that he might have hindered Su Jin from developing deeper feelings for him. The possibility of her not reciprocating his feelings weighed heavily on him, stirring up a sense of unease.

He stood up from bed, and decided to go to the gym earlier than what he planned for.


Feeling restless, Jaejoong rose from his bed and decided to hit the gym earlier than his usual schedule. He sought refuge in an extended workout session.


When he returned home, he showered to refresh and relax his muscles.

He left the bathroom wearing a simple v neck t-shirt and a sweatpants, with a towel draped around his shoulders. He saw Su Jin still sleeping peacefully.

He approached her bedside and seated himself beside her. Jaejoong looked at her serene features.


He felt the urge to kiss her, but he restrained himself, tenderly brushing his fingers against her lips instead. The sensation sent a shiver down his spine as memories of their three kisses flooded his mind—their wedding, in front of Na Young, and that unexpected moment in front of Jiyeon.


Lost in his thoughts, Jaejoong was caught off guard when Su Jin murmured


Withdrawing his hand, he offered her a gentle smile. "Hey, you're awake," he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I hope I didn't disturb you."

Su Jin's response was a small smile, her eyes still heavy with sleep. "What were you doing?" she asked as she attempted to sit up.


"Oh, you had a hair string on your face, so I removed it to not bother you," Jaejoong explained."Hmm, thanks," Su Jin replied sleepily.

"Return to sleep, it’s still early," Jaejoong suggested.

Curious, Su Jin inquired about the time. "You already showered, what time is it?

"I couldn't sleep, I went to the gym and just got back," Jaejoong answered, his tone calm and relaxed.


It fine, I need to wake up early, I have a tight schedule.

Schedule? It’s Saturday.

I will meet Minju, she will help me go over some proposals, and then I will go do my nails.

I was hoping we could spend the day together.

I’m sorry, we can spend the evening together and tomorrow. When I return I will need your opinion with offers I have.

Su Jin met with her friend and team and spent hours making calls and negotiations. After five hours of intense work, she treated herself to a visit to the nail salon for a simple, manicure. When she returned home, she eagerly shared the details of her day with Jaejoong—brands she had declined, offers she had accepted, and deals still in negotiation. Jaejoong listened attentively, offering his opinions and wishing her success in landing the best deals.


A week later, Jaejoong still found himself unable to confess his feelings to Su Jin. The fear of her not reciprocating his emotions weighed heavily on his mind, and Su Jin's busy schedule didn't provide many chances for heartfelt conversations.


One Friday, Yoochun, Junsu and Jaejoong were in a crucial meeting with their financial team and key managers from around the world. The agenda centered on budget discussions and analyzing performance results.

The team discussed and monitored various metrics that were displayed on a large screen, notably the stock shares.

Amidst the discussions, there was a sudden spike in the value of their company's stock shares, catching everyone's attention.


The room buzzed with excitement as the stock shares value surged unexpectedly. Jaejoong glanced at Yoochun, a mixture of surprise and intrigue in his eyes.


This is 20% increase, what happened.” The manager from Italy asked in English.

They were speculating potential factors behind the surge in stock value, when Jaejoong's secretary entered the room, holding her iPad with a sense of urgency.

She approached Jaejoong and discreetly whispered into his ear, her expression a mix of excitement and astonishment.

"Sir, it's Lee Su Jin-si,” she said in a hushed tone. "She's made headlines worldwide. Her recent modeling contracts have propelled her to the position of the highest-paid model, and it's causing a stir throughout the internation industry..

Jaejoong's eyes widened in surprise as he processed the news. He took the iPad, read that Su Jin signed with LG, Dior for the J’adore perfume as replacing Charlize Theron, Adidas, Chaumet and Rolex. He didn’t expect she will get all the negotiated deals.


He pushed the tablet to Yoochun and Junsu, who both looked at the screen in disbelief.


Yoochun's eyebrows shot up as he scanned the headlines. "This is incredible," he remarked, his voice filled with awe. "She's really done it.


Junsu nodded in agreement, a proud smile spreading across his face. He quickly stepped in to explain the reason behind the sudden spike in stock value to the assembled managers.

"We're fortunate to have secured Su Jin's partnership before this news broke," The manager from the US remarked, his tone laced with satisfaction. "It's a testament to our foresight and the strength of our collaboration with her.

As the discussion in the room intensified, Jaejoong's mind wandered to Su Jin

"Excuse me, everyone,” he excused himself from the meeting and stepped out into the hallway..


Pulling out his phone, Jaejoong dialed Su Jin's number, his heart pounding with anticipation as he waited for her to pick up. But she didn’t, he was disappointed, but he knew how she would have thousands of calls now.

He texted her a congratulatory message, expressing his pride and joy for her monumental achievement. Just as he hit send, his phone rang, and he assumed it was Su Jin returning his call. To his surprise, however, it was her brother, Chang Wook, on the other end of the line.

Hello Chang Wook.

Jaejoong, have you seen the news?

Yes, I just heard. Remarkable, her success impacted our market value positively,” Jaejoong replied, his admiration evident.

Same here, I tried to reach her, and she didn’t answer, so I thought you may have reached her,” Chang Wook explained.

She didn’t pick up,” Jaejoong confirmed, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

I guess she is extremely busy, I will see if she can free herself and gather to celebrate,” Chang Wook suggested optimistically.

That sounds like a great idea,” Jaejoong agreed, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “I’m sure she would appreciate it.


Once the meeting ended, and Jaejoong excused himself, as he wanted to return home early in the hope of finding Su Jin.


As he pulled into the driveway of their home, Jaejoong's heart raced with anticipation. He made his way to the front door, eager to see Su Jin's face and share in her joy. When he opened the house’s door, he saw Su Jin, she just returned home too.


Su Jin's face lit up with a smile as she looked at him.

"Jaejoong, you're back early," she exclaimed

"I wanted to congratulate you in person," Jaejoong replied, crossing the room to envelop her in a warm embrace. His arms encircled her, holding her close as he reveled in the comfort of her presence.

I’m so happy Jae, I never expected this.” She hugged him back tightly.

"I'm so proud of you, Su Jin.” Jaejoong parted the hug a little so he can kiss her forehead.

"Thank you, Jaejoong. Your support means everything to me.” Su Jin answered and kissed his cheek.


Jaejoong felt a surge of emotions welling up inside him, urging him to express what had been weighing on his heart for far too long. He gently pulled back from the embrace, cupping Su Jin's face in his hands and searching her eyes with an intensity that spoke volumes.

"Su Jin," he began, his voice barely above a whisper "There's something I need to tell you.”

Su Jin's gaze locked onto his, her expression a mix of curiosity and anticipation

"What is it, Jaejoong?" she inquired, her voice laced with concern as she noticed his closed eyes.

Jae, you scare me,” she added in worried voice.


"I've been struggling to find the right words," he admitted

Did something happen?” Su Jin interjected, her brows furrowing in confusion.


Jaejoong paused, grappling with the weight of his confession. He ruffled his hair nervously, a habit of his when he felt overwhelmed.


"Su Jin," he began again, his voice tinged with vulnerability, "I know our marriage started as an arrangement, and I've always been hesitant to embrace the idea of commitment.


I know Jae, why are you bringing this up now?

Something changed within me… I can't deny it any longer. Su Jin,

Su Jin was going to talk but he continued

I love you."


Su Jin's breath caught in , her heart pounding in her chest as she processed Jaejoong's words.


"Jaejoong..." Su Jin whispered, her voice barely audible as she processed his words.

She couldn’t talk. Her eyes locked onto his, searching for the truth in his gaze. With shaky steps, she moved to sit on the couch, needing a moment to gather her thoughts.


"I understand if this is unexpected, and I don't want to pressure you into anything," Jaejoong continued, his voice tinged with uncertainty. Sensing her hesitation, he knelt in front of her, his eyes pleading for understanding.


He tried to hold her hand, but she took it back, and covered her face with both hands.


Jaejoong, I... I don't know what to say," she murmured, her heart overflowing with emotion.

"It's okay, Su Jin. You don't have to say anything," Jaejoong reassured her, his thumb gently wiping away her tears. "I just needed you to know.


She looked at him and said “Jae, are you sure?

"Yes, Su Jin. I've been trying to deny it for so long


She never expected Jaejoong to express such sentiments, especially considering their history and the circumstances of their marriage.


"I... I never thought..." Su Jin's voice trailed off, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts and emotions.


Jaejoong reached out to gently cup her cheek, his touch warm and reassuring. "I know this is a lot to process, Su Jin. But I want you to know that I'm here, no matter what you decide. Whether we're just friends or something more, I'll always cherish you."


Tears welled up in Su Jin's eyes as she gazed at Jaejoong, overwhelmed by the depth of his words and the vulnerability he displayed.


No no no, Su Jin, I didn’t share this to make you cry, forget what I said.” He said while wiping her tears.

What about Kim Jiyeon?

"What we had is long over, and you're the one I want to be with now.” Jaejoong quickly reassured her, sensing her uncertainty.


Su Jin remained silent, and Jaejoong quickly caught up with what she is thinking about.


"Su Jin, you're not a substitute for anyone," he said firmly, his voice filled with conviction. "You're a unique and wonderful person in your own right, and I've come to realize that I care for you deeply, regardless of my past. I know it's not easy, but I hope you can trust in the sincerity of my feelings for you."


I can’t compete with your past, with your nightstands, and your ex secretary,” Su Jin confessed, her voice laced with vulnerability and insecurity.

Jaejoong's heart ached at her words, understanding the weight of her fears. But Su Jin's candid admission managed to elicit a small smile from him.


"You don't have to compete with anyone, Su Jin, especially not with my past" Jaejoong replied gently, his voice filled with sincerity. "I know I've made mistakes, and I can't erase them. But now, I want full commitment with you.”


I’m confused and scared

I know.I’m sorry for ruining your happiness today.”



Su Jin took a deep breath, gathering her courage to speak her truth. "Jaejoong, I... I've been afraid to admit it, even to myself,"

she began, her voice trembling slightly. "But I've come to realize that I like you.


She reached out to gently touch his face, her fingers tracing the lines of his jaw with tenderness. “No Jaejoong, I love you.


Jaejoong's heart skipped a beat at Su Jin's confession. He was speechless.  In that moment, he knew that he couldn't simply rely on words to convey the depth of his feelings for her.

Cupping her face tenderly in his hands, Jaejoong gazed deeply into Su Jin's eyes, seeking permission, seeking affirmation. And when he found it, when he saw the flicker of anticipation mirrored in her gaze, he leaned in slowly, hesitantly, until their lips met in a soft, tentative kiss.

It was a kiss filled with unspoken emotions, a silent exchange of longing and desire.


I never thought this would happen.”

"Neither did I," Jaejoong replied, his voice filled with sincerity. "I promise to do my best to protect you and be the best husband to you."

"You already are," Su Jin interjected, a tender smile gracing her lips.

Jaejoong returned her smile, his heart swelling with affection. "I want time to process and realize what happened... And what I want even more is to share a deeper kiss with you.


Su Jin laughed

But we need to go celebrate with our friends, and we will have all night to talk.


They quickly changed and headed to the restaurant where Chang Wook had made a reservation. On their way, Jaejoong held Su Jin's hand tightly, a silent reassurance amidst the whirlwind of emotions.

As they arrived at the restaurant, they were taken aback to find journalists waiting there, cameras flashing as they approached. They tried to maintain their composure as they navigated through the crowd.
As they stepped out of their car, the journalists swarmed around them, their cameras flashing and microphones forward.


"Su Jin-si, congratulations! How does it feel to become the highest-paid model in the world?

"Su Jin, can you share some details about your recent modeling contracts?

Are you here to celebrate with you friends and family?



Su Jin smiled gracefully, her demeanor poised despite the flurry of attention. "Thank you for your kind words. I'm truly honored and grateful for the opportunities I've been given. As for my recent contracts, I'm excited to collaborate with such esteemed brands. And all I want is to make my country proud.


You are truly the nation’s pride.” One journalist said reminding her of her title.


Mr Kim Jaejoong, what are your thoughts on Su Jin's incredible success?

"Su Jin's success is well-deserved. She's worked incredibly hard to reach this point,


The journalists nodded, scribbling notes and capturing every word and expression. "Thank you both for your time. Enjoy your celebration!


With that, Jaejoong and Su Jin made their way into the restaurant, their friends waiting eagerly to celebrate this momentous occasion with them.

Once they saw Su Jin, they hugged her and congratulated her.

Minju, her eyes sparkling with excitement, was the first to embrace Su Jin. "Congratulations, Jinie! We're so proud of you," she exclaimed, squeezing her friend tightly.

Yoochun hugged her and said “The superstar of tonight! Congratulations!


"Su Jin, you've made history," Junsu exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with admiration. 

Chang Wook, Su Jin's ever-supportive brother, beamed with pride as he looked at her. "You've worked so hard for this, Su Jin. I couldn't be prouder of you my baby.


Once they were seated, Jaejoong cleared his throat, catching everyone's attention.

"There's something else we have to celebrate tonight," he announced, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

Su Jin looked at him, while their friends leaned in attentively.

"Su Jin and I," Jaejoong continued, his voice steady but filled with warmth, "we've realized that there's something more between us."

Gasps of surprise echoed around the table as Jaejoong reached for Su Jin's hand, intertwining their fingers.

"We've decided to take the next step in our relationship," he said, his gaze never leaving Su Jin's. "We're going to give our marriage a real chance."

The news was met with cheers and applause from their friends, who exchanged delighted glances and congratulatory words.

"Finally!" Junsu exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. "I always knew you two were meant to be together."

Yoochun clapped Jaejoong on the back, his eyes shining with happiness. "Congratulations, both of you. You deserve all the happiness in the world."

Chang Wook smiled proudly at his sister, his eyes b with emotion. "I'm so happy for you, Jinie. Jaejoong, take good care of her.”


Minju looked at Jaejoong and asked  "What do you mean by giving your marriage a chance? Are you trying to make it work, or is there love involved?


Jaejoong gently squeezed Su Jin's hand, a soft smile playing on his lips. "I love her," he declared, his words filled with sincerity.

Su Jin's cheeks flushed pink as she covered her face, her heart pounding with emotion. "I love him too," she confessed shyly.


The group erupted into cheers and applause, their excitement palpable as they celebrated this heartfelt confession.

"Finally your cold heart melted." Junsu looked at Jaejoong and chimed in


Jaejoong chuckled, his expression softening. "Whose heart wouldn't beat for Su Jin?" he replied with a tender smile, earning an affectionate eye-roll from Su Jin.


Minju couldn't resist teasing Jaejoong further. "Well, you're certainly ruining your tough guy image," she remarked with a smirk.


Jaejoong laughed, unbothered by the jest. "I'll take that risk," he replied, reaching for Su Jin's hand and intertwining their fingers. "As long as it's with Su Jin."


But their moment was soon interrupted by Yoochun's teasing remark.

"So Jaejoong, no gym tomorrow? I guess you will have a different way to work off that frustration?" Yoochun winked playfully, earning a laugh from the others.

Jaejoong rolled his eyes, though there was a hint of amusement in his expression. "I assure you, Yoochun, my workout routine is just fine."

“I mean you will have a satisfying way to work out now, won’t you?

Chang Wook teasingly hit Yoochun’s arm, as he saw his sister blushing “Yah, it’s my sister you are talking about.

Yoochun said innocently “I’m just wondering if those late-night or early workouts won't be necessary anymore”

Jaejoong rolled his eyes "Very funny, Yoochun,” he retorted with a smirk.

I have many things to do with Su Jin tonight and tomorrow, other than what’s on your mind.”

Minju raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really? Care to share?"

Jaejoong chuckled, refusing to divulge any details. "I'll keep you guessing."

Su Jin looked at him with confusion, he looked at her, laughed and ruffled her hair "Talking Su Jin, talking."


The conversation shifted to lighter topics as they continued to enjoy their meal and each other's company.


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2026 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 5: I'm not sure if I like Jaejoong's character here or not. I mean he's like a bipolar character or someone with DID. Don't take me wrong. He's sweet and everything for a moment and then turns the exact opposite the next. Especially when he started acting like a couple with her at the park and then got angry that she didn't play along. Shouldn't they have discussed something like that beforehand itself? Anyway, I'm hoping there's gonna be some character development in the future and can't wait to see how things turn out between them. Will be back later to read more ^^
Chapter 6: yeayy the wedding is happening ❤️ at least jaejoong know how to propose romantically 😚
Chapter 4: that was one tense family meeting...Poor her, her father is so strict for threatening her like that 😭 all in all really excited about their marriage, hope they'll both open up to each other.
Chapter 2: Hi new reader here!!! I really like the storyline and considering this is my first jaejoong fic I really look forward to it... I like the character of sujin a lot, she's really cool n nice with people despite being famous..Jaejoong seemed to misunderstood her at first, hope he will warm up to her soon.. thanks for writing this ❤️
TVXQ4everJJ #5
Can't wait to start reading this story
2026 streak #6
Chapter 4: Ah so that's how their first family went? I'm not sure if either of them were right with their rude behaviour but at least they have come up with a plan. I'm curious how things would go herein and if their plan would work or not. Also Junsu was briefly mentioned here. Can't wait to see his role as well. Anyway, I will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #7
Chapter 3: I have kinda forgotten that this was supposed to be an arranged marriage story. So I was gonna guess who her father was gonna set her up with XD my bad! Anyway, coming back to the chapter, she and her brother seems to have a good dynamic and/or chemistry between them. And talking about her brother, is that actor Ji Changwook? Just curious... Nonetheless, I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #8
Chapter 2: The first thing I'm most curious about from this chapter is, what was the picture that YC took? I mean what is it that made Jaejoong angry. I'm really curious of that. Also, I was surprised too that she kept her promise with the employees when she returned to the lobby after the meeting. I had to Google who were Sidus HQ artists XD Was Kim Woo Bin under that agency back then? I found out Jay Park was (from Google) and for some reason I don't like him either. LoL... And she did the modelling for Balmain with Won Bin? Are you a fan of him? I'm just curious. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
EllyStephanie #9
Chapter 38: Thank you for the update💓
Chapter 38: Thank you for the update 🥰