One call away

The Warmth of Spring

Su Jin prepared for her long trip. She has never considered a two or three-month trip a long one before. But now, things have changed. She feels like she has a home and she wants to stay in Korea more. Before leaving, she visited her parents, her in-laws, and her two friends. Her brother left a few days earlier to Los Angeles for some business matters and she was relieved that he will spend two weeks with her, after she returns from her two-day music video shoot in Seattle.

Seoul is 17 hours ahead of Los Angeles and Seattle, so when Su Jin arrived at her hotel room, it was already midnight. She decided to call Jaejoong to let him know that she arrived safely. She checked the time in Seoul and it was 5:00PM.

He picked up his phone after three rings and greeted her with a low voice, leaving the meeting room as he did so. “Hey, how are you? Did you get there safely?”

“Yes, I’m fine. How about you? Are you busy?”

“I was in a meeting.”

“Oh, we can talk later.”

“Ani… I was waiting for your call. You know I normally turn the airplane mode on when it’s an important meeting, but I knew you would call. So, are you in the hotel now?” Su Jin was touched. He normally does not make exceptions when it comes to work.

“Yes, I just arrived 30 minutes ago, had a quick shower, and here I am, talking to you. Thank God the filming will be the day after tomorrow. I’m really tired.” He heard her yawning and smiled.

“Why are you still up when you are that tired.”

“Yah, I was trying to be sweet. Didn’t call my parents and called you instead, dummy.” He laughed when he heard her upset answer.

“Admit it, you just missed me.”

“Oh God, why did I call this conceited brat? You don’t have a meeting that you need to return to?”

“Okay, Okay. Go to sleep now. Don’t touch your phone and start looking at your social media. Turn off your phone and sleep.” Su Jin laughed at his caring side.

“Okay, Dad.”

He laughed too, and said, “Since the time difference is quite huge, let’s text each other often.”

“Okay, talk to you later.”


After this call, they didn’t call each other. They barely sent a couple of texts, with Su Jin saying that she is going to the filming set and he wished her luck. Before filming the scenes, Su Jin was welcomed by the MV director and his crew, and of course Jaebum. The director started to explain what she needed to do. The weather was a little cold but she was asked to wear summer clothes.

“Oppa, that’s so cruel of you. I wear light clothes, but you get to wear jackets and even a beanie.”

“Bear with me, JinJin. The MV should be appealing.” He winked at her.

The filming was very fun and not awkward at all since she loved her friend so much. They made some great memories together. When the two days of filming were done, she was invited to Jaebum’s apartment to have dinner. He took a picture with her and posted it in his Instagram with a comment saying: “Surprise…Joah”, teasing his fans. While preparing dinner, they talked about his upcoming project after leaving Sidus HQ.

“The preparations are going well for your new record label?”

“Yes, a few problems but it’s okay, and Simon D will join me as a co-CEO.”

“That’s good news. If you need help, let me know.” He smiled while putting what she prepared on the table.

“You helped me so many times before.”

“That’s what friends are for. The problems you are facing is a financial one, right?”

“We invested so much on the local media and material but it wasn’t enough, so yeah.”

After a long argument, Jay accepted her help.

“Did you decide on the name?”

“Yes, AOMG.”

After having dinner, Su Jin’s phone started ringing. It was Jaejoong. She couldn’t hide her happiness and answered with a happy voice. After the greetings, he asked about her whereabouts.

“I’m with Jaebum.” Before Jaejoong could say a word. He heard the singer’s voice in the background.

“What? You are calling me Jaebum, now that you have another Jae?” Jaejoong and Su Jin laughed at his playfulness.

“Turn on the speakerphone.” Jaejoong asked of his wife so he could talk to Jaebum and she did.

“Jaebum-ah, I am the one who needs to be jealous right now, not you. My wife is with you.”

“Hyung, you stole my name, but I wouldn’t dare steal your wife.” The conversation turned to a serious one, they asked each other about their respective work.

“How was the filming?”

“It was great. I’m happy with this MV. So different from my previous ones, hyung. You’d be amazed. It will impress you. I really did my best.”

Jaejoong didn’t make the conversation long, to let his wife enjoy her time with her friend. He wanted to talk more, but he tried not to be selfish. Besides, he wasn’t sure if Su Jin enjoyed talking to him like he does, or if she missed his presence or not.

Su Jin’s work agenda was overbooked. She started shooting the pictorials, advertisements, doing interviews, so she barely had time to sleep and couldn’t keep in touch with her parents though they are used to her not calling when she is busy. She couldn’t even text her husband. She was at least happy to have her brother by her side, even if it’s for a short time, since he had to return to Korea.


It was 7:00 PM in Seoul and Jaejoong was still in the office, reading some papers. He was so immersed in his paper that he didn’t see the snow at first. He stayed in his chair, but turned to face the glass window. It was the first snow of the season. He didn’t know why the first person who came to his mind was Su Jin. He didn’t think twice. He called Su Jin without checking the time. Her phone rang for a long time before she picked up. A groan welcomed him. Her voice was raspy and sleepy, as if she had just woken up. She the night light and yawned.

“Jae, it’s 2:00 AM, why are you calling? Are you drunk?” She sounded annoyed, but she was actually worried. She  was worried that something had happened to him or to her family.

“No, I’m not drunk. Sorry I woke you up. I forgot it’s late in LA. Go back to sleep.”

“I’m awake now. Just tell me why you called?”

He felt bad for waking her. He knows she must be tired. “I’m spending the first snow as a married man alone. Wait, I will switch to a video call. I want to share this moment with you.” His sweetness made her forget that he woke her up. She smiled and with her fingers, tried to fix her hair into some kind of order and sat up on the bed. The moment the video was , she was welcomed by a well-dressed man, who smiled when he saw her face. She knew he was still at the office. It meant a lot to her that he stopped working to share something like this since he thinks such details aren’t important.

“Why are you still in the office?”

“Well, too much work.” He then turned the camera towards the window so she can see the snow, “Here, look.”

“So beautiful…” They started watching the snow fall without saying a word. Su Jin’s eyes were tearing. She was touched. It made her miss her country, her family and Jaejoong. She was thankful he was watching the snow and didn’t see her shedding a few tears.

“I didn’t want to watch it alone. The first snow of the year is always nice to see.” He returned to his seat, turned the camera so she can see him and see the snow at the same time since the window was behind him. All she could do was smile at this soft side of him, thinking about the Korean saying that if you see the first falling snow of the year with someone you like, then true love will blossom between you. Does she even like him?

“Thank you, Jae.”

“Actually, I feel bad for waking you up.”

She waved her free hand. “No, it’s okay. Your call put me in a good mood and I have a schedule at 4:00AM so I need to get ready.”

“You didn’t have enough sleep.” He was quite upset. He felt like he didn’t need to call her for something childish.

“I’m fine, and it’s the only way for me to not travel too many times when I come home.”

They talked about many things, trying to catch up on the days they didn’t contact each other. Jae asked her about her brother and the release date of “Joah’s” MV. It was due out next week.

“I talked to Minju unnie and she told me you paid them a visit.”

“Yes, after work, I went there with Yoochun. I wanted to see the baby…She grew up a lot.” She saw how he talked about the baby. She was quite sad and confused. Did he like kids or not? She tried to change the subject so she stood up to prepare her clothes for her schedule that morning. While she was choosing her outfit, Jaejoong continued talking.

“I saw your parents too. They were lonely, so we went out for dinner this week.”

“Oh, thank you, that’s sweet of you. What about your parents. How are they doing?”

“Don’t thank me. They are my parents too. Yes, they are fine. They came over to see me yesterday.”

“I should call them. Omonim is upset that you are alone?”

“She didn’t say anything. It’s okay, they told me you text them often. Texts are fine.”

“Two minutes, I will change my clothes and come back.”

He waited for her. Meanwhile, his secretary entered the office. She stayed till this late hour, waiting for the procurement team to send her the report that must be given to Jaejoong. He put his phone on the wooden smartphone stand, so Su Jin can still see him.

The secretary came to stand next to him, to explain the details. He was still discussing matters with his secretary when Su Jin started talking again.

“When I get back, I will cut my hair. What do you prefer, long or short hair?”

“Wait.” His secretary tried to stopped herself from laughing. It was her first time hearing the boss talk to his wife, even though they often see him with her in the lobby.

“Wait? Wait until it grows longer? Why? I will only cut it a little longer than the shoulder, so it won’t be considered short.” He couldn’t resist her cuteness and smiled. So did the girl beside him. He turned his phone so that she can see that someone is with him in the office.

“That’s why I told you to wait.” Su Jin blushed.

“Oh sorry, I didn’t know. We can talk later, I need to go, my manager is waiting.” After they hung up, Jaejoong sent her a text, saying that if she wants a haircut, it’s fine, but she shouldn’t cut it too short.


Days flew by so fast. It was the night before Su Jin’s brother’s departure. They were discussing work related topics and talked about the new brand launched by both Kim Corporation and MK. When Jaejoong’s name was brought up, Chang Wook caught Su Jin’s smile, but didn’t comment so as to not embarrass his sister. They continued their conversation, but it was interrupted by a phone call.

“I’ll take this call.” Su Jin nodded her head, and while waiting for her brother, she took her phone and started to look at a picture and her smile grew wider. It was her husband’s picture. She zoomed in to look at every detail -  his eyes, nose, mouth, even arms and hands. Her brother was eyeing her, but she was so lost in what she was doing that she didn’t feel him watching her.

“When we don’t like someone, we don’t check every part of his body, while smiling from ear to ear.”

“W-what? I wasn’t checking, I wasn’t smiling.”

“Yeah, yeah, you were just looking at the background of the picture. It’s an interesting one.”

“It’s just a picture Junsu promised to send me and I have just received it.”

“You know that we enlisted together? And we were discharged on the same day.”

“Really? I didn’t know and I don’t remember seeing him back then.”

“Well, you were just too preoccupied, crying, that you didn’t see our parents congratulating your in-laws. Plus, you were young with an innocent brain, and wasn’t looking for a handsome man to look at.”

“Yah, I’m still innocent. It’s just that I… I”

“You what? You like him?” Her brother loved teasing her. She couldn’t look at him because deep in her heart, she didn’t know if she liked him or not. She was comfortable around him. Being with him was something that she definitely loved doing.

“I don’t know, I’m confused.” She stood up, ready to go to her bedroom, but her brother stopped her and hugged her.

“Open up your heart even though you don’t know what’s going to happen. I know you are scared of getting hurt, but open up.” She grinned. She knows her brother never fails to make her feel better. When she was near her room, she heard his loud and playful voice, “It’s not a crime to like your husband, dongsaeng.” When she turned to comment, he was already in his room.

She went to bed, but was tossing and turning, only thinking about her brother’s words and Jaejoong. She tried to think about their fights, to convince herself that she didn’t like him, but only the sweet and teasing moments came to her mind. Her phone was next to her, so she picked it up and sent a text to her brother.

“Is it okay to miss him?” Then sent another one.

“Is it okay to like him?”

“A lot.”

When she saw that he didn’t reply, she was going to call him, but that was when she realized the huge mistake she did.

“OPPAA!!” She left her room running, trembling, and screaming. She was in horror. She didn’t believe her eyes. A scared Chang Wook opened the door to his room.

“Su Jin-ah? What happened?”

“Op-oppa, I.. I am screwed.” She couldn’t explain what she did, so with her trembling hands, she gave him her phone. He was scared. He was only thinking about his parents. But when he saw the texts that his sister sent to Jaejoong, he was amused, but he also felt sorry for his sister. He wanted to help her. He knew she would never be able to face Jae again.

“Don’t worry baby, I will sort it out. I will try to find a way.” Just then, they heard a notification sound. It was a text from Jaejoong.

“What? Who are you talking about? A wrongly sent message?”

When Su Jin read his answer, the tears that had been threatening to overflow finally did. Chang Wook looked at her, he hated to see her crying. He sat on his bed, and started to compose a message. Su Jin followed him.

“It’s not a wrongly sent message. I am missing my brother and I was just wondering if it’s normal for a person to love her brother as much as I do.” A quick answer arrived, an answer that made Su Jin wipe her tears.

“Of course it’s okay to love you brother and to miss him. He kept you company in his stay there. Don’t be sad. Weeks are going to fly by quickly.”


Su Jin couldn’t contact her husband even though she wasn’t caught. She never initiated a conversation. She only answered the texts he sent, and due to his work, they couldn’t keep in touch all the time. They talked after two weeks, when Jay Park’s MV came out.

“As Jaebum said, I would be impressed if I saw the MV, and I was really impressed. I don’t think he did his best as he promised. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ. »


“Didn’t they focus way too much on your backside, I mean bottom? And your chest and mouth.”

“Kkkk, I don’t think they crossed the line. Shouldn’t you be telling this to Jaebum? You didn’t like the music video?”

“Of course I messaged him, and I liked the MV. I really liked it. You looked so beautiful.”

His text made her smile and blush. Hearing him say she is beautiful, is a first. She was tired from work, but his words made her day.


Hello dear readers, hope you are doing good.

Sorry for not updating quickly. I had some personal issues that made me unable to write for quite some time.

Thank you for the new subscribers. And thank you for those who commented. It means a lot. That's what keeps us writing.


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2032 streak #1
Chapter 5: I'm not sure if I like Jaejoong's character here or not. I mean he's like a bipolar character or someone with DID. Don't take me wrong. He's sweet and everything for a moment and then turns the exact opposite the next. Especially when he started acting like a couple with her at the park and then got angry that she didn't play along. Shouldn't they have discussed something like that beforehand itself? Anyway, I'm hoping there's gonna be some character development in the future and can't wait to see how things turn out between them. Will be back later to read more ^^
Chapter 6: yeayy the wedding is happening ❤️ at least jaejoong know how to propose romantically 😚
Chapter 4: that was one tense family meeting...Poor her, her father is so strict for threatening her like that 😭 all in all really excited about their marriage, hope they'll both open up to each other.
Chapter 2: Hi new reader here!!! I really like the storyline and considering this is my first jaejoong fic I really look forward to it... I like the character of sujin a lot, she's really cool n nice with people despite being famous..Jaejoong seemed to misunderstood her at first, hope he will warm up to her soon.. thanks for writing this ❤️
TVXQ4everJJ #5
Can't wait to start reading this story
2032 streak #6
Chapter 4: Ah so that's how their first family went? I'm not sure if either of them were right with their rude behaviour but at least they have come up with a plan. I'm curious how things would go herein and if their plan would work or not. Also Junsu was briefly mentioned here. Can't wait to see his role as well. Anyway, I will be back later to do so ^^
2032 streak #7
Chapter 3: I have kinda forgotten that this was supposed to be an arranged marriage story. So I was gonna guess who her father was gonna set her up with XD my bad! Anyway, coming back to the chapter, she and her brother seems to have a good dynamic and/or chemistry between them. And talking about her brother, is that actor Ji Changwook? Just curious... Nonetheless, I will be back later to read more ^^
2032 streak #8
Chapter 2: The first thing I'm most curious about from this chapter is, what was the picture that YC took? I mean what is it that made Jaejoong angry. I'm really curious of that. Also, I was surprised too that she kept her promise with the employees when she returned to the lobby after the meeting. I had to Google who were Sidus HQ artists XD Was Kim Woo Bin under that agency back then? I found out Jay Park was (from Google) and for some reason I don't like him either. LoL... And she did the modelling for Balmain with Won Bin? Are you a fan of him? I'm just curious. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
EllyStephanie #9
Chapter 38: Thank you for the update💓
Chapter 38: Thank you for the update 🥰