
Take Me Away

Jimin knows that living his life as the crown prince of China in the thirty-first century is not going to be a walk in the park. But he has never felt this much angst against the path fate chose for him than now, when he is walking in a bizarrely traditional costume on a red carpet towards the shrine for a prince. A marrying prince.

He’s only twenty-years old, for ’s sake!

But because of rules and prohibitions for a prince to go out with whoever he likes, to date just someone he feels to or even hang out with people he actually wants to hang out with and not those sons or daughters of prime ministers or presidents or other nation’s royals, he doesn’t understand why he is marrying someone that was introduced to him just this morning.

She doesn’t look bad. If not for those freckles in her cheeks – oh wait, all over her face, if not for that straight nose and if not for that height. She stands about two feet taller than Jimin.

He is not scared of ruling China.

But he is scared now. He wants to run away now.

He doesn’t, though. Because the King and the Queen are waiting for their only son on the shrine with his bride. He looks at his parents and begs them through eye contact that he’ll feed Namjoon everyday and he’ll even bathe Yoongi but they don’t look his way. Or even if they do, they ignore Jimin’s SOS because they think this is the best union of China ever. Imagine China and United Kingdom. His parents’ eyes will literally sparkle just with the thought.

Jimin arrives at the shrine, after much delay of walking there. It’s like he walked there for about an hour.

The priest about to marry them smiles brightly at Jimin and he can’t smile back. He can only shiver a little because the priest doesn’t look like a priest at all. In fact, he has Taehyung’s eyes. Jimin can remember those eyes well. Bluish-green. Aquamarine. Huge for an ordinary cat’s eyes but he has Taehyung since he’s four. He doesn’t question much the cat’s existence but that he stayed for him for sixteen years already. He doesn’t know cats can live that long.

He stares in puzzlement at the priest.

Finally, the dreaded ceremony taking him to the longest sentence of his life starts.

He doesn’t know if he should run now or if he lost his chance of running away during his walk on the red carpet. They are standing facing each other and he doesn’t understand why they didn’t provide him a stool because he knows he should be looking at her, er, pretty face, but all he is seeing is her s. Almost inexistent s.

How unproportioned someone’s body can be, Jimin doesn’t understand.

“Speak now or forever hold your peace,” that’s the only thing Jimin hears after he tries analyzing how someone can have a forest of golden hair on top of the smallest head he has seen in his life, the most beautiful eyes and lashes and the biggest nose, thin legs, thin neck, thick arms, thin fingers and a height of almost seven feet altogether.

He holds back a sigh because as much as getting married to someone he just met hours ago is dumb, asking if someone is not in favor of the wedding – of his wedding – is dumber.

Or course, that’s until someone does actually calls it.


Everyone looks horrified as they look back at the man who just shouted at the end of the red carpet. It all happens so fast. The man is wearing worn out trousers and leather vest with no inner clothing, revealing his rich abs. He has black moustache and dark eyes but his complexion looks smooth despite his, well, overall look not looking so smooth. He is holding a pirate’s sword and is wearing a pirate’s hand. He has, however, two hands.

Jimin actually squints both his eyes.

The man runs towards the shrine and grabs Jimin’s hand after giving him a quick peck on the lips and smirking.

Jimin blinks. His mind is racing with, What the ? That’s my first kiss!

But he has no time to think as a pirate’s ship comes in view and covers the perfect sky. It completely darkens the hall of the wedding. Just then, the priest pops into bubbles and Taehyung jumps up behind the ceremony table.

“Taehyung?” Jimin horridly gasps, wide-eyed.

“Hi, hyung,” the man greets Taehyung.

And Taehyung speaks. Jimin almost faints. “Run, you idiot,” the cat speaks. “And if you steal a kiss from the prince again, I’ll get Yoongi-hyung to kill you.”

The man laughs and it sounds chocolate to Jimin’s ear. And no, that doesn’t have anything to do with the chocolate on the man’s stomach. He doesn’t have to process which is which anymore because Taehyung runs and the man follows, still holding Jimin’s hand.

A rope comes down from the ship on air and he sees Namjoon.

“What the ?? Namjoon??”

A goat. His father’s goat. A goat is looking down on the commotion down and when Jimin averts his bloody eyes away from the goat to the person controlling the ship, a dove. A white, beautiful dove. His mother’s dove.


Jimin’s knees weaken. “Please wake me up from this dream,” he groans.

The man catches him, “This isn’t a dream, love.” He then steals another kiss and smirks before completely carrying Jimin on his arms towards the rope.

“JUNGKOOK!” Taehyung yells at the man.

“Fine, fine, sorry,” the man, Jungkook, shrugs with a cocky grin although he doesn’t sound or look the least bit sorry.

At this point, the guards of the palace have completely covered all the entrance and exits of China. There is no way their crown prince about to seal the most powerful union in the world is going to be abducted by a pirate, a talking cat, and an army of animals.

But of course, that’s the cue for the most dangerous boar in the world to appear.

He’s small and he’s black but he’s deadly.

He runs towards the guards and drops about fifty. He breathes heavily and scratches the floor with his short, black legs and charges again but not before calling out, “Get the prince!”

And Jimin swears he is losing his mind. The boar. The boar is talking. And giving orders.

“Hoseok-hyung, hurry up!” Jungkook calls after he and half-fainted Jimin reaches the rope with Taehyung ahead of them. He gently helps Jimin towards the rope ladder and climbs as well.

The guards, as impossibly as this may sound, is no match for Hoseok. They don’t know if it’s because Hoseok is the first black boar they have ever seen after a hundred years or if it’s something else but Hoseok charges and everything falls down.

After making sure there are no more guards to target the ship, he runs towards the rope, too, and climbs up. A boar climbing up a rope ladder.

Jimin is catching his breath on the ship, his head on Jungkook’s lap as he meets the eyes of a cat, a goat, a dove and a boar. To be fair, they all look extremely worried of him. He glances up slightly and sees the pirate who took him away. He looks the most worried. He doesn’t need anything anymore but a snake crawls and sits on his chest.

He faints.

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starlight22 #1
Chapter 15: this was probably the weirdest fic i have ever read but it was epic .. i loved every single moment while reading thnx author nim ever though i wonder how the hell did you even thought of something like that ?!?
Chapter 15: Omg this was so good I have never read something like this
ygdoubleb #3
Chapter 14: omg im cryingggggg
suho_v #5
Chapter 13: Godddddd!!!!!great story!!!!
Chapter 8: Dont readthis!

Me while reading: omg! omg!omg! RUUUN!
“You’ll not die, okay? I won’t let them take you away either.” part.. >///< aish Jungkook
Again with the running: OMG! GUYS GET THE HELL OUTTA THERE!
SEOKJIN DIES; fin: o_O t.thats it?! UPDATE SOON JEBAL~
Chapter 7: ahhhh omg my hearrrttt
jungtaekwoonieismine #8
Chapter 1: imagine jikook and the whole babies reading this haha kookie will smirk and thinks his character is the coolest and chim2 will be very delighted him being Prince hehe tae will gap and say this is so cool and fun to read and i think so too!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
ineedmytherapy #9
Chapter 5: this story is my fave its so unpredictable and fresh and unique aoansj