
Take Me Away

“What’s going on, Taehyung? Why did Jungkook go? What’ll he do?”

Jungkook is right. Jimin does have so many questions but the cat can sympathize for him. It doesn’t help that all of this is happening to them now that he doesn’t have memories of their past lives. He already told Jimin why they can talk, why they know him, and why they took him away but there is more to be told and he isn’t even sure if he’ll have the chance to do it now.

And Jungkook has jumped towards the enemies.

“Stupid Jungkook,” Taehyung mutters but he doesn’t want Jimin to worry more. He looks, well, already perplexed as it is. “Don’t worry, prince, Jungkook’ll be back.”

“Why did he jump?”

“He probably thinks he can save you by doing so…” Even though if he dies, it’ll be the same as when the two of them dies. It has to be the two of them. Otherwise it’s useless, it’s not going to work. But that’s more than a person can take in twenty-fours. That somehow, the doom of the world and the memories of the civilization and the trace of human being are all in your hands. Well, in their – his and Jungkook’s – hands.

Taehyung helps Jimin to the basement of the ship because it’s the safest place in the ship, considering that enemies won’t be able to infiltrate inside. He knows it’s not okay but he still does it because besides the simple fact of trying to survive, it’s more complicated when you have someone to drag you behind. He doesn’t mean to offend the young prince but he knows Jimin. He knows he will try to help even if it’s obvious he’s not going to be of any help. At least not yet.

So he puts Jimin to sleep.

Among all others, Taehyung thinks his power is the most useless. Shifting. He can literally be anything he wants. Anything alive, that is. He can’t be a pencil or a river. Weirdly enough, in every life they’ve been, he’s always set as a cat by default. Actually, it’s not just him. All of them. Namjoon is always a goat, Seokjin a dove, Yoongi a snake, and Hoseok a boar. But they can’t shift like him. The others tell him his power is incredible. He can practically be anybody he wants and it already proved so many times how shifting to be a nation’s Prime Minister or a cult’s leader is useful but Taehyung is not contented. He knows they have their parts. To this ing mission of saving what ing needs to be saved.

Truthfully, he can’t remember that well anymore. The face of that bizarre man and the lives they’ve been. The changes in the world and the people they’ve met. But their enemies are always the same. He doesn’t know if what he told Jimin is accurate but there is not much time to think.

Because he thinks shifting is not much help, he studies multiple expertises and one of that is hypnotism. That’s what he used to put Jimin to sleep first.

When he goes out to the ship’s balcony, Yoongi is almost dead. Almost. He rushed towards him and Hoseok, who’s been trying to help Yoongi by sharing some strength but it’s useless because Hoseok’s strength is physical.

“Hyung,” Taehyung says. He’s shifted to human form.

“Jungkook jumped down, Taehyung,” Yoongi tells him, barely opening his mouth to speak. Purple colored venom spits on his mouth as he coughs.

“Bring it down, hyung,” Taehyung whispers.

“We’ll die, Taehyung,” Hoseok reminds him.

“He’ll die, Hoseok-hyung!” Taehyung spats back. He looks worriedly at the snake.

“It’s okay, Tae,” the snake coughs again. “I can hold it. At least until it’s safe. Where is Jimin?”

Taehyung looks back at the door leading inside the ship and says, “Inside.”

Meanwhile, Jungkook is down on the ground with a thousand soldiers running towards him. He is not supposed to die easily. He is not supposed to die twenty-four hours after being reunited with Jimin again. He is not supposed to die when their group has just been completed. He is not supposed to die now so he swings his three swords, one on each hands and the last one on his mouth like there is tomorrow. Because he needs to live for that tomorrow.

He’s been ing getting tired of this all. It has to end in this lifetime. He’s going to end it in this lifetime.

He charges on twenty soldiers again and slices them in pieces in less than one second. He charges on the next twenty and does the same. He wonders if these people know who they’re trying to kill. He wonders if these people know who he is.

Unfortunately, he figures out after getting to a couple of hundred soldiers, these people don’t know. He ing needs to slice their arm or their leg first.

He stops for a moment and takes a couple of quick breaths. Another hundred is coming to him like there is no end to this killing spree. It’s like there’s a feast of tomatoes for the red spattered on the ground and a parade of mutilated mannequins for the bodies on the sides of the road. He wonders how many of these are civilian.

The world is a mad place.

But it will change when they complete their mission. It will change when they do what they’re supposed to do.

As if over a thousand soldiers are not enough for him – which he proved that aren’t enough for him – a robot over five meters tall appears. And he’s not alone! There are about twenty of them surrounding the vicinity of the ground where they’re fighting and he knows what’s going to happen next.

Honestly, this time, Jungkook doesn’t know if he’ll last. He doesn’t even know if he’ll last another ten minutes with those damned robots. But at this point, what does he have to lose? At least, he can die knowing Jimin is not alone and there’ll be someone to explain to him what this is all about.

He charges towards the enemies with a cocky grin on his face, his dried lips.

And he’s got to kiss Jimin twice on this lifetime, too. What does he have to lose?

Oh, right. The world.

Suddenly, everything freezes. Jungkook looks to the source of such incredible power and it’s coming from the ship. He sees Taehyung who’s been getting ready to jump down as well pause and look back at the ship. The light reflecting what seems to be crystallized and hardened ice glistens and it definitely comes from the ship.

“Taehyung, get Jungkook!” Namjoon’s voice brings back Taehyung. “We’ll go to Jimin!”

It comes from Jimin’s power. One of Jimin’s powers. Out of all of them, he has always been the one with the most powers. Powers that sometimes he doesn’t even know he has. Powers that he doesn’t even know how to yield. But Jimin’s heart has always been pure. He wants to protect those he loves. His powers are often tested to the limits when one of his friends is in grave danger.

He’s not awake when Namjoon and Seokjin arrive at the basement. He’s still very much under the influence of Taehyung’s hypnosis but there is light surrounding his entire body and he is floating. Seokjin needs to fight hard Jimin in his unconscious state to bring him down with his telekinesis.

Jungkook doesn’t even realize he is badly wounded and almost out of blood. He only recognizes the pain when Taehyung comes down to the ground and helps him before he completely passes out.

“Was that Jimin-hyung?” he asks.

“Don’t talk,” Taehyung hushes him and helps him stand up. He looks at the younger worriedly and his beaten body. He wonders how many he fought today.

“He’s always been the most powerful,” Jungkook murmurs before completely passing out in Taehyung’s arms, “but also the most forgetful one.”

Taehyung looks at Jungkook because he doesn’t realize that even if Jimin doesn’t remember him or any of them, Jimin’s power didn’t show up when all of them were attacked, it didn’t show up when Namjoon and Seokjin were desperately trying to defend the ship, it didn’t show up when Yoongi was almost dying trying to hold the force field of the ship. It showed up when he was in the brink of death trying to fight more than he can handle.

“And you’re always the stupid one,” Taehyung mutters.

Seokjin comes back to the balcony of the ship and with his powers, he brings Taehyung and Jungkook back to the ship. Namjoon has stayed with Jimin, trying to calm down the awakened him because it might backfire to them. The entire floor is frozen and so are the enemies and their means of attack. It is incredible how they built a line of attack so long, seeing by the stretch of ice in the middle of drought in the country. That’s also how far Jimin’s power stretches. If Jimin’s powers hadn’t shown up, they’d all probably be dead before the line of attack finishes.

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starlight22 #1
Chapter 15: this was probably the weirdest fic i have ever read but it was epic .. i loved every single moment while reading thnx author nim ever though i wonder how the hell did you even thought of something like that ?!?
Chapter 15: Omg this was so good I have never read something like this
ygdoubleb #3
Chapter 14: omg im cryingggggg
suho_v #5
Chapter 13: Godddddd!!!!!great story!!!!
Chapter 8: Dont readthis!

Me while reading: omg! omg!omg! RUUUN!
“You’ll not die, okay? I won’t let them take you away either.” part.. >///< aish Jungkook
Again with the running: OMG! GUYS GET THE HELL OUTTA THERE!
SEOKJIN DIES; fin: o_O t.thats it?! UPDATE SOON JEBAL~
Chapter 7: ahhhh omg my hearrrttt
jungtaekwoonieismine #8
Chapter 1: imagine jikook and the whole babies reading this haha kookie will smirk and thinks his character is the coolest and chim2 will be very delighted him being Prince hehe tae will gap and say this is so cool and fun to read and i think so too!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
ineedmytherapy #9
Chapter 5: this story is my fave its so unpredictable and fresh and unique aoansj