The New Student

First Love
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“I’m so excited!” my best friend Z. Hera exclaimed taking her seat in front of me.

“Why is that?” I asked yawning.

She frowned, “Seriously Lee Hi?  Did you forget that we’re getting a new student today?”

“Oh, I forgot about that,” I honestly replied.

“I hope we get a boy,” she said excitedly.  “We need more eye candy in our class.”

I laughed out loud, “We have enough eye candy in our classroom already.”

She made a face at me, “Oh yeah?  Like who?”

“Hm, what about Zelo?  Or Wonwoo?  Even that quiet mysterious Chinese boy Wen Junhui aka Jun,” I pointed out.  “They’re not bad-looking.”

“I didn’t say they were bad-looking.  I just think it would be nice to have someone new to look at,” she explained.

“Whatever you say my dear friend,” I said shaking my head.

“Hey guys,” Chan Hyuk greeted us as he took his seat next to Z. Hera.

“Hello Chan Hyuk,” we greeted back.

“What are you guys talking about?” he asked.

“We’re talking about the new student.  We’re hoping for a male student,” Z. Hera answered.

I rolled my eyes at her, “You mean you’re hoping for a male student.  As for me, I don’t care if the new student is a male or female.”

“Why is that Ha-yi?” he curiously asked.

“No reason,” I replied. 

“I bet you’re secretly wishing it was male student,” he joked.

I leaned over my desk and smacked his left arm, “You wish four eyes.”

“Yah!  How many times have I told you not to call me that?” he cried making a face.  “You’re lucky you’re my best friend, otherwise I would hit you back.”

I stuck my tongue out at him, “And that is why you’re my best friend.  You would never have the heart to hit me.”

“I wonder why I’m even friends with you,” he muttered shaking his head.

“Oh, here comes Joy and her snotty friends,” I said making him turn around so fast.

“Ah, she’s so pretty,” he mumbled admiring her from a far distance.

Z. Hera rolled her eyes, “She is pretty, but she has the worst personality ever.  Everything is always about ‘me, me, me, me, me, me.’  Honestly, I don’t understand why every single boy in this school think she’s all that.”

I nodded my head in agreement, “That is so true.”

“Hush you guys!  You guys are distracting me right now.  I want to enjoy this moment in silence to stare at her beauty,” he stated.

My best friend and I looked at each other and burst out laughing.  He threw us a deadly look causing us to stop laughing at once.  

Joy and her snotty friends walked passed us as Chan Hyuk quietly said, "Hi Joy."

One of her snotty friends name Hayoung giggled, "That nerd just said hi to you."

"Gross," Chanmi whispered loudly enough for us to hear.

"What are you guys talking about?  I didn't hear anything," Joy said flipping her hair in the air.

Chan Hyuk face turned red and quickly looked away from her.

I curled my hands into a tight fist and yelled, "Yah!  He greeted you.  The least you could do is greet him back.  You're so ing rude."

All the students in class gasp at me for cursing at Joy.  She pretended not to hear me and walked  away with her snotty friends towards their seats.  

That ing !  How dare she embarassed Chan Hyuk like that!  “Oh, she pisses me off,” I growled pounding both of my hands on my desk.

“Calm down Hayi,” Z. Hera said.  “Everyone is staring at you.”

I frowned, “I don’t care.”  I stood up from my seat and walked over to Chan Hyuk and patted his shoulder, “Are you okay buddy?”

“No,” he mumbled not looking at me.  It was clearly written all over his face that he was hurt and embarrassed by Joy’s action. 

I sighed, “Forget Joy.  She’s not worth your breath and time.  You can do better than her.”

“I know.  By the way, thanks for sticking up for me Hayi,” he said leaning his head down on his desk.

“No problem.  Best friends stick up for each other,” I said with a smile. 

“Good morning students,” Ms. Park said walking into the classroom.

I quickly walk over to my seat as everyone stood up from their seats and bowed their heads down, “Good morning Ms. Park.”

“You may have a seat,” she said.  She waited until everyone sat down and smiled, “As you all know, we will be having a new student joining us this year.”

“Oh, I hope the new student is a girl,” Zelo whispered.

“Me too,” Wonwoo whispered back.

“Settle down,” Ms. Park said.  She turned her attention to the door, “You may come in.”

I heard a couple of girls squealing and giggling as some of the boys groan and grunted.  Judging from the noise, I assumed that our new student was a boy since I couldn’t see because of my short height.  Yes, my best friend’s heads were blocking my view.  It really being short.

“Omo!  He’s hot!” Joy gushed.

“He’s mine,” Chanmi whispered.

“Not if I can help it,” Hayoung said.

“Please introduce yourself,” Ms. Park instructed.

“Hello.  My name is Kim Hanbin, but I would prefer to be called B.I.  Please take good care of me,” he said bowing his head.

Everyone clapped their hands as he lifted his head up and waited for his teacher to assign him his seat.

Ms. Park scanned the classroom and said, “Hanbin, you will be seated next to Lee Hi.”

“No fair!”  Joy cried.

“Ms. Park, why can’t he sit next to me?” Chanmi pouted.

“Or me?” Hayoung added.

Oh my god!  Is she serious?  Why?  I don’t want him to sit next to me I thought frowning.  Honestly, I liked sitting by myself because there was more room for me to move around.  Plus I liked my personal space. 

“Lee Hi, please raise your hand so Hanbin knows where his seat is,” Ms. Park said.

I don’t want to I wanted to say but raised my hand up because I didn’t want her to yell at me.  I was one of her favorite students and I simply can’t say no to her.

Hanbin smiled as he walked towards me and sat down.  “Hello.”

“Hello,” I said returning a tiny smile.  Well, this is going to be an interesting year.

2 hours later

Z. Hera turned around and batted her eyelashes at Hanbin, “Hello!  My name is Ji He Ran but please call me Z. Hera.”

“Z. Hera?” Hanbin blinked his eyes.

“Yes, that’s my nickname.  Unique isn’t it?”

“It sure is,” he answered smiling back. 

This time Chan Hyuk turned his body around and introduced himself, “And I’m Chan Hyuk.”

“Nice to meet you,” he said with a warm smile.  He turned his attention to me and looked at Z. Hera and then back at me again.

I gave him a weird look, “Is there a problem?”

He nodded his head yes, “You guys kind of look like twins expect you’re a little chubbier.”

Z. Hera and Chan Hyuk burst out laughing at his bluntness.

Chubbier?  Did he just call me fat?!  Oh hell no!  I smacked his right arm, “I’m not fat!”

“Ouch!” he cried rubbing his arm.  “I didn’t say you were fat.  I just said you were a little chubbier.”

“That’s the same thing as calling me fat you…you…you…” I trailed off.

He smirked, “You hit like a man, you know?”

I felt my blood pressure rising as I hit him on the same spot again, but harder this time, “I do not!”

“Yah!  That hurt!” he cried scooting his chair away from me.  “Are you even a girl?”

“What is that supposed to mean?” I cried scooting closer to him obviously ready to hit him again. 

Z. Hera and Chan Hyuk continued laughing at our interaction as I glared at them, “Quit laughing!”

All of a sudden Chan Hyuk stopped laughing as

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nicoco0810 #1
Chapter 6: Omg sooooooo cute
fitriyannii #2
Chapter 6: Hahaha hayi hanbin is so cute .. Are they official now ??
Minkyaena #3
I like this storyy .. update pleaseee .. :)
nikurxxi #4
Chapter 5: Aithornim update now juseyoooo
Chapter 5: poor jun hes too sweet
IM_Hyolyn #6
Chapter 5: Jun, dnt be sad. I want hayi end up with hanbin, but I feel sorry for jun. Update asap, please~ Fighting! ^^
Chapter 4: I came here for HanHi but why am I so freaking torn?! Authornim, please make Jun less desirable. Please. X3
Chapter 4: update soon
Chapter 4: This is super fluffy, my type of story. I like it a lot!! Just wondering why I just find this fic now, maybe you can add hanhi tag so it'll be easier to be found.

I'll wait for your updates. ❤❤❤