Black Knight & Shining Armor

First Love
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“Well, it looks like B.I is already a part of Zelo, Wonwoo, and Jun click,” Chan Hyuk sadly said setting his lunch tray down across from me.

I looked over his shoulder and sure enough, he was chatting away with Zelo and his buddies at their usual table.  Joy and stupid friends joined their table and started flirting with him which made me wanted to puke.  I was still mad that he called me chubby earlier.

“Why does it look like you want to kill someone?” Z. Hera asked pulling a chair next to Chan Hyuk.

“I do want to kill someone,” I replied angrily chewing on my ham and cheese sandwich.

She giggled, “Let me guess, Kim Hanbin?”

“Duh, who else?”

Chan Hyuk smirked, “If looks could kill, he would be dead already.  Isn’t that right Hayi?”

I smiled, “Hell yeah!  He would be the first person to die followed by Joy and her snobby friends.”

“Hey now, don’t be wishing death upon my Joy,” Chan Hyuk muttered.

“Seriously Chan Hyuk?  After she embarrassed you like that, you still like her?” I asked shaking my head in disbelief.  “You’re stupid.”

“Yeah, stupidly in love,” he said.  “I can’t help who I like.  This feeling won’t go away.”

“How about we set you up with someone?” Z. Hera suggested.

My eyes lit up with excitement, “Omo!  She’s right!”

“NO!” he shouted causing other students nearby giving us weird looks.

“Shhhhh, lower your voice dummy,” I said glaring at him.

“Sorry,” he mumbled.  “I don’t want you guys to set me up with anyone.”  He turned his head around just in time to witness Joy scooting closer to Hanbin and touching his left arm.  Jealousy and sadness took over him as he grumbled, “Some guys have all the luck in the world.”

I sighed watching my best friend look so miserable over a stupid girl.  Suddenly I wasn’t feeling hungry anymore so I threw my ham and cheese sandwich down. 

Z. Hera raised her left eyebrow up, “You’re done eating already?”

“I lost my appetite,” I replied.  “I’ll see you guys in class.”

“Yah, where are you going?” she asked watching me pick up my lunch tray.

“Outside to get some fresh air.  I can’t stand seeing Chan Hyuk sulk over Joy and the more I stare at Kim Hanbin, the more I just want to kill him,” I honestly replied.  “See you guys later.”

“So, what do you think of this school so far?” Zelo asked taking a bite out of his cheeseburger.

“Not bad,” Hanbin replied.  He saw Hayi leaving the cafeteria and smiled, “What do you guys know about Lee Hi?”

“What do you want to know about her?” Wonwoo asked.

“I mean, what kind of a person is she?” he asked staring at her back as she was walked out of the cafeteria.

“She’s short, smart, loud, blunt, rude, a Ms. Know-It-All, a teacher’s pet, and the heaviest girl in our class,” Wonwoo replied earning a round of laughter from everybody expect for Jun and Hanbin.

"She hangs out with that nerdy-looking boy Chan Hyuk and that ugly girl Z. Hera too.  They're known as the nerds," Hayoung added.

"Oh, and they're all poor too," Chanmi chimed in.

“Does she have a boyfriend?” he asked.

Joy made a disgusting face, “You mean Hayi or her ugly best friend?"

"Hayi, does she have a boyfriend?" he repeated.

"As far as I know, no.  I mean, look at her.  Who in their right mind would want to date her?” Joy said giggling.

“Right?  I wouldn’t date her even if she was the last girl on earth,” Wonwoo added causing everyone to laugh again expect for Jun and Hanbin.

Suddenly Jun stood up from his chair and picked up his lunch tray. 

“Hey, where are you going?” Hayoung asked.

“To get some fresh air,” he coldly replied walking away from them.  Everyone watched him throw his food away and walked out of the cafeteria.

“Don’t mind him.  He’s always like that,” Zelo explained.  “Once you get to know him, he’s actually pretty cool.”

“What’s his story?” Hanbin asked. 

“Nothing really.  He’s just really quiet and keeps to himself most of the time.  He’ll open up to you once he’s comfortable around you,” Zelo replied.

“He’s very smart and he is someone you don’t want to mess with either,” Wonwoo added.

“Why is that?” he curiously asked.

“Jun knows martial arts,” Joy answered.  “I have seen him fight before and he’s pretty scary when he fights.”

“Not only does he know martial arts, but he has a lot of fan girls too.  He is very good-looking and he knows it,” Hayoung stated.  “I have been trying to get with him since last year, but he keeps pushing me away all the time.  Seriously, I don’t get him.”

“Maybe you’re trying too hard,” Hanbin bluntly said.

Hayoung made a face at him, “No, I’m not.  And that was really mean what you just said.”

Hanbin shrugged his shoulders, “I was just being honest.  Guys like girls who are themselves.” 

I hate my classmates.  Why do they always look down on me, Z. Hera, and Chan Hyuk?  So what if we’re smart, nerdy-looking, and poor?  ing rich snobby classmates.  Oh how I wish I could punch their faces!  Letting out a big sigh, I laid down on a bench using my backpack as a pillow and stared up into the blue sky.  Ah, it’s so peaceful here.  It was too peaceful that I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier.  Man, I must be really tired.  I looked at my watch and realized that I still had a half hour left before lunch was over.  Why not take a little nap? 

(45 minutes later)

I slowly opened my eyes and stretched out my arms.  Well, that was a nice nap. 

“You’re finally awake,” a voice said.

Who the hell is that? I thought quickly sitting up from the bench.  There was a black leather jacket covering my lower half as I slowly removed it.  My eyes widen as Jun was sitting at the end of the bench staring at me with those mysterious eyes.

“H-How long have you been sitting there?” I stuttered covering my skirt.  !  I had my legs spread wide open when I was sleeping!  !  He must have seen my underwear!  God, kill me now!

He chuckled at my reaction, “I’ve been sitting here for a while.” 

“Oh,” was all I said.  Aish, this is so embarrassing.  He must have seen my hairy legs too!  I haven’t shaved them in a couple of days.  Great!  Now, the whole school is going to be talking about me now.  My face must have been so red due to embarrassment and he must have noticed it too, so he retrieved his black leather jacket, “While you were sleeping, I covered your lower half with my jacket.  Don’t worry, I didn’t see anything.”

I blinked my eyes at him several times trying to figure out if he was telling me the truth or not.  He turned away from me and smirked, “We’re late for class.”

I looked at my watch and shouted, “OH MY ING GOD!”  I quickly stood up and adjusted my skirt, “Let’s go before Ms. Park punish us.”

“We’re already 15 minutes late.  We’re going to be punish anyways, so why not sit here and enjoy this nice weather till our next class start?” he suggested not moving from the bench.

Hm, he does have a point I thought sitting back down.  “But…but…but…we...”

“Calm down Lee Hi.  Skipping one class isn’t going to kill us.  The worst thing Ms. Park is going to do is give us detention after class.  Don’t worry about it,” he calmly said.

I stared at him for a very long time before I said, “Wow.  That is the most that I have ever heard you talk.”

He turned his head and smiled, “I only talk to people that I’m comfortable around with.”

I sat back down and pointed out, “But we aren’t even close.”

“I know, but for some reason, I feel like I’m already close to you,” he explained.

“We barely speak to each other though,” I told him. 

“That’s true, but I like how you speak your mind, stick up for your friends, and fight for justice,” he said b

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nicoco0810 #1
Chapter 6: Omg sooooooo cute
fitriyannii #2
Chapter 6: Hahaha hayi hanbin is so cute .. Are they official now ??
Minkyaena #3
I like this storyy .. update pleaseee .. :)
nikurxxi #4
Chapter 5: Aithornim update now juseyoooo
Chapter 5: poor jun hes too sweet
IM_Hyolyn #6
Chapter 5: Jun, dnt be sad. I want hayi end up with hanbin, but I feel sorry for jun. Update asap, please~ Fighting! ^^
Chapter 4: I came here for HanHi but why am I so freaking torn?! Authornim, please make Jun less desirable. Please. X3
Chapter 4: update soon
Chapter 4: This is super fluffy, my type of story. I like it a lot!! Just wondering why I just find this fic now, maybe you can add hanhi tag so it'll be easier to be found.

I'll wait for your updates. ❤❤❤