
First Love
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(After School)

Ding!  Ding!  Ding!

School was finally over and many students rushed out of their seats to go home expect for me, Z. Hera, Chan Hyuk, Hanbin, Joy and her snobby friends.

Z. Hera turned her body around and smirked at me and Hanbin, “Rumors are going around that you two are going to Homecoming together.  Is that true?”

Hanbin wrapped his arm around me and smiled, “Yup.  It’s true.”

“Congrats Hayi.  You’re not a lesbian after all,” Chan Hyuk teased as Z. Hera and Hanbin burst out laughing.

I chucked my pencil at his face and cried, “You jerk!  How dare you say that about me?!”  Sadly, my pencil did not hit his face due to his quick reflex.  He frowned, “Hey!  Was that even necessary?  I was just teasing you.”

“You call that teasing?  More like you’re trying to embarrass me,” I corrected him.

“At least you have at date,” he muttered looking over at Joy who was happily chatting away with her friends.

I sighed and mentally face palmed my face, “Oh Chanhyuk.  Please don’t tell me you want to ask her to be your date for Homecoming?  She’s not worth it.”

Hanbin looked over at Joy and then back at Chanhyuk, “What do you see in her bro?”

“She’s pretty,” he replied in a low voice.  “She seems to be very fond of you too.”

“Hey, I’m not interested in girls like her.  She’s not my type,” Hanbin firmly stated.  He pulled me closer to him and kissed my forehead, “However, this little cutie pie right here is definitely MY type.”

Chan Hyuk and Z. Hera eyes widen as I blushed, “Yah!”  Seriously Kim Hanbin?  Do you really have to kiss me like that in front of my best friends?

“Oh my god!  Did you just kiss her forehead?” Z. Hera asked rubbing her eyes making sure that she wasn’t hallucinating.

“Yes I did,” he replied remaining his eyes on me.

“Quit staring at me,” I cutely whined looking away from him.  His intense stare was starting to .

“No,” he said leaning for a kiss.

“Yah!” I cried shoving my hand toward his lip preventing him to kiss me.

“Way to ruin the mood Hayi,” he muttered removing my hand from his lips.

I scoffed, “Do I have to constantly remind you that you’re not my boyfriend?”

“Yet,” he replied removing his arm from me.  “And do I have to remind you that I like you?”

“Oh my god!” Z. Hera squealed.

Chan Hyuk smiled, “Wow.  You’re so blunt Kim Hanbin.”  He looked at me and joked, “Hayi, if the poor boy is confessing his undying love for you, it’s best to accept him now or else you’re never get a chance like this in the future.”

Feeling offended by his words, I snarled, “Yah!  Are you implying that I’ll never get anyone besides Hanbin?  Are you asking for a death wish LEE CHAN HYUK?”

“I’m just stating the truth,” he retorted.

Hanbin and Z. Hera sat there and laughed their heads off at our mini argument.  God damn you Chan Hyuk!  If you weren’t my best friend, I would seriously slap the hell out of you right now.

“Hanbin!” Joy shouted from across the classroom causing me and Chan Hyuk to stop bickering.

Hanbin raised his left eyebrow up, “Yes?”

Joy gestured her hand at him to go over to her as he sighed, “I’ll be right back.”

“Do you think she’s going to ask him to be her date for Homecoming?” Chan Hyuk asked in a low voice.

“I don’t know,” I replied eyeing them like a hawk.  Even if she does ask him, he’s going to say no because he’s already going with me.

“Well I think you should ask Bae Suzy to be your date for Homecoming.  She’s really pretty and she’s very nice,” Z. Hera suggested.

He rolled his eyes at her, “Did you forget that she’s two years older than me?”

“Who cares if she’s two years older than you?  Age is just a number,” I pointed out turning my attention to him.  “I don’t think she has a date for Homecoming yet either.”

“Nah, I think I’ll pass,” he said.

“Why not?”  I asked.  “What’s wrong with Suzy besides her age?”

“She’s too pretty for me,” he replied adjusting his glasses.  “She’s like Barbie.  She needs a Ken doll next to her…not a nerdy-looking geek like me.”

Z. Hera lightly punched his arm, “Yah!  Quit putting yourself down like that.  Have some confident.  You’re not bad-looking.  Just lose those big glasses of yours and get some contacts.  That’ll make you much more handsome.”

“So, you’re basically telling me that I’m ugly?” he implied.  “Thanks a lot.”

“That’s not what she meant,” I said coming to her rescue.

“Yeah right,” he mumbled setting his head down on his desk.

“Look Chan Hyuk…” I started to say he covered his ears with his hands, “I don’t want to listen to you guys anymore.”

Z. Hera and I looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders.  From the corner of my eye, I saw Hanbin walking back towards us.  He playfully ruffled my hair, “Can I walk you home?”

I shook my head no, “I’m sorry but I already promise to ride the bus home with Z. Hera and Chan Hyuk.”

“Oh,” he said looking disappointed.  He brushed his hair back, “That’s fine.  I’ll walk you to the bus stop before I go home then.”

“Ah, he’s so romantic Lee Hayi!  He’s definitely a keeper!” Z. Hera gushed.

I glared at her giving her the Shut-Up-Look but that only caused her to stick her tongue out at me.  Hanbin pinched my chubby cheek and chuckled, “You’re so cute Hayi.”

“Yah!  Quit pinching my cheeks,” I cried playfully hitting his hand.  I stood up from my chair and swung my backpack over my shoulder, “Come on guys.  Let’s go before we miss our bus.”

5 minutes later

“Our bus should be here any minute,” Chan Hyuk said kicking a pebble on the ground.

Hanbin patted his back, “If you need my help finding a date for Homecoming, I’m more than willing to help you find one.”

“You will?” he asked with a surprised look on his face.

“Yup.  Just let me know who you want me to ask and I’ll make sure she goes with you,” Hanbin confidently said.

“Then I want you to ask…” he trailed off.

“Anyone but Joy,” Hanbin quickly added.

His face fell down after hearing that, “Oh…”

“Ask Bae Suzy for him!” Z. Hera blurted out.

“I agree,” I chimed in.  “I think Bae Suzy will be a great fit for him.”

“What do you say Chan Hyuk?” Hanbin asked.

He let out a small sigh, “Fine.  You can ask her.  I highly doubt she’ll say yes.”

I poked his chest and frowned, “Stop being so negative!  If she

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nicoco0810 #1
Chapter 6: Omg sooooooo cute
fitriyannii #2
Chapter 6: Hahaha hayi hanbin is so cute .. Are they official now ??
Minkyaena #3
I like this storyy .. update pleaseee .. :)
nikurxxi #4
Chapter 5: Aithornim update now juseyoooo
Chapter 5: poor jun hes too sweet
IM_Hyolyn #6
Chapter 5: Jun, dnt be sad. I want hayi end up with hanbin, but I feel sorry for jun. Update asap, please~ Fighting! ^^
Chapter 4: I came here for HanHi but why am I so freaking torn?! Authornim, please make Jun less desirable. Please. X3
Chapter 4: update soon
Chapter 4: This is super fluffy, my type of story. I like it a lot!! Just wondering why I just find this fic now, maybe you can add hanhi tag so it'll be easier to be found.

I'll wait for your updates. ❤❤❤