On the run


Sunny and I sat in the subway, waiting for the next train. We each had a backpack with a few changes of clothes, a small supply of food and water, and other basics. It wasn't all that busy, but  several students and blue collar workers were waiting for the train as well.

"Sunny, where are we gonna go?" I asked, playing with a candy wrapper from my pocket. She looked around for a moment, then in a low voice told me.

"I know a man out in the country next to another city. We're going to get out of here with the subway, then we'll have to hitch rides until we get there. It shouldn't be too hard, but it will take a while. He knew dad, so he'll take us in," she finished, glancing around again. I nodded, pursing my lips as I thought it over.

"Why do we have to leave?" I asked yet again, hoping maybe she would give in. She shook her head and sighed at me, and I slumped down in surrender. She wouldn't tell me. The most I knew was that we were personally in danger. I knew the riots in the cities were getting bigger, but they shouldn't affect us any, should they?

The sound of the train drawing closer brought both of us out of our thoughts, and we stood to board it. Sunny looked around one last time, and let out a small gasp when she looked near the entrance of the subway. I glanced over, but only saw what appeared to be an office worker. He had shaggy hair, and a sharp look in his eyes that set me off ease. Sunny grabbed my hand and we started toward the train, when he spotted us.

He looked between the two of us for a moment, then his sight locked onto me. He started toward us at a quick pace, an unsettling blaze in his eyes. Sunny tugged me, urging me to go quicker. I stumbled over my feet, turned, and ran after her. The man was coming at us at a full blown sprint, going faster than I could ever hope to run.

He grabbed my wrist as I tried to turn away from him, and he jerked me away from Sunny. She turned, lashing out at him with her nails, nearly scratching his face. He stepped back away from her, a sly grin plastered on his face. I struggled against him, trying to wriggle out of his grip.

"Let go of him!" She screamed kicking him in the knee. It has no noticeable effect, and the man just chuckled. He turned, dragging me along with him. I planted my feet on the ground and jerked my arm, trying to loosen myself. With one last attempt, I reached up and grabbed a handful of the man's hair, yanking on it with everything I could muster. He let out a startled yelp and his head jerked back. Sunny took the chance to grab him by the shoulders and knee him, making him loose his grip on me.

She grabbed my hand and we sprinted for the subway car nearest us, just as the warning bell began to ding. The man stumbled a few steps behind us, paused to regain himself, then began running after us again. We shouldered past the last few shocked stragglers, and got past the doors moments before they closed.

I leaned against the pole next to the door, while Sunny doubled over, gasping. When I looked up, the man was standing at the door, seething at us as the train began to pull away. I stuck my tongue out at him just as he slipped out of sight. Sunny collected our bags, and we took a seat, ignoring the murmuring of the passengers around us.

Sunny was soon asleep, her head slipping onto my shoulder. I watched as passengers came and went, sometimes no one but is in the car. It seemed like forever, but we made it to the station on the outskirts of town. I woke Sunny, who rubbed her eyes and let out a cute little yawn. I got our stuff and helped her out of the train into the station.

It was bleak, if nothing else. A few pieces of trash here and there, a hobo sleeping on a bench, and an odd smell coming from the restroom. I guided Sunny out into the fresh, cool night air, relieved not to see the strange man again. Sunny woke up enough to take us closer the highway and catch us a ride. It was with a young business woman, who talked about her family and her pets most of our trip.

Sunny stayed awake, in case anything happened, and I got to sleep. It was fitful, with images of Taemin and the man, old memories of our dad, and what I imagined our mom to be like. She was pretty, with long red-brown hair, and smiling eyes. She sang to me in my dreams, calming me. It was beautiful. I wanted to listen to it forever, but I was awakened to Sunny shaking my shoulder.

"C'mon, we're gonna spend the night here," she said, motioning to a motel behind us. I didn't really trust it, but we had nowhere else at the moment. I picked up my bag, and we said goodbye to the woman. I followed Sunny into the motel, where an old man greeted us at the receptionist's desk. He seemed sour, and the frown lines on him didn't help any.

"What are you two up to? Not gonna disturb the peace in my motel are you?" He sneered as we walked in.

"No, my brother and I would just like a room for the night," Sunny said as she placed some money on the counter. The man's face almost instantly cheered up, and he handed us each a key card.

"Have a good night," he chirped as we walked down the hallway. I glanced at Sunny, and she just shrugged. We entered the room, and I regretted it in an instant. The beds were unmade, there were odd stains on the floor, and another funky smell came from this bathroom as well. Sunny gave me an apologetic look, and placed her bag next to one of the two twin beds.

"Well, try to get some rest, we have a lot of traveling to do tomorrow," she said as she slipped under the covers . I sighed and turned off the lights, slipping into my own bed, hoping there was nothing weird in it.

"Goodnight," I whispered to Sunny before falling back asleep.

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Ok, so I'm really considering rewriting the story. I'll do it offline, and replace the current chapters once I have it done up to where I am now.


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Leo-nim #1
I really miss this... Any chance that you'll continue with it?
Simple_Mind #2
Chapter 8: cool~! poor guys for getting water poisoned.
please update soon i cant wait to actually see what is sungjong's ability.
1412Bunny #3
Heechul scary >.<

GRAH!!! Minho better not have hurt Taemin!!!! D8<
I'm so paranoid because I feel like the stuffed dog is Heechul in a shapeshifting form or something. /facepalms
Gahh XD -spazzes-
this is AWESOME...
Please,please,please update soon....
Gahhh cliffhanger. X_X

/wants an update. Pwease? :3
omy im in love with this story!
please update
Shineebambi #9
This story is amazing *_* I love it. Update soon~
omg I just love this *O*<br />
please continue this<br />
I want more<br />
I'm a fan now *O*