In Sickness and in Health


Ohmigosh, finally, an update!!! Yay!!! I got a job :3, and somehow my muse came back. Again, I won't promise anything, but hopefully I'll start writing again? *fingers crossed*




We continued down the spring for some time, getting out on the opposite bank when our feet began to get cold and pruny, Sunny seemed more than happy to be out of the water. With the water so nearby, the whole group seemed more alive. We would get drinks whenever we got thirsty, and even waded in the water again when we got hot. It was fun and peaceful, almost as if nothing was wrong in the world.
Junsu and Jaejoong lead the group, quietly chatting between themselves. Every once in a while, Junsu would pull out a piece of paper, scribbling down something as he explained it to Jae, or as Jae thought of something and told him. Ryeowook and Junhyung were just behind them, chatting and arguing. Sunny was just behind the two, adding in her own thoughts and breaking up their arguments before they got out of hand. I brought up the back, just a few steps behind, enjoying the scenery around me and seeing everyone so happy again.
A sudden knot in my stomach made me pause. Maybe I was hungry? I took out a small packet of crackers from a MRE I had saved earlier, nibbling on them as I followed behind the rest of the group. But the pain didn't go away. It even seemed to be getting worse.
"Hey guys?" I groaned, "I need to sit down..." My knees collapsed beneath me and I slumped to the ground, one hand supporting my weight, the other on my stomach. Sunny gasped, running over to my side.
"Sungjong! Are you alright? What's wrong? Oh my gosh, are you sick?" she asked, panic clear in her voice. Junsu came over, rubbing my back as the pain in my stomach made its way to my throat. My hand flew to my mouth as I struggled to stand, stumbling away from the others and to a nearby bush. I doubled over, the contents of my stomach pouring out onto the ground. It was mostly water and bile, the residue burning my throat.
I stood, wiping my mouth as I stumbled away from the mess. Junsu caught me as I toppled over, my vision swarming and my head aching. Sunny came up to me, taking my hand and asking me things I couldn't hear. The world suddenly turned sideways, and I felt as if I were flying. I passed by Ryeowook and Junhyung, and I could just make out Jaejoong ahead. Sunny was suddenly beside me again, talking to me and my hair. She stopped, looking up past Junsu. She shouted something, suddenly rushing past. I felt myself be lowered down, the world still sideways, but no longer flying. I strained, turning my head to the other side to I could see what was going on. Ryeowook was leaning against Junhyung, his hands clamped over his stomach. My vision began to spin even more, and I out just as the two of them collapsed to the ground.
My world was very black, for what seemed to be a very long time. I seemed to fade in and out of the darkness, but only for short times. I once saw Junhyung laying beside me, Ryeowook just beyond him. They both had pained expressions, sweat dripping down their faces. Junsu and Jaejoong sat nearby, looking almost as pained, but more coherent than the other two. Sunny was rushing around, placing blankets on top of us all, making pillows of leaved and jackets. Everything went black again after she had covered me.
After a while of darkness, I felt something cool land on my face. I looked up, and saw a leaf heavy with water, another drop forming on it's tip. It fell, the refreshingly cool water splashing on my cheek. Jaejoong was up, helping Sunny collect the water in the now empty bottles. I looked over at my side, to find Junhyung propped up against a tree instead of beside me. He was awake, talking to the others, I could just make out what they were saying, something about water contamination, how he 'still didn't feel too hot'. Sunny noticed me watching them, and came over to my side. She lifted up my head, letting me drink from the fresh rainwater. She cooed that everything was going to be alright, my hair until I fell asleep again.
The next time I woke up. I could finally hear things and make sense of them again. Everything had a golden red look to it, the light fading as the sun began to set. Jaejoong and Junsu were packing things up as Sunny helped Ryeowook stand up from leaning against a tree. Junhyung was nowhere in sight, but his bag was still with us. I groaned, rolling over and propping myself up on my elbows. My head began to swarm, and I stopped moving, holding my temples until the world stopped spinning. Jaejoong came over, helping me sit up so I wouldn't fall over.
"How are you feeling?" Sunny asked, walking over with Ryeowook, his arm slung over her shoulder as she helped him walk. I just moaned in reply, holding my head again as it began to throb.
"Maybe we should wait a little longer," Jaejoong said, looking up at Junsu as he slung his bag over his shoulder.
"We can't afford to. We've already been here three days, we need to get moving. Do you think you can manage carrying him?" he asked. Jaejoong sighed, nodding in reply.
"What happened?" I asked, rubbing my head as the pain finally ceased.
"Water contamination," Junsu pointedly replied. "and it seems you got the worst of it. We're lucky though, Sunny refused to drink the water." Sunny just shrugged, a slight grimace forming at the thought of the water. Noises at the edge of our encampment drew our attention, and we all turned as Junhyung came huffing into view.
"Guys..." he said, pointing behind him. He leaned against a tree, trying to catch his breath before going on. "Th-there's... a town, just over a hill... not a few minutes... away from here," he gasped. Junsu nodded, taking Junhyung's bag as well, then begain walking in the direction pointed out.
"Hey! I can carry my own bag!" Junhyung exclaimed walking after the older man.
"No, you're still sick. You only walked to the hill and back, didn't you?" Junsu asked in reply, continuing just out of Junhyung's reach. The younger scowled, but didn't pick up his pace or argue further. Sunny collected her and Ryeowook's bags, helping him as they followed after. Jaejoong picked up our bags, now very empty looking, before picking me up bridal style. My head began to spin at the sudden movement, and I closed my eyes, leaning my head against his shoulder. I must have dozed ff again, because the next thing I knew, Sunny was shouting with excitement nearby.
"Look! I can see the lights!"
I cracked open my eyes and looked down from the top of the hill we were on. The forest was gone from around us, and just a couple of miles away, a small town glowed in the night. Junhyung gave a small cheer, fist pumping the air. He started down the hill, quicker than before, Junsu following after him with the rest of us close behind.
"Come on! Lets go!" he shouted, waving for us to hurry up.
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Ok, so I'm really considering rewriting the story. I'll do it offline, and replace the current chapters once I have it done up to where I am now.


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Leo-nim #1
I really miss this... Any chance that you'll continue with it?
Simple_Mind #2
Chapter 8: cool~! poor guys for getting water poisoned.
please update soon i cant wait to actually see what is sungjong's ability.
1412Bunny #3
Heechul scary >.<

GRAH!!! Minho better not have hurt Taemin!!!! D8<
I'm so paranoid because I feel like the stuffed dog is Heechul in a shapeshifting form or something. /facepalms
Gahh XD -spazzes-
this is AWESOME...
Please,please,please update soon....
Gahhh cliffhanger. X_X

/wants an update. Pwease? :3
omy im in love with this story!
please update
Shineebambi #9
This story is amazing *_* I love it. Update soon~
omg I just love this *O*<br />
please continue this<br />
I want more<br />
I'm a fan now *O*