Life Saver


AN: I am so sorry for how long it's been since I updated D: Here's a little update until I can sit down and write for real >.<



We slowly trudged through the forest, trees surrounding us, spreading far out into the distance. I looked up, straining my eyes to see a glimpse of the sky through the dense leaves. A couple of early starts momentarily showed themselves as the trees rustled in the gentle wind. Junsu was leading the group, Jaejoong and Junhyung close behind him. Ryeowook was in the middle, while Sunny and I brought up the back, our legs burning from the unfamiliar strain. Sweat was forming on my brow and upper lip, a bead slowly trickling down my back. I swiped it away, disgusted by how filthy I was.

Junsu finally stopped, silently motioning for us to gather around and start making camp. This was our second night out in the forest, and already we were beginning to wear. Our rations were still lasting, but water was running low. We needed to find some source of water soon, but so far we hadn't even come across a trickle. I let my bag slip from my shoulders and fall to my feet, relieved by the loss of the baggage. It wasn't much, but it felt heavier and heavier the longer I carried it. Sunny seemed to feel the same, dropping her own bag and slumping to the ground.

We all pulled out the light blankets that were packed inside, lying the bigger ones on the ground and using the few smaller ones as covering. Jaejoong set up a small barrier around us, taking a seat next to a nearby tree for the first shift of the night. Sunny took the edge of the makeshift bed, snuggling up under the thin blanket. I took the space next to her, our backs touching, as the remaining three prepared themselves for bed.

Ryeowook went through the rations one last time, informing us we only had half a bottle of water left each, and a couple of days worth of food. Junsu sighed, and I watched him as he paced, thinking out a plan and trying to figure out what we should do. Junhyung took a few practice swings at a tree with his knuckle busters, then situated himself in the bed next to me. I grimaced at the smell of sweat, and the thought that I probably smelled the same. I finally closed my eyes as Ryeowook joined us, drifting off just as Junsu decided to do the same.



It felt like only moments before I was gently shaken awake by Ryeowook. Neither of us spoke, not wanting to wake the others, and not wanting to dry our mouths out more with worthless speaking. He took my spot and drifted off, as I took his place by the tree. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, trying to keep an eye on our surroundings for anything that might be dangerous. The light smoky barrier still stood, slowly shifting and seeming to pulse to Jaejoong's own breathing. I reached out, lightly touching my fingers to it. I expected it to feel as if I were touching glass or a wall, but it was nothing like that. My hand simply stopped. I couldn't seem to push it forward any further, even though it didn't feel like it was against anything. I brought my hand back to myself, watching as a few falling leaves drifted over the barrier.

This was all still so strange to me. To think, just a few days ago I had happily been chatting to friends with no cares about the outside world. And now here I was, running for my life and trusting mere strangers. I shuddered and waved my hand, trying to brush the thoughts from my mind like an annoying fly. I let out a quiet sigh, rubbing my eyes again. The sky was starting to turn grey, but it would be over an hour before the sun rose high enough to feel safe traveling again. I stood, quietly making my way to my bag and taking out the nearly empty bottle of water. I held it to my lips, only giving myself enough water to wet my tongue.

I realized how dry my throat was, how sticky my tongue felt in my mouth. I knew I should be hungry, but the thought of our dry food wasn't at all appealing. I took my seat again, watching as the sky slowly began to lighten. Birds began to wake, letting out early morning greetings to the world around them. It was nice, hearing something so pleasant at such a time. After some time, when the sun was just nicely over the horizon, I gently woke Sunny. She stretching, letting out a cute little yawn before standing and trading places with me.

I got in a nice little nap, enjoying the feel of the sun warming the air as it peeked through the trees. Morning was quickly become the only part of the day I could look forward to on our little journey. Soon enough, the rest of the group began waking, stretching and yawning and walking around to get themselves functioning. Within moments the camp was cleared, and any trace of us being there was removed. Ryeowook handed out MREs to each of us, and we gratefully ate them dry, not wanting to waste our suddenly precious water.

We started our journey again, Junsu leading as usual, but this time Jaejoong and Junhyung bringing up the rear to try to keep the rest of us from lagging too far behind. Our pace seemed slower than it had been the day before, but harder at the same time. Only a few minutes in and I was starting to sweat again. I could feel the sweat collecting where the straps of my bag were against my shoulders, my shirts beginning to stick to my back.

We trudged on, determined to keep going forward. But closer to noon, we suddenly heard something. Just to our right, a trickling sound. Something all of us recognized. My mouth began to water, and we all turned, quickening our pace as we drew nearer the source. Junhyung and I were the first to see it. It was a small brook, somewhat shallow and a bit slow moving, but water none the less. Junhyung got on his hands and knees, putting his mouth right to the clear water and drinking deeply, while I kneeled down and took grateful hand fulls of water. Ryeowook and Jaejoong were soon next to us, taking their fill of water as well. Junsu stood behind us, studying the water for a moment before taking a drink as well.

The only one not drinking was Sunny. She stood there, skeptically gazing at the stream as we drank. She took our water bottles, pouring the remaining water into her own and an extra, taking a drink from that instead. We filled our own bottles with the spring water, then allowed ourselves to wash of our hands and faces. The water was cool and refreshing, delicious after being so thirsty.

"I never knew water was so amazing," Junhyung said, laying on his back in the middle of the brook. We all nodded in agreement. I slipped off my shoes, dabbing my feet in the water, watching the dirt drift away in grossed out amazement.

"I think we should just follow the river for now," Junsu said, nodding downstream. It was going in generally the same direction we had been heading in the first place.

"Maybe we should walk part of the way in the water. Let it wash away our trail?" Jaejoong added. Junsu nodded, looking around at our surroundings.

"I don't expect them to be following us right now, but it's better to be safe. Shoes off, everyone!" he said, standing and removing his own shoes and socks. He tied the laces together and stuffed his socks in his shoes, slinging them over his bag as he waded in the water. I looked over at Sunny, who gave me a pleading look. I shrugged to her and she sighed, carefully removing her own shoes and putting them over her bag. She tentatively stepped in the water, seeming a little shocked by how cold it was.

Junsu started out ahead of us, quickly followed by Junhyung, Ryeowook, and myself. Sunny slowly made her way, Jaejoong staying by her side to make sure we didn't leave her behind. I stopped, waiting for the two and smiling at Sunny when she scowled at me. I held out my hand to her, and she gratefully took it. The others turned, waiting for us to catch up. I gently pulled Sunny behind me, quickening her pace. Once we were together again, we all began down the spring, our journey revived and invigorated by the life saving discovery.




I say little... Sorry if there are any mistakes, I only did a quick edit. I'll probably see some really obvious stuff when I look over this again :/

Hope you enjoyed! And please stay with me and hold tight until I can get this going again. I might just make the chapters shorter and more spread out, if that works for me instead of trying to do long chapters. We'll see...

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Ok, so I'm really considering rewriting the story. I'll do it offline, and replace the current chapters once I have it done up to where I am now.


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Leo-nim #1
I really miss this... Any chance that you'll continue with it?
Simple_Mind #2
Chapter 8: cool~! poor guys for getting water poisoned.
please update soon i cant wait to actually see what is sungjong's ability.
1412Bunny #3
Heechul scary >.<

GRAH!!! Minho better not have hurt Taemin!!!! D8<
I'm so paranoid because I feel like the stuffed dog is Heechul in a shapeshifting form or something. /facepalms
Gahh XD -spazzes-
this is AWESOME...
Please,please,please update soon....
Gahhh cliffhanger. X_X

/wants an update. Pwease? :3
omy im in love with this story!
please update
Shineebambi #9
This story is amazing *_* I love it. Update soon~
omg I just love this *O*<br />
please continue this<br />
I want more<br />
I'm a fan now *O*