Beautiful Night,Beautiful You

A Little Not Too Over You

Ella can't make up her mind what clothes to werar tonight.She has ransacked her closet for an appropriate clothes tonight ,but nothing seems to satisfy her,as she tried each one of them.The pile of clothes in her bed keep going up and adding up.She looked at the clock and she only had more than an hour to go as she rushed and took off the spaghetti straps dress that she is wearing.It looks good but she lokked like she was trying too hard to please Chun on that dress.And it is only a dinner after all.She should wear something comfy and y,an understatement dress,she thought but nothing seems to match that description with all her piles of clothes.

She took a deep breath,as she told herself to relax..."All right Ella ,what is wrong with you?it is only a dinner and it is only Chun.It is not like you have to make an impression,for he has seen the worst of you before." as she threw herself on the pile of clothes in her bed and laughed at herself.She hugged one of the pillows and think of him...think of Chun...

Yes ,he has seen the worst side of him,when they living together in the apartment,hair disshivelled,face without make up,barely awake and yes without even brushing her teeth obviously just woke up in his arms.But yes,Chun hugged her and kissed her back then like she is the most beautiful thing in his life.She smiled at the thought....she loves those feeling especially just after they made love at night...the after the fact  ,affection is just too precious,sometimes more then the actual ual act.She just love those times,when Chun opens up to her,and tell her all his thoughts and feelings,and she just knew that they do belong together...

Her memory of the past was cut short when her cell phone rang as she looked for it and answered it.And it is Jerry.She has forgotten all about him today.Chun showed up and she completely forgotten her own boyfriend...

"Oh Jerry,hi what's up?" she asked."Are you coming home this weekend?"

"Sorry Hone,I can't make it this weekend.I have to stay for another that alright woth you?" Jerry said on another line.

"It is alright.I am going home ,i 'll probably just stay longer at home.They have been complaining that i have not been staying with them,anyway." Ella said.

"So what have you been doing while I was away?" Jerry asked."Don't tell me just sleeping your life away?"

"No,I have ben busy and I am going out tonight for dinner with Jiro and Selina and the whole college gang." Ella said.

"Oh that is good then.Then I will feel less guilty,leaving you all to yourself and it is vacation time.I promise I will make it up to you,when i come back." Jerry said.

"That is job,I don't mind but make sure that it is job that has been keeping you." Ella said.

Jerry laughed,loving her "Yes,it is a job and not some monkey business.I am a good boy now,thanks to you." he said as he laughed some more."I got to go now,another business meetings tonight.I miss you Hone."

"I miss you too." Ella said,as she almost bite her toungue,and yet he never thought about him since she saw Chun this she hung up...

Ella looked at the clock and yes she only have an hour to go,as she jumped up and went to take a shower.Chun will be here soon and he hates to be kept his image with a frown in his face came to her....

Ella was almost ready when Chun buzzed the doorbell that night,as confusion came to her.She took a couple of slow deep breath trying to calm herself...before opening the door....but as soon as she opened the door,the sight of Chun came to her ,and yes she doesn't think her heart is ready for this tonight,as Chun came forward,so handsome in his black suit.Ella felt dizzy as if the air that she has been breathing has been figuratively taken away from her....she closed her eyes,trying to make sure that he is here and it is Chun,and true enough it is him,as he moved towards her and kiss her on her lips which has taken her by is nothing passionate but just a peck as a greeting to her...

"Hello Ella.Are you ready?" Chun asked,as he stared at her and obviously liking what he is seeing ."You looked beautiful,now more beautiful than ever."

Ella smiled at him and she can feel the heat on her face.She must be blushing like a school girl."You don't look bad yourself.You still looked good just like before." she said.What an understatement ,she thought to herself.She felt her heart skipping a beat just looking at him.

"Let me just get my purse and I am ready." Ella said as she turned her back to go to her room,but before she was able to reach her room,Chun caught her hands and pulled her to his body as she gave her a passionate kiss.A kiss that she has been longing for years and years,and she can feel that Chun has been wanting to kiss her like that.He missed her and there is no denying,and he wants her,as much as she wants she closed her eyes to savor his kisses and savor the moments that they have together for now....

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luckypyo #1
this story is really amazing..!!!

i like it a lot!! ^^
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
Unnie I'm so sorry, I just realized while looking my list of subscription that I never finish to read this story. <br />
I read it all over again in one go, It was really nice and they even have a child, really sweet story!
xmarieliciousx #4
aw! that's a sweet and cute ending! they have an adorable baby!<br />
wonder how CE's baby would look like :))<br />
<br />
thanks for this epilogue :D
xmarieliciousx #5
aw, its already the end :')<br />
hope you can write an epilogue to this story haha<br />
i want more lol! haha<br />
<br />
hope you could still write more CE storeis ;) jia you!
a happy ending... *sigh* happy ^_^
Sincera #7
Love this story!
xmarieliciousx #8
aw finally!! now what's next? :><br />
update soon! ;)
mecheko #9
wait...he acted like he didn't expect to say that she was pregnant. and he wasn't curious if the baby is really his? that went really, really smooth....ain't it?
xmarieliciousx #10
I hope she could tell Chun. I think that Chun is a real jerk for screwing Ella then leaving her just like that :|