Chapter 2

Our world
No one's POV
Back to when taehyung is on his way home. While he was walking on the busy street of central Seoul he suddenly BTS logo appeared in front of the LED screen. This was one of the biggest LED screen in the city and only the best of the best can put advertisement here, this shows the fame BTS has gain through their short debut.
'Oh, promotion video for their new songs' taehyung thought to himself. Slowly the screen darkens and a blurred image of a man is shown while the words "are you ready for our new member" are slowly typed out in the type writer format at the bottom of the screen still with the still unrecognisable image of the men.
This grabbed taehyungs attention, he always like BTS songs since he always thought it was extremely inspiring. BTS apparently wrote their songs by themselves and maybe that's why Taehyung felt so closely link to the group because he's always fond of writing lyrics by himself, it allows him to express his feelings on paper. He is the type who rather bottle up all his feeling inside of him then to bother others with his own negativity. Maybe it is better if he were to just lash out his disatisfaction on other but whenever he tries to it just doesn't seem to make it out of his mouth. 
He slowed his footsteps and make a stop right in front of the huge LED screen. He paused at the opposite road of the LED screen waiting to be amazed. Taehyung is easily excited like a kid actually, especially for events or promotions of random things. Last time he was so hyped up about an all you can eat ice cream buffet which was across the town, he couldn't even sleep the night before and even when he eventually fell asleep he woke up super early and went to line up just so he can be one of the first to enter the ice cream land. So you can imagine a cute little Taetae, staring right into the huge LED screen across the road excited for what kind of promotion video will be showcased.
Little did he know that this was the exact moment that changed his life, this was the moment when he realised... Realised who he is. 
The voice of the new member came soaring through central Seoul district from the loud speakers of the LED screen. The voice echoes off any buildings and the sound bounces off each objects it has it contact with piercing through the listeners heart, his voice was clear and powerful with a cold tone to it. It strums the people as a lot of them looked towards the screen just to see where the voice was coming from. 
This strucked taehyung even more, His whole body was shaking uncontrollably, shivers are send straight down to his spine, his legs were giving in quickly. His head filled with the sound of the voice, he was unable to leave the dominance of the voice, he was trapped in the clear and powerful voice which sounds like it was directed at him and left him senseless.The voice penetrates him, it suffocates him, he couldn't think, he couldn't move, he couldn't focus. His mind was blank. 
This was it. 
This.. Was his alpha. 
And that's all taehyung could remember before he passed out from the overwhelming sense from his alphas voice. 
The next thing taehyung know was that he was in jimin's room. Jimin came into his room noticing the conscious taehyung with a dumb strucked look on his face, he flicked the youngers forehead to get him back to earth. 
'Do you know why you're here'? Jimin asked with a serious tone, looking directly at taehyung. Taehyung could see glimpse of anger flickering in the elders eyes but mostly it was filled with worries. 
'Ugh.. No..?' Jimin can't believe how someone can look even dumber than they already are, this must be taehyungs stupidest face ever, jimin thought silently to himself observing this freaking alien. 
'You were in the middle of the street just fainted, you know how dangerous it was? There were so many random guys that were fighting to "send you home" if you get what I mean' jimin said with a strained tone. 
'You know you can't pull this kind of stunt on the middle of the street! You're an omega and that puts you in great disadvantages!' Jimin saw a flash of pain and discomfort  in Taehyung's eyese when he mentioned the word omega but it quickly vanished. Jimin walks closer to taehyung and slaps his hands on taehyung face to see if he can slap off the dumb look on his face. 
'Haha so sorry jiminnie I don't know why I fainted' while taehyung mumbled the last few words he start recalling what happened to him before he fainted and BAM it was all there again all the feelings, all the uncontrollable desired. 
'Oh my god...' Taehyung whispered with his body slightly shivering,
'Jiminnie.... I found my alpha.... It's him...' Taehyung said while staring blankly into the space making him look like a broken porcelain doll. 
'What?? How come? Who is it? Where? How come it's so sudden? Is that why you fainted?!' Jimin starts blabbering on but all taehyung could focus on what the sound of his alpha and how vulnerable his alpha made him felt.
He hated that feeling. 
'It was the new member of BTS... When his voice came on I couldn't... I felt my neurotransmitter going crazy shooting electrons in all sort of directions, it's like there's firework going on in every single cell of my body...' Taehyung said in a faint voice with a hint of disbelief. 
'Wow! That's great taetae!! You and I both found our alphas!!' Jimin exclaimed while hugging the dazed taehyung. 
' I can't... I don't want that....! when I heard his voice i felt like I... I was just submitting into him and It was just his voice!!! Jiminnie!! just his voice! Can you imagine if I met him?! It's like I'm not me anymore! It's crazy! I.. I can't... I have to think this through..' Taehyung said hysterically and starts biting his nails which alarms jimin because taehyung only bit his nails when he's extremely stress.
Jimin finally realised the problem, taehyung always had this pride due to his family background. All male in his family were alpha and they were all part of the police force and graduated from police school with the best grades. Thus when taehyung was born everyone in his family automatically projected the idea of male being alpha onto him and he was always brought up as an alpha, meaning they pushed him to a crazy extent on the physical trainings before he even turned.
Thus the day he was announced omega, it hit him really hard, but more so on his family. His whole family changed their attitude, told him it was fine not to train physically anymore since for an omega, they will stop building muscle instead they would grow up being more frail than alphas due to the hormones that they are producing. Jimin always knew tae's family was disappointed however didn't want to over stress their son as they don't discriminate against omega it's just that now they have to protect taehyung more. And this annoyed the hell out of taehyung, he hated how his omega state changes how others treated him, hated how he is being restricted to do certain things and are banned from doing others. He hated how people thinks they need to protect him now, that he was too weak to protect himself.
When his family told him it'll be impossible for him to get into a police school because he can't pass the test due to his body state he tried his best to prove everyone wrong and trained twice or three times harder than others. It really hurts Jimin when he saw taehyung like that because all the people around him didn't believe in taehyung and he was doing training every single ing day. Some days he will cry and break down telling how hard it is for him to Jimin but he can't give up and the next day he will give Jimin his brightest smile saying he's fine and that he can do this. Some days taehyung will wake up from nightmares, sweating, screaming saying how everyone was laughing because he was an omega because he was weak because he was not an alpha. However he would always stand up because he told himself, he persuaded himself he could do this and he put his life at stake just so he can achieve this.
Everyday taehyung slept so little and was taking the suppressant pills like crazy just so his hormones doesn't affect his daily trainings. In the end he didn't get to become a police officer because on the day of the graduation, taehyung was caught overdosing on suppressant and thus banned from joining the force even though he got the highest grade in his year and lasted three years of hell just to get to where he was. Jimin hated that rat-teller that told Taehyung off and he swore if he ever found out who it was he is going to freaking murder that stupid son of a b****.
And that was it. That was the day taehyung lost the brightness in his eyes that shines confidence. It was the day when taehyung the person who always tried his best just to be how he was before, the person who is trying his best to not give in to his nature, the person who had always been on a constant battle with the omega side of him since the day it was announced. It was that day when he lost the hope in his eyes, it was that day where his eyes doesn't glisten when he talks anymore, doesn't beam with happiness when he thinks about his future, doesn't radiate when he said how proud his family will be when he graduate as the best student from the police school.
Before taehyungs eyes sparkles when he talks about his dreams and who he was but now the only dream he ever had was broken and the person who he thought he was, doesn't and couldn't exist anymore.
He still laughs and joke around but he never ever talk about who he is and his dreams anymore. 
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Chapter 3: Oh my... you can't just mention me... I'm embarrassed. O.O
And the chapter might have been a little short but it did fit and I definitely loved reading from BTS' perspective for once (Jimin and Tae are BTS, too, but you know what I mean).
I really enjoyed it and I'm excited to read more (hopefully soon)! *.*
Ohhhhhh, and I wonder when/where/how TaeKook will meet for the first time. I'm excited about that, too! ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 2: Woah, things got even more interesting now and I'm so freaking excited about all this! *.*
Thank you for updating so soon, too! :D
I really enjoyed your writing style in this chapter and I loved the descriptions as I could imagine everything you described. Aaaaand more and more emotions came in. : ) *thumbs up*
I really really like this story and I hoped that the chapter wouldn't end but... *.+ I guess I will have to wait for the next one. ^ ^'
Fighting! <3
missazalea #3
Chapter 2: Gosh, reading this update I can't help but feel bad for Taehyung and at the same time I'm proud for he's strong-headed and strong-willed. I hope once he meet his alpha officially, his alpha won't suffer him more, emotionally or physically </3
Chapter 1: Ahhh, I forgot to write this in my other comment but you seem to have a mistake in your introduction in the first chapter, last sentence. I think you wrote beta instead of omega? And that could be quite... confusing. ^ ^'
Chapter 1: Awww, omg, I love this au and pairing, too!
I love your story already and I'm excited to find out/read more about Tae and Jimin and alphas and omegas! *.*
And since I really enjoyed reading, I hope you'll find the time and mind to update soon! ;D
Fighting! <3