Chapter 7: Am I in LOVE???

Please Admit It, YOU EGO!!


He rubbed his lips roughly and gets his stuff before he ran out from the hall. Yamada was being petrified, didn’t know what he has to do on that time. Suddenly, the day became cloudy and it rained heavily soon. Inoo ran as fast as he could in that rain to his house. With the tears on his cheek, no one can differentiate the rain water and his rainy tears. He dashed into his house after he unlocked the door. He was fully wet and panting.

            “ Baka!” he yelled.

            “ That was my first kiss!” he threw his bag away and ran into his room.

            Yamada was still standing in the hall just like a baka. The rain outside sound like bullets, and same happened inside his heart.

            “ Why did I do that?” he said to himself. He lay on the floor and looked at the ceiling.

            “ Hey… That was my first kiss.” He said again and smirked.

            The next day, as usual, they went to the college. Inoo ignored Yamada and acted that Yamada doesn’t exist at him side. Yamada realized Inoo ignored him and sometimes he made silly noise but, no respond from Inoo.

            Yamada kept chewing the chewing gum while looking at Inoo.

            “ Oh… Seemed like my sweets are all eaten.” He said and sighed.

            “Sir, Ryosuke’s and Kei’s sit were full with sweet’s wrappers.” One of the students said. Their koshi turned and it’s true, their places were full with rubbish that was made by Yamada.

            “ Ryosuke! Kei! Both of you were being punished to clean the class!!!” he ordered.

            “ Demo…s-sir, I didn’t…” Inoo tried to explain but he interrupted.

            “ No excuse!” he said with fierce face. At the same time, the bell rang and the class end. Inoo sighed heavily. He looked at Yamada with an angry face.

            “ Pity my Ryou_chan.” Suddenly, a group of girls approached Yamada.          “ Ryou_chan… You can leave. Let us clean this class for you.” One of the girls offered.

            “ Un~ Sou desu. We’ll do it for you.” They nodded.

            “ It’s Eii_chan’s fault.” The girl that being mentioned her name was feeling guilty and apologized to Yamada.

            “ Daijoubu kara… I’ll clean this class. It’s my fault. And, I won’t let the girls replace my place and do the punishment for me.” He said gentlemanly. At the corner, Inoo was annoying on him and made sound as loud as he can.

            “ Ahh~~ Ryo_chan was so sweet.. Suki nanda~” they cried. Yamada smiled sheepishly and at the same time, he glanced at Inoo.

            As the girls left him, Yamada approached Inoo.

            “ This is your plan, right?” Inoo hissed. Yamada looked at him blankly.

            “ Nah~ Take this broom and you cleaned this class by yourself! MY RYO_CHAN! Annoying~” he pushed the broom towards him and made annoying voice. As Inoo wanted to leave him, Yamada stopped him by pulling his hand.

            “ NANI?!” he turned his face and gulped when their face were close to each other. He can feel his heart beating so fast and he felt hard to breath.

            “ Let’s have our practice after finish cleaning this class.” Yamada said. Inoo gulped.

            “ H-Hai…” he answered and Yamada released his hand. After that, they didn’t talk to each other. The class turned very silent but no one knows how loud his heart beating. When Yamada closed to him, he felt something different, a pain that he never felt before. He tried to calm himself but Yamada realized.

            “ Kei_chan… What’s wrong with you? You are sweaty.” It’s true when Inoo’s face full with sweat and his cheek turned red.

            “ Nani mo nai.” He wiped the sweat and threw the rubbish into the rubbish bin as suddenly he sneezed.

            “ Are you sick?” Yamada asked him.

            “ W-What? No, I’m not… I know, I’M NOT!” Once again, he sneezed. Yamada walked towards him and touched his head.

            “ You feel hot. Then… Seemed like we need to postpone the practice.” He sighed. Inoo pouted. There’s silence between them. A few minutes later, they finished clean the class.

            “ Nah~ Your stuff. Have a rest. See you tomorrow.” Yamada gave him the bag and stared at Inoo for a while before he left him alone.

            On his way to home, he kept force himself to calm down as his heart still beating so fast.

            “ Ne~ Nandayo kore?” he sighed. He walked into his room and sat on the bed.

            “ Those quiet eyes…” he whispered. He remembered the way Yamada stared at him, those sharp and quiet eyes. Those eyes made his heart skipped a beat. Inoo gulped and suddenly he felt the pain come over again. He touched his chest and tried to breathe normally.

            He lay on the bed and took the remote control and switched on the television. He sneezed again and rubbed his nose roughly.

            “ Ai?” he mentioned. The channel showed the titled, Ai(Love).

Television channel: On

            “ Today, we’ll talk about Ai(Love). Our guest for today wa Kamenishi Sato_san desu. Konbanwa, Sato_san. As we all know, love is the powerful charm. Can you explain to us, what is love?”

          “ Arigatou, Rumiko_chan. Konbanwa, watashi wa Kamenishi Sato desu yo. Yes, you’re right. Love is the powerful charm on this world. All the people on this world experienced love. Love to their friends, love to their family and so on. But, today, we’ll talk about something different. We will talking about the feeling of someone when falling in love. Rumiko_chan, have you fallen in love before?”

          “ Atashi desu? I never think about this, but, I think I have fallen in love with someone before.” She said and her cheek turned red when the audience clapped their hands and applause from them.

          “ Dare ne, Rumiko_chan?” another host asked her.

          “ Hahah… Me too, I admitted, I have fallen in love many times. But, the one that stick into my heart was my wife, for sure.” He stopped and smiled sheepishly as the audience clapped their hands.

          “ How does it feel ne, Sato_san?” he asked him again.

          “ Well… If you ever experienced it by yourself. When you fallen in love with someone, at first, you won’t realize for it. For sure, at first, you’ll feel your heart beating so fast, hard to breath. And, some out there, they informed that, they feel pains and got jealous when they saw the one close to someone. And, that what we called falling in love.” He explained. They nodded.

          “ I also get information that, the love also came from hateful.”

          “ Yes. You’re right. They feel angry with someone and hate that person. And, some said that, they really want to get rid that person from their life and they hate that person so much. But, when they were not around, they’ll look for that person, they feel something empty and on that time, they realized that they need that person and you start to love that person. Therefore, be careful.”

            Inoo switched off the television and sat quietly.

            “ It can’t be…” he said to himself.

            “ I just hate him and I know, I REALLY HATE HIM!” he cried.

            ‘Demo, why did you feel pain and your heart skip a beat?’

            A voice came disturbing him. “ Nande yo?” he asked himself. That voice was right. Why did he felt like that?

            He touched his chest and listened to the heart beat.

            “ Ryou_chan suki nanda?”

            “ Yada! Yada! It can’t be!” he cried and threw the pillows towards the door. 

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jioonful #1
Chapter 3: Sugoi desu~!!
Daijobu~ btw first kissu ehehehehee update soon~
gomen... terhantar dua kali after re-edit... realy gomen... ^^
wait why did u post twice?! so confused......update soon!
Uwahhh~ sugoiii! competition or feelings?! heheehehe update!
Wow...awesome chapter! Well done...quite an improvement! Update soon!
arigatou ne,kak... many typos??? fufufuu~~ i'll check then... ^^
same interest?! hmmm...interesting~ update soon!gambarre~
many typos...but quite good~ update soon!
UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!