Arms Of The angels - What If #8

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Yuri and Yoona held the triplets at front gate when Taeyeon checked in. She had not thought about it thoroughly. How the hell was she supposed to look after Aorta, Artery and Venous when she also had a gigantic suitcase to carry? Thankfully, Yuri and Yoona were free and willing to help her.




"Yeah. Now the problem is, how will I manage it all in San Francisco airport." Taeyeon shook her head desperately.


"Tiffany is picking you up later, right?"


"Her father will." Taeyeon squatted down to the triplets' level and gathered them around. "Listen to momma, okay, kids?"


They nodded.


"We're going to see mommy in a few hours. We will fly through the sky-"


"Woah! Really?" Artery gasped loudly. "We will fly together, right momma?"


"Yes, sweetheart. So, listen, okay? Do not lose each other. Do not follow strangers. Do not let go of your siblings' hand and stick together. We have to work well together, alright? Can Aorta, Artery and Venous promise momma this?"


"Yes, momma!"


"Good kids." She ruffled their hair.


"Thanks Yul, Yoong. Babies, bow to Aunty Yul and Aunty Yoong. Say bye-bye."


"Bye bye!"




Twelve hours flight bored the triplets. They couldn’t do much aside from eat, sleep and sing lowly. Their momma said that they shouldn’t be noisy because the other passengers will be disturbed.


“Come here, Aorta.” Taeyeon put the little guy on her lap. “Look at that. What is that?”


“Rabbit, momma.”


“What? Where is it?”


“That.” Aorta touched the window, pointing at something afar. “But it is a strange rabbit, momma. It has no ears!”


“It has no ears?” Taeyeon laughed. “Where is its ears, then? Here?” Taeyeon held Aorta’s ears. “Did Aorta steal it from the rabbit?”


The boy giggled, covering his ears. “They’re Aorta’s, momma!”


“Yeah?” Taeyeon kissed the side of his head, his neck, his cheek, his nose, his lips, making the boy squirmed. “Kiss momma.” Taeyeon pursed her lips.


Aorta pinched her cheeks, laughing happily. He then puckered his lips and kissed his momma. “Momma, will we see mommy soon?”


“Yes. We’ve flied for eleven hours. We need twelve hours to get there.” Taeyeon took Aorta’s hands and spread his fingers. “How many hour to go?”


“One.” Said a sleepy voice beside them.


“Hey, look! Venous is awake! Sleep well, sweetheart?”


The girl nodded. She shifted to find a comfortable position. “Where’s Aorta, momma?”


“This is Aorta.” She bopped the boy then bent down and kissed Venous’ head.


“He’s not Artery?”


“I’m Aorta.” The boy commented. “Artery is here.” He pointed the other sleeping lump.


Venous yawned. “Venous is hungry.”


“But we just eat like an hour ago, Venous-ah.” Taeyeon rubbed her back.


“Aorta is hungry, too.”

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Hello! It's been a while since i post something in AFF. How are you all?


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czankx #1
Chapter 72: Erika and Kim Taeyeon, definitely a doppelganger, Taeyeon is a police officer and Tiffany sounds like a spy or an assassin.. Continuation please, author-nim
NekoLS #2
Chapter 72: Im kind of lost here
NekoLS #3
Chapter 62: I need more for this 😭
NekoLS #4
Chapter 61: This shot is hotss with tiffany elegant and confident aura and yeah Taeyeon so attractive 🤭
NekoLS #5
Chapter 45: I surely enjoy reading this story of how taeyeon deal with the triplets itsoooo hilarious, cute and sweet
NekoLS #6
Chapter 12: Hahahah why i found taeyeon and mr hwang moment is more sweet than taeny lol hahahaha
Chapter 70: Nice stories you have here! I love all the feelings I got here.
Chapter 62: Re-read this again. How are you, author-nim? I wish you could continue this one and your another stories. Stay healthy, author-nim ^^
Chapter 62: I hope you could continue this masterpiece 🥺
lalatreese #10
Chapter 48: not me getting back to your stories with the intention to read fluff but here i am with tears in my eyes.. 😭