The beginning


Jin , when he was five years old 


The day Jin’s parents died was the day Jungkook was born …


Vampires and werewolves are not the best of friends. There was a prolonged war in-between the wolves and the vampires over the borders . In this battle for survival , there was no progression beyond death and bloodshed . that was until vampires became more advanced and the wolves had to surrender.


  The Jeon family is the strongest vampire bloodline known , and everyone feared them. Vampires and werewolves alike. They were the royal bloodline .


“ where are we going dad?” Five year old  Jin asks , his eyes were drowsy. He always got drowsy when he took car rides.


maybe because of his drowsiness , he couldn’t see his parent’s face properly that day. The only memory of his parents , faded by the front seats of the car.


“  Jeon family had their first baby today ,  he is going to rule over our territory someday and we are just going to visit to pay respect to the new heir of the vampires ” 


Jin’s dad said keeping his eyes on the road while taking the car out of their garage. He said respect out of pure venom in his tongue. Jin doesn’t know why his dad looks threatened by the baby , Jin thinks babies are really really cute.



 “ Is he going to be our new king?” Jin asked , this concept was too complicated for his five year old brain. 


“ He is not our king” Jin’s dad snapped , which caught Jin off guard. Jin’s dad never snaps . Jin’s dad bites his lip hard  and says.


“ he is ruling our territory …yes… but he is never our king…” Jin’s dad said 


“ Yes honey , he is going to pick a omega and get married. Then he is going to be the new heir of the two territories  ” Jin’s mom said.


“ Isn’t omegas suppose to be with alphas?” Jin asked. Thats what he learned in school , that what he heard from his friends.


“  the Jeon family requires a omega from the wolves to keep peace  …. a sacrificial lamb of some sort”


Jin didn’t know what was a sacrificial lamb was but Jin listened to his dad’s words earnestly.


“Honey , he is too young to know all of this-“ Jin’s mum hesitated 


“ No he should know…” Jin’s dad insisted 

“ You see … I love your mother with all of my existence … she know I am true to her  because we are mated ….”  


“ You can’t be too sure with  Vampires Jin , You can’t trust them”


    before Jin could scream “watch out!’” to the truck that was spiralling in to their direction, everything was black. 






“ Bad dream?” Yoongi asked , his head peeked out of the bunk bed above Jin’s . 


Jin wakes up to cold sweat and goosebumps all over his body . It was the same dream . He woke up to the screech of tires , the impact of the crash , to the smell of smoke and the last words out of his dad’s mouth. 


“ You can’t be too sure with Vampires Jin , you can’t trust them” he said 


 Jin lifted his head at Yoongi , he tried to give a reassuring smile. Yoongi looked unconvinced, he must look pale and shaken.


“ yes” Jin admits timidly , he felt the shift of covers and Yoongi climbing down on to Jin’s bed from his overhead bed . 



“ the usual?” Yoongi asks lifting up JIn’s covers and  making himself comfortable in Jin’s bed. Yoongi looks over at Jin , and blinks.


He wanted to hug Jin tightly in to his chest but he couldn’t . They were not kids anymore , they were fifteen. Jin was a omega on top of that and Yoongi felt awkward.  


Jin wouldve joked around about how Yoongi knew him so well  if he was not feeling shaken out of his mind right now 


Jin was embarrassed that he still needed yoongi  , even more that he still keep shaking like a leaf and needing Yoongi’s hugs badly . He should be used to the nightmares by now , but he couldn’t .  


“ yes” Jin said. “ I am sorry”


   Yoongi hates PDA . He hates giving hugs or kisses or anything that shows affection. That doesn’t mean  Yoongi is heartless  , its just Yoongi wasn’t the affectionate type. 


   Yoongi doesn’t mind giving Jin hugs though… 


“ Its okay …” Yoongi says patting Jin’s head soothingly with his eyes closed “ We had to wake up for the pre-mating ceremony anyway …why not wake up few hours earlier?”


“ Are you nervous?” Jin asks “ For the pre-mating ceremony ?”


“ No” Yoongi says , although he was.


“ Liar” Jin giggled , and Yoongi rolled his eyes. Jin shifted a bit closer to Yoongi . Yoongi’s heart skipped a beat when Jin did that, Jin smelled incredibly good . yoongi liked being close to him.  


  Yoongi was Jin’s best friend. They practically lived up together their whole life. After Jin lost his parents in the car crash , Yoongi’s was his new roommate in the orphanage . Jin and Yoongi grew fond of each other as the time passed . 



“ In five years , the heir of the Jeon family would be fifteen like us …. then he would have to choose an omega” Jin randomly blurted 


“ Thats in five years” Yoongi said  “ He is still ten ,you choose your mate when you are fifteen”


“ Think about it … Who would be his mate?” Jin said . “ Any ten year old that you see today could be his mate in five years … isn’t that crazy? I wonder who that is …” 


“ I am glad it aint us” Yoongi sounded half asleep. “ I would rather  kill myself than being mated with a ing vampire”




“  They are just doing this to keep peace between the borders” Jin quoted what he learned from the text books. “ plus you are a alpha!! You won’t be mated to a vampire period” 



 “ They just want us to show submissions … those wankers”


“ Okay Yoongi but  there is nothing much to do about it ?” Jin said “ besides ,the Jeon family is 50%wolf and 50%vampire.. atlas our king is somewhat of a wolf?”


“ Hybrid” Yoongi said “ Jeon’s  are hybrids … they can never be us… if we didn’t loose the last battle we wouldve-“


“ okay yoongi I know the story” Jin says . “ The vampires just want to mate omegas because they want to create hybrids …. to make a stronger , smarter , faster subspecies of themselves” 



“ You finished my sentence “ Yoongi said , he didn’t sounded annoyed . He looked genuinely impressed . perhaps a bit flattered .


“ Ofcourse I do” Jin said trying to hide his blush “ You are my best friend” 


I wish we were something more … Jin thought but he kept his words to himself.








“ Do I have something on my face?” 


Jin’s voice brought back to this earth . Yoongi almost wanted to bang his head in to a wall after realising that he was practically staring at Jin the whole time. 


It was definitely not his fault . Jin was heavenly beautiful.Even more stunning in that suit .


 Yoongi couldn’t believe that someone angelic and beautiful can exist in the darkest of  places like an orphanage. He looks as if he belongs to a royal family


“ uh … um” Yoongi stutters .


“ Do I look weird ? I thew on a suit because its pre-mating day but I am not sure how it looks” Jin said finicking with the coat buttons 


“ You look fine” was the words Yoongi was capable to blurt out , although he almost fainted seeing how ravishing Jin looked against black clothing .


   Yoongi doesn’t know why , he has a feeling that his mate would be Jin. Like some instinct. They have practically been living together since they were children , Jin knows him like the back of his hand and Yoongi couldn’t stop his heart beating like crazy when he thought about Jin.


Yoongi was a alpha , and Jin was a omega. but They came from the same background . the same struggles ,  there is no way that the elders won’t decide Jin to be Yoongi’s mate.


Plus , from the day that Yoongi laid eyes on Jin … he couldn’t stop his heart beating like crazy.


“ Oh don’t speak ill of the vampires tonight  … you can get executed … I want to see you in one piece”


Jin sounded worried for yoongi , Sometimes Jin was a nagging mother.


“ Okay don’t worry … lets go before the bus leaves”



jin gave yoongi a small smile , and yoongi smiles back.


Yes , there is no way that Yoongi wanted anyone else but Jin 







The alphas , betas and omegas were divided in to three sections in the huge arena. There was a tall platform where the Jeon family resided and watched the mating rituals alongside with the elders of the werewolves 


Jin looked up at them for a brief second. Mr and Mrs Jeon were seated , and next to them were their only son . Jeon Jungkook. 


Jin felt sorry for the little boy . He looked bored out of his mind. Well , Jin imagined the ten year old wants to play and run around , not to be clothed lavishly and sit around watching a boring mating ritual.


the boy was dressed in all black ,like he was going to a funeral .  It was a direct contrast to his pasty white skin. With a  high collar,  painfully around his neck , adorned with yet another black bow tie . Everything about the boy seemed black , his clothes , his hair , his eyes……


For a moment their eyes met ,  the boy’s eyes went crimson red . Jin gasped and felt his heart and time stop.




“ Jin !!”



 It was jaehwan’s voice. Jin tore his eyes from the Jeon family and looked at his best friend. Jaehwan came in front of him , covering his body and vision from the platform.


“ jaehwan” Jin almost whispered , Jin felt his heart beating in his ribcage like a small machine gun . That kid’s eyes were red ! 


“ Are you excited ? I have no idea who is going to be my mate” Jaehwan said giddily “ I hope he is good looking and tall”


“ me too” 


“ I already know yours” Jaehwan said “ Its obviously going to be yoongi …”


“ How do you know ? Thats not for you to decide” 


Jin … you are mated with the most compatible person in the pack … and you and yoongi practically completes each others sentences  ,  you guys could be the same person!!”


Jin laughed , what jaehwan said was the truth. They often get called very compatible. Heck , sometimes people assume they are already mated ! before Jin could answer , the eldest of the pack who looked like he was minutes away from death started giving a speech.


“ Young wolves , today you are introduced to your mate . Your proper mating ceremony will happen when you are twenty one…. your mate is someone sacred to you….” the man preaches , Jin had heard his speech enough times , that it got drilled in to his head . 


After the elder was done , the announcer appeared . He was wearing a purple and black sequinned bedazzled suit and tie that could blind someone from miles away .


“ Ladies and gentlemen , boys and girls …. are  you excited ???” He excites the crowd . The crowd cheers on , Jin joins. It was a electrifying feeling , his nervousness mixed with excitement 


“ your mate’s name will appear in the screen above there … “ The announcer  pointed at the huge LED screen in the middle of the arena .


 “remember to stand up when your name is being called and leave with your mate… no funny business” 


The crowd laughed and snickers while giving each other dirty looks  and the pre-mating ceremony begins.


“ Do Kyungsoo aaaaaand Kim Jongin!” the jolly announcer in a striped bright suit started announced . The two stands up and gives each other a shy smiles . The crowd cheers and the next name is called.


“ Kim Yongsun and MoonByul”


“ Luhan aaaand sehun”


Along with the loud upbeat music , and excited crowd …Jin felt his heart sink. He knows that he will always be mated with the person that he was the most compatible with but he felt something was horribly wrong.


Just when Jin was about to lean over to Jaehwan to say that this whole ceremony looks like they were being auctioned off …


“ Kim SeokJin…! ” the announcer called out. 


Jin felt his legs go numb after hearing his name , if jaehwan didn’t pat his back , Jin would have sat there frozen. 


Jin stumbles but he stood up and quickly looked through the crowd. His eyes rested when he finally found yoongi’s . Jin could see the anticipation in Yoongi’s eyes and Jin gives Yoongi a reassuring nod.


What could go wrong?


well ,




    The LED screen goes completely blank . The cheering and excited crowd completely silenced. There was a eery feeling . Jin didn’t see the his mate’s name anywhere . He looked everywhere frantically .


Was it a wire shortage ? A computer Glitch ? Why isn’t my mate’s name on that screen? 


Jin’s world suddenly started spinning , Jin wanted to cry. People started whispering to themselves about what happened.


‘what is happening?’ Yoongi mouthed to Jin from the distance . He looked concerned . Jin could only shrug his shoulders , He doesn’t know what is going on either . It made Yoongi’s face grave and grim. 


“ I think we are facing some technological difficulties …” The announcer finally broke the silence , even his voice was uncertain.


Nothing like this had happened ….. never. Not once . 


A blank LED screen was unheard of…


  Its okay … Jin said to himself. Its just some computer glitch. Your names would appear when the tech team figure this out soon.



Out of the blue , when everyone least expected it … all of the high tall glass windows shattered in chronological order. The crowd screamed and tried to run somewhere safe from the showering shards of glass.


Jin didn’t budge , he was frozen at his place. Unable to comprehend what is happening.


The one moment he was suppose to be happy , excited and anticipating …. now is ruined.


All of the wolves inside the arena starts howling , screaming and running away. Jin watches them scrambling for their own safety  , and bites down on his tears . In the middle of mass hysteria , Jin couldn’t trace Yoongi anymore . His only source of comfort .



“ ENOUGH” The eldest of the pack got hold of the mic.His voice was deep and growly. Jin never had heard that calm old man in such distress  “ Everyone back in to their seats NOW”


Jin heard groans of disapproval. The arena seemed like a unstable  place , the glasses shattered on their own for no apparent reason. The last thing they want is the roof to fall back down.


But everyone sat back on their chairs respectfully and Jin was still standing. 


Waiting for answers …waiting for his alpha to be announced.


“ I think we found the omega ..” Was the last words the old man uttered  “ him over”










Jin was chaperoned in to the Jeon’s mansion on top dark mountain in the middle of nowhere . Nobody was allowed to go there , No body tried to .


Two vampires escorted Jin inside a mansion. The reason Jin knew they were vampires was because they smelled of blood. Putrid


He was told that he was the future mate of that vampire . He was told that with so much enthusiasm , as if they expected Jin to be happy and head over heels to be the chosen one . 


But Jin felt nothing .He felt numb to all emotions .He doesn’t know whether he should or should not be excited for the news. Never in his life that he expected that he would be coming in to the Jeon house .



Jin immediately noticed the surrounding , the furniture was lavishly done. Jin can only guess  how expensive these are . This was not what he had imagined , he imagined the inside would be as creepy  as the outside .


It was dimly lighted … because vampires . Nothing felt cozy about this expensive looking exterior , just cold and dark . 


“Kim Seokjin was it?” A man with a deep voice asked . Jin immediately looked up at Mr.Jeon already arrived at the top of the stairs . 


Jin had seen their king in magazines and in Tv . He hadn’t seen this man in real life , not this close. It almost looked surreal to Jin .


“ Yes your majesty” The elder from the pre-mating ceremony quickly answered. 


Jin felt threatened by their presence. Mrs.Jeon seemed to be scrutinising Jin from head to toe . Jin wished that he could disappear in to thin air or to become as small as possible.


“ But Jungkook is not to be mated for another five years !  This is absolute nonsense ! He is just a boy”


   This perked Jin’s interest . Mrs. Jin’s disapproval was Jin’s strength in this situation. Maybe they will let him go ? Maybe that was a error all along?


“ It was certainly not my decision was it?” The elderly wolf  said  “ It was Jungkook who decided not me”


“ What do you mean its Jungkook’s decision?” Mr.Jeon who had been silent all along started speaking.


“ He made the glasses shatter and the screen blank …It was his doings. I am certain”


What ? That small boy ? He was capable of such terrible things ? Jin thought to himself.


“ No Vampire is capable of doing such things …” Mr.Jeon continues “ Vampires are known for speed , agility and their inhuman strength… not sifting things with one’s mind”


“ I am not certain of his new talent … but I think the omega triggered it .. or amplified his strength”



Interesting” Mr Jeon   chuckled , This made Jin sick to the stomach . Jin felt nauseous , he felt like he could almost throw up


How can one speak about his own son as if he is talking about a test subject ?


“ Jin is it ?” Mr.Jeon repeats and Jin nods at his name . He felt sweat trickle down his spine. Jin closed his mouth and gulped .


He doesnt want this ….


He doesn’t want to be the sacrificial lamb , his dad talked about. 






Jin was sent back to his orphanage immediately after he met with the Jeon family. He was told to pack up , and he was going to be living in that house filled with vampires and depressing malice   


Jin had never seen the headmistress so cheerful . Jin doesn’t know why , maybe because she got one less burden to carry from today or because she could brag that she brought up the future husband of the heir. Perhaps , both 


Jin goes inside his room and doesn’t see Yoongi. Jin’s heart sank involuntarily . Yoongi must be somewhere enjoying the first date with his mate right now . 


Jin felt the world was unfair . It was suppose to be Yoongi’s but he was trapped to that somber castle by a ten year old !


He didn’t dare cry all along while this happened . Finally , in the confidentiality of his room .. Jin started sobbing. 


He could see his future slipping away 


A knock on the door was the only warning Jin got before Yoongi came barging inside. Jin hadn’t expected his best friend , he ran to Yoongi’s sight and hugged . His whole body was shaking as the sobs overtook him 


“ Don’t Cry Jinnie … We’re leaving”


“ Leaving?”


“ I don’t care which alpha you were chosen with … I know you love me and I do too”Yoongi confessed . This is not how he imagined confessing to Jin but there was no time.  I guess this will suffice 


Jin blushed . So Yoongi knew all along? Jin was not as subtle as he like to think he was .


“ But Yoongi…” Jin whispers “ It was not an alpha … I am that omega …”


That omega 


Yoongi looked as if he didn’t believe a word Jin said . If Jin had not looked serious , Yoongi would have laughed in his face. Jin remained static.


“ I don’t care ..” Yoongi says “ I just love you”


“ What do you mean ? They will Kill us ! We can’t run away !”


“ You mean Kill me not you” Yoongi corrected. “It doesn’t matter I will die loving you anyway … I don’t care . I just want you”



“ Yoongi-“ Jin tried to reason but he could see Yoongi was a lost cause.


“ Trust me … do you trust me?” Jin nodded to Yoongi’s rhetorics.


“ we are leaving … You hated this hell anyways” Yoongi started moving around their shared room . He started using one of jin’s old duffle bags to pack away their most important things .


Jin thought over a second , before helping Yoongi out. Maybe , because he was so young and naive … he thought this would work out somehow .


In his head , what did he got to loose ? He got Yoongi .. His dreams and he got the freedom he desperately craved .


When it was all said and done , Jin glanced over to the room where he resided for ten years of his life again .


Is this the right thing to do? Am I being unfair to Jungkook?



Jin blocked that thought out… and followed yoongi out of the window.


Jin didn’t know where they were or what they were planing on doing . But It didn’t matter because they would be together ….


For now .




There ! * throws the first chapter and runs away* 


please comment below whether you like this or nah 


Sorry for the lack of Jinkook ( idk that boy is ten in this chapter...) 


Next chapter has Jinkook , in full force.


Is the plot confusing ? Just bare with me … it’ll make sense in the future chapters ( I hope ) 

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Taetaewife #1
Chapter 6: Chains of Sin has updated. What about this one? :D another jinkook fic that take a long period of no update, I hope there's an update soon ;)
we jinkookers gonna die of starvation of amazing jinkook fics TT
Zxcvbnm321 #2
When? :(
Chapter 6: Need update
OMG its beautifuuuul angst
Thanks bae
Chapter 6: waaa please come back
eatjane #5
Chapter 6: Authornim. Please update this story. Chaebal. Im waiting since forever. Wanna see how Jin fall for JK. Without hurting YG too much.
julianatomo #6
Ooooh please autor-nim. We love you. We love This. Makes us happy. Update soon. I can't wait anymore.
Taetaewife #7
Chapter 6: I love jungkook's jealousy of yoongi ^^ more more please update SOON author nim Love ya :*
This is just so good. Please author-nim don't give up on this beautiful story. I'll wait for the update and no pressure there. Take your time and fighting!
julianatomo #9
OMO please. Update soon!!! You're Killing me