nice snowflake by the way


what is life 


“ You have not been picking up my calls or texts for the whole week” Jungkook bellows when he entered Jin’s room 


odd ..” Jin snaps “  thats how long I’ve been ignoring you” 


“I don’t want us to fight when I come home … can’t we talk like a normal couple without tearing each others guts out all the time?!”


“ I am tearing your guts out?!” Jin scoffed  “ I woke up and you were gone! I looked everywhere for you and I found out you went to fight a stupid war on the east coast !”


Jungkook’s eyes visibly softened and he reached his coarse hand out to rest on Jin’s soft dewy cheek.  Jin’s cheeks were still puffed  with anger. Jungkook found angry Jin incredibly cute .


“ Were you worried about me?”



“ N-No” Jin puffed his cheeks more and Jungkook lets out a small laugh


“ I won’t disappear without telling you anymore”


“pfft.. like I care” Jin rolled his eyes but he noticed the  bandaged huge gash on Jungkook abdomen .


Jungkook’s battle wounds …. 


Over the couple of months Jin had grown fond of the boy but not romantically. He found the boy incredibly lonely and pitiful.


Jungkook would drag himself extremely tired or extremely hurt but nobody would notice the boy at all . He was just their king who was fulfilling his duties.


No one asked Jungkook if he was okay …everyone just assumed that he was okay … because Jungkook never showed any signs of weakness 


“ Are you an actual idiot ?” Jin scolds grazing his fingertips over Jungkook’s bandaged wounds  “ How can you get hurt you stupid head !”


Jin’s words may seem harsh to an outside but Jungkook knew better . Jungkook knows that Jin covers his affection with hostility . At least Jin cares about him when he calls him names , Jungkook felt the difference in Jin’s tone now than a few months prior.  



“I am Jinnie’s idiot” 


  Jungkook shows his bunny teeth when he smiles. Jin is honestly amazed how this kid has a toned manly body and could change in to a bunny at the same time


Jin couldn’t help but smile while looking away. He smacks Jungkook’s shoulder and Jungkook screams an ‘Ouch!”


“ Are you going to be okay?” Jin asked “ It looks painful”


Jungkook opened his mouth to say he was okay but Jin cut him off 


“ I - I am a bit  worried … you disappear for about a week and come back looking horribly injured and when you are at the palace you looks dreadfully tired”  



“ Its okay , I am used to it” jungkook just shrugs 


“ What do you mean you are used to it?!” Jin felt like he was prying in to unknown areas of Jungkook’s life but he asks anyway 


“ My father … He doesn’t take failure in to consideration and only wants to see me succeed in everything ….  He and I aren’t exactly on the friendliest of terms”


“ Have you… you know …. tried to sit down and talk it out with him ?”


Jungkook laughs as if he heard the funniest thing . He ruffles Jin’s soft blond hair fondly 


“ I am afraid my relationship with him is more complicated than that princess”  






“ Hello little  brother” 


    Taehyung said while taking off his hat. Then he took off his coat and handed it over to some maid. 


Taehyung made sure to wink at the maid before handing it in , which made her faint with excitement. Taehyung had always been aware that he is handsome and took advantage of it . Jungkook rolled his eyes when he saw this , Taehyung had been always wilder than Jungkook .



“ Oh look isn’t it my cute little half brother” Taehyung said when he approached Jungkook.


Jungkook rolled his eyes at taehyung’s antics. Taehyung had always been the eccentric one in the family.


“ Flattery won’t get you anywhere hyung” Jungkook said handing Taehyung some legal documents “ These needs to be done now that you are in town”


“ You are such a killjoy  Jungkook” Taehyung mocks his annoyance . “ i come to town after a long time and you give me paperwork ?!”


“ it Taehyung” Jungkook laughed 


“where is your playdate” 


“ His name is Jin” Jungkook’s expression darkened 


“Oh yes yes … where is this Jin?”


   taehyung said sitting down to make himself comfortable. He mixes a drink for the both of them when someone bursts in to the room.


taehyung didn’t bother looking up but Jungkook said ‘there he is’ under his breath as if Jin was a prayer.


Taehyung sees a tall lanky boy who has chemically dyed blond hair. He looked delicate and soft but fierce and y at the same time.


ah this must be the infamous Kim SeokJin Taehyung smirks. Who wouldn’t fall for that man? He looks sinfully delectable. 


“Oh he looks like a tasty little thing” Taehyung whispers to Jin while taking a sip of whiskey 


“say another word and I will tear up your liver” 


Jungkook leans close proximity  to taehyung and dusts the invisible dust off of taehyung’s shoulders . Jungkook is rarely intimidating to taehyung and this is one of those times 


“ Mr. and Mrs. Jeon are expected you two at dinner” Jin said politely bowing at the guest taehyung . 


“do you want to join us for a drink ?” 


  Jungkook squeaks like a high school girl trying to talk to her crush , and taehyung surpressed a laugh. Jungkook glares , half brother or not … taehyung is a  


“ Mhmm …I’d rather die of thirst .. but thanks” Jin sasses before swiftly turning around to walk away. Taehyung finally bursts in to laughter holding his stomach 


Its funny because no one … i mean absolutely no one …. had balls to talk back to the true heir of the Jeon family with style 


“isn’t he stunning?”  jungkook says to taehyung when he sees Jin disappear in to the hallway from his office room.  


“he certainly looks good walking away from you” Taehyung said trying to contain his laughter at Jungkook’s rejection.


“ You win and win little brother … this is the first time I saw you lost”









“Jungkook , it's wise for you pick out a concubine now. You have a duty as the current prince  to have an heir.” 


Jungkook’s father breaks the silence in the dining room by dropping a bomb.


Jin immediately freezes .The lifted fork comes down plate with a loud clunck . Jin pushes all table manners aside and looked at Jungkook. 


“No, Father . I can't even imagine being with someone that isn't Jin , you expect me to have a child with someone else?” 


Jungkook  sounded calm , unnaturally calm . Calm to the point he was scary .


Taehyung pours himself wine , and take a careful sip. This was the first time he had seen Jungkook talk back to their father .Jungkook had always been a goodie two shoes and Mr.Jeon was a scary old man to confront 


“Don't snap at me Jungkook , and I've told you once you've consummated your bond with Jin  then you will feel less tied to him, so you'll be fine with what must be done.” Jungkook’s father seemed unfazed. 


 “ the Kim family hasn't produced an alpha heir in fifteen generations. They only make omegas .The only reason they stayed where they were is because it' was  nice for us to have some pretty omegas available to ease deals.” Jungkook’s dad said.


“What?” Jungkook  snapped.


“It's what Jin’s parents did, what his grandparents did, and it's what he was being groomed to do before Yoongi  ruined it which is why he was pulled so far from you to begin with.” 


Jin  felt his stomach turn at the idea of what he had been turned into if Jungkook  hadn't been his mate.


Jin jumped when he heard something slam against the wooden table. 


“So, what you're telling me that if Jin hadn't been my mate, if Yoongi  hadn't protected him, that you would be using him as a right now?” Jungkook snarled. 


Jin never had seen Jungkook mad in ages , he was unnaturally calm when he is angry. He rarely loses it 


“No! It's not like that Jungkook. Jin would have been doing something good for the pack. An unspoiled omega can smooth a lot of things over.” 


Jungkook’s  mother tried to defend his dad’s statements , which only made it sound worse 


“Don't ever bring this up to me, again. I don't want a concubine, I don't want to know what ed up things you tried to do.” Jungkook  growled.


“Jungkook , don't speak to me that way!” The woman yelled. “ Apologise to your father right now!” 


“I don't want to hear anything about my jin  again, nor do I want to have any children of my own yet, or maybe ever, but if you ever speak about my mate again, I'll have you kicked out.”


jin  jolted upwards as Jungkook took his hand and stalked out angrily. 


  everything that he had heard. There was a lot in that conversation that he didn't want to hear, that he didn't even want to know, and the idea of what he could have been made him feel dizzy with sickness.


 Jungkook grabs jin with him outside and in to the nearest room. He closes the door behind him and bites his lips down . 


He hugs Jin awkwardly  but Jin doesn’t hug back as usual. Jungkook tries  to act like it doesn’t kill him inside that Jin disliked skinship with him. 


“Are you going to be okay after this?” Jin mumbled. “ Is he going to  do something to you ?” 


“I'm sorry that you had to hear that.” jungkook apologises releasing jin from his hug  , he didn’t look at Jin. but Jungkook still had a strong grip on JIn’s hand as if Jin would slip out of his hands any minute 


“Are you going to get one?”


“ What ? A concubine ?” Jungkook raised his eyebrow. Jin slowly nodded as if he was ashamed to ask 


“Look at me …” Jin didn’t want to look , he doesn’t know why … he was afraid that Jungkook would say yes. 


I said look at me” Jungkook demanded and jin obliged 


“ I love you … I’ve always loved you and even though the world is ever-changing … that would not change”  


Jin doesn’t know how to answer to that. His eyes threatened to spill tears. Jungkook loves him with his heart , but Jin barely feels a fraction of what Jungkook feels towards him.


“ Do you want go somewhere fun?” Jungkook tried to smile for Jin’s sake. 


He didn’t want Jin to start crying. He hated to see Jin’s beautiful face be tainted with tears. 





“ This is your idea of fun?”


Jin raised his eyebrow  at Jungkook. Jungkook awkwardly laughed and scratched the back of his head.


“ Drawing is one of my passions” Jungkook shows around the dark room. Jin wonders what room is not dark in this dark castle. “ I thought I might as well show you”


Every surface in the room was covered with beautiful paintings. They were very artfully done, they were abstract , dark yet mysteriously beautiful . 


One’s that took Jin’s attention was the three headed child , the floating house and chained skeleton crawling. The drawings looks like a extraction from a Tim Burton’s movie 


“ splendid …so this is how a psychopath spends his free time” 


jungkook chuckled at Jin’s sarcasm. Nothing Jin said was untrue. He was not that normal in the first place. 


“ wait … did you draw these ?” Jin said going through the sketches that was stacked on the floor.  


 “ Would you believe it if I did?”


“ It’s just hard to believe because- “


“ I am a moster  ?” 


“ i wasn’t going to say it like that but-“ 


“ Its okay … I am used to being called a monster”Jungkook said “ You can call me that … I took you away from yoongi anyway”


Jungkook crouching down to with Jin who was going through his whole collection of canvases on the floor. 


“ No You are not a monster” Jin stopped flipping through the canvases and looked in to Jungkook’s eyes which were just two dark voids 


“ You are Jungkook” Jin mumbles and goes back to flipping through the stack of canvases.


Jungkook sits there stunned at Jin’s response . There were two kinds of people in the world for Jungkook … The one’s who called him a monster and those who lied to him telling that he wasn’t a monster …


And Jin … 


Jungkook wondered if someone can fall in love twice , as he knew his heart beating so fast in his ribcage. 


He wanted to claim Jin’s lips but he hesitated. Jungkook knows his touch would just make Jin upset and uncomfortable. 


 Jin takes a painting Jungkook drew about two years ago from the back of the pile. He dusts it off and takes a closer look at the mysterious painting .



It was on christmas. Jeon household never celebrated those kind of trivial holidays. Jungkook woke up in cold sweat in the dead of night. 


His heart felt like it was burning that night   . It was difficult to breath , so he dragged his breath out loudly. He dug his fingers above his heart to stop the bleeding sinking feeling   


Jungkook’s mate was making love  ….


Jungkook could feel it in his veins 


and it was not with him….


Jungkook jumps out of his bed and runs to the small art room and picked the No3 paintbrush that was not washed in ages 


He sketches , painted all the hurt and tears he felt in to that canvas. 


He thought he could let Jin go , He made a decision  to let Jin be happy with his werewolf boyfriend but …he can’t 


He looks down at what he sketched , it was a one lone snowflake in a dark background. Jungkook’s body was wreaked with a tearless sob. 





“Nice snowflake by the way” 


 jin said observing the painting from two years ago . Jungkook raised his eyebrow , he doesn’t know if jin was being serious or not 


“ No I am serious … there is something .. lonely about it.” Jin traced his fingers over the lonely snowflake.


“I am going to take that as a compliment” 


jin laughs and Jungkook thinks its warm as tiny fairy lights 


“Do you want a glass of champagne ?”  


“If we are going to be nice to each other ,then I will need that glass of champagne” Jin sasses .


“ Is that our thing ?” 


   Jungkook winks as he stands up to fetch two glasses of champagne from the mini fridge 


“We don’t have a thing”  Jin rolled his eyes , and takes Jungkook on his offer of champagne.



No , they most definitely have a thing 


   Before Jungkook  could react the door of the art room opened and a butler appeared .


“ Prince , the King is expecting you in his room” 


Jin notices Jungkook’s expression get darker and rigid . He stands up from next to Jin. A ominous feeling overtook Jin’s whole body


Jin doesn’t know why … He cant explain why 


But he grabbed Jungkook’s hand immediately stopping him from going 


“ Don’t go …” Jin whispers “ He will hurt you”


Jungkook’s rigid black eyes softened and he gave Jin a small kind smile . Jin got a sinking feeling in his stomach. He could sense something going horribly wrong 


“ It’s going to be okay Jin” Jungkook twists his arm off of Jin’s grip “ I am going to be okay”


“ No ! Its not ! I am coming with you to-“


“ Go to your room and sleep” Jungkook looks dead in to Jin’s eyes. “ Its all going to be okay in the morning “







It has been one hour since Jungkook went to his father’s office. 


Jin paces outside of the office room. He was getting anxious as the minutes ticks by. He cannot imagine what is happening inside.


Jin feels utterly and completely helpless. Jin isn’t strong enough to save anyone . Not his parents , Not Yoongi , Not Jungkook ….


Jin bites on his lips and kneels down to his knees . He hugged his body because it was the only way he could keep his sanity right now.


  Jin raises his head when he heard the door creak open. Jungkook walks out of the room in one piece. 


Jin immediately stands up and looks in everywhere to see if Jungkook is hurt but he saw no injuries.He looked a bit dishevelled but still in one piece .  Jin sighed in relief.


“ Jungkook …” Jin sighed Jungkook’s name 


“ See? I told you I would be fine” Jungkook gave Jin a tried smile. 


   Jungkook was thrown off guard when Jin jumped in to his arms and hugged him as tightly as he could. It takes a while for Jungkook to monitor it and to hug back


It was the first time Jin hugged him …


“ I thought ..I thought “ Jin stutters “ Something bad happened to you ..I am glad you didn’t -“


Jin heard Jungkook faintly groaning   in pain and Jin immediately loosened the hug. Jungkook’s face contorted in absolute pain, Sweat dripped from his temples. 


“ w-w hats wrong ?” Jin supports Jungkook up by his shoulders . “ Jungkook please..” 


“ I am okay..” Jungkook dismisses “ I am just a bit dizzy”


Jin knitted his eyebrows . Jungkook doesn’t seem or look like someone who is okay 


“ Take your Jacket off” Jin demands “ Take it off”


“ whoah whoah princess … getting naughty here aren’t you ?  you need to tone it down …” Jungkook tries to lighten the mood 


“ I am not in the mood for your jokes Jungkook”








Jin takes Jungkook’s black jacket off as soon as they got to his room. The back of Jungkook’s  white shirt was drenched with blood. 


Jin gasps and closes his mouth with his hand. Jungkook tries to put the coat back on to hide the blood but Jin stops him.


“ Don’t … I look weak”


“ Let me see…please ” Jin whispers and s Jungkook’s work shirt slowly and peels it off from Jungkook’s body. 


Jin started crying. He actually start shedding tears. Jungkook’s whole back was covered in angry red whip marks. Jin hides his face in his hand and started crying 


Its all his fault …Jungkook got hurt because of him …


Jungkook started to panic. He doesn’t know why Jin started crying. He doesn’t know why Jin is crying . Jin was not the one who got hurt.


“ Jin …please don’t cry … I am okay” Jungkook tries to comfort Jin. Jungkook fails miserably , he never knew how to be gentle and he was never good with words 


“ You are not okay !” Jin shouts “ Your back its-“


“Vampires heal faster than wolves and I heal faster than vampires “ Jungkook assures “ it will be healed by the morning…”


Jin shakes his head and wipes his tears but he ends up crying more. The slashes across Jungkook’s baby skin looks painful and cruel  



“ Stop crying …” Jungkook feverishly wipes Jin’s tears off of his cheeks. “ It hurts me to see you cry” 



  Jin chokes back a sob and starts frantically looking for the first aid kit around his room. He opened and slammed a several drawers until he finally found the white medical box with th red cross 


“ sit down” Jin demands and Jungkook obliges. 


Jin quickly started disinfecting the whip marks and putting on ointment on it. Jungkook hisses when the cool ointments hit against his burning wounds.


“ I am sorry” Jin blows on Jungkook’s whip marks. “ Does it hurt ?”


“ No” Jungkook  mumbles . He can’t see Jin’s face as Jin is working on his back. Jungkook hangs his head low 


“ I love horses … Do you? I think they are just as loyal as dogs .. “


That was a odd way to open a conversation with your crush … nice going Jungkook …


“ When I was eleven  , I had a horse name Severus . He was all black and beautiful. He was my favourite horse , I used to be with him everyday “ 


“ And I can’t remember why … my father was so angry at something I did.. I was just eleven .. but it didn’t matter to him .  He severed Severus   neck in front of me as a punishment..


“ He said he wanted to show that every action had consequences . I thought I would never have anything or anyone I love from that day , that way I wouldn’t get hurt when he destroyed everything around me …. but you … I care for you …I can’t just stand by and watch you get hurt …” 


“ I … I can’t let what happened to severed Severus to … you” 


Jungkook turns around to face Jin and takes his hands in his. Jin looks in to Jungkook’s sincere eyes. Jin doesn’t know how to feel about Jungkook 


“ Nice alliteration ,… Severed Severus” Jin giggled “ That promise is a promise okay ?” 


Jungkook took Jin’s hands and kissed them. Jin let him , for some odd reason it was comforting.


“ I swear on my life Jin “ 







whoa this chapter took so long to update . I am sorry for the delay 


Please look forward to the next chapter cause ;) ;) ;) I am not going to give it away but ;) ;) ;) 


ya know what i mean ? ;) 


*evil grins* 




bts comeback has officially played my existence 


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Taetaewife #1
Chapter 6: Chains of Sin has updated. What about this one? :D another jinkook fic that take a long period of no update, I hope there's an update soon ;)
we jinkookers gonna die of starvation of amazing jinkook fics TT
Zxcvbnm321 #2
When? :(
Chapter 6: Need update
OMG its beautifuuuul angst
Thanks bae
Chapter 6: waaa please come back
eatjane #5
Chapter 6: Authornim. Please update this story. Chaebal. Im waiting since forever. Wanna see how Jin fall for JK. Without hurting YG too much.
julianatomo #6
Ooooh please autor-nim. We love you. We love This. Makes us happy. Update soon. I can't wait anymore.
Taetaewife #7
Chapter 6: I love jungkook's jealousy of yoongi ^^ more more please update SOON author nim Love ya :*
This is just so good. Please author-nim don't give up on this beautiful story. I'll wait for the update and no pressure there. Take your time and fighting!
julianatomo #9
OMO please. Update soon!!! You're Killing me