lost and found



Ten years passed  surprisingly fast for Jin . Jin still remembers when he was just fifteen years old , nervous excitement pumping in his veins when he took Yoongi’s hand and ran away from the orphanage . Now He is twenty five , happier than he had ever been . 


Jin feels bad for his mate Jungkook , but then he remembers why he chose to run away in the first place … 


Min Yoongi. 


Yoongi loves Jin and Jin loves Yoongi . No … Jin think he had always loved the alpha . Jin chose Yoongi and yoongi did too , it doesn’t matter if they didn’t have anyone’s approval . They had each other against the world. 


Jin watches Yoongi sleep . Jin had seen every crevice of his alpha’s face . He had the slight seriousness to his face , even when he was asleep. Yoongi had his arms around Jin’s body , they were covered in thin white sheets on a small twin sized bed. 


They should be up from now. Yoongi works part time on a technical job and Jin works as a chef. It was minimum wage but they got around just fine. Jin had a off day at work today but Yoongi still had to go. 


Yoongi was a heavy sleeper and Jin much rather sleep in with Yoongi on Saturday but Jin had to do what he had to. He presses light kisses on to Yoongi’s chest and works his way up to the hollows of Yoongi’s throat. 


“ mhmm …Jin?” Yoongi’s voice was thick with sleepiness but he sounded aroused at the same time. Jin chuckled and worked his kisses downwards until he met the start of Yoongi’s grey nike sweatpants , his fingers dipped inside the material. 


“ Yoongi” Jin purred and he heard a sharp intake of breath. Yoongi fluttered his eyes open and Jin rolled out of the bed. 


“ Jin!” Yoongi was a mixture of abandoned and pissed. Yoongi woke up and propped himself up with one arm. His bed hair was a beautiful mess.


  Jin’s chuckles turned in to laughs. Yoongi would have thought Jin’s laugh was cute if he didn’t the first thing in the morning. Yoongi frowns like a angry cat . This was downright cruel! 


Jin stuck his tongue out and winked. 


Okay this is it ! Yoongi growled as he thought. 


He jumps at Jin. Jin squirms as he didn’t expect  grumpy grandpa to be so fast in the morning. 


“ I love you… ” Yoongi whispers before he moved forward to rest his forehead against Jin’s . Jin moved his head to kiss both corners of Yoongi’s mouth . Yoongi couldn’t help but smile brightly. finally, Yoongi  claimed Jin’s lips and they kissed for a while .


lazy morning kisses were what Jin was living for….


“ I love you too” 






Off days without Yoongi are the worst. 


He would be at home , without Yoongi , with nothing better to do. 


It had not been an hour since Yoongi left for work and Jin was already missing him badly. 


He had a shower and spent time fixing his blond hair. He was in the process of making it pink. But he decided to keep it blond for a while because Yoongi had a hard time keeping his hands off of his blond locks. 


  Jin decided to make some lunch for Yoongi and deliver it to Yoongi’s workplace. Yoongi loved it when he surprise him with homemade food and Jin figured he should start cooking because he had nothing to do. 


Jin smiled to himself when he imagined Yoongi’s gummy smile when he delivers food to him. 


  Jin starts measuring out ingredients and preparing rice. He had grown fond of this one bedroom small apartment even though he had been staying in here for a small time.


They can’t ever stay at the same place . They were constantly moving , constantly running away . They had been all over the world . Every six months to six months they are off to another location. 


Yoongi had been pressing the fact that they should pack up and leave this place too. Jin first opposed this idea ,he loved this neighbourhood  but he knew Yoongi was right . They can’t risk exposure. 


Ever since Jungkook’s twentieth  birthday , Yoongi had been a bit Jumpy. He would constantly check on Jin , and constantly check the doors and the windows. 


Jungkook must have taken over as the leader of the two nations by now. After all he was of ripe age. 


Although Jin loves Yoongi , he could feel Jungkook in his bones . Jungkook got in to Jin’s head , even though Jin was million miles away from the younger. As  whispers or as a dark clouds in his nightmares. Jin hated this mental grip that Jungkook had on Jin … 


Being Jungkook’s mate meant that Jin got to feel everything that Jungkook thought.  


His happiness , his anger , his sadness , his lust and his love …. 


It has been heartbreaking 


Everyday Jin would have moments where he would feel his heart break . Even on days he is completely happy. Jin knew what he feels is Jungkook’s heart breaking …  Jungkook who would only pull towards Jin . 


Sometimes Jin thought about going back to Jungkook …, 


because it seemed unfair to Yoongi that spends his ripest years of life with Jin when Jin would cry over Jungkook , when he would wake up gasping that name . The only thing Yoongi could do is to hold Jin . 


Yoongi never asked , he never got mad.


Yoongi deserved someone better … Someone without all this baggage . He deserve someone who is perfect , someone who understands him , someone who wouldn’t put his life on danger but instead protect it …. 



But ultimately Jin was too selfish… He couldn’t let Yoongi go …


Jin’s thoughts were disturbed when he he heard a knock at the door. Jin frowned and wondered who could it be. Usually the nice old lady next door comes to give some of the food she made and they rarely got packages . 


Jin walks to the door while siping his hands on his apron. He opens the door . It wasn’t Yoongi , or the nice old lady or the delivery man .. Even after ten years Jin instantly recognised him . They were in the same orphanage though years younger. 


Park Jimin. 


Jin gasped and tried to close the door at the wolf’s face but it was unsuccessful. Jimin pried the door open. Jin couldn’t run anywhere 


“ No !! I am not going back!!!” jin said stepping back slowly. 


Jimin lunged forward and slipped a needle in to Jin’s skin before jin could scream or struggle. 


“ I am sorry hyung…” was the last thing Jin heard before he out. 








 Jin felt warm fingers brushing his hair. Jin smiled to himself. It had all been a nightmare. Jin must be back in their house and in his bed. 



Jin often had nightmares and Yoongi would lull him to sleep. 


“ Yoongi…” Jin mumbled. 


  The air around him grew tense and chilly. he open his eyes immediately and stood  up . Kicking in to someone’s forehead .


He felt drugged and groggy. His throat was dry. He needed a glass of water. His blurry vision thinned out and he was able to focus on the person in front of him. 


Jungkook….” Jin’s words were breathy. Jin doesn’t know how he recognised him but he did .. 


Jungkook had definitely grown up. In a very strange way. Jin half expected Jungkook to be still ten years old as he remembered him . Puffed cheeks , short and cute but now he sees the opposite. 


He has all grown up , with a  tall muscular structure. The only thing that resembled him of the past self was his raven coloured hair. Jungkook had a expressionless  look on his face, which made him more intimidating. 


“ Where is Yoongi?” Jin asks gulping down on his own saliva. 


Jungkook frowned before he came closer to Jin. Jin cowered back , he hated even being close to Jungkook. 


“ He’ll be here any second”  Something about Jungkook’s voice sounded almost sadistic. Jin shuddered. God knows what they had done to Yoongi. 


 The doors of the large bedroom Jin was staying opened abruptly. Two armed guards brought Yoongi inside. Yoongi was bloodied and bruised. Jin had never seen Yoongi ins such a awful state. 


Jin chokes back a cry and tries to run at Yoongi but he couldn’t. He was quickly held by another one of Jungkook’s guards. 


“ Yoongi , I don’t feel like dragging this out …” Jungkook started speaking. Yoongi lifted his head that was hanging low. Jin could see how painful the punches must be by the way Yoongi was wincing . 


Jin wanted to hurl Jungkook down and hurt him much as he hurt Yoongi but Jin decided not to take chances. 


“ It is capital offence to take the heir’s mate … didn’t you know that?” One of the guards pushed Yoongi while he asked. 


“ Its not his fau-“ jin interjected but he was cut off by Jungkook. 


“ Shut up !” Jungkook yelled. His eyes glowing red , and Jin whimpered and looked down. 


“ I know very well that you two formed this idea together. I am not stupid . I can’t punish you Jin , even though you smell like him ….” 


Jin flinched with every word Jungkook said. He heard Jungkook lifting up a chair and smashing it in to Yoongi’s direction. Jin screamed “ NO!” while falling on to the ground crying .  Luckily the chair went pass , only hitting Yoongi’s shoulder;


Yoongi’s left shoulder was bleeding painfully  but all he managed to say was; 


“ He smells like me because I am his mate” the smirk in Yoongi’s voice was obvious , Jin didn’t have to see. 




“ Do you know what is the penalty for this crime Min Yoongi?” Jungkook said eerily calm uncapping a sword that was stored on to a wall. 





Jin slammed his head back when he heard those words coming out of Jungkook’s mouth .He heard the sickening crack of the nose of the person who was yanking him back. Jin didn’t care. Jin held on to Jungkook’s arm , who was holding a sword to Yoongi’s throat. 


“ Jungkook NO ! You can’t kill him ! I will kill myself after him … I will find a way” Jin screamed , the pools of tear was blinding his vision. 


sometimes back Jin was safe with yoongi , and he can’t believe that Yoongi is few seconds from death. 



“ P-please I-I love him”



The whole room went silent and it felt like minus degrees inside the room. Jungkook had a closed off expression in his eyes before he ordered ;


“ take that wolf out of this room … everyone out … right now ! ” 



Immediately Yoongi was dragged out of the room by the two men who held up his body. Yoongi managed to mouth a ‘I love you” to Jin while bleeding and dragged away. Jin felt a tearless sob wreak his body. 


Jin looked away and unfortunately met with Jungkook’s dark unreadable eyes. Jin saw that the younger was stepping towards him , while his sword was dragging behind him. 


Jin stepped back fearing his life. Jungkook abandoned his sword to the ground and yanked Jin up. 


Jin protested and kicked. He screamed Jungkook to let him down but the younger was stronger than Jin. 


Jin felt dizzy and sick. He wanted to be as far away from Jungkook as possible. he wants to be in Yoongi’s arms. Jin didn’t voice his thoughts  


Jin felt his stomach twist and his heart pound harshly against his chest when Jungkook looked at him while he shoved Jin in to the bed. Jungkook climbed on top of him , making it impossible for Jin to move away. His hands were on the either side of Jin’s head and Jungkook pressed legs between Jin’s. 


Jungkook placed his head on to the crook of Jin’s neck. Jin felt disgusted. He thought for a brief moment to shove Jungkook away but Jungkook was scary. 


Instead he tilted his head back showing a clear sign of submission to his mate. 


“ are you submitting to me for that wolf boy?” Jungkook asks . Jin didn’t know how to answer to that. Is there any answer other than the fact that Jin wants to save Yoongi? 


“ Ofcourse …Ofcourse it for him .. Why did I even fu**king ask ?” Jungkook laughs menacingly    and punched the mattress few inches away from Jin’s body.


Jin yelped helplessly, he felt new tears pooling on the sides of his eyes. 


Jungkook was scaring him ….


“ I won’t hurt you Jin …” Jungkook said as if he read Jin’s fear. “ I won’t force you , I won’t hit you or even go out of my way to be mean to you …I just - It just …” Jungkook paused. 


“ It hurts…” Jungkook almost whispers . He sounded utterly broken and desperate. 


Jin flinched as he felt Jungkook ran his fingers through his blond locks . 



“ I love you Jin..” He continues “ I love you more than your family , Your friends , Yoongi … can love you”


“ You can’t be too sure with  Vampires Jin , You can’t trust them” Jin remembered what his father said before dying. ‘ This vampire doesn’t love me .. Yoongi loves me and I love him ‘ Jin thinks 



“ you can’t kill yoongi”   


“not only can I , I have  to . I have a reputation to uphold . moreover , I want to” 



Jin felt chills going up his spine. Jungkook was pure evil and sadistic. 


“I am not asking you to forgive us .. All I am asking is to please let him go “ Jin reasoned  



“ So  he gets to live a happy life after making me miserable ? “ Jungkook said “ After he stole you from me and made me a laughing stock ? People call me weak , they question me as their king because I lost my mate to a ing wolf “ 


Jungkook said it with such venom and distaste in his tongue . Jin wanted to argue back , he wanted to tell that Jungkook was the one who made his life miserable not the other way around.


But arguing with Jungkook won’t keep Yoongi alive. 


“and if you love me and if we are so  compatible and meant to be together  … then show me  


Jungkook shot Jin a confused look but Jin looked Jungkook dead in the eye .



“ You can see how much I love Yoongi . You can see how much I am scared to loose him ..” Jin’s voice shakes as he spoke “  show him  the kindness and mercy that I would show you” 


A dead silence followed after that . Jungkook slowly lowered his head as the regal and cold look in his face softened. 


“  mercy ? for Yoongi?” Jungkook repeats and Jin nods. Jungkook’s eyes weavers and he sighs in defeat. 


“ Look at me …” He grabbed Jin’s head and made Jin look in to his eyes. Jin looked in to those darks eyes that were glowing in red. Jin was determined . Jin would save Yoongi or they both die together . 


Fine …. He would be released from the death penalty ”  Jungkook said “ for now


“ For now ??” Jin retaliated 


“ I will let him go and he will be free .. on one condition” 


“ Yes , of course . I would do anything” Jin hated that he needed to beg , he hated more that he sounded desperate as much as he was.


“ Fall in love with me , stay with me …. Be my mate”



“ What?!” Jin felt his world unfairly spinning around him . He said what? Jin looked at him with a unbelieving expression on his face .


Is he serious? Jin can’t think of a day that he would ever fall in love with this vampire .  he could fake it , and Yoongi would be free.


Jin nodded , His whole body went numb and his heart sank . He sold his soul to the devil. 



 “   this is the kindness and mercy I extend only for your sake Jin  …” 









well this is the second chapter ! Woohoo !


Thank you for all the wonderful support my subbies , commenters and even you silent readers gave me ! I appreciate it ! 

Please comment , it gives me strength to write more ! I love seeing your reactions ! 


I will update soon! <3 


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Taetaewife #1
Chapter 6: Chains of Sin has updated. What about this one? :D another jinkook fic that take a long period of no update, I hope there's an update soon ;)
we jinkookers gonna die of starvation of amazing jinkook fics TT
Zxcvbnm321 #2
When? :(
Chapter 6: Need update
OMG its beautifuuuul angst
Thanks bae
Chapter 6: waaa please come back
eatjane #5
Chapter 6: Authornim. Please update this story. Chaebal. Im waiting since forever. Wanna see how Jin fall for JK. Without hurting YG too much.
julianatomo #6
Ooooh please autor-nim. We love you. We love This. Makes us happy. Update soon. I can't wait anymore.
Taetaewife #7
Chapter 6: I love jungkook's jealousy of yoongi ^^ more more please update SOON author nim Love ya :*
This is just so good. Please author-nim don't give up on this beautiful story. I'll wait for the update and no pressure there. Take your time and fighting!
julianatomo #9
OMO please. Update soon!!! You're Killing me