Quarter to never



Jin finally decided to go outside of his own elaborated prison . He slowly opened the door to his room and walked silently. 


He never came out of his room. Jungkook came once or twice a day to check on him , to ask him how he was feeling , whether or not he has eaten or not. But all Jungkook was greeted with was hostility and unkind words 


He stayed inside as an act of rebellion but he couldn’t hold in his curiosity anymore


“ Your majesty … what brings you outside ?” Jin was shocked when Jimin called out of nowhere. Jimin looked concerned , Jin never came out of his room . 


Jin regains his composure , and tries to look cold and professional.


“ I-um What are you doing Jimin?” Jin changes the question to avoid answering. He doesn’t want Jimin to know that his sanity is crumbling being restricted to the four walls of his bedroom.



“ Me?” Jimin shows the tray of biscuits and tea to Jin as if it was common knowledge. “ I am serving morning tea to master”


“ Jungkook?” Jin was unsure of which Jeon,  Jimin meant by master.


“ Yes, Your fiancé” Jimin answered.


It struck a chord with Jin . Jin wanted to say that Jungkook was not his husband and he will never be. He will always be Yoongi’s until the day he dies. Jin swallowed his distaste.


“ Let me…” Jin said taking the tray of tea from Jimin’s hands by using force 


“ y-your majesty …”


“Why?” Jin said mockingly “ Cant I serve tea to my fiancé? “


Jin mocked the word fiancé . He hated the way it sounded from the back of his throat. 


“Ofcourse ..” Jimin looked down , his eyes couldn’t meet Jin’s stern glare. 


Jimin handed over the pure silverware to Jin , it was heavier than Jin expected. Jin took a deep breath and walked straight in to Jungkook’s office. 


“ Leave it … there”  Jungkook said not looking up from his paperwork. Jin quietly placed the tray on Jungkook’s coffee table. 


Jin looked around Jungkook’s huge office area. It was black and white and dark. Just like JUngkook. The whole room had a intimidating aura about it. 


Jin doesn’t get why Jungkook is expressionless.Blank and stoic all the time. It was like he had the world on his shoulders . He looked sad , sleep deprived and very lonely beneath that tough exterior .


Jin kind of felt a nudge at his heart. Jungkook doesn’t seem to acknowledge his presence. He was too busy drowning in work. Jin hates admitting to it , he really wanted to see Jungkook’s face.


“ enjoy your tea..” Jin meekly said , before walking to the door.


“ Jin?” Jungkook looks up to see his mate , his heart skips a beat.


“ Jin …” Jungkook stands up from his work desk and walks towards Jin. 


“ I-I made some tea for you …” Jin said “ Peppermint tea … for relaxing” 


Jin lies . Jin bites his lips. He did not make that tea , Jimin did. He did not care if Jungkook was well or not . He just needed to make a kind gesture for Jungkook to swallow in to thinking that he is falling for him .


But when Jungkook’s usually expressionless face morphed in to a kind smile , Jin felt guilt creeping up his throat suffocating him . 


No … Don’t feel anything Jin …


He doesn’t love you , Yoongi does


You need to save Yoongi… 


Jungkook’s vague promise ringed in his head ‘ Fall in love with me , and I will let him go’ 


That’s all Jin needed . For once , Yoongi would be comfortable . For once , Yoongi will have a normal life.  For once , Yoongi would have a family . For once , Yoongi would be finally free …


You can do this jin , You can pretend to fall in love 


“ Jin?”  Jungkook snaps Jin from his thoughts 


Jungkook could  see that Jungkook became instantly happy. It made Jin miserable. 


“ Why don’t we do go outside ? Skate? Have dinner ?”


“ I dont-“


“ I want us to go on a date”


“ Yeah why not  …” Jin snaps “ Lets go to the movies , where I can put at least  three seats between us” 


Jungkook tried to ignore Jin’s harsh words and smile through his heart break.


“ When should I pick you up?”


“ How about quarter  to never ?” 


“ two in the evening sounds good? Skatepark and dinner?” Jungkook persists 



Jin sighs … he doesn’t know how to say no..







“How long have you been doing that?” Jin motioned to the skateboard.


“A few years.” Jungkook  answered. “Come on, I'll teach you.” 


Jungkook  smiled, and held a hand out to Jin . “It's easy.” He promised, looking excited, like a puppy.


“I don't think...” Jin started to deny the lesson, but as Jungkook’s  smile started to fall, Jin’s  heart clenched. “


‘’Okay.” Jin agreed, and Jungkook  beamed as Jin took his hand before leading him out to the skating ring.



Jungkook  took him to a small, empty, part of the park, and set his board down on the ground.


 “Get on.” He told Jin while taking a gentle hold on both of Jin’s hands.


Jin hesitated before stepping onto the board, his hands gripping tighter to Jungkook  as he tried to find his balance. He tried to keep steady, but the shifting of the board made it hard. 


“Jungkook ….” He was going to get out of this before he actually hurt himself.


“Don't be scared. I won't let you be hurt.” 


Jungkook  smiled at him, and Jin took a deep breath before starting to slowly shift his hips, the board moving more as he did so. 


“ Don’t let me go …” 


“ I never did ….” Jungkook softly assured .


It was metaphorical and Jin knew it . Jungkook never did . He never let go of Jin ….


Jungkook’s  grip on him was tight, warm, it made Jin sure that the other wouldn't let him fall.


jin lost track of time as Jungkook helped him with learning to skateboard, and he was eventually able to move without holding onto Jungkook.


“ Look ! I am skating !” Jin giggled “ I am doing it !”


Jungkook’s heart soared. It was the first time since he came here, Jin genuinely smiled. Jungkook thinks Jin’s smile is wonderful . Delightful. and magical. 


He wanted see Jin’s smile everyday …. 


Jin was trying to figure out how to start turning the board when he slipped off of it, but two arms were there to stop him from falling. 


Jin had to crane his head back, finding himself not surprised to see that it had been Jungkook 



. “Maybe that should be all today?”Jungkook offered, smiling as he righted Jin, but no removing his hands from Jin’s  biceps.


“What time is it?” Jin asked.


“Almost four .” Jungkook  answered.


“four ? Why didn't you tell me?  ” Jin started to scold Jungkook .


“You looked like you were having fun, Jin .Do you want to go get some dinner ?” jungkook asked.


jin  hesitated, coming to a noisy skating park, didn't count as a date, going to a quiet restaurant was a date, but his stomach growled, and jin let out a small sigh before nodding his head.


 “Yeah.” He mumbled.


 jin took his right hand before grabbing the skateboard, and pulling jin out of the park.


Once they walked out of the park, jungkook laced their fingers, and jin pulled his hand loose from jungkook’s 


. “Can you at least try to let me get close to you?” jungkook sighed.


“I am trying, jungkook .” jin  grumbled. “You just don't understand.” Jin huffed. “It's not easy to...” Jin drifted off. 


Jungkook got a complicated look on his face, like he wanted to say something, but also knew that he shouldn't.


Then jungkook’s  hand tugged at Jin, pulling him back before connecting their lips

in a sharp kiss. Jin’s  eyes widened as Jungkook deepened the kiss before backing Jin  against a fence, pinning his hands against the fence to keep him still, and Jin felt his heart beating rapidly in his chest as Jungkook’s  warm tongue flicked against Jin’s .


When Jungkook broke the kiss, Jin  felt as if he had been left breathless by it, and felt very confused.


Jin couldn’t even think properly 


but then jungkook’s  lips  pressed to his, taking every rational thought with them.


jin reached up to press his hand against the back of jungkook’s neck, he wasn't sure if he wanted to pull jungkook  off of him, or pull him closer, so he just kept his hand there.


The kiss wasn't as invasive as the last one, it was soft, gentle, chaste. jin in a deep breath the moment that jungkook  broke the kiss. 


jin  wasn't sure if he wanted to run or if wanted to kiss jungkook  again.


jin lightly ghosted his bottom lip against jungkook’s  top lip before he pulled back meeting jungkook’s  eyes.




jin knew that he is balancing on a very thin wire right now, and his mind screamed for him to stop, but the rest of him was screaming completely different, he slid his hand down to brush over jungkook’s  cheekbone.


He pressed his lips to jungkook . Deepening the kiss the moment their lips had met, his hands moving to either side of jungkook’s  cheeks he explored jungkook’s  mouth with his tongue.


Pulling back from the kiss, jin  in a deep breath, and then slowly the gravity of what he had just done hit him. jin felt his stomach turn as if he was about to get sick, and then he shoved his hands up into Jungkook’s  shoulders pushing the vampire  off of him.



 “I shouldn't have done that.” jin  repeats “ I shouldn’t have done that … I houldnt have done that ….. “


Jin moved back and started walking towards the car that was parked in the parking lot


“ Jin!” Jungkook ran up to Jin and tugged him by his hand , stopping the omega who looked like he was about to cry. 



. “Don’t touch me !” jin  yelled , slapping jungkook’s arm as if it was poison .


“Jin…please.” Jungkook  reached out, but Jin  snarled.


“No!” He yelled." go away !"


Jungkook opened his mouth, but Jin punched Jungkook on the face. Sickening crack of his nose revealed the blood gushing out of Jungkook’s nose . 


Jungkook covered his bleeding nose , he couldn’t stop the bleeding 


Jin felt his shoulders start to shake before the tears started to fall from his eyes as he ran as fast as he could 


He felt so cold, so disgusting, so horrible.


It had been different when he had just been doing it to give in to Jungkook , but to truly initiate it himself, to want it, he was disgusting.


 he was destroying everything that Yoongi  had worked to keep him from.


J he was trying so hard to calm himself down, but his heart was almost erratic in his chest, refusing to be calmed down.


The feeling of Jungkook’s  lips seemed to be permanent, the warmth of his breath, the heat of his tongue.


Jin  shivered.


He didn't want to feel this way, but it almost seemed automatic, like he had been waiting for it his whole life.


Jin didn't know where he was or how long he lay there until he heard the door clicking open, 

He found himself in the middle of a large abandoned street . 


He falls to the carpeted road and he just lies there . He didn’t have the strength to get up . and he did not care ….


He just wanted to sleep  and not wake up until it was Yoongi  waking him up.


Of course, Yoongi  would never be the one waking him up.


Yoongi  was locked away somewhere cold, dark, and Jin had no way of finding him.


“ are you okay ?”


Its was Jungkook’s voice. 


I punched you in the face until you bled , and you are asking me if I am okay ?


Jin opened his eyes , the sun was already setting in the horizon far away. 


He turns his head to see Jungkook laying on the other side of the road with him. His bloody nose …. Jin closes his eyes again. It looks painful , the blood had already dried .


“ How did you find me here ?”


“ I will always find you Jin” Jungkook rolled  to Jin’s direction “ No matter how fast you run … ”


Jin wanted him to go away, but found himself nodding his head instead. He just didn't feel like yelling right now. He just wanted it to be quiet.


“ I am sorry about-“ Jin hiccuped “ Your nose … I didn’t mean to punch you” 


Jin lightly gazed his fingers around his nose and Jungkook flinched. 


“ It doesn’t hurt” Jungkook sighs “ My heart hurts more Jin…” 


Jungkook took Jin’s hand and kissed it. For some reason Jin didn’t stop jungkook from doing so 


“ We could get run over my a moving vehicle at any moment now” Jin said , they are laying in a middle of a lonely street after all 


“ I don’t care … I am with you”


Jin rolled over at Jungkook’s direction to see if he was being genuine. Jin was met with sincere eyes . 


“ Don’t -“ Jin said chocking his tears . “ Don’t make me feel guilty” 


  “I know that you are mad because you kissed me. I don't get why...” Jungkook started.


“Because I cheated on Yoongi .” Jin cut in.


“You're not even dating him anymore.”  .


“Yes, I am. I didn't break up with him, he didn't break up with me. I still love him.” Jin argued.


“Stop staying that!” Jungkook  yelled. “You do not. If you did then you wouldn't have kissed me.” 


Jungkook moved closer and closer until there was no space in between them . He   pressed their foreheads together. 


“Tell me, tell me that you didn't feel something when you kissed me.” Jungkook  brushed a finger over Jin’s bottom lip.


Jin opened his mouth, but closed it just as fast.


He couldn't do it with Jungkook  staring into his eyes.


He couldn't lie, so instead he looked away.


“Knew it.” Jungkook  breathed against the side of Jin’s  head.


Jin looked up back to Jungkook , and met his eyes before shaking his head. 


“Just because I felt something....it doesn't change that I love him. I'll always love him.” Jin  said.



“I can wait.” 


Jungkook  promised, and Jin knew that he meant it. He would wait the rest of his life for Jin. 










“ Why are you treating me like this ?”


  Yoongi asks the man in front off him . His voice was filled with desperation and agitation 


“  Treat you like what ?” 


The man with the devilishly orange hair put the newspaper down and sits up straight. He fixes the creases of his suit and dusts off invisible specks of dust from his shoulders.



“ You know what I mean!” Yoongi shouted “ Why Am I not locked up in a cage somewhere and tortured ?”


“ Inmate … are you seriously complaining about being in house arrest ?” the man looked and sounded baffled , but there was a trace of sadistic interest in him .


Yoongi scowled. “ I kidnapped one of the influential political figures of your reign and the punishment I get is house arrest ?? “


“ It sounds too good to be true … what are you vampires planing on ??”


“Mental ….it tortures you mentally doesn’t it?” The man in the suits said 


“ Who are you ? And why are you visiting me?”


“ Oh apologies “ the man with the brick orange hair gives a mock apology. 


“ My name is Jeon Taehyung …half brother of Jeon Jungkook …” the corner of taehyung’s mouth crept up 


“ I am a member of the jury and law making .. when my brother had a special request about you Mr. Min , I became more …” Taehyung seemed to think of a better word in his brain “ ….Intrigued “ 


“ What do you want “ Yoongi asks flatly, he was pacing around the room he was confined in .


“ and to answer your first question about why you are here and not dead by now …” Taehyung his chapped lips. “ is because Jin have pursued Jungkook for your survival I believe … They are marrying soon”


“ w-what ?” Yoongi stutters . He looks as if the wind was struck out of his lungs . 


“ Well its bound to happen…” Taehyung shrugs his shoulders “ They are mates after all”


“ THEY ARE NOT MATES” Yoongi throws a lamp at taehyung . Taehyung doges and it hits the wall behind him. 


“ its kind of ty …that you are here and he is all the way there in a palace…. probably cheating on you right now”


Yoongi jumps in front of taehyung . grabbed his collar with the added adrenaline . taehyung remained calm as if he expected the attack . 


“ Do Not … talk about my seokjin like that with your filthy mouth …” Yoongi lets go of Taehyung’s collar. “ Understood ?”


“Why are you here” Yoongi repeats his question again , He wants taehyung to get out of here or punch something … or someone 


“ For entertainment purposes …” Taehyung fixes the wrinkles of his suit “ I am the one uncharge of your legal actions … I just want to know somethings “


“ I don’t play games boy “ Yoongi said mockingly. For the first time , Yoongi got more irritated  when he was greeted with a fake smile. 


“ Oh no” TAheyung grins widely “ You don’t have a choice wolf boy … “\


TAehyung leans forward towards Yoongi 


“ I just want to know why Kim seokjin ?” 


Yoongi was left stunned by that question . He doesn’t know how to answer that simple question or much rather , what to answer Not because he doesn’t love Jin , because there was so many things that he loved about Jin .


Yoongi doesn’t know why he always gravitated towards the omega , even when they were kids. They would play house with each other . Yoongi would always be the husband and Jin would always be the wife . 


At first Yoongi found it to be weird playing it with a boy . Yoongi much preferred playing each or a good outdoor sport .But Yoongi found comfort in his character in their makeshift family  …. perhaps because Yoongi didn’t have family 


He couldn’t let go of the domesticity since …..


“ Because … why not” Yoongi smirked “ I love him for the simple reason that he is Jin ..”


Taehyung clapped his hands in excitement when he heard those words 


“ Day by day I grow curious to see who this seokjin is …. Jin who got two of the powerful men wrapped around his pretty little fingers “


Taehyung adds darkly , his eyes shining in to crimson 


“ … now nothing becomes more of a dangerous weapon than that … doesn’t it ?” 









 how do you guys like the new chapter? I hope it aint boring 

 guys .. tell me . What do you prefer more ? Jinkook Or Yoonjin ! Tell me in the comments below !

please comment and up vote … it makes my whole day ! 


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Taetaewife #1
Chapter 6: Chains of Sin has updated. What about this one? :D another jinkook fic that take a long period of no update, I hope there's an update soon ;)
we jinkookers gonna die of starvation of amazing jinkook fics TT
Zxcvbnm321 #2
When? :(
Chapter 6: Need update
OMG its beautifuuuul angst
Thanks bae
Chapter 6: waaa please come back
eatjane #5
Chapter 6: Authornim. Please update this story. Chaebal. Im waiting since forever. Wanna see how Jin fall for JK. Without hurting YG too much.
julianatomo #6
Ooooh please autor-nim. We love you. We love This. Makes us happy. Update soon. I can't wait anymore.
Taetaewife #7
Chapter 6: I love jungkook's jealousy of yoongi ^^ more more please update SOON author nim Love ya :*
This is just so good. Please author-nim don't give up on this beautiful story. I'll wait for the update and no pressure there. Take your time and fighting!
julianatomo #9
OMO please. Update soon!!! You're Killing me