(of chewed) papers & (lame) confessions

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(jensoo as 5 years old kids AU)




Jisoo’s mom was pacing back and forth from their room collecting Jisoo’s things as she put them on her bag. “I have told you a hundred times Jisoo!” she looked at Jisoo who was standing in their doorway with a big grin on her face “You should keep your things on your own bag.” After finishing collecting Jisoo’s stuff she zipped the bag and handed it to the grinning child.

“Sorry Mwom I forgot.”

“Okay come on now you’ll be late for school.” Her mom held out her hand and Jisoo was more than glad to take it.




“Jisoo do well in school.” Her mom said as she fixed Jisoo’s hair and uniform “Don’t do something funny okay? I don’t want your teacher to call me again from work.”

“Yes Ommaaaaah!” Jisoo cutely smiled as she made her way inside the room

“Bye bye Jisoo! I love you!”





"Class i would like for all of you to meet your new classmate Jennie Kim." A cute little girl shyly appeared from behind their teacher's back "She's from New Zealand so I expect you all to treat her nicely." The teacher patted Jennie's back softly and motioned her to the vacant sit in the 3rd row


Jisoo stopped drawing on her paper when their teacher introduced the new student. She watched as the little girl takes the sit one table after her.


"Hi!" Jisoo turned around and gave her hand "I'm Kim Jishoo."

"I'm Jennie." The girl shyly accepted Jisoo's hand

"I'm this class' prwesident and I--"

"Now now Jisoo calm down." The teacher smiled as she walked towards the two "Jennie's still new okay? Just treat her nicely." She patted Jisoo's head then leaned close to Jennie's ear "She's not the president we don't have that here but Jisoo is nice. You can stick with her."


Jennie looked at Jisoo again and the latter was grinning widely at her. Jennie knew she found a new friend.




It was their recess time and Jisoo excitedly took her lunch box out. "Hey Jennie! Wanna eat with me?" Jennie smiled at Jisoo's offer as she nods her head.


The other students went with their friends leaving her and Jennie in the classroom. Jennie took her lunchbox out and was surprised when Jisoo grabbed it.


"Waaaah! I like this color!" Jisoo mused as she placed the lunchbox on the table “Shooo cute!!!”

"Ahh thanks." Jennie smiled at the sight of Jisoo having fun with her lunch box. The girl is so cute when her teeth are showing.

“What do you have there?” Jisoo inquired after she let go of Jennie’s lunch box. She opened hers and showed Jennie her food. “My mom prepared me a swandwish and apple juice!”

“I like apple juice.” Jennie said opening her lunchbox “Uhmm here I have some cookies and milk.” She placed the milk in front of Jisoo “I don’t really like milk but my mom wants me to drink it.” Jennie stuck her tongue out "Eeeccck."

“We can swap!” Jisoo cheekily said “I’ll take your milk you can have my apple juice!” Jennie’s smile grew wide

“Wow you’re an angel Jichoo! I love that!” and the two laughed as they exchanged drinks.


The duo ate their snacks with constant laughs here and there. They talked about random things like why Jennie’s name is Jennie and if there are really lots of cows in New Zealand. Some are nonsensical but Jennie was just happy she made a new friend.




The next morning the teacher gave them some work to do. It was paper folding or origami. Jisoo got excited when their teacher distributed the colored papers for them to choose. Jennie didn’t know why Jisoo snuck in 2 more pieces but she let it pass.


“Okay so here’s how you’ll do this.” Their teacher sat in front as she explained the steps. Jisoo and Jennie watched carefully so that they could follow and do it right. The Japanese girls on the 2nd row seemed to be having an easier time since they already know how to do it.


“Look at Mina she doesn’t even sweat with this.” Jisoo pouted as she folded her paper

“Where?” Jennie stopped folding and looked at where Jisoo is looking at

“There!” she pouted once more

“Hey it’s okay we can do it.” Jennie looked at Jisoo and smiled at her. 




When they all finished their work Jennie got surprised when she realized that Jisoo was missing. The girl was just beside her finishing her origami but soon got lost after Jennie passed her work to their teacher.


“Excushh me Miss Park can I go to the bathroom?” Jennie asked politely to her teacher in hopes of looking for Jisoo

“Sure but be careful Jennie okay?”



Jennie looked outside their room but Jisoo wasn’t there, she then looked at the small cafeteria but still no signs of Jisoo. She tried scanning the park but it was empty so Jennie decided that maybe Jisoo was doing some business in the bathroom.


She went there silently and when she opened the door she saw Jisoo at the corner chewing something she can’t distinguish. Jisoo looked so surprised she almost spit the thing out .


“Jichoo? What are you doing here?” Jennie walked towards Jisoo slowly but Jisoo stepped back putting her hands on her back “I passed my origami where is yours?” Jisoo shook her head furiously making Jennie more confused “Hey what’s wrong?”

“Nothing!” Jisoo gulped and smiled nervously at Jennie “Let’s go back to the classroom!” she tried to distract Jennie but the latter saw the crumpled paper on he

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twrimm #8
loveeee all of your work <3
touneki #9
I'm a jensoo trash and i can't believe i only found this treasure now. I hope you update soon author-nim!