project N01161996 (part I)

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PROJECT N01161996




Jisoo watched as her parent’s car speed off the driveway leaving her all by herself in the front porch. She smiled to herself knowing that she owns the house for a month. No parents, no siblings, only her and their pet dog dalgom.


“Finally!” she entered inside not forgetting to lock the door.




“Yes Rosie you can come here tomorrow with Lisa. I’m all alone here Mom & Dad already left!” Jisoo said on the phone while she’s all slouched on the sofa. “Mom said you two can sleep over here. She just doesn’t want me to hold parties.” she added laughing. “Well okay just message me up tomorrow! Alright I gotta go ta – “




Jisoo jumped in her seat when she heard a loud thud outside. “I’ll hang up now Chae! Bye goodnight!” and with that she hanged up the call. Jisoo got up from the couch curious to what caused the sound. She slipped her sandals on before picking up her brother’s bat beside the umbrella rack.


“What was that?” she mumbled to herself as she opened her front door slowly. “ShiiiT Jisoo remember all the techniques you learned from your taekwondo class.” She said to herself as she walked towards their garden where she heard the loud crash.


Jisoo looked around the area and saw a hole on her mother’s little garden. She panicked on what could be the cause of the destruction. Her mother would be hella mad when she sees this.


“!” Jisoo ran towards the garden still holding on the bat tightly “YAH! Who the hell did this!” she shouted.


The girl was almost crying because her mother loved that garden but it was all destroyed now. Thanks to whoever jerk that ruined it. “SHOW UP YOU PUNK!” Jisoo challenged as she held on her bat tightly


“HEUL NAN HYIN MATIN AHN YAHIN.” Jisoo almost ran when a figure appeared in front of her mumbling incoherent things she can’t understand.

“WHO ARE YOU!??” Jisoo can’t see her clearly since it was dimly lit outside.


“WHAT ARE YOU SAYING! SHOW YOUR FACE UP! I… I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOU!” Jisoo held the bat ready to swing it to the stranger.

“DON WIT REL KAHN TRI.” the figure approached Jisoo making her stepped back

“YAH! DON’T COME NEAR ME!” but the figure didn’t listen instead it stepped forward once more. Jisoo was about to hit it when the figure held its hands out making the bat float its way out of Jisoo’s hand, the action made Jisoo’s eyes widen. “WHA—WHAT ARE YOU!!!” Jisoo stuttered when the figure threw the bat away

“I HET ANG TLO –“ Just before it could finish the sentence Jisoo fainted instead.




When Jisoo woke up she was already inside the house. She slapped herself a couple of times to know if she was just dreaming or what. The scene earlier where she saw a flying bat and a girl with green eyes flashed in her mind. She shook her head to get rid of the thoughts.


“I was probably just dreaming.” Jisoo said to herself as she gets up.


“Jisoo.” she turned around and almost fainted again when she saw the figure earlier. This time it was clearer because of the lights inside.

“Holy !” Jisoo backed away once more “Don’t come near me!”

“Okay Jisoo.”

“Who are you?” Jisoo asked once more as she eyed the girl in front of her “What are you doing in my backyard? AND HOW DARE YOU ENTER MY HOUSE!?”

“Jisoo.” She pointed at Jisoo “Fell. Ground.”

“And why the heck are you saying nonsensical things earlier but you can speak now? Are you playing with me! YAH!”

“You. Touch.” And the girl pointed at her body “We. Connect.” She extended her hand for Jisoo

“I don’t get it.” Jisoo shook her head “Who are you? What are you even?”


The girl in front of Jisoo smiled and showed something in her wrist. Jisoo looked at her weirdly before stepping forward. “What is that?” Jisoo raised her brows

“I am Project N01161996.” Jisoo widen her eyes. What in the hell was this girl talking about. “I am from Planet Yang.”

“The hell?” Jisoo walked closer to her and grabbed her wrist. She saw the number embedded on the girl’s skin. “You’re so cold. N01161996.” When Jisoo recited the number it glowed. “Wow it’s glowing.”

“Jisoo talk more I adapt more.”

“Well okay?” Jisoo let go of her hand and looked at the girl “So you don’t have a name?”


“Name? Something like identity. Like me I am Jisoo.” Jisoo pointed at herself but the other girl just showed her wrist “Ohh okay so you don’t have a name.” Jisoo pondered

“Jisoo give name.”

“Hmmm what should I call you?”

“JISOO N01161996.” The girl said with a smile

“That can’t be a name that’s too long and I am Jisoo. How about Jennie then?


“Right? That sounds cool I’ll call you Jennie from now on.”


Jisoo looked at Jennie once more, she just noticed that the girl had really sharp features. Her eyes are cat-like and she has small lips. Her eyes are really a deep shade of green too. Jisoo thought it was attractive.


“Garden my fault I fix.” Jennie said breaking Jisoo off her bubble.


“I fix garden you help my ship.” Jennie pulled out something from her pocket and Jisoo sees a broken remote

“Okay deal.” 

“Deal.” She copied Jisoo




The next morning Jisoo woke up and saw Jennie outside (in the garden more precisely). She opened her curtains widely and saw that Jennie was indeed plowing the small garden. A smile escaped her lips before she saw the thing that Jennie was using.


“YAH THAT IS MY UMBRELLA!” Jisoo ran downstairs to the garden and stopped Jennie before she can break her umbrella. “Jennie! That is not an appropriate thing to use!”

“Good Morning to you Jisoo.” Jennie smiled as she let go of the umbrella “I fix garden for you.” Jisoo rolled her eyes as she dust the dirt

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YourAmpalaya #1
Chapter 9: You! Again!
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Chapter 9: CONTINUATIIOOONNN FOR PROJECT NO1161996!!!!??????
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Great story!
saintfrancis #4
Chapter 7: Great story
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HarbourPark #7
Chapter 8: I love this chapter! Why do i feel like i know and read the filipino fic? Is it uaap fic or not? Ahahahaha
twrimm #8
loveeee all of your work <3
touneki #9
I'm a jensoo trash and i can't believe i only found this treasure now. I hope you update soon author-nim!