

   Late the next afternoon, after work, Byungjoo found Xero sleeping, cuddled in a blanket on the couch with the TV left on in his living room. He smiled, kneeling beside him sketching a playful kiss on his forehead. The boy's eyes shot open with a heavy breath that eased once noticing it was only Byungjoo. He smiled, lifting himself from underneath the covers and making way for the other to sit.
"Stressful day?" Byungjoo asked, plopping next to him.
Xero chuckled, rubbing his eyes.
"Where do you work anyways?"
The boy gestured his hands in multiple symbolic marks, speaking a language Byungjoo knew of, but didn't understand.
"You teach sign language?"
He nodded.
"Neat." He nudged his shoulder. "You keep getting more and more interesting."
Xero laughed, shaking his head in disagreement, then waved his finger as he searched through a pile of papers that lay on the coffee table, handing one of its sheets to Byungjoo.
"What's this?" He searched through the cursive words, recognizing Xero's handwriting. "You actually started it..." His eyes looked back to the boy's. "I thought you-"
Xero snatched the letter back, scribbling over its message and instead wrote on a free space:

I don't know what to say...

Byungjoo set the paper on the coffee table. "I know... It's..." He scratched his temple in attempts to speak the right words. "Well I mean... Don't make it about you. Like... Let them know it's an apology and don't ask them for anything." A silence broke before he continued. "How do you plan on giving this to them? Do you know where they live?"
Xero nodded.
"Do you want to hand it to them in person?"
He shook his head with teary eyes, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his shirt as he sniffled, shifting his sight to Byungjoo who then pushed his hair behind his ear, and took him into his arms as his tears ed into a deep cry.
"It's okay... It's hard but you'll get through this..."


   The two of them navigated to the bar stools of an island that was centered in Xero's kitchen. Byungjoo noticed the grip to his pencil tightening as he struggled to hold back the water from his eyes, seeking a new letter:

My Dearest Once Parents,
If I could imagine the pain I put the both of you through, it would be that of an animals awaited pass for their prey to finish them. I am sorry for cutting through old wounds, but I sense that you beg for this, and if I could give you anything, this is what it would be. So I ask of you for an ounce of courtesy, enough to read this letter.

I apologize that I took away a life of an innocent person, your son, my brother. I know you resent me, as I do myself for something I can not take back. You do not have to accept this apology, I understand my actions were unforgiving. But, I must apologize to end it. I must leave or stay on this note. To help you and I move on. And I, am prepared for the consequences. I live my life in regret after my accident, in which I'm sure you have wished upon me. It is torturing, so believe me when I say I understand the pain.

Now, this is all I can do. I am sorry. I am very sorry.


   Later that night, Byungjoo carried through a serene sleep in Xero's bed—Xero, however, sat at his bedroom's desk with a quiet lamp on, writing.

April 30th, 2017

Man over heavy waters,

I regret the day I kissed Byungjoo. I do not deserve the help he has offered. I broke my promise to you, in which I would remain watchful for those in need, with not a concern of myself.
 I have warmed myself to bring an end to my life, but Byungjoo has made it difficult.
I am a shattered glass that should be swept and thrown away, instead Byungjoo is picking me up with a bottle of glue and a careful eye.
I wish he didn't stay even though I wanted him to. Why must there be this sweet-tempered happiness brought into my life, when I have ruined and ended others?
The world would be a better place without my empty space, in which I have been cursed with hands of an evil.
I don't deserve to live, but I have no right to hurt anyone else.
I wish Byungjoo to lose interest in me, and walk away so I could end it all.

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kitamea #1
Chapter 23: It's been so long! I do wonder what he did in prison though. I think Taeyang knows more than he says
Chapter 22: Bless this fic
voguehansol #3
Chapter 13: i love this story so much
Chapter 13: So sweet
TaeXCupid #5
Chapter 11: This is was so touching, tbh >~<
TaeXCupid #6
Chapter 8: The chapter's grammar was really good, keep up the good work. Fighting✊✊
TaeXCupid #7
Chapter 7: cry, this chapter was lit
I cry;; this is gold
Chapter 3: This is rly good and very well written!! Cant wait to see what happened to xero!
Markjacksonyounjae #10