RBW Investigation Corp: The Bar
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Wheein kept looking around as Hyejin left her momentarily. She stirred the drink on the countertop and looked at it once,


and now thrice. Where did that b*tch go? "Hi, miss." Another girl -- oh wait, maybe a guy -- as his or her voice is quite deep, approached Wheein and sat on the chair next to her. "Do you want me to get you another glass?" Oh, a girl, or maybe not straight or something. But she has her nails painted in glitter. Girly. She's strange. Her hair is blue, her chin is pointy, to Wheein, she looks like an anime character. She's wearing a black striped coat over her black and white one-piece and a tie.

Wheein shook her head in refusal. She was unsure whether she was an employee or just someone trying to hit on her. "Thanks, but no thanks. I'll call the bartender when I need one."

She shrugged and just smirked. "Alrighty then. Suit yourself." She stood up and left her alone. The sort of situation Wheein was in before Pointy came around. She saw her walk to some table and smirk again. Whatever the is wrong with that smirk? It's enchanting the males and females. Is she casting some sort of spell with that smirk? Weird.

This is one strange bar. She told herself the she looked a the bartender. For starters, the bartender is straight- hot. He's so damn good-looking, even for Wheein who barely appreciates good looks. He has a smile that seems to enchant women the way Pointy's smirk would enchant them. He smiled at Wheein's direction. "Yes? Is there something I can help you with?" He asked Wheein.

"Uh, yeah." She crossed her legs. It's not like the bartender can see her legs, though. "You know, I can't really distinguish employee from visitor here. What if someone suddenly wants to hook up with the waitress, or you, maybe, like how are you gonna do things like that?"

He chuckled a light smile. "Well, Miss, for starters, regular party-goers who'd dare to touch a female or male employee, gets to get kicked out and blacklisted. Then as for identification," He pointed at the pin on his chest. "We usually wear our nameplates when we're fully booked but on days like this, we just wear this RBW pin to distinguish ourselves from the others."

"But Hyejin wasn't wearing one."

"We tend to place it where it deems necessary." He pointed at Pointy, or as so Wheein refers to. "Byul pins hers on her arm," Wheein looked at Pointy, or now, Byul's arm, where she found the RBW pin. "Because men would grab her wrist first when she piss them off. Same as on Hyejin's case. Admirers will grab her by the waist, but by the time they hold on to her waist, they would either feel the metal pin on their hands or on their waist."

Wheein nodded in realization. "Ah! You place yours on your chest because the first thing they would see on you is your face."

He nodded and let out his hand. "I'm Chandong, by the way."

Wheein gladly took his hands and they shaked hands. "Wheein. A pleasure meeting you."

"You too, Wheein."

In a matter of seconds though after their hands parted, Pointy, or Byul sat on the same seat she sat on a minute before they started talking. "Chandong-ah, leave the bar to the others, go to the lab." Byul looked at Wheein and she looked at him from eye to toe. "You're the newbie Hyejin picked, right?"

"Sorry, I'm no newbie in this field."

"But you are, sweetie." Sweetie. She remembers Seungcheol calling her that before she left the apartment. Byul brought out a small, blue pin with the R, B and W engraved on it. "You in or you out?"

Chandong, now out of the bar counter and in front of them, faced Byul and spread his left arm between them, creating a barrier between the two women. Wheein can't help but admire his body. She's so unsure of this place but one thing's for sure, this guy is hot. "Byul, now is not the time to be like this. The CEO will be the one to give her the badge when she needs it."

"Hun, don't you think it's about time that we get a freaking profiler? We've been active for three months now and our cases are getting harder and harder as we speak! If we lose her, it's gonna get harder for us, too." Byul reasoned. Her ears are turning red. Wheein noted. She's upset about something. She needs this job.

"Partner, I know. I know. But don't you see?" He turned around to throw a side-glance at Wheein. "She's hesitant. We need the CEO to talk to her. A word from us won't convince her." His voice tells me that this CEO is something. She noted once more. She's been noting Chandong, and Byul althroughout their conversation, and even though she calls him Hun, there's no indication nor a thing on their voices that speaks of love. Byul seems like the type to call everyone with endearing names.

Byul heaved a heavy sigh. "Fine. We have a case. Meet you in the lab at five." She threw a judging side glance at Wheein before actually leaving.

"She dislikes me." The girl concluded but Chandong just shook his head.

"She's just pressured." He looked back at her and smiled. "Let's go to the lab so you can talk to the CEO."

If the first two floors were all dark and gloomy, the third floor, or should I say, the lab isn't as gloomy as the first levels at all. The floor would consist of walls, glass windows and sliding glass doors. If you would compare it to Wheein's workplaces, it looked alot like FBI's Cyber division, with all the computers and the lab materials and equipments. There was a lobby, a few forensic laboratories, a cyber lab, a pantry, offices, a locker room and bedrooms. To Wheein, this was probably the prettiest crime scene investigation laboratory she's ever seen. Chandong gladly escorted her to the last office in the hall and he smiled as he motioned her to get in. "Please do join us." He pleaded once more before excusing himself. Wheein entered the office and it was cool. The interiors were simple with the glass, the table and the extra chairs, but that was all that.

The CEO greeted her with a small smile. "Hello there, you must be Wheein." His face is unfazed by my appearance. He knows who I am and what I did. She remarked on her head. "You read me." This time, Wheein flinched, starlted. 

"Excuse me?"

"Yes, Wheein, I know who you are and what you did."

"Then why are you hiring me?"

"Take a seat first, dear." He smiled and Wheein followed, taking the seat in front of him. "I'm Kim Do Hoon, and I'm the CEO of RBW Crime Scene Investigative Corps. We are a semi-private investigation company solving both private and public cases. To answer your question to why am I hiring you is simple. I do not want to let your talent go to waste." She tried reading him. He's not lying. "So do you have any other questions?"

Wheein crossed her arms. "Semi-private? Why? Why do your jobs differently?"

"There are people who want their jobs done quietly, and law enforcement people need our help sometimes, too." Wheein nodded in acknowledgement. "Questions?"

"You can't avoid this question. How much is the pay and can I have them in advance because I'm broke and I need money."

Dohoon laughed a light chuckle. "Why does everyone ask if they can get an advance? Hwanwoong asked me for an advance, too." He turned back at Wheein with a light-hearted smile. "We go on a 15-day payment. The team gets equal payments, and depending on how much the victim or the compliant pays us, that's how we divide payments. Our payments range from..." We will cut their conversation there but we can simply just say that the payment range got Wheein hooked.

However, a thought keeps holding back her decision. "But to be honest, Sir, although this is a great offer and I job I..." She held back. I must confirm this. "I-I love doing, I'm afraid. What if news gets in that I'm back on business? What if they bring up that past to bring not only me, but us down? I-I can't afford that, Sir."

"Dear," Dohoon spoke softly. "No law enforcement personnel who has the heart to do this can stay away from law enforcement. And we'll cross the bridge when we get there." Wheein felt relieved as Dohoon placed the same badge on top of the table. "Take it, please." Although hesitant, she took it and pinned it on her chest. "Oh, your bar duty is on Saturdays 8 to 2. Hyejin told me you're a good singer. We have singers on Saturdays. The rest of the four days, you can either help around or get cases. Your off days are on Wednesdays and Thursdays. You'll learn it on the way. Work

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Please update soon =(((((
Author-nim I missed your story.... Please come back and update soon :'(
*paging for author-nim* Author-nim, when is your next update? I'm so excited to see the next chapter XD

ONEUS finally debut with "Valkyrie"!!

P. S Late 2019 Greetings to Author-nim =))) May you be well and happy always =D
Let RBW be the craziest yet smartest investigation crew ever!!! I'm so sorry that I'm slow enough to discover ONEWE and ONEUS XD I'm currently following all their previous pre-debut variety shows on youtube =) please do update soon, author-nim =D I'd really love to see all of them on mission *fan screams*
Chapter 4: I just read this fanfic and I thought it's GREAT author-nim =) I love the pace of the story and I can feel that author-nim made a lot of effort in making every detail neat and relatable =D this fanfic is very cool!!! I hope to see more updates on how they solve crimes =)

P. S I just started to stan RBW because I fell for mamamoo and vromance <3 please don't add more characters because I'm still a little confused on who is who right now, maybe cameo would be fine. I really love to see pairings in the fanfic like ByulJin and WheeCheol =)))
Chapter 4: this story... take place(?)... in korea.... right?
cjmoo_ #7
Chapter 4: Ooh so many twists and turns. Lucky they found the killer! Wheein's really perceptive.
About P.O.P.... There already seems to be many characters...
Thanks for the update! Enjoying the pace.
Icecream013 #8
Chapter 4: Yippie! I was right that Lakey dude is the killer....oooo i'm excited for the next chapter and P.O.P is not really under rbw but its okay maybe they can be the next case or something also Seungcheol and Wheein cuties now i'm really curious about wheein's past...update soon thank you
I'm bad at guessing so I just keep on reading. Good Job.
About P.O.P just keep them as a more occurring cameo - or someone that randomly calls the CEO XD and reminds him of random stuff - one way or another they are still associated act.
mmmbts #10
Wow!!Just found out about this fanfic...for a rbwstan and a person who loves seventeen I love this fanfic!!!please update soon!! p.s seungcheol and wheein looks cute together