
euh ver0 [discontinued] READ LAST UPDATE!
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"Okay, Linna, just act normal like always." Linna psyched herself up as she entered her morning class.

She brought out her materials like usual and even tried going through them, but her eyes kept darting towards the door, watching for Sunghoon. Linna could feel like someone was watching her and she noticed Yujin glaring at her. Linna totally forgot about her. She flashed Yujin a polite smile, but turned away with a roll of her eyes. Then when Sunghoon walked through those doors a few seconds laer did a relieved smile graced her lips, but after meeting eyes with a smiling Sunghoon, Linna immediately averted her gaze down to her textbook instead.

"Good morning, Yiseul."

Linna turned her head to see Sunghoon sitting beside her. At first she was confused, but after hearing Sunghoon whispering that they needed to keep up the facade since Yujin was watching them, did realization settled in.

"Oh, right. Good morning to you, too, Sunghoon."

She watched him for a few seconds before Sunghoon turned his attention onto her with that dimple smile of his.

"Admiring me already?"

Linna nonchalantly brushed him off.

"Not even."

Despite her crush on Sunghoon, she remained calm and collect.

"Why are we pretending to date? Can't we fake a break-up, soon? I'm sure that would be better in the end."

Even though Linna liked Sunghoon, but she didn't want to be in this type of relationship with him. The smile on Sunghoon's face dimmed, but Linna didn't catch it as she went back to looking at her materials.

"We can talk later." Sunghoon responded and left it at that.

Linna nodded, wondering when 'later' would actually happen. As for Melanie, it was a similar situation.

"So you want us to fake a break-up?" Jake asked while Melanie nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I mean there was that whole love letter incident and now we have this."

Jake softly laughed, but Melanie wasn't amused yet Jake didn't pursue the topic further or even give her a clear answer with her suggestion of a fake break-up. The pair were sitting together in class to keep up with appearances, but luckily they were in the back so no one could overhear what they were talking about.

"We can talk later, Chaewon."

Just as she opened her about to reply, Jake signaled for her to be quiet before pointing at the professor giving a lesson with a raised eyebrow. She scoffed with a roll of her eyes, but Jake quietly laughed and resumed taking notes. Melanie silently sighed and did some the same thing, wondering when they would actually discuss their so-called relationship. Unfortunately, neither got to talk later to discuss about their situation and were left to somewhat keep up false pretenses for who knows how much longer. Fortunately enough, hardly any rumors spread.

"Do you know what do you want?" Kierra asked Jay while glancing over at the male.

The pair were at a cafe near the school with Kierra insisting on treating Jay. They met coincidentally and Kierra couldn't completely ignored him since he asked about her photography assignment. She revealed that because of him, she received a high mark on the project and as a reward was treating herself. The others were doing their own thing and she came alone. Jay offered to pay, but Kierra became persistent to treat him.

"Um, a regular bagel with cream cheese, please." Jay answered.

"Okay. Anything else?"

Jay told her what else he wanted before she relayed the message to the worker along with her own order. The worker then gave Kierra a number tent and she followed Jay to a table for two. Despite her open reservation for the guy to her sister and cousins, Kierra really didn't mind Jay all that much. Of course, Kierra wasn't gonna let him know that for sure. Once settled, Jay initiated conversation.

"Which one did Mr. Seo like?"

"Surprisingly, the couple aesthetics one."

A soft chuckle left her lips as Jay observed her.

"Mr. Seo said it reminded him of himself and his wife back then."

She glanced up at Jay, having caught his observant eyes on her. Kierra averted her gaze behind him with a sheepish laugh.

"So, um, yeah, thanks."

"You're welcome, Yiyeon, and thanks for the treat."

"Yeah, you're very welcome."

Jay tried to lightened the mood or at least ease the atmosphere around them, but that just put them back into their usual interaction.

"It's good to see you being nice."

"I'm always nice."

"Not to me."

"Because you're just asking for a punch to the face."

Jay scoffed.

"You want to punch my face?"

Kierra nodded with a smirk.

"Yes. Yes, I do."

Jay's jaws dropped before recovering.

"Why do you wanna punch me in the face?"

Kierra opened to respond, but nothing came out as she hesitated at the last second to tell him her reason. Jay cocked a brow at the sudden silence. Place his arms folded on the table, a slow smile graced his face as he leaned closer towards Kierra.

"Why so quiet all of a sudden?"

Backing away with an aloof demeanor, Kierra turned her attention off to the side, playing cool.

"Because you might get offended if I tell you the truth and then sulk like a baby afterwards like Riki."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

"No way I'm just as bad as Ni-Ki."

Jay paused in his argument and re-directed the topic to Riki instead.

"By the way, how do you know him so well?"

"I just do."

Kierra didn't feel like explaining to Jay that she was also a foreigner living in South Korea for a while now. As well as being a non-Korean. Kierra also didn't want to informed him that she knew English and conversational Japanese because he may want to converse with her in those languages, too. So, Kierra vaguely gave him an answer and hoped he would leave it at that. Just as Jay was about to probe further, another employee came to drop off their meal before leaving quickly afterwards. Jay left the topic alone upon seeing Kierra becoming excited when their order arrived.

"Okay, let's eat!"

Kierra cast him a bright smile while sorting out their order and a soft look graced his face while watching Kierra.

"Eat." Kierra urged, breaking Jay from his trance.

"Oh, right."

Jay picked up his bagel and took a bite or two, still observing the female before him while chewing. Kierra felt his eyes on her still and eyed him.



He smiled as he chewed, but she still felt weird about the whole thing. So, Kierra debated if she wanted to ruin the mood, but decided against it. Jay wasn't doing anything to her, just enjoying his bagel. So she had no reason to be mean or spiteful towards him.

"So, um, how's the preparation going for your guys' performances next week?"






"Over here!"

The cousins turned their attention towards Jangmi and Haeyoon, waving for them in the middle section of the high school auditorium. Midterms were over and everyone were looking forward to the dance team's performances this evening as a reward of sorts.

"Will they be able to see us from here?" Melanie asked as Jangmi responded.

"Not really, but we should be fine."

"This is really crowded." Kierra commented while looking around.

More people were piling into the auditorium, filling up the seats.

"How popular is this thing?" Serena asked, amused.

"Oh? Is this your first time watching them?" Haeyoon inquired as Serena chuckled.

"Actually, it's my first time watching anything here or at the university."


Haeyoon and Jangmi's eyes widened in surprised.

"She and Chaejin hardly went to any of the school events." Linna explained Kierra nodded.

"Yeah, pretty much. This is our first event."

"Well, y'all are gonna love it."

"We're not the only one." Melanie said with a chuckle.

"Our school's dance team is really popular."

"Besides their moves, we have some beautiful and good-looking members on the team." Haeyoon informed as Jangmi grinned.

"Yeah and they're also part of our school's sports teams, too. Luckily, their good looks are just bonuses on top of their skill set."

Soon enough, the lighting dimmed, and a host came to the center of the stage to announce the show. The curtains parted and the show begun with the first performance of Fire, followed by many of individual and group dances like All I Wanna Do, Like OOH-AHH, 7th Sense, Pretty U, and Lullaby. The show ended with a majority of the team doing Moves Like Jagger. Throughout the whole show the group of six cheered loudly and enjoyed the show with the rest of the crowd. Afterwards, the team went out to celebrate for a successful show and invited their family and friends with Haeyoon and Jangmi inviting the cousins to come along. The four declined due to the crowd and already having plans.

The next day took place at the university's auditorium and the group of six friends sat with each other again. This time a different host came out to the center of the stage to announce the show and just like yesterday, the first performance was Fire, but with different dancers this time around. It was also followed by many more different stages from the dance members like Crown, BO$$, Jopping, Step, and Chained Up. They ended their last performance with a JYP dance. Once again, the team went out to celebrate for another successful show and invited their family and friends out for dinner. Jangmi and Haeyoon invited the cousins, but they had another planned engagement to attend to.

"Please give it up for Just 4 Girls!"

Both Jangmi and Haeyoon's ears became alert upon hearing the familiar name as their heads turns towards their friends on the makeshift stage. The pair were dining at a new restaurant with some of their friends, their brothers, and their friends of the dance team.

"One, two..." Linna began the introduction as the cousins finished as a group.

"We're Just 4 Girls!"

Linna spoke again.

"Hi, everyone! We're happy to be performing for you again tonight."

"Yes! We had so much fun yesterday!" Melanie interjected, happily.

"So for tonight, we also have some lovely stages to present and hope you enjoy them, too!"

"And of course, we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the lovely and wonderful, Youn Yseul and Eom Yeojin, for putting in a good word for us to be here." Kierra announced while motioning to two people off to the side as the female pair waved, excitedly.

"The CARNIVAL is a sister-store to 20 CUBE, which y'all should check out, too!"

"Oh, we also work at Simplistic which is only opened on Saturdays. Check that out, too!" Linna added with a giggle.

"Yes, please do. Also, please watch over us kindly and enjoy our performances." Serena concluded with a bright smile.

A slow smile crept onto both Jangmi and Haeyoon's faces as they looked at one another knowng before turning towards their friend.

"Chaeyoung, remember how you mentioned that you wanted a different act than you and your friends to perform at your birthday party? Well..."

"This is a cute looking boutique, but what are we doing here?"

"Yeah, weren't we supposed to be at a supermarket?"

Both Kierra and Serena stared at the bold yet minimalistic shop before looking over at their sisters. The quartet were notified by Haeyoon and Jangmi to stop by the place as the pair would meet them there.

"Maybe they wanna go clothes shopping." Melanie mused while Linna cast them with a playful look.

"Let's check it out and wait for them inside."

Serena eyed the place skeptically.

"I dunno. I have a bad feeling about this."

"You have a bad feeling about everything." Melanie remarked.

"I agree with Serena."

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