ii. three conditions

91 Days

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It took Chanyeol a moment to process what Baekhyun said on top of their hours of fighting that just took place. “...Okay. I-I can do that.” He agreed to Baekhyun’s challenge a few moments after. He watched as his husband looked over at him, with his tired, doe eyes. He looks so exhausted. “I’m not finished. I have three conditions.” Baekhyun spoke in a tired voice as he positioned himself to sit right in front of his husband.

“One, we do marriage counseling to help.” Baekhyun looked at his husband in the eye, he could tell he was serious. Baekhyun knew Chanyeol was the type to not want outside help in their crumbling marriage, but Baekhyun didn’t see how he was fit to disagree with him considering the circumstances. Chanyeol sighed, “Fine. But how are we going to afford it?” Baekhyun bit down on his lower lip. That, he didn’t exactly have an answer to. “I mean, isn’t your friend…uh- what’s his name again?” He racked his mind trying to find the answer that seemed to be at the very tip of his tongue. “...You mean, Minseok?” Chanyeol gave him the answer he was trying to figure out. “Yeah, him. Isn’t he a therapist?”

“Yeah he is. I just feel bad asking him for help especially for a very small fee.” Chanyeol did have a point but Baekhyun was reminded of all the many favors Chanyeol has done for Minseok before. It was the least his friend could do for him. “You’ve done so much for him before. Can you talk to him about it at least?” Chanyeol’s gaze softened as Baekhyun laid his eyes upon him once more, “Of course.” Chanyeol replied.

“Two, don’t...smother me.” Chanyeol knitted his eyebrows together at what he said, “What do you mean? Don’t you want me to show you I love you? Isn’t that the point of this?” Baekhyun sighed, “Smothering me doesn’t show me you love me, Chanyeol.” He continued, “Give me space and time to heal, but also don’t abandon me. Just do it at a healthy pace, y’know?” He sighed, knowing how complicated he sound but he felt the other grab his hand and squeeze it, “It’s okay, I understand.” Baekhyun stared at him with a soft gaze for a moment until reality of the situation sunk in again. He looked down at Chanyeol’s hand holding his and Baekhyun didn’t hesitate to pull his hand away from his grip.

“Three, you cut off all contact with her.” He mentions just the even thought of her making his stomach flip. Did he blame the young girl for the mistakes of his husband? No. But, it didn’t stray away from the fact she was still a part of the adultery. It was normal for Baekhyun to want Chanyeol to break off all contact from her. “I was going to do that anyways.” Chanyeol spoke up and Baekhyun scoffed, “As if I believe that.” He shook his head and looked back over, “I’m serious about this, Baekhyun. I want to make this work and I’m willing to do anything for that to happen.” Baekhyun opened his mouth to make a slick remark that if Chanyeol was so serious about this relationship he wouldn’t have cheated to begin with, but he decided against it. His head hurt and god what time was it even. They were arguing for so long, he lost track of time.

Baekhyun stood up, “Whatever you say, Chanyeol.” He bitterly spoke, leaving it at that. “Where are you going?” He heard his husband question as Baekhyun rubbed his eyes then glanced over at the clock that decorated the wall above their television. ‘3:00 AM, huh?’ Baekhyun thought to himself. They have been talking about this for that long? He knew it been hours but damn. “All of the yelling and crying has exhausted me...” He mumbled, “I also still have work tomorrow, you do too. We should rest.” Baekhyun let his hands fall to his side and look down at the other who stood up as well. “Alright...” But he could feel many things lingering with his response

Baekhyun looked up and felt frozen with the other’s stare upon him. He slowly looked down and he heard his husband speak, “Baekhyun...Do you want me to-” Chanyeol lifted his hand to cup the others cheek but stopped his hand from moving any further. Baekhyun spoke, “Just- Sleep on the couch for now, Okay?” Baekhyun couldn’t even stand being seated next to him right now let alone laying next to him in the bed that held so many memories. Before Chanyeol could even respond Baekhyun made his way to the bedroom, not hesitating to slam the door behind him. He pressed his back against it after shutting it and feeling his chest tighten up. It was the first time he’s been alone since this whole incident and he wasn’t sure if this was a good or bad thing. He looked up and his gaze scanned their bedroom.

The bedroom that for many months will contain just of him and their memories that will suffocate him. The moment, he was finally alone the gravity of the situation started to settle in, the absolute loneliness and betrayal he felt too sunk in as well. “Oh god...” He placed his palm over his mouth. He felt tears building up in his eyes and knowing the paper-thin walls of their apartment, the last thing he wanted was for Chanyeol to hear him crying and try to comfort him. Of course, that soft hearted idiot would still try even though Baekhyun has denied his comfort tons of times for hours.

He slid down the door and moved his hand from his mouth to bury his face into his hands. The voices starting to fill his head, ‘Don’t you see? This is proof. He never wanted you to begin with.’ ‘Are you an idiot? Do you think he’d want to make this work with you? He’s just saying that.’ ‘You aren’t good enough for hi- ‘. “Shut up.” He mumbled in a shaky breath, crying more into his hands. “Please just shut up.” But of course, they won’t listen to him.

After thirty minutes have passed, Baekhyun scrapped himself off his floor. He crawled into the bed, strictly staying on his side especially. Not wanting to smell Chanyeol’s lingering (sweet) scent on his pillow. He wrapped the comforter around his small body and he sighed. An hour passed, and he had still yet to fall asleep. His mind wandering and bringing questions to his mind that are bound to keep him up. Did he ever even think about me while he was with her? How did they meet? Where did they go wrong? And especially, Did Chanyeol ever bring that girl to the very bed he was laying in that they shared for years?

As you can guess, Baekhyun surely didn’t get a lot of sleep. And neither did Chanyeol.

Baekhyun noticed that once 8 am rolled around and his alarm clock rang in his ears, it was far too late to try to sleep now. He had to get to work though sitting at his tiny office cubical typing away at his laptop was the very last thing he wanted to do especially after yesterday. He turned over to press the ‘snooze’ button and paused when his eyes fell upon the wedding photo on the side table beside the clock. His doe eyes stared at the photo for a few moments. Taking in their happy expressions, the bright scenery that surrounded them, and the light in their eyes that now have been stolen away from them. He sighed and rolled out of bed.

After getting ready, he walked into the living room to see his lanky husband whose legs were dripping over the ends of their small couch was still awake. Their eyes made contact for a moment before Baekhyun tore his gaze away. Making his way into the small kitchen that was half-assed cleaned up from Baekhyun’s outburst yesterday to make some coffee to keep himself up throughout work. While doing so, he pulled out creamer and sugar. He liked his coffee sweet as can be, not really into the bitterness of it all. “You know it’s 8:30…” Baekhyun spoke as he started to situate his tie, “You have to go soon.” He heard the other shuffle on the couch, probably to sit up but he didn’t bother to turn around as he poured his coffee in his to-go thermal.

“I’ve been up all night. I couldn’t get what happened out of my head.” Chanyeol spoke in a frazzled, groggy tone. But, Baekhyun didn’t reply as he stirred the sugar into his coffee. His head was hurting and honestly, he wasn’t in the mood to go over this again. “Baekhyun, I’m just so sorr- ““Chanyeol tried to speak but he cut him off, “I’ll talk to you when I get home.” Baekhyun spoke as he grabbed his bag and quickly made his way out the apartment. Not wanting to hear another word.


“You look like hell.” Jongin, his colleague stood beside him as Baekhyun was out for his smoke break. “Yeah? feel like it too.” Baekhyun spoke as he flicked the ash off the tip of his cigarette. “Something happen?” His friend asked as he joined in on Baekhyun’s smoke break, lighting a cigarette of his own. “...Too much to even bother explaining.” He sighed as he glanced over at him. “Mm I see.” Jongin understood as he took a drag before continuing, “Husband problems?” And Baekhyun nodded. “Cheated. With a woman.” And he heard Jongin choking on the smoke that filled his lungs, “For s sakes seriously?”

Baekhyun brought the end of the cigarette to his lips once more, taking a drag as he nodded. “I’m sorry, Baek.” He apologized to him as Baekhyun blew out the smoke. He bit down on his lip, all day he’d been fighting back tears from time to time, trying to not have a mental breakdown in the middle of his office. “...Yeah.” He mumbled, noticing Jongin took a quick glance at his watch and cursed under his breath. His friend offered him a small pat to his shoulder for reassurance. “I have to go back in but, I do hope things get better. See you around, ya?”

Baekhyun didn’t bother saying much back as his friend turned away, walking back into the building. He sighed in frustration and threw his cigarette down, smashing the cancer stick underneath his shoe.


Chanyeol groaned in defeat as he watched Baekhyun hurry out their apartment, shutting the door before he could finish. He stood up from the couch and stretched, the small couch he’s spent the last few hours on was not kind to him and his long body. He could hardly sleep due to his thoughts and feelings being completely shaken up. Driven by his anxiety to stay up also the soft cries he could hear coming from their bedroom where Baekhyun at the time resided in and the fact he knew him trying to comfort his husband wouldn’t help this time just completely broke him apart.

He ed up. Absolutely, royally, ed up. He couldn’t believe how blind he was to just betray his husband like that. Even if their marriage was already struggling, all he did was make it worse. He knew that. Yet, at the times when he was with Yoona he’d feel all his worries melt away and she distracted him from the thoughts of his crumbling marriage. He had to admit, she made him feel better. But, she didn’t make him feel the way Baekhyun did.

He stumbled into the bedroom to get dressed, taking a notice at the bundled up covers on Baekhyun’s side of the bed and their wedding photo that was facing flat down on the table. He sighed as he slowly began to get dressed for work. Unlike Baekhyun, Chanyeol didn’t find the fondness in coffee to make it through the morning. Usually, he’d pop a piece of toast and be on his way but today, he wasn’t hungry. He felt like if he even put anything in his stomach, he’d just throw it up.

Walking back out to the living room as he tightened up his tie. Chanyeol worked at a car dealership, it was a job that demanded a lot of his time and barely gave him much in return for it. But, it was the best he could do for now. It was very hard for Chanyeol to back out of things once he started and especially harder for him to say ‘No’ when his job demanded more of him than he could offer. Despite, his nerves being shocked, he knew he needed to make his way to work. It would just make the situation their marriage is currently in right now even worse if they had unpaid bills on top of them.

When Chanyeol arrived to work he found a new feeling of nervousness rising within him but also with a touch of guilt. Yoona was Chanyeol’s co-worker. Someone he’d be seeing more than for Baekhyun’s liking that’s for sure. He supposed he’d have to explain to his husband later and discuss a schedule switch with his boss. He felt bad he’d not only put Baekhyun through this but also dragged Yoona into this situation as well. He just felt like such a terrible person.

After parking his car and making his way through the building, he saw no sight of the young woman. He hoped maybe she just decided to not show up today. He made his way down the corridor towards the back of the building to get to his office. He placed his bag down and went to review the stack of papers placed on his desk. Flipping through the pages, he failed to notice the sound of his office door being opened.

Until the small click of the door being shut caused him to turn around,

“Why…Why didn’t you tell me you were married?”

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Chapter 4: Oh please baek cheater don't deserve 2nd chance , you should heal yourself and be better without yeol
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 5: Although angsty, I really like this story - hopefully you will get a chance to finish one day!!
Chapter 5: Reading this at late midnight. My mind is spinning, probably bc I drank too much at my grandmas house. I just realised this story wasn't uploaded for years... Dang it...
Chapter 5: This story won't be completed? 2020 please...
I'm curious what will happpen!
Naruko132 #5
Chapter 5: It's so sad :( Baek is very hurt and have a mental problem and Chanyeol affair worst this. I want to hug him ;(
Chapter 4: You probably think that you are better now, better now
You only say that 'cause I'm not around, not around
You know I never meant to let you down, let you down
Woulda gave you anything, woulda gave you everything
You know I say that I am better now, better now
I only say that 'cause you're not around, not around
You know I never meant to let you down, let you down
Woulda gave you anything, woulda gave you everything (oh wow)
I did not believe that it would end, no
Everything came second to the Benzo
You're not even speaking to my friends, no
You knew all my uncles and my aunts though
Twenty candles, blow 'em out and open your eyes
We were looking forward to the rest of our lives
Used to keep my picture posted by your bedside
Now it's in your dresser with the socks you don't like
And I'm rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin'
With my brothers like it's Jonas, Jonas
Drinkin' Henny and I'm tryna forget
But I can't get this outta my head
You probably think that you are better now, better now
You only say that 'cause I'm not around, not around
You know I never meant to let you down, let you down
Woulda gave you anything, woulda gave you everything
You know I say that I am better now, better now
I only say that 'cause you're not around, not around
You know I never meant to let you down, let you down
Woulda gave you anything, woulda gave you everything (oh wow)
I seen you with your other dude
He seemed like he was pretty cool
I was so broken over you
Life it goes on, what can you do?
I just wonder what it’s gonna take
Another foreign or a bigger chain
Because no matter how my life has changed
I keep on looking back on better days
You probably think that you are better now, better now
You only say that 'cause I'm not around, not around
You know I never meant to let you down, let you down
Woulda gave you anything, woulda gave you everything
You know I say that I am better now, better now
I only say that 'cause you're not around, not around
You know I never meant to let you down, let you down
Woulda gave you anything, woulda gave you everything (oh wow)
I promise
I swear to you I'll be okay
You're only the love of my life
You probably think that you are better now, better now
You only say that 'cause I'm not around, not around
You know I never meant to let you down, let you down
Woulda gave you anything, woulda gave you everything
You know I say that I am better now, better now
I only say that 'cause you're not around, not around
You know I never meant to let you down, let you down
Woulda gave you anything, woulda gave you everything (oh wow)
( This sounded like it went well with the plot so :)))
Chapter 5: I'm kinda nervous, I don't know if they are gonna end up together or not. Everything is going well so far, but I've got this feeling that something is gonna happen T T
Lulyhan #8
Chapter 4: I am so against cheating but hell I can’t stop myself to read stories about it
Chapter 4: The situation is really difficult but I think there is hope that they will overcome their problems when both are honest! And it will be a great gesture of Baekhyun to forgive Chanyeol! Oh...I can’t wait to read more! Very well done!
CrossingTheBoundary #10
Chapter 4: hnnnng im ready for them to get better