Only One

Time's Melody


[Nara’s POV]

What the hell?

I blinked furiously as my eyes tried to accustom themselves to the blinding light rays poking themselves through the curtains. The attic seemed way brighter than before, and come to think of it now, it looked different.

Way different.

I slid off the piano chair as I observed closely the surroundings around me. To be honest, some of them I had never seen before… I reached out a hand to touch one of the weird looking machines when suddenly I heard footsteps near the door.

Oh .

I fumbled around, unconsciously grabbing the few sheets of paper, pulled open the closest cupboard door and immediately squeezed myself into it. Silently I prayed that no one would be clever enough to open this door… if I was caught not in class, I would be in big trouble. I heard footsteps nearing as the door creaked open, then someone coughing out loud.

“Yah Seunghyun, didn’t you hear the piano just now?” a male voice asked, almost hysterical. “Yah, I told you this place is haunted, I told you— AHHHHH!”

Unable to keep my balance within the cramped cupboard, I fell out of it and the door promptly hit the speaking guy’s shoulder. He screamed (in a very unmanly manner) as he jumped out of the way and grabbed the other guy — Seunghyun’s arm.

“Why did that door open by itself?” The guy squeaked nervously. “There’s nobody inside!”

Nobody? Didn’t I count as a person?

I was about to open my mouth and rebuke him when the other guy sent me a glance that clearly said don’t interfere.

“Seunghyun…” the guy whined a little as he rubbed his hair. “Let’s go…”

The other guy barely shot me a glance before his face cracked up into a dazzling smile. “Jin, don’t try to be the brave guy you’ll never be.”

My fist tightened a little as both boys didn’t acknowledge me and left the attic, leaving me completely alone. Suddenly realizing that I was crumpling up the pieces of paper in my hand, I released it a little and smoothened out the pages. Then I realized, somewhere around the end of the piece, the ink was faded so much you couldn’t really see anything anymore…

Oh wait.

Wasn’t there classes going on right now?

“I’m sorry I’m late, I’ll explain, I’ll—”

The teacher merely glanced at the doorway, but she wasn’t exactly looking at me. My eyes scanned the unfamiliar classroom and the first thing I saw was a guy with messed up black hair on the floor, probably fallen off from his chair or something. It was that same guy I saw in the attic, the one that wasn’t Seunghyun.

“There are ghosts in this school!” he whined as he picked himself up again.

“Lee Jaejin, if you don’t stop being scared of the supernatural, I’m going to kick you out of my class,” the teacher said sternly as she returned to writing on the blackboard. “It’s just the wind.”

Just… the wind?

No one was paying much attention to the opened door except one guy who was sitting alone in a corner, having long brown hair swept to one side, partially covering his face. He glanced at me for one small moment before he returned his attention to the window.

Then I realized the only empty seat was next to his.

Oh, how nice.

But why does the first day of school feel so different?

“Kwon… Nara?”

My head immediately snapped towards the direction of my name being called out. The guy sitting next to me slowly repeated my name out a few times before he casually remarked, “what a weird name.”

Not wanting to let him off so easily, I tilted my head and stared at his nametag.

“Song Seunghyun. Oh wow, what a common name.”

“Yah, no one insults my awesome name!”

He said that kind of loud, and everyone turned and stared at him. Lee Jaejin almost fell out of his seat again and what the teacher said next really confused me a lot.

“Song Seunghyun, who are you talking to?”

[Jaejin’s POV]

“He’s talking to a ghost!” someone teased and the whole class burst out in laughter. An amused smile made its mark on the teacher’s face as she tapped loudly on the blackboard again.

“Don’t do that next time, Seunghyun, or everyone would think you’re mentally unstable.”

Seunghyun frowned, then stared at the space right next to him. “But, there’s someone…” He seemed at a total loss of words, then gestured at the empty space. When no one seemed to understand him, he turned to me for help.

I turned away.

“Jin!” I heard him hiss in a frightened voice. When the teacher wasn’t looking, I slowly turned around. Luckily for us, our class don’t tease for long.

“You can’t see her?” He pointed at the air ridiculously.

Seriously, who did this guy want me to see? There’s no one, nothing, not a single living creature beside him.

Maybe except that ant.

[Seunghyun’s POV]

The look on Jaejin’s face kind of told me everything. And the look on the girl’s face double confirmed whatever I was thinking.

Who the hell are you? I scribbled on a piece of white paper. How come no one can see you?

I don’t know! Kwon Nara scribbled back with untidy handwriting. But… what date is it?

2 February 2012. How can a student not know the date? I mean…

There was this sudden silence, then the pencil slipped out of her hand and fell to the ground.

And if everyone else couldn’t see her… then why am I the only one?


A/N: Random chapter titles. Ohwell. Since poopie unnie asked for the first chapter to be up, HERE YOUUUU GOOOO <3 Heehee ^^ Comment? :B

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Chapter 6: :O
Oooh congrats~ <3
Iminthezone #3
16D-Puppy #4
Chapter 1: Oh GOD Song Seunghyun here ~ Nice story.. I keep thinking what'll be going at the next chap~ ^^
D3stinyx #5
Chapter 6: Thank lord for a sequel.
It was tragic, but I still have a lot of questions and it has not exactly ended, so I will spare your life for now. >8D

... On the train. Can't type properly. I will read the sequel~
D3stinyx #6
Chapter 1: I screamed at Jaejin's name.
If only Jaejin was in my class. /swoons
D3stinyx #7
Because you have always been reading MY ugly works, I decided I should read more of yours, too.


Like, seriously, why are you wasting time on my works?

I bet I'd love your works more. ;D

OHOH, the story poster is really nice. ;_____;
Chapter 1: Nice story! But I feel sad. I just think that it would be more beautiful if it is longer. Maybe 10 chapters? LOL. I can't get enough. >__< It's just that, I was ____ with your story. Too bad that i has to stop. And Seunghyunnnnnnnn~~ Aw! That hurts! :(
beautiful... awesome! haha.. i like sad and tragic love stories. they really give impact... but then, i also feel sad. haha^^